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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
So I have NO upper body strength at all, like none. Bench Press? I can maybe put 10 extra pounds on it total. The problem is my left arm is just super uncoordinated or really flailing around. If I try to do nearly anything with a barbell I always end up deviating off to the side here and there, whether it be trying to bench press just the barbell or trying to do preacher curls, eventually most of the work is being done by my right arm.

Not to mention I cannot even do a single pull-up. Is there something I am missing or am I just weak as fuck and need to work on everything?
I'd recommend adding push-ups and inverted rows to your routine. They are closed chain exercises (moving your body through space) rather than open chain movements such as bench press and will help develop your body's sense of proprioception and co-ordination. I'd also recommend examining your mobility on your left hand side and seeing a professional if need be.


So, I’m pissed.

Today was sumo deadlift day. The goal, 172.5kg x 6.

I go up to the bar, put on one plate, and get ready for my warmup. I did 5 reps with ease, and then added an extra plate for my next warmup.

This is where disaster struck.

It turns out that the bar I was using was bent and its weight distribution was completely messed up. While starting the lift, the bar started turning in my hands, and it pulled my back into a weird position. I felt a slight twinge in my lower back, so I dropped the bar as quickly as I could.

Now, a few hours on, my lower back feels awful. I don’t think it’s badly damaged or anything, but it doesn’t feel good at all. 

Thankfully, I was only lifting 100kg, so I don’t imagine the damage is too bad. It would have been way worse if I was lifting more, I think.

Still, this sucks, and I guess I’ll have to take a break from squats and deadlifts for a while. Fuck.


So, here’s my question, what should I do instead? I’ll be switching over to Bulgarian Split Squats instead of regular squats, but are there any decent substitutes for the deadlift that don’t put a lot of pressure onto the lower back? Cheers.


So, here’s my question, what should I do instead? I’ll be switching over to Bulgarian Split Squats instead of regular squats, but are there any decent substitutes for the deadlift that don’t put a lot of pressure onto the lower back? Cheers.

I would personally lay off until it heals. You might try some band pull-throughs as a light posterior chain exercise to see how you respond. But really, I would rest and heal.
I would personally lay off until it heals. You might try some band pull-throughs as a light posterior chain exercise to see how you respond. But really, I would rest and heal.

This is how i feel. At the moment it sounds like you have only done something minor and i wouldn't want to risk making it any worse. Better off laying off until it heals than risk a much worse injury and be out of the game for months.
Oh, how I wish you responded sooner. :(

So I'm back from the gym and here's how it went:

Squats: 110 lbs.
Overhead press: 60 lbs.
Dead lifts: 70 lbs.

Was totally thrilled on the squats. I was worried I wouldn't be able to do it, but I managed to do so LIKE A BOSS. I feel invincible! 8)

Though, I do have to ask. Since all my exercises today dealt with the back muscles in some way, I suppose it's not surprising that it's kind of sore. However, as long as I'm not in any agonizing pain, I shouldn't have to worry about any serious damage, right?

I'm suspecting your pain is related to DOMS. You'll possibly feel even more sore when you wake up the day after (or even two days after) your workout; this is normal. The more you lift and stick with it on a routine basis, the less you'll get this soreness, generally speaking.


So, here’s my question, what should I do instead? I’ll be switching over to Bulgarian Split Squats instead of regular squats, but are there any decent substitutes for the deadlift that don’t put a lot of pressure onto the lower back? Cheers.

I echo the same sentiment above: don't do any of it. Take a break from any type of squats or deadlifts until things have healed up, and then rest a bit longer. It isn't worth the risk.


Damn it. I still don't believe in the OT6 curse, but at least I didn't get hit by a bus (yet).

However, you guys can add me to the disabled list. I'm experiencing numbness in my left pinky and half of my ring finger. I've had this happened a few years ago with my right hand, so I know that my ulnar nerve is either compressed or entrapped.

The difference is that I'm going to take time off from the gym and go to the doctor right away. Last time, I just decided to just tough it out and brush it off as a pinched nerve.


I can probably still do legs and cardio, but I think my body is telling me to take it easy for a bit.
So, I’m pissed.

OT6 strikes twice in 24 hours.

I'll throw an extra 2.5 lb on each side for my squats today for you bros. I think the advice given to twofold is solid; take it easy, rest, recover, don't push yourself and make your injury something more serious. Back injuries are not to be trifled with. Szu has the right idea to try and chill out, see a doc, and then get back into it once he has recovered; hopefully the stuff with your hand isn't on-going, but keep us informed when you hear back from the doc!

Injuries man. Shit sucks. I've been lucky to have only had one or two minor injuries in the first year I started lifting a few years back and have been otherwise A-okay since then.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I told y'all. OT6 is haunted. Get well soon, friends :(


OT6 strikes twice in 24 hours.

I'll throw an extra 2.5 lb on each side for my squats today for you bros. I think the advice given to twofold is solid; take it easy, rest, recover, don't push yourself and make your injury something more serious. Back injuries are not to be trifled with. Szu has the right idea to try and chill out, see a doc, and then get back into it once he has recovered; hopefully the stuff with your hand isn't on-going, but keep us informed when you hear back from the doc!

Injuries man. Shit sucks. I've been lucky to have only had one or two minor injuries in the first year I started lifting a few years back and have been otherwise A-okay since then.

I've made a appointment with the same doctor that worked on my right hand. He specializes on hand surgery but I'm hoping that I can just use PT to resolve this issue. In the meantime, I've researched a bunch of PT exercises that I can try on my own. I've got some minor success as I've gained some feeling back, but we'll see.

Al least it's my left hand, since I'm a rightie, I can still do all the essential stuff.
Damn it. I still don't believe in the OT6 curse, but at least I didn't get hit by a bus (yet).

However, you guys can add me to the disabled list. I'm experiencing numbness in my left pinky and half of my ring finger. I've had this happened a few years ago with my right hand, so I know that my ulnar nerve is either compressed or entrapped.

The difference is that I'm going to take time off from the gym and go to the doctor right away. Last time, I just decided to just tough it out and brush it off as a pinched nerve.


I can probably still do legs and cardio, but I think my body is telling me to take it easy for a bit.

damn how does this happen, anything I should look out for in terms of technique?


I'd recommend adding push-ups and inverted rows to your routine. They are closed chain exercises (moving your body through space) rather than open chain movements such as bench press and will help develop your body's sense of proprioception and co-ordination. I'd also recommend examining your mobility on your left hand side and seeing a professional if need be.
Alright, I'll look into that. But mostly the issue is my left hand is weaker; how much of an issue is that and how can I correct it? Like if I just take a dumbell and do say, bicep curls until failure or something, my right hand can do fine with something light like 10lbs but with my left hand I'll probably have to stop around 15 or so or I'd have to go down to 7.5 to get a similar 'feeling' that I do with my right hand.


damn how does this happen, anything I should look out for in terms of technique?

My guess is that my elbows were probably always prone to this injury. My first injury was a result of a cyst that formed near my ulnar nerve (funny bone). The cyst was probably caused by a bone spur. I've always had a slight numbness in my right pinky for a long time, even before I started working out.

The addition of weight training probably contributed to some of the injury, but it could be a number of other issues (typing, leaning on my elbow for long periods of time, etc.)

As for this new injury, I can almost pinpoint when it happened and probably how it happened too. Last week, my schedule was off a bit so I improvised my workouts. On Fri, I decided to do an all arms day (I've been doing a chest/bi and shoulders/tri split for the past few months). I tried skull crushers again after not doing them for the same amount of time that I've been on this split. It felt fine.

The next day, I went shopping with my wife and, of course, I carried everything. It wasn't even a lot of stuff, but at one point, I felt a slight tweak in my left elbow. Again, I just brushed it off.

The next morning on Sunday, I started to fell a slight numbness in the edge of my left pinky. It steadily increased and, by Monday, the numbness has spread to my whole pinky and half of my ring finger. My other fingers are also slightly affect and my grip is greatly reduced.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
My guess is that my elbows were probably always prone to this injury. My first injury was a result of a cyst that formed near my ulnar nerve (funny bone). The cyst was probably caused by a bone spur. I've always had a slight numbness in my right pinky for a long time, even before I started working out.

The addition of weight training probably contributed to some of the injury, but it could be a number of other issues (typing, leaning on my elbow for long periods of time, etc.)

As for this new injury, I can almost pinpoint when it happened and probably how it happened too. Last week, my schedule was off a bit so I improvised my workouts. On Fri, I decided to do an all arms day (I've been doing a chest/bi and shoulders/tri split for the past few months). I tried skull crushers again after not doing them for the same amount of time that I've been on this split. It felt fine.

The next day, I went shopping with my wife and, of course, I carried everything. It wasn't even a lot of stuff, but at one point, I felt a slight tweak in my left elbow. Again, I just brushed it off.

The next morning on Sunday, I started to fell a slight numbness in the edge of my left pinky. It steadily increased and, by Monday, the numbness has spread to my whole pinky and half of my ring finger. My other fingers are also slightly affect and my grip is greatly reduced.

I would just imagine it's inflammation pushing on the nerve, but I'm not a doctor. I get it sometimes and at one time my entire right leg was numb from an inflamed piriformus (sciatica).

Here's hoping it's nothing major (doubt it is) and you're back in the game in no time.


I would just imagine it's inflammation pushing on the nerve, but I'm not a doctor. I get it sometimes and at one time my entire right leg was numb from an inflamed piriformus (sciatica).

Here's hoping it's nothing major (doubt it is) and you're back in the game in no time.

Thanks, in the meantime, I can always look at the bright side. I can pretty much do The Stranger without sitting on my left hand.
Had a good squattting session for once. Managed to hit 5/5/6 x 265lb (the last set ties for my PR which was done fresh) even though I'm cutting weight at the moment. Not sure if my cut is to blame but was feeling a bit light headed today after every working set which was a bit of bummer though.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Damn, GAFers dropping like flies to injuries, or is it just an excuse now that GTA5 is 2 weeks away?

It's the GHOST (pictured above)

The Fitness Ghost.

Tonight I'll offer two Quest Bars, an On Whey shake, and say three Hail Rippetoes to calm the poltergeist.


I hate how I know I should eat more for gains, but I'm no much more self-conscious about myself now that it's hard to get it done. Doing 5/3/1 and Boring But Big, and clearly you need to eat big on the program, but instead I'm "lead massing" along with IF, eating 1900 kcal on off days and 2600kcal (both "net") on workout days, but I'm making my minimum reps on my 5/3/1 lifts and that's it. Obviously an improvement since I'm doing BBB as well, but I know deep down eating a bit more would let those numbers explode more, but I'm so damn worried about that waistline expansion.

I still plan to up it to 2000/2700kcal, but I know I should eat more on this program, especially since despite being "sedentary" for my job, I'm a nervous fidgeter and am constantly moving, so the numbers are obviously misleading.


Just needed to vent a bit kids.
I hate how I know I should eat more for gains, but I'm no much more self-conscious about myself now that it's hard to get it done. Doing 5/3/1 and Boring But Big, and clearly you need to eat big on the program, but instead I'm "lead massing" along with IF, eating 1900 kcal on off days and 2600kcal (both "net") on workout days, but I'm making my minimum reps on my 5/3/1 lifts and that's it. Obviously an improvement since I'm doing BBB as well, but I know deep down eating a bit more would let those numbers explode more, but I'm so damn worried about that waistline expansion.

I still plan to up it to 2000/2700kcal, but I know I should eat more on this program, especially since despite being "sedentary" for my job, I'm a nervous fidgeter and am constantly moving, so the numbers are obviously misleading.


Just needed to vent a bit kids.

My thoughts.

Losing fat is easier than gaining muscle. Worry about the expanding waistline later if your goal is to get bigger/stronger. Once you reach your goal of what you are looking to lift, then cut your calories and focus on maintenance or whatever. Easier said than done, focus on one goal, can't serve two gods at once, etc etc etc

My belly is expanding and my abs are disappearing and it is hard to look at the mirror at times but in the end, it will all be worth it. Arms are a bit over 17 and if I keep this up, I will hit 18. When I lean out, it will drop in size but I will be bigger. And leaner. And massive.



My thoughts.

Losing fat is easier than gaining muscle. Worry about the expanding waistline later if your goal is to get bigger/stronger. Once you reach your goal of what you are looking to lift, then cut your calories and focus on maintenance or whatever. Easier said than done, focus on one goal, can't serve two gods at once, etc etc etc

I know, and since I got up to 215lbs on my initial SS "bulk" and have gotten back down to 170, I know I can do it easily, I've just become much more self-conscious. Sucks, as I absolutely want to get bigger still at this point, but the idea of a 2100/2800 or 2200/2900 split makes this guy feel fat, even if I know better.


End Livejournal rant.
I know, and since I got up to 215lbs on my initial SS "bulk" and have gotten back down to 170, I know I can do it easily, I've just become much more self-conscious. Sucks, as I absolutely want to get bigger still at this point, but the idea of a 2100/2800 or 2200/2900 split makes this guy feel fat, even if I know better.


End Livejournal rant.

that's why you bulk hard in winter

thicker clothes, rock the beard to hide any thickening of the cheeks, etc.
I'm aiming for 275-280 on my next bulk, starting weight will be around 220.

Might bulk for a full year.....

My man!

And I thought 260 lbs was pushing it for me. Now I'm motivated and confident to hit that number by the end of the year.

Awww yiss.


My man!

And I thought 260 lbs was pushing it for me. Now I'm motivated and confident to hit that number by the end of the year.

Awww yiss.
Yeahhhhh buddddddy

The Ultimate Diet 2.0 has made me re-discover my passion for food, and those bodyrecomp calculators say my final form at 11% body fat would be 248lbs. Not that I'll ever come even close to that without gear, but I'd love to be in the 230-235 range at 11-12%.

I was 264lbs in the upper teens, so I think 275-280lbs is possible since I'm much stronger now.


that's why you bulk hard in winter

thicker clothes, rock the beard to hide any thickening of the cheeks, etc.

Some of us are 27 and barely grow the facial hair of a 14 year old.

I know better. Boring But Big requires a large amount of calorie consumption, I'm just paranoid. Shit sucks.

Tell me it's ok to eat 3000kcal a day GAF!


Some of us are 27 and barely grow the facial hair of a 14 year old.

I know better. Boring But Big requires a large amount of calorie consumption, I'm just paranoid. Shit sucks.

Tell me it's ok to eat 3000kcal a day GAF!

It's only ok if you have a donut or two here and there.


It's only ok if you have a donut or two here and there.

My type 1 diabetes says no.

But my body says yes.

I ate this last week:


That's a bacon cheeseburger with donuts for buns, that I then took to have battered and deep fried.

It was like a McGriddle mixed with a pig in a blanket.



My type 1 diabetes says no.

But my body says yes.

I ate this last week:


That's a bacon cheeseburger with donuts for buns, that I then took to have battered and deep fried.

It was like a McGriddle mixed with a pig in a blanket.


By the gods...........
Yeahhhhh buddddddy

The Ultimate Diet 2.0 has made me re-discover my passion for food, and those bodyrecomp calculators say my final form at 11% body fat would be 248lbs. Not that I'll ever come even close to that without gear, but I'd love to be in the 230-235 range at 11-12%.

I was 264lbs in the upper teens, so I think 275-280lbs is possible since I'm much stronger now.

I'm pretty sure when it is all said and done, I will be 260/265 at around 22 ish. If I can cut down to like 235 @ 14%, I will be hyped.

Some of us are 27 and barely grow the facial hair of a 14 year old.

I know better. Boring But Big requires a large amount of calorie consumption, I'm just paranoid. Shit sucks.

Tell me it's ok to eat 3000kcal a day GAF!

eat eat eat
Losing fat is easier than gaining muscle.

Eh i agree to a point. Obviously gaining muscle is a longer slower process than losing weight. Having said that i love food and going on a diet that really restricts my calorie intake would just suck for me. That makes me a little hesitant to have to lose too much weight at the end of a bulk (not that weight has ever been an issue for me).

Damn, GAFers dropping like flies to injuries, or is it just an excuse now that GTA5 is 2 weeks away?

I've been very lucky with injuries in my life. Always played a ton of sport, and really physical ones at that and i've basically never been injured.


My type 1 diabetes says no.

But my body says yes.

I ate this last week:


That's a bacon cheeseburger with donuts for buns, that I then took to have battered and deep fried.

It was like a McGriddle mixed with a pig in a blanket.


The only way to top this would be to make this monstrosity.


My type 1 diabetes says no.

But my body says yes.

I ate this last week:


That's a bacon cheeseburger with donuts for buns, that I then took to have battered and deep fried.

It was like a McGriddle mixed with a pig in a blanket.


I want it. I want it willingly.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
There's got to be some kind of catch to Trader Joe's peanut butter. It's too fucking good.


Moving on to Greyskull...

Just thinking out loud here FitGaF, any input welcome. Here is a comparison shot of me:

On the left I weigh about 172, on the right 185. In between I bulked up to 202 on Starting Strength and cut from there. I'd guess I'm around low to mid teens in the 185 lb picture.

So during SS I focused on my squat disproportionately. I was doing 350 3x5 at one point and it took so much out of me that my other lifts suffered. So now I'm looking to balance my upper body with my lower. I think Greyskull will help with that. Bench and Press as primary lifts... curls, chins and harness.. then squat and DL at the end. I will throw in dips somewhere too because I want to... my arms are kinda sad.

Any thoughts, criticisms, or positive reinforcement welcome.


Alright, I'm going to up the calories per day by 100 this week, see how I feel each workout, and then go up by another 100 each week based on my lifts and such.

I think the biggest issue is simply that these calculators for "sedentary" don't accoutn for how much I simply move throughout my day, even if its just sitting on an exercise ball instead of a chair while I play video games at home.


Cheap protein incoming. 3lbs of syntha-6 for $22

Chocolate Peanut Butter



Today went better, the guy that was following me last time wasn't at the gym and two other trainers helped me. I immediately told the first one that I wanted to start doing squats, a minute later I was in front of him trying with just the bar. This is what I did today:

Bench press
Lat pull down
Lateral raise

At the end they said that they didn't want to rush things, mostly because I wasn't exactly active before this week.


If I can cut down to like 235 @ 14%, I will be hyped.

eat eat eat

I'm aiming for right around the same weight, lets get it!

I can't even imagine

are you looking to be competition level?

Nope, just trying to be big & strong for no reason, before I started my cut diet I wanted to be built like NFL linebackers and now that I'm approaching the goal weight I'm aiming for that again.

If I can achieve a build similar to Jon Beason I'd be happy, I'm an inch taller and he's 235lbs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9OQ3tjPsL0 I'll never have traps like that but my chest is already there.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Today went better, the guy that was following me last time wasn't at the gym and two other trainers helped me. I immediately told the first one that I wanted to start doing squats, a minute later I was in front of him trying with just the bar. This is what I did today:

Bench press
Lat pull down
Lateral raise

At the end they said that they didn't want to rush things, mostly because I wasn't exactly active before this week.

Sounds FAR better now. Good!
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