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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Apple Pie Quest is GOAT for me. C&C is good but too much like a dessert. I love that apple pie and cinnamon roll though.

When I launch swoleeats.com Quest Bars will be the headlining review.
Apple Pie > Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough > Fudge Brownie > Cookies n Cream... But all four of those are absolutely amazing. Cinnamon Roll and PB&J are also very good. Haven't tried any others as far as I recall.


Cookies and Cream > Cookie Dough > Cinnamon Roll > Brownie > Peanut Butter and Jelly > Peanut Butter > Chocolate Peanut Butter

The other flavors are of no interest too me due to either simply not liking the flavor or texture issues such as with White Chocolate Raz.
Hey guys, protein powder recommendations?

I've recently started with quest bars and they are amazing... But now my protein shake seems terrible in comparison.

Muscletech Phase 8 - Its thick, you need quite a bit of water to mix it up and its chalky tasting in my experience but really good.

Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey - Really thin with water, don't need much to mix and it tastes pretty decent.

MusclePharm Combat Powder - Really good with water, good stuff and you can get the Cookies N Creme 5lb jug at Costco for 42.99 which is a sweet deal for protein.

These are the most recent ones I've had.
I will go to Ocean City this weekend. Never seen the sea before (except New York lol).

I need to be ripped by then! Maybe eat 10 fat burner pills a day!

Give me your power swole-gaf

J. Bravo

need to stop playing basketball. i get injuries that hinder my lifting :/ a week ago it was the knee to my thigh that made it hard to even walk. last night it was someones hip slamming into the fleshy part right above my hip that makes anything that uses my core a pain. and it's weird, i have to push pretty hard to feel pain. maybe it's a hernia.
So relieived to be moving from bulking to cutting...joints need the break and it's easier mentally to give it your all for one good heavy set before moving on. Plus I miss the abs. I barely got to know them before they had to go away but hopefully they'll show up quicker. One more maintenance week to go then we super shred.

Should probably purchase quest bars now while my mind isn't clounded by ravenous hunger. Plus I've never had C&C and I'm long overdue.

I'm considering it!

So relieived to be moving from bulking to cutting...joints need the break and it's easier mentally to give it your all for one good heavy set before moving on. Plus I miss the abs. I barely got to know them before they had to go away but hopefully they'll show up quicker. One more maintenance week to go then we super shred.

Should probably purchase quest bars now while my mind isn't clounded by ravenous hunger. Plus I've never had C&C and I'm long overdue.

Are you going to do UD2 again?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Now that I'm back from vacation, I'm planning on doing a total reset (going back to just the bar for everything but deadlifts and barbell rows) and giving Stronglifts 5x5 a go. Looking forward to what kind of progress I can make. I'm hoping I'll be able to blow past where I have been plateauing for the last couple of months.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Seriously considering swoleeats.com or swole-eats.com as a satellite site for legitshook.com. What do you guys think? Information (real shit, no ads) about meals for the eternal Muscle Quest.


I'm going back on SS for a bit to get my strength levels up.

Life happened and I needed to put the gym on hold unfortunately. What does Mark recommened to subbing power cleans? Never felt comfortable doing those without actual real life coaching on form.



Me grilling for memorial day. Got quite a bit of compliments when I put this up on instagram. The progress I've made since the start of the new year has been quite considerable. I was thinking about bulking up more, but I'm thinking I'll save that for the fall/winter.


What a day.

Was up from 11pm-10am getting sick over and over. Terrible stomach cramps, horrible inflammation. All I've eaten today is some
Gatorade a banana and 2 pieces of toast.

Haven't been sick in about 5 years like this :/


Me grilling for memorial day. Got quite a bit of compliments when I put this up on instagram. The progress I've made since the start of the new year has been quite considerable. I was thinking about bulking up more, but I'm thinking I'll save that for the fall/winter.

Looking solid man. And I think that's a good idea, seeing as it's the time everyone eats the most and we cover up more.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Me grilling for memorial day. Got quite a bit of compliments when I put this up on instagram. The progress I've made since the start of the new year has been quite considerable. I was thinking about bulking up more, but I'm thinking I'll save that for the fall/winter.

traps for days, bro



^ looking good dood

hate HIIT. hate hate hate

Thanks man, I hated HIIT at first too, but now it feels pretty good and a run doesn't give anywhere close the burn I get from doing one of the Insanity workouts for example.

traps for days, bro


Haha Thanks man.

Looking solid man. And I think that's a good idea, seeing as it's the time everyone eats the most and we cover up more.

Thanks and yeah those were along the lines I was thinking.
Thanks man, I hated HIIT at first too, but now it feels pretty good and a run doesn't give anywhere close the burn I get from doing one of the Insanity workouts for example.

Yeah, just a matter of getting into the groove. My cardio is shit so naturally, I hate it.

Also as others stated, your traps are poppin. Mirin hard.

Do whatever you're doing Tabata-style. Four minutes and done.

Doing the Layne Norton approach atm.

50 secs light jog/ 10 seconds sprint
48 secs light jog/12 sec sprint

Doing it on a bike. Fucking tired.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
5x10 squats with one minute of rest between sets.

Honestly thought my head was gonna explode on the final set. Holy fucking shit, I turned beet red by the end of it. Had to sit down cause of my headache.

One of the most exhausting workouts I've done.

But I did it. And that's what matters.

J. Bravo

only did 4 things for legs, but i was more exhausted after them than any other workout. veezy fuck you and your pyramid shit.

12, 10, 8, 6 reps
squat - started at 185, ended at 285.
leg press - 340 to 400
hack squat - 2 plates to 5 plates (or 180 to 450)
romanian deadlifts - 185 to 335

haven't deadlifted since hitting 445 for one, so that 335 for 6 was fucking hard.

edit: just realized that aside from not being able to walk tomorrow, my upper back is going to be sore as shit also.

that post workout taco bell was outstanding though.


On a leangains cut, thought I would treat myself to a dominos pizza one of these upcoming training days, has anyone here gone through the trouble of looks at the ingredients on their site and made the best possible pie for around 1200 calories?
Just changed my diet and exercising habits about a week ago and I'm already seeing results, trimmed off a bit of fat already! Such a great feeling.

The biggest change in my diet I have made is that for my major meals I am mostly eating grilled chicken, cutting out most bread and cheese which I indulged in a bit too much. Perhaps not the best diet ever, but it certainly is working. On top of that, I am doing a lot of cardio every day.

When I get to a more comfortable weight I am going to start lifting.
Is this fear mongering or something that we should really pay attention to?

You should pay attention to everything that you put into your body.

I wouldn't worry too much about protein shakes, but if somebody is trying to sell you Dr Buffs Miracle Whey, you might be best served to go with a more established brand.


You should pay attention to everything that you put into your body.

I wouldn't worry too much about protein shakes, but if somebody is trying to sell you Dr Buffs Miracle Whey, you might be best served to go with a more established brand.

The problem is all the protein shakes in the report are pretty much the big brands.
I do agree with that article that it's best to get protein from your food intake (meat, etc) instead of relying on powders to meet your protein quota whenever feasible


That's ideal but it is not doable for some people.
I'm a bit concerned because I am drinking optimum nutrition golf standard which is listed in the article. Am I being worried for nothing?
If you're particularly worried I know that some brands to specially screened and tested versions for Olympic (etc) athletes. I'd imagine they'd be about as pure as they could get it.

Unrelated, those motherfuckers at the daily fail are at it again. This time blaming creatine for the Isla Vista killings. They're banned, obviously, but googling daily mail creatine will bring up the story.



What is the brand?
I live in asia so my choice might be somewhat limited. Here's hoping maybe I can find a supplier for the brand.
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