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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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I'm really enjoying it, but I say that about most MMOs at the start. It takes time to see where the game falls short. It might be a reasonable contender to FFXI. I just can't say for sure. Shit's been fun though. Darth's like level Flexin' and I'm level Wimpy, so I have work to do.

Oh man, I've bought and played a bit of FFXIV, but I've been dealing with some serious internal conflict about continuing. I loved FFXI, but so far I'm not getting the same sense of awesomeness with this one.

I'm all or nothing with MMOs and am unable to play them casually. I've been trying to convince myself that I can strike a balance, but I'm really worried this will totally start to encroach on my training and work.

I've got gaming issues, lol.

On another note, going for 200 lb bench press today, inching ever closer to a bodyweight lift, which will be a big milestone for me!
Most of them have little to no training and really don't have a clue.

You don't want to be trained by someone who suggested what he does. Either find a new reputable trainer or ditch the trainer entirely.

... And I guess I'll have a talk with the other trainers too.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Oh man, I've bought and played a bit of FFXIV, but I've been dealing with some serious internal conflict about continuing. I loved FFXI, but so far I'm not getting the same sense of awesomeness with this one.

I'm all or nothing with MMOs and am unable to play them casually. I've been trying to convince myself that I can strike a balance, but I'm really worried this will totally start to encroach on my training and work.

I've got gaming issues, lol.

On another note, going for 200 lb bench press today, inching ever closer to a bodyweight lift, which will be a big milestone for me!

I'm all or nothing too and I've made a lot of MMO Mistakes since FFXI. I'm pretty much ready to sink some serious time into this.

I ain't skippin the gym though. New PRs tonight goddammit new PRs!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Does anyone have a link to the paper/article of the study showing that taking steroids and not working out built more muscle than not taking steroids and working out? It was discussed on GAF in a different topic a few weeks or maybe a month ago, but I'm having issues finding it now.



I want to test my real limits first. THEN I'll consider it.


Did 130 kilos for the first time today on deadlifts. So now I can finally deadlift more than Alienshogun can ohp. It was easy too, I bet I can do 140 for at least one rep.
Starting to really side with shogun on the don't worry about cutting/bulking cycles as much.

That's why I'm just trying to get down to 10% for now, and then just lean gain a bit - at a rate where I won't balloon up in weight.
I'm not a professional bodybuilder, I don't have any contests or particular periods I want to "look good" for, so it doesn't make sense for me to follow a cyclical model of gaining weight before cutting it down rather than just continuously gain weight at a smaller rate.


the piano man
I ain't skippin the gym though. New PRs tonight goddammit new PRs!

it's nice to see you have made it through that apathy you were experiencing some days ago. I seriously need to get my shit together... :,-( I haven't stopped hittimg the gym but it's been annoying lately, to the point of being happy when I have a rest days....

yesterday was a very busy day and couldn't eat what I was supposed to and then at the gym it was failure everywhere, didn't even reach my last PR on OHP and everything was exhausting, those days when your body tells you "fuck off" halfway through every damn set.

That's why I'm just trying to get down to 10% for now, and then just lean gain a bit - at a rate where I won't balloon up in weight.
I'm not a professional bodybuilder, I don't have any contests or particular periods I want to "look good" for, so it doesn't make sense for me to follow a cyclical model of gaining weight before cutting it down rather than just continuously gain weight at a smaller rate.

I have seen people proud of gaining like 20 lbs of weight in 2 months, the hell is that, I remember some comments like that in OT4 or 5 and it was a bit confusing.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
it's nice to see you have made it through that apathy you were experiencing some days ago. I seriously need to get my shit together... :,-( I haven't stopped hittimg the gym but it's been annoying lately, to the point of being happy when I have a rest days....

yesterday was a very busy day and couldn't eat what I was supposed to and then at the gym it was failure everywhere, didn't even reach my last PR on OHP and everything was exhausting, those days when your body tells you "fuck off" halfway through every damn set.

These days happen brother. On the other hand, my gym apathy is totally still there but I have to conquer a new beast...

the cardio beast.

NOT looking forward to suckin' wind all afternoon. But whatever. I'll churn through.

Those days you have happen. They happen. Next time you'll have a better run of it. Yuo should treat yourself. Eat something bad!


That's why I'm just trying to get down to 10% for now, and then just lean gain a bit - at a rate where I won't balloon up in weight.
I'm not a professional bodybuilder, I don't have any contests or particular periods I want to "look good" for, so it doesn't make sense for me to follow a cyclical model of gaining weight before cutting it down rather than just continuously gain weight at a smaller rate.

Hmm, I've always been a hard gainer and had trouble with eating enough. In my case I see the "bulk" phase as the period where I semi-follow a good diet but at the same time eat and indulge in whatever I want whenever I want. I only worry about hitting my macros, I don't worry about shooting over (hardly ever happens anyway)

This ensures I get all the neccessary calories and nutritions on a more regular basis without me getting really sick of my diet. That was one of the reasons why I gave up on going to the gym and working out the first time around.

Makes more sense for me to do it this way and then later on just shed off the extra fat, since that will be rather easy for me anyway.

Fortunately I'm more motivated than ever right now and usually can't wait for my next workout.

My bulk = eat a lot. I'll lose the fat eventually. Harder to gain muscle that lose fat. Deal with it later.

Yup, exactly this.


the piano man
Eat something bad!

I have no idea what to eat that would be truly bad, honestly.

Here in Germany there's nothing like the fast food you guys have in the US, bulking here is damn hard as everything is way to healthy for my liking, there's no "pay 5 bucks and eat all the shit you can" lol, in mexico we have "sirloin stockade" which is exactly that: pay once and transform yourself into a food dump. great for a bulk.


That paper confirms what we already know.

Steroids + Training = Greater increases in strength and muscle size vs Natural Training.

No mention of roids + no training > natural + training though, at least from what I can tell.

"The men treated with testosterone but no exercise had an increase of 3.2 kg in fat-free mass, and those in the placebo-plus-exercise group had an increase of 1.9 kg. The increase in the testosterone-plus-exercise group was substantially greater (averaging 6.1 kg). The percentage of body fat did not change significantly in any group (data not shown)."

Deleted member 12837

Unconfirmed Member
Are there any good web or mobile apps for 5/3/1 (keeping track of progress, calculating weights, etc)? I'm about to start the program.

If not, I've also been looking for a side project idea, so maybe I'll write one myself with y'all's input.
Can anyone help me figure out why my knees always track inward a little bit on my squat? The weight I'm at isn't even very difficult, but I still can't keep from bringing my knees in on my way up. What's the deal?

edit: to be clear, my knees don't wobble at all.

J. Bravo

Are there any good web or mobile apps for 5/3/1 (keeping track of progress, calculating weights, etc)? I'm about to start the program.

If not, I've also been looking for a side project idea, so maybe I'll write one myself with y'all's input.
www.strstd.com is what I use. It even calculates the 5/3/1 program for you. I just put my final set numbers on there. Like today I tracked my 140 for 4, along with my body weight.
Can anyone help me figure out why my knees always track inward a little bit on my squat? The weight I'm at isn't even very difficult, but I still can't keep from bringing my knees in on my way up. What's the deal?

edit: to be clear, my knees don't wobble at all.
I think that means the inside muscles on your legs are weak, so try forcing your knees to stay out and track correctly. Also, there are a ton of exercises you can do to help correct that.

On the other hand it could mean that your inside leg muscles are tight and overdeveloped, which pulls your knees in.

In other words, I have no idea. haha.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Thing is though that the gains you get from steroids vanish when you stop taking them (afaik).
Not entirely. They do diminish, but proper post-cycle therapy allows the user to restart their body's systems and retain a considerable size/strength/power advantage. That's how athletes can be clean come the time to compete but can retain the benefits of the substances used during training.

Can anyone help me figure out why my knees always track inward a little bit on my squat? The weight I'm at isn't even very difficult, but I still can't keep from bringing my knees in on my way up. What's the deal?

edit: to be clear, my knees don't wobble at all.

Could be limited ankle dorsiflexion, could be insufficient hip torque. Stretch and roll your calves, make sure your feet aren't splayed out everywhere and try either "corkscrewing" your feet into the ground during your set-up or "spreading the floor" with them to maintain torque.
www.strstd.com is what I use. It even calculates the 5/3/1 program for you. I just put my final set numbers on there. Like today I tracked my 140 for 4, along with my body weight.

I think that means the inside muscles on your legs are weak, so try forcing your knees to stay out and track correctly. Also, there are a ton of exercises you can do to help correct that.

On the other hand it could mean that your inside leg muscles are tight and overdeveloped, which pulls your knees in.

In other words, I have no idea. haha.

It's probably the latter! What exercises do you recommend?


OK, squat form update. This time I concentrated on keeping elbows up and wrists straight, hip drive and bending at the waist to avoid knee travel. The hip drive is the part I have the most trouble with - once there is weight on the bar, I feel it a little too much in the lower back on the way up.



Junior Member
"The men treated with testosterone but no exercise had an increase of 3.2 kg in fat-free mass, and those in the placebo-plus-exercise group had an increase of 1.9 kg. The increase in the testosterone-plus-exercise group was substantially greater (averaging 6.1 kg). The percentage of body fat did not change significantly in any group (data not shown)."
Wow... damn.

Pretty disappointing to hear that.


I have no idea what to eat that would be truly bad, honestly.

Here in Germany there's nothing like the fast food you guys have in the US, bulking here is damn hard as everything is way to healthy for my liking, there's no "pay 5 bucks and eat all the shit you can" lol, in mexico we have "sirloin stockade" which is exactly that: pay once and transform yourself into a food dump. great for a bulk.

Germany? You have a food that's a dirty bulker's dream - Currywurst
Guy who was spotting me today while benching

You have some long arms man.

It's interesting to think the mere length of my arms making it more difficult to bench/press since there is more distance to move the weight. Oh well, helps with deadlifting I suppose.


Junior Member
I never understand why such things disappoint people. Why does someone else being able to achieve something easier take anything away from what you've done?

It doesn't.
I'm still a 'newbie' and while I've been happy with my progress (albeit slow), it's just surprising that not training and taking steroids builds more muscle than not taking steroids and training.


That's a point stressed over and over again when it comes to fitness.
Don't compare yourself with others, but with your past self.
I guess you're right.


Cutting time. Been bulking for 9 months. Love the progress, especially on my upper body, which was lagging.

Man, proper bulks are underrrated as hell. Sure you gain some fat, but dat muscle is worth it. Dieting has never been hard for me.

Deleted member 12837

Unconfirmed Member
www.strstd.com is what I use. It even calculates the 5/3/1 program for you. I just put my final set numbers on there. Like today I tracked my 140 for 4, along with my body weight.

Hmm, that looks great for calculating weights for each workout, and just updating it every cycle. However, I was looking for something a bit more mobile-friendly, dynamic and customizable. Something where I could record my workouts (including the AMRAP set counts, if I fail to complete a set, etc), the specific accessory exercises, etc. Also something that looks good on mobile and works well on mobile.

Would people in here be interested in something like that?

Basically something that fits somewhere between Fitocracy and Excel. No social/sharing elements, but much more portable and usable than an Excel spreadsheet. And geared towards 5/3/1 (at least to start). If I do decide to make an app, it'd be great to be able to get feedback. Obviously I won't be offended if people here wouldn't want to use it or find it useful. I'm just gauging interest.

J. Bravo

Hmm, that looks great for calculating weights for each workout, and just updating it every cycle. However, I was looking for something a bit more mobile-friendly, dynamic and customizable. Something where I could record my workouts (including the AMRAP set counts, if I fail to complete a set, etc), the specific accessory exercises, etc. Also something that looks good on mobile and works well on mobile.

Would people in here be interested in something like that?

Basically something that fits somewhere between Fitocracy and Excel. No social/sharing elements, but much more portable and usable than an Excel spreadsheet. And geared towards 5/3/1 (at least to start). If I do decide to make an app, it'd be great to be able to get feedback. Obviously I won't be offended if people here wouldn't want to use it or find it useful. I'm just gauging interest.
I think there is something like that... My fitness pal maybe? If you make something though, I'd definitely try it out.


Hmm, that looks great for calculating weights for each workout, and just updating it every cycle. However, I was looking for something a bit more mobile-friendly, dynamic and customizable. Something where I could record my workouts (including the AMRAP set counts, if I fail to complete a set, etc), the specific accessory exercises, etc. Also something that looks good on mobile and works well on mobile.

Would people in here be interested in something like that?

Basically something that fits somewhere between Fitocracy and Excel. No social/sharing elements, but much more portable and usable than an Excel spreadsheet. And geared towards 5/3/1 (at least to start). If I do decide to make an app, it'd be great to be able to get feedback. Obviously I won't be offended if people here wouldn't want to use it or find it useful. I'm just gauging interest.

Big Lifts is 5/3/1-centric with no customization or tracking for the rest of the workout, but just for the Big Lifts it's great. True to the name


Low-bar does take some getting used to. It's definitely less of a vertical motion than high bar as well. It sounds like you might be"good morning"-ing the weight on the way back up (google search something like "good morning squat" for more info on this). If you could get video of your form for low bar and your previous form others and myself will be able to give more detailed advice. Just to reiterate though, you don't have to do low-bar. It's good to learn all the squat forms, but if it feels awkward and unnatural there's not much point in delaying 2 or more weeks of progress by switching to it from high-bar, assuming your high-bar is on point.

Thanks again for the advice. Don't think I'm good morning-ing the weight. I took your advice, and got a video of my low bar squat.

So, please fire away at me Gaf. One issue I think I already notice is my rounded lower back on the bottom. Trying to figure out how to get rid of that.


On another note, first day using chalk. I did not think it would help my grip THAT much.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
My buddies gf had an accident squatting today and broke her arm in multiple places. :( My wife was spotting her and the bar slipped behind her and down her back. Apparently she didn't let go and it snapped her arm. We thought she dislocated her elbow but unfortunately it was much worse. Poor thing. Lesson.....let go of the damn bar!


My buddies gf had an accident squatting today and broke her arm in multiple places. :( My wife was spotting her and the bar slipped behind her and down her back. Apparently she didn't let go and it snapped her arm. We thought she dislocated her elbow but unfortunately it was much worse. Poor thing. Lesson.....let go of the damn bar!

: /


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I didn't see it but she must have been behind the safety bars. It's one that is open on the back.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
A couple of quick questions (remember, this is for that strong lifts program):

- How long are you supposed to rest in between sets?
- Should I perform some kind of warm up and/or cool down work out?
- What kind of ab work out should I do? The op didn't specify. Sit ups?
- When I'm in between work out days, should I just sit around and not do anything, or should I do....something that's not really strenuous?


Thanks again for the advice. Don't think I'm good morning-ing the weight. I took your advice, and got a video of my low bar squat.

So, please fire away at me Gaf. One issue I think I already notice is my rounded lower back on the bottom. Trying to figure out how to get rid of that.


On another note, first day using chalk. I did not think it would help my grip THAT much.

TopDreg, please don't take this the wrong way, but your squat is awful. You need to deload immedately or you risk injuring yourself. . Basically you need to re-learn how to barbell squat.

First of all, that's not a low-bar squat. It's a sort of high bar squat with the bar 1/10th of an inch lower. And this causes a lot of problems, since you are leaning forward as you would in a low bar squat. I marked the actual position of the bar in a low bar squat. If this were a low bar squat, the bar would immediately roll down your shoulders since your elbows are almost pointing downward.


Your back is completely rounded at the bottom. It's so rounded it's well on its way to becoming a parabola.

The other problem is that the forward lean, compounded with the high bar position, causes the bar to travel much farther than the middle of your foot, which is where the perpendicular path of the bar should be originating. The result of this is a massive increase in the moment arm (torque), which you have to compensate, and it contributes (I suspect) to your rounding of the back, since you are seeking whatever mechanical advantage you can find at the bottom.

You need to start from step one. Read SS, practice with the empty bar so you get the bar position right, and do not use more than 105lb until you are sure your form is good.

A couple of quick questions (remember, this is for that strong lifts program):

- How long are you supposed to rest in between sets?
- Should I perform some kind of warm up and/or cool down work out?
- What kind of ab work out should I do? The op didn't specify. Sit ups?
- When I'm in between work out days, should I just sit around and not do anything, or should I do....something that's not really strenuous?

If you are doing 3x5 like we discussed yesterday, you are not doing Stronglifts; you are doing Starting Strength. (which you should do as it is the superior program)

You should rest as long as you need in order to complete your reps. At this point of the program 1 or 2 minutes will suffice. As the weights get heavier, longer rest periods will be necessary. I rest up to 8 minutes before a heavy squat or deadlift set.

You need to warm up in this manner. Suppose you are going to squat 100lb.

45lbx5x2 (that is, 2 sets of 5 with just the empty bar)
80lbx3 (1 set of 3)
100lbx5x3 <--- this are your actual work sets

Your warmup sets will get heavier as the weights you use increase. Bascially a warm-up serves the puprose of getting some blood flowing to the joints and muscles, it stretches the bodyparts that will be used in the lift and it also prepares the nervous system for the task of lifting. For example, once you get to a 185lb squat (which should happen in about 4 weeks), your warm-up will look like this:


No cool downs.

No ab work needed.

Rest days are called rest days for a reason.


Alrighty, much appreciated Noema. The hard truth is good to know. I'll take the advice and deload to 105 lbs. Will try to get another video with hopefully much better form.
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