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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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If you don't want to do deadlifts, *shrug* it's your body.
Maybe it'll work for you, maybe it won't - and you'll be back on the DL.

Personally, I love deadlifts.


Necessary? No. Going to hold you back and make shit take way longer, along with holding back your potential? Yes.

The body works in tandem, it's a system. You can't just ignore a huge part of the system and expect substantial results in any reasonable timeframe.

Shogun's right. Not even worth it. Do you brah.

I'm not seeking to reach the peak of my potential.

Now you're acting like I'm skipping back day entirely. There are countless bodybuilders who never do deadlifts, they all seem to be doing fine. Pretty sure I've seen only one guy do deadlifts in my gym, you can tell they work out just by looking at them.

Man, I couldn't imagine not wanting to do deadlifts. When I was off them for those couple months it was terrible.

It was deadlifts that got you injured and set your training back, correct?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
That's not 100% true though, the Hodgetwins don't do deadlifts, if someones goal is to just build an aesthetic physique they don't need deadlifts.

And I say that as someone that does them, there are too many athletes (specifically boxers) that are in incredible shape that have never done deadlifts.

The issue isn't him not deadlifting. It's his reason for not deadlifting that's got my attention. There's no point in hammering at it though.
I'm not seeking to reach the peak of my potential.

Now you're acting like I'm skipping back day entirely. There are countless bodybuilders who never do deadlifts, they all seem to be doing fine. Pretty sure I've seen only one guy do deadlifts in my gym, you can tell they work out just by looking at them.

Which is fine as plenty of people do not do them at all. Deadlift is just one of many exercises for your back. It was more of your reason for not doing them that just caught my eye. You can have a fantastic physique w/o doing DLs. Your own personal goals and all that.


what a weird page.

today I did 203 lbs on HB squat for the first time and took video with the phone, looked good enough and barring one or two reps, all were on parallel, go me.

I am very much in maintenance anyway, I try to eat and sleep but damn, it's hard, It's getting waaaayyyy to busy, have concerts and 25 piano students all of a sudden so I'll have to wait until october to have some peace of mind and take care of progression on the gym.

I got the whole Homer Simpson Frogurt scene in my head while reading this.

Hit 203 lbs - That's good.
Getting too busy - That's bad.
Lots of concerts and students - That's good.
Have to wait till october to start progression phase away from maintenance - Blank stare.

Of course, congrats!!!


I'm not seeking to reach the peak of my potential.

Now you're acting like I'm skipping back day entirely. There are countless bodybuilders who never do deadlifts, they all seem to be doing fine. Pretty sure I've seen only one guy do deadlifts in my gym, you can tell they work out just by looking at them.

It was deadlifts that got you injured and set your training back, correct?

It was my two hours of driving a day and sitting in chairs made for children that pushed all the shit over the edge.

That and some poor programming on my part with 5/3/1 and I was doing way too much.

But when I was linearly progressing deads? Not a single problem up to 375.


Which is fine as plenty of people do not do them at all. Deadlift is just one of many exercises for your back. It was more of your reason for not doing them that just caught my eye. You can have a fantastic physique w/o doing DLs. Your own personal goals and all that.

I don't believe everyone needs to keep doing them, but they should be a part of every beginners routine until they hit a certain level.

As always: you can't chisel a pebble.

Btw, Petrie:

What's your weight and BF%?

Hovering right between 170-175lbs, and the (admittedly inaccurate) machine I have puts me around 10-11% based on the "regular" or "athlete" setting.
I don't believe everyone needs to keep doing them, but they should be a part of every beginners routine until they hit a certain level.

As always: you can't chisel a pebble.

oh I agree 100%. I believe that if you are a beginner, you really should be doing a compound training regiment.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Well, they kinda are notorious as being one of the more dangerous exercises.

So are bench presses, overhead presses, squats, situps etc.

Everything is dangerous if you're an idiot and/or get careless.

And if you're pushing yourself/competing it's only a matter of time before you get injured anyway. It's part of the game, admittedly a part of a game apparently you don't want to play since you're not looking to "push yourself."


So are bench presses, overhead presses, squats, etc.

Everything is dangerous if you're an idiot and/or get careless.

And if you're pushing yourself/competing it's only a matter of time before you get injured anyway. It's part of the game, admittedly a part of a game apparently you don't want to play since you're not looking to "push yourself."

Shogun nails it as always.

I feel like I don't need to post as often with Shogun here nailing down my thoughts so well.

Welcome back buddy.


So are bench presses, overhead presses, squats, situps etc.

Everything is dangerous if you're an idiot and/or get careless.

And if you're pushing yourself/competing it's only a matter of time before you get injured anyway. It's part of the game, admittedly a part of a game apparently you don't want to play since you're not looking to "push yourself."

Yup. My dad has messed up knees and back from being a contractor. My mom has back issues being a nurse. My friend tore his acl playing intramural soccer.

Anything can injure you. Hell, Noema was putting preacher curls on hold because his bicep was getting tender. Might as well lay in bed!


the piano man
And major props to Sphinx for breaking the 200 barrier!

thanks man,

I don't know how but my body just functions well with the squat, probably being 5'5 helps?

I wished I had the same body disposition for the other compounds where I have a bit more trouble keeping form and beating PRs

Visceir, iyou can do what you want but why so antagonist? saying things like "Ultimately I think I have entirely different goals than most of the posters here who chase after huge weights and want to become as big as possible" sounds quite adversarial and talking about petrie as if he ever said his body should be everybody's ultimate goal, that's not cool and is uncalled for

and everyone, did we ever get news on Blackflag's situation? his last post sounded bad :-/ I hope he's doing better.


So are bench presses, overhead presses, squats, situps etc.

Everything is dangerous if you're an idiot and/or get careless.

And if you're pushing yourself/competing it's only a matter of time before you get injured anyway. It's part of the game, admittedly a part of a game apparently you don't want to play since you're not looking to "push yourself."

Yea, and going by what's important to me I'm willing to take the risks on some of those exercises.

You and I are nothing alike, I'm not into powerlifting, it's all about getting a little wider back and some definition in the chest for me. It's not like I'm just curling away either, I do compound movements every workout. You recommended pullups -- I'm already doing them.

Last I checked this thread is still named "Fitness" and not "Powerlifting", seems like a lot of you tend to forget that.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Yea, and going by what's important to me I'm willing to take the risks on some of those exercises.

You and I are nothing alike, I'm not into powerlifting, it's all about getting a little wider back and some definition in the chest for me. It's not like I'm just curling away either, I do compound movements every workout. You recommended pullups -- I'm already doing them.

Last I checked this thread is still named "Fitness" and not "Powerlifting", seems like a lot of you tend to forget that.

So you're willing to take a risk with those exercises, but not deadlifts. Mmmmmmkay.

Look, I didn't say you need to be like me, or be powerlifting oriented. I didn't say anything bad about having a bodybuilding centric routine. I didn't tell you to do SS or anything else.

Shit, I never did SS. The first routine I actually followed was 5/3/1 and even that I butchered to hell and back. I'm the last one that should be telling anyone to follow a routine, however, I'm modestly strong enough to give a little bit of advice and I eat, breath and sleep fitness literature. Even the shit that's not "powerlifting."

The thing I'm getting at is your reasoning for not doing DL. It's not that you CAN'T do them. It's not that they "don't work for you" or you don't think they would work. Hell, you've never even been injured doing them. It's that you just don't like them and that kind of mentality leads me to believe that when things get hard you might quit. So inevitably you're wasting your time.

Until you got adversarial in your posting I was attempting to help, but I'll be quite honest. You don't see to know much at all about lifting or fitness in general. I'm not gonna go back and break down all of your posts, but it's pretty obvious. Then when people begin to offer advice you get hostile.

Well sir, fuck that, that kind of shit gets you ignored. It's not like we are berating you because you don't worship Rippetoe and the almighty skwat. It's your god damned attitude.

Plenty of people here put the notion of "SS for gains" and "Skwat,press,dead for maximum awesome to shame Szu immediately comes to mind.

Others put us "powerlifters" to shame. Darth and Cooter are ontop of that pile of corpses.

So pull your head out of your ass, and while your at it, un-bunch your panties.

And for the love of god, don't come in here posting shit, getting to know this community only to quit like 90% of the people who come here do because shit got hard and you didn't feel like doing it anymore because "you didn't like it."

Edit: Just saw this.

You should read the OP. It depends what you're going for, lower rep ranges for strenght, high rep ranges for size.

Graph from the OP


Might as well post it, here are my progress pictures from the past few months.

You look exactly the same if not worse than you did a year ago, and you're busting on Petrie's "proportions?" Get the hell out of here.

Nelo Ice

So speaking of deadlifts, I just did 1x6 for 195 lbs.Feels good man. Feel like my form had improved though I think I need to drag up against my legs more but besides that, for once every rep felt great besides that last rep I pushed and struggled for.


shitty failure day. frustrating.

couldn't sleep, went to bed about 5am. woke up at 8am.

probably eaten less than 1500cals and was way too exhausted to do my chest workout.

guess I will have to work both legs and chest to make up for today.

Stat Flow

He gonna cry in the car
Deadlifts are my favorite so far. I didn't think people didn't like them. Once my squat rack comes in I might enjoy those the most though.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Deadlifts are my favorite so far. I didn't think people didn't like them. Once my squat rack comes in I might enjoy those the most though.

Once it hit 500+ I don't like them anymore, lol.

shitty failure day. frustrating.

couldn't sleep, went to bed about 5am. woke up at 8am.

probably eaten less than 1500cals and was way too exhausted to do my chest workout.

guess I will have to work both legs and chest to make up for today.

You can't learn unless you fail. And it looks like the lesson was well learned.

So speaking of deadlifts, I just did 1x6 for 195 lbs.Feels good man. Feel like my form had improved though I think I need to drag up against my legs more but besides that, for once every rep felt great besides that last rep I pushed and struggled for.

Thing to remember is arch that low back hard (push your ass out like your a porn star getting ready for the ramming) "PREPARE YOUR ANUS" and pull the weight back into your body not straight up.


Until you got adversarial in your posting I was attempting to help, but I'll be quite honest. You don't see to know much at all about lifting or fitness in general. I'm not gonna go back and break down all of your posts, but it's pretty obvious. Then when people begin to offer advice you get hostile.

I have valid reasons and sources to believe that doing rack pulls helps me make my back thicker. You just called it an "ego" exercise and assumed it was all about the weights. Not exactly helpful -- not that I was seeking for help to begin with, just wanted to hear some opinions.

And for the love of god, don't come in here posting shit, getting to know this community only to quit like 90% of the people who come here do because shit got hard and you didn't feel like doing it anymore because "you didn't like it.".

You really should make less assumptions...and be less hostile.

You look exactly the same if not worse than you did a year ago, and you're busting on Petrie's "proportions?" Get the hell out of here.

I've made strenght gains and I've gained size, my chest is bigger and my back is wider. My old suitjacket doesn't fit me anymore and rather than looking skinny I look like a "normal" person now. I think I'm doing fine, considering I've been doing it for just 3 months now.

It's cool, keep on being an ass though.

Makes me think of this post from the old OT5:
I think it'd be wise if all follow local Fitness-GAF asshole Petrie's(until AlienShogun comes back and takes his rightful place)

Seems about right!

J. Bravo


Chris Jones explaining them, for some reason this forum won't let me attach youtube videos with timestamps. 1:42 is the part.

Same as deadlifts, you just don't start from the ground but a little higher (still below the knee).

Edit: Noema posted above the knee video, I do them below the knee.
Awesome thanks for the videos. Don't think I'll incorporate those any time soon- deadlifts are definitely enough for now.

In the meantime, I love icing my legs. And I'm about to schedule another massage. 25% off is too perfect to not take advantage.


Seems about right!

That was a joke because Shogun and I share the same no-nonsense attitude about such things.

But Shogun's right, you look the exact same, and are choosing to neglect building a base to work with.

Your trying to skip the important first steps.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Based on your DL grip width in that video, Do you know what your wingspan is? I'm curious because I've always Deadlifted a bit wider than that so maybe it's something I need to re-examine.

Bring your arms in as tight as you can to reduce the bar path. The longer your arms the easier the DL becomes so to take advantage bring your arms in. You don't want them dragging hard against your legs though.

No clue at my wingspan but I'm 69 inches tall and my inseam is only 30 inches, so I've got short legs and a long torso.
Good luck, Visceir.
I don't really think it's a good idea to skip out on deadlifts in lieu of rack pulls, but it's really up to you in the end to discover what works and doesn't for you.
Do keep us updated on your progress, I'm curious to see how it goes.

Moving on!
Love random gym advice by swole dudes.

"You guys should give cable rows a go, it'll give you a nice flare in your wings. Barbell row is more of a compound movement, it won't work well for you".

My buddy was persuaded, but I didn't fell for that :p

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Shogun, how much do you weigh? If you're deadlifting 500+, that's awfully impressive.

Depending on how "Operation Dessert Freedom" is going I bounce between 225 and 230.

It's not "great" but I'm getting there. Little dudes deadlift up to 600 without looking big. It's when you get above that you start getting huge. I may try 600 next week.

The video of me deadlifting 575 is a few posts up.

Good luck, Visceir.
I don't really think it's a good idea to skip out on deadlifts in lieu of rack pulls, but it's really up to you in the end to discover what works and doesn't for you.
Do keep us updated on your progress, I'm curious to see how it goes.

Moving on!
Love random gym advice by swole dudes.

"You guys should give cable rows a go, it'll give you a nice flare in your wings. Barbell row is more of a compound movement, it won't work well for you".

My buddy was persuaded, but I didn't fell for that :p

They will take my barbell rows from my cold dead hands.


the piano man
even though the squat is easier for me, I think I like all compounds the same, they feel sooo incredibly different in their execution.

There's a sense of accomplishment doing a OHP with full ROM that I don't feel anywhere else, a sense of victory. With the squat and all that weight on my traps I feel on fire, my whole body. The feeling of pushing the weight away from your chest on bench, like on a defensive stance, is very cool too.

with the deadlift, it feels like I am doing a very serious, "classic" exercise, being down there on starting position, I feel like I am all set to take part on an olympic competition or something, lol, the only thing I hate is the grip on heat days... fuck that >_<


But Shogun's right, you look the exact same, and are choosing to neglect building a base to work with.

Your trying to skip the important first steps.

The only thing I'm skipping is deadlifts...and even that I'm doing in a modified form. Shit, it must suck for people who truly are unable to do deadlifts, guess they should just give up right away and not even bother. That's what I'm getting from your post.

Did you miss the part where I said I'm still doing all the other compound movements?

I'm not really sure what kind of gains you'd expect to see during the first 3 months but I, again, am completely happy with mine. Do feel free to post your pictures of your vastly superior first 3 months gains.

J. Bravo

Depending on how "Operation Dessert Freedom" is going I bounce between 225 and 230.

It's not "great" but I'm getting there. Little dudes deadlift up to 600 without looking big. It's when you get above that you start getting huge. I may try 600 next week.

The video of me deadlifting 575 is a few posts up.

They will take my barbell rows from my cold dead hands.

It seems like a lot, because I'm deadlifting 200 more pounds than my bodyweight, and your deadlifting 200 pounds more than that lmao. I just felt like a beast today because I had an audience after the second rep lol.
Literally counted a guy do 7 fucking sets of squats in the squat rack. Go to get a water, come back and a guy is doing OHP in the same rack...

Someone pls

Hold me back

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
It seems like a lot, because I'm deadlifting 200 more pounds than my bodyweight, and your deadlifting 200 pounds more than that lmao. I just felt like a beast today because I had an audience after the second rep lol.
I've said this time and time again. Strength is relative. Don't judge your strength off mine or anyone else's. everyone's journey is their own. Celebrate your victories and learn from your failures.


The only thing I'm skipping is deadlifts...and even that I'm doing in a modified form. Shit, it must suck for people who truly are unable to do deadlifts, guess they should just give up right away and not even bother. That's what I'm getting from your post.

Did you miss the part where I said I'm still doing all the other compound movements?

I'm not really sure what kind of gains you'd expect to see during the first 3 months but I, again, am completely happy with mine. Do feel free to post your pictures of your vastly superior first 3 months gains.

You are skipping one of the 2 most important compounds, and are not doing a modified version. Rack pulls are not a modified deadlift.

You are also skipping bench press in lieu of incline bench, which is somewhere redundant with overhead press, and another accesory lift.

3 months? That's the best noob gain period. You should look substantially different, and instead you look the same. Perhaps more fat on you, but there looks to be minimal muscle growth. You are wasting potential.


I'm going against the grain here but I don't care. If the guy doesn't want to do deadlifts just let him be. Not everyone in this thread even does deadlifts. There are plenty of guys jacked or otherwise who get by without deadlifts. Look at Chris Jones or Chris Lavado. Dorian Yates doesn't squat and he was Mr. O

This is coming from someone who loves squats and deads.


You are skipping one of the 2 most important compounds, and are not doing a modified version. Rack pulls are not a modified deadlift.

You are also skipping bench press in lieu of incline bench, which is somewhere redundant with overhead press, and another accesory lift.

3 months? That's the best noob gain period. You should look substantially different, and instead you look the same. Perhaps more fat on you, but there looks to be minimal muscle growth. You are wasting potential.

I guess I am skipping it then. There is no "one and only true way", like you seem to believe.

I'd say that all depends on how low or high my incline bench is, don't you think? It's more of a 35 degree angle and I'm fairly confident that I can bench the same weight that I do at incline right now. I just choose to put more focus on my upper chest.

Did some SS 3 month period results picture searches and none of them seem any different from mine. I think I can judge my body much better than you ever could from those tiny pictures. Guess all the people who have complimented me in real life must also be blind.

J. Bravo

I've said this time and time again. Strength is relative. Don't judge your strength off mine or anyone else's. everyone's journey is their own. Celebrate your victories and learn from your failures.

yeah yeah yeah. I know.

Making good progress though. August 11th my calculated 1rm was 406, today it's 434. I can deal with that.
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