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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Not taking anything away from the dude, it's a good lift, however, he's also wearing a deadlift suit. I'd be curious what his raw deadlift is. I also wonder what my DL would be wearing that shit. But I doubt I'll ever lift equipped.
Damn. I just read up about lifting suit. It's possible to get up to 100-150lbs improvement with suit.


Get your diet right. Is your diet right?

It's much improved. I generally eat grilled chicken with a vegetabe most days, and have significantly cut down on empty carbs and liquid calories (beer, pop, juice)


the best thing I could have done in regards to fitness was to concentrate on getting on the right weight before getting involved with the intricacies of strength and weight training.

It felt like I started the fitness chapter of my life on a "blank" page. people with substantial overweight have to struggle with lack of stamina, endurance, bad heart rate and bad joints/bones due to the extra weight so I'd really get diet and cardio on check, make a priority out of that and go from there slowly gravitating towards more serious strength training. you can always start with the easier body weight movements like push-ups and air squats to work on flexibility. Then, when you have gotten some condition, do a reputable barbell program like SS and take it seriously and go from there.

I am being blunt:here and I don't know if this is your case, but in my very own personal opinion, anyone who is a fat guy who can't breathe and would collapse after running for 1 minute has nothing to do with any strength program, at all. I know there are other opinions that will go directly against mine (do strength training to lose weight, try both at once, strength training is the solution to all physical problems, cardio sucks no matter what, forever bulk, etc.) and that's o.k, there are many options,

Thanks for the advice. I agree that starting fro a blank slate would be best. My issue is that in the past, when I combine calorie restriction and lots of cardio, I tend to stay at it for about a week, then get burnt. The 8 months I've been lifting (with semi-regular cardio) is the longest I've worked out consistently in about ten years.

Perhaps now that i have a more solid workout ethic, I'll slowly transition toward more cardio.


In order to gain muscle mass, does it matter when you put on the weight before you start lifting before converting it to muscle? Say I gained 10lbs a month ago and started lifting with it now. Would that produce different results compared to me gaining 2lbs in small increments and lifting as I went?

EDIT: I'm asking this because due to a trip to New Orleans with my girlfriend, and many festivals/dinners with friends I've gone from 6'2 180lb -> 6'2 193lb, but I didn't weigh myself for weeks so I didn't realize all the weight I had gained till now. I always typically feel uncomfortable any time I'm above 190lb but for the past 8-9 weeks I have been doing c25k and 3x5 strength lifting at the gym, and have noticed some new muscle coming in. I would rather not keep gaining weight at the rate I have been going, but I still want to try and increase my lifts if its possible.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
In order to gain muscle mass, does it matter when you put on the weight before you start lifting before converting it to muscle? Say I gained 10lbs a month ago and started lifting with it now. Would that produce different results compared to me gaining 2lbs in small increments and lifting as I went?
You don't convert fat to muscle, so if you put on 10lbs when you weren't lifting it's likely to be 10lbs of fat.


Shoulder/Back day log

Barbell Standing Military Press 1RM162
Set 1 : 45.0x12
Set 2 : 95.0x10
Set 3 : 115.0x8
Set 4 : 135.0x6
Dumbbell Arnold Press 1RM48
Set 1 : 25.0x12
Set 2 : 30.0x10
Set 3 : 35.0x8
Set 4 : 40.0x6
Barbell Shrug 1RM472.5
Set 1 : 315.0x15
Set 2 : 315.0x15
Set 3 : 315.0x15
Set 4 : 315.0x15
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 1RM21
Set 1 : 15.0x12
Set 2 : 15.0x12
Set 3 : 15.0x12
Set 4 : 15.0x10
Superset Dumbbell Seated Bent Over Reverse Fly 1RM14
Set 1 : 10.0x12
Set 2 : 10.0x12
Set 3 : 10.0x12
Set 4 : 5.0x10
Barbell Deadlift 1RM378
Set 1 : 135.0x12
Set 2 : 185.0x10
Set 3 : 225.0x8
Set 4 : 315x6
Wide Grip Lat Pulldown IRM192
Set 1 : 100.0x12
Set 2 : 120.0x10
Set 3 : 140.0x8
Set 4 : 160.0x6
Cable Straight Arm Push Down 1RM61.66
Set 1 : 30.0x12
Set 2 : 50.0x7
Set 3 : 42.5x8
Set 4 : 50.0x6

37000+ lbs of volume. Feels good.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Noticing Veezy's static shrug numbers compared to the rest of his program and noticing the same with mine - what's everyone else's shrug game like? I do sets of 15, as 20 ends up giving me some pain in one side of my traps. 15 feels like the sweet spot where it's decent volume, but doesn't hurt at the end. I stick with one weight as well. I keep inching upwards though, and my body can take it no problem. Just kind of a question on everyones' volume.


Noticing Veezy's static shrug numbers compared to the rest of his program and noticing the same with mine - what's everyone else's shrug game like? I do sets of 15, as 20 ends up giving me some pain in one side of my traps. 15 feels like the sweet spot where it's decent volume, but doesn't hurt at the end. I stick with one weight as well. I keep inching upwards though, and my body can take it no problem. Just kind of a question on everyones' volume.

I'll probably jump back up to 405 next Monday. Just getting adjusted to the volume and tweaking my programming bit by bit. At this point, I'm really happy with it, but I still have to see how my chest/leg day goes.

I've always found with shrugs that strapping up, going heavy as I can for 15 reps, and banging out for a few sets much better than doing anything else. I treat them very similar to how I do calve raises, except heavier, of course.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I usually stick with 3 sets on shrugs but 4 might be the key to get more volume since I definitely can do it at higher weights.


You don't convert fat to muscle, so if you put on 10lbs when you weren't lifting it's likely to be 10lbs of fat.

And even if he was lifting, 10 pounds of muscle is what you build in a really good year, not 2 months.

rugioh: Did you just come back from your trip? If so, the weight is probably a combination of fat + water bloat. The water weight should subside in a week. Just go back to your normal eating, stick with your routine, and measure again in a couple weeks.

The extra weight will make body weight exercises like chin-ups more difficult.


And even if he was lifting, 10 pounds of muscle is what you build in a really good year, not 2 months.

rugioh: Did you just come back from your trip? If so, the weight is probably a combination of fat + water bloat. The water weight should subside in a week. Just go back to your normal eating, stick with your routine, and measure again in a couple weeks.

The extra weight will make body weight exercises like chin-ups more difficult.

Yeah you're right, I'll just try to rein in my diet a bit more for a couple weeks and proceed as usual. Thanks man.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I went in Sunday because, well, I just felt like it and Sphinx's nice post about me was motivating. It's usually my rest day.

Did RDLs and ended up doing:


Now it's heavy DL day and my hammies and lower back are still sore. I'm looking at this today:


In retrospect maybe I should have just done some abs. Ha We'll see how it goes...


Noticing Veezy's static shrug numbers compared to the rest of his program and noticing the same with mine - what's everyone else's shrug game like? I do sets of 15, as 20 ends up giving me some pain in one side of my traps. 15 feels like the sweet spot where it's decent volume, but doesn't hurt at the end. I stick with one weight as well. I keep inching upwards though, and my body can take it no problem. Just kind of a question on everyones' volume.

My traps suck, so I spend more time on them than other body parts.

I generally hit 12-15 reps, behind the back shrugs of 405, will also do drop sets where I hold for 2 seconds when I get down to 225. After I'm done with the BB, I use DBs and do more shrugs, and still they just refuse to grow.


Did hanging leg raises and hanging oblique twists for the first time in forever, and man those really hit your adductors in addition to abs


I'm struggling to understand deadlifts, exactly what muscles are used in the phase of getting it off the ground and above your knees? I will get slight roundness on some weights on the lift part that I can easily lower with a straight back doing the reverse movement. I have no idea what kind of cue I should be thinking of in my head and end up using my back.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I'm struggling to understand deadlifts, exactly what muscles are used in the phase of getting it off the ground and above your knees? I will get slight roundness on some weights on the lift part that I can easily lower with a straight back doing the reverse movement. I have no idea what kind of cue I should be thinking of in my head and end up using my back.
All of them! Primarily hamstrings, glutes, and lower back.


starting strength mentions that it's a tightness war between the hamstrings and lower back and I think my lower back always loses out :(


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
starting strength mentions that it's a tightness war between the hamstrings and lower back and I think my lower back always loses out :(
Mine usually does too but it's getting better. Keep watching videos and working on perfecting it.


Okay today is first time back into the gym after 2 weeks of slacking off in Asia.

Here is a pic at a pool party. Was pretty happy how I looked, but I definitely loss a bit of muscle mass and abs.

Time to rock it again.



So far loving iron sport method. Being a little conservative with week 1 to get a feel of the program. Worked up to a single 275 squat today


Then did

225 3x5

Followed by some good mornings.

Felt great! Took minimal rest and stayed focused like Steve P suggests and man I was sweating my ass off!


Mine usually does too but it's getting better. Keep watching videos and working on perfecting it.
Thanks I'll keep on working on it until I get my form right.

I was watching the second part of so you think you can deadlift and it advises switching to sumo deadlifts if your lower back can't maintain a good arch until you get used to activating your glutes which may take a few weeks or months. Is this advice applicable to a novice as Rippetoe says sumos don't fit in with SS due to not using your trunk as much?


Happy with my shoulder and arm improvements so far. Really need to drop this belly fat though. Its not vast but its annoying. :D

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
My overhead press is just fine and I expect my bench to be next month as well. Knocked out 245x3 today which is only 10 lbs shy of my 3 rep max prior to vacation or this biceps issue. Also did dips unweighted for the first time in probably a year. Still knocked out 3 sets of 20 nice and deep to locked out, but noticed obvious "work" being imposed on my lower chest. Probably will re add these to my routine.

Edit: also saw something that blew my mind today. Some douche was puffing on an E-cig in between sets. Da fuq?

How often do scraps actually happen? Do you guys run in with batons and stuff like in the movies?

Often enough sometimes more often than others. Summer is especially active. And no, I have no weapons on me when I'm at work. The only time anything (pepper spray, OC grenades, batons etc) come out is in serious incidents or forced cell moves.

But at any other time I'm completely un armed. Even running to a fight.

Damn. I just read up about lifting suit. It's possible to get up to 100-150lbs improvement with suit.

Or more, or less. Depends on the suit and proficiency with it.


Brian Burke punched my mom
2000+ calorie goodness
Fruit Loops
Raisin Bread
Cottage Cheese/Greek Yogourt

Noticing Veezy's static shrug numbers compared to the rest of his program and noticing the same with mine - what's everyone else's shrug game like? I do sets of 15, as 20 ends up giving me some pain in one side of my traps. 15 feels like the sweet spot where it's decent volume, but doesn't hurt at the end. I stick with one weight as well. I keep inching upwards though, and my body can take it no problem. Just kind of a question on everyones' volume.

I only DB shrug and ROM is strict with no straps, 125/135/145/155s x 10-15, I do them twice a month. BB ROM is garbage without cheating and hits my balls, maybe a trap bar would be best.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
2000+ calorie goodness
Fruit Loops
Raisin Bread
Cottage Cheese/Greek Yogourt

I only DB shrug and ROM is strict with no straps, 125/135/145/155s x 10-15, I do them twice a month. BB ROM is garbage without cheating and hits my balls, maybe a trap bar would be best.

Or farmer handles.

I find snatch grip shrugs with a barbell work very well.


Neo Member
oh my...! this is the ultimate topic that i have always dreamed of finding ^^

I came back to the gym on march after 1year and half to complete stop.... start 1 month with cardio training
and now i am doing 3 to 4 strenght workout, with 3 to 4 cardio training
but i keep a moderate intensity, hope to be ready to start my high intensity workout in july or august

i am 222lbs took 20lbs in a year and half :(


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I haven't decided what is more difficult. Squats with pull ups in between or DLs with pull ups. I swear, I'm breathing like I just ran a half marathon!

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Sooooooo I never mentioned it before, but it just happened again and it's a bit creepy.

Has anyone ever been hit up by these muscle worship guys? I'm near positive Darth has, no way he's avoided it.

Dude before hit me up wanting to get together with me offering me a massage and shit. Now out of the blue a dude who saw me at the gym is hitting me up telling me how good I looked (as fucked up as that is since I don't focus on aesthetics).

Shit is genuinely creepy.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Sooooooo I never mentioned it before, but it just happened again and it's a bit creepy.

Has anyone ever been hit up by these muscle worship guys? I'm near positive Darth has, no way he's avoided it.

Dude before hit me up wanting to get together with me offering me a massage and shit. Now out of the blue a dude who saw me at the gym is hitting me up telling me how good it looked (as fucked up as that is since I don't focus on aesthetics).

Shit is genuinely creepy.

It's because your brute strength is so god damned sexy! You chose this path. Deal with it. ;)

I've been told how good I look before but never an overt pick up. At least at the gym. Other places quite a few times. Like any other compliment it's flattering.
Sooooooo I never mentioned it before, but it just happened again and it's a bit creepy.

Has anyone ever been hit up by these muscle worship guys? I'm near positive Darth has, no way he's avoided it.

Dude before hit me up wanting to get together with me offering me a massage and shit. Now out of the blue a dude who saw me at the gym is hitting me up telling me how good I looked (as fucked up as that is since I don't focus on aesthetics).

Shit is genuinely creepy.

where is this coming from? online?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I only DB shrug and ROM is strict with no straps, 125/135/145/155s x 10-15, I do them twice a month. BB ROM is garbage without cheating and hits my balls, maybe a trap bar would be best.

I will listen closely as you are the Trap Lord.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
It's because your brute strength is so god damned sexy! You chose this path. Deal with it. ;)

I've been told how good I look before but never an overt pick up. At least at the gym. Other places quite a few times. Like any other compliment it's flattering.

Can't see how that's a thing. Maybe his fantasy is a fat dude smashing shit. Who knows. It's just weird to me.

Plus this wasn't even in person. He waited to hit me up on Facebook. He didn't say shit to me at the gym.

Here's the kicker. He was th dude with the Ecig.

where is this coming from? online?


stop wearing tight clothes

Definitely wasn't.

I hear some of those muscle worshipped guys get bank.

I'm almost positive there's a few G4P bodybuilders at my gym. I won't be doing that shit.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Sooooooo I never mentioned it before, but it just happened again and it's a bit creepy.

Has anyone ever been hit up by these muscle worship guys? I'm near positive Darth has, no way he's avoided it.

Dude before hit me up wanting to get together with me offering me a massage and shit. Now out of the blue a dude who saw me at the gym is hitting me up telling me how good I looked (as fucked up as that is since I don't focus on aesthetics).

Shit is genuinely creepy.

It's because your brute strength is so god damned sexy! You chose this path. Deal with it. ;)

I've been told how good I look before but never an overt pick up. At least at the gym. Other places quite a few times. Like any other compliment it's flattering.


Everyone at the gym stares at me, my ass, all the time... I think it's because I'm the only man who has legs, glutes and squats over 4 plates for reps.

Oh I did sleep with one girl from the gym a few times, she creeped me online. She said I was the hottest guy at the gym but...... she was married lol


Can't see how that's a thing. Maybe his fantasy is a fat dude smashing shit. Who knows. It's just weird to me.


Definitely wasn't.

I'm almost positive there's a few G4P bodybuilders at my gym. I won't be doing that shit.
I've seen a lot of this on fb lately. Some popular guys like marc lobliner and luimarco have been approached to do g4p. Some are just getting trolled.

Its probably a lot more popular than people realize. Kali muscle did some strange for change back in the day. And most of you are aware of kai green and the grapefruit.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun

Everyone at the gym stares at me, my ass, all the time... I think it's because I'm the only man who has legs, glutes and squats over 4 plates for reps.

Oh I did sleep with one girl from the gym a few times, she creeped me online. She said I was the hottest guy at the gym but...... she was married lol

Definitely not getting hit up by women, not sure why, but definitely not. And damn dude, thsts rotten lol.

I've seen a lot of this on fb lately. Some popular guys like marc lobliner and luimarco have been approached to do g4p. Some are just getting trolled.

Its probably a lot more popular than people realize. Kali muscle did some strange for change back in the day. And most of you are aware of kai green and the geapefruit.

Yeah it's obviously pretty popular if these dudes are hitting someone like me up. Feel like I'm in bizarro world.
Also That poor grapefruit.
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