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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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I commend you for your eating discipline. 6000 calories a day, woah, I am happy when I reach 2500, which is supposedly the right ammount for me on a bulk

let's see how things look in October 2014... I wonder what my numbers will be.[/QUOTE]

When I began an average day went like this:

6 strips of bacon with 4 eggs

a 600 or so calorie shake

chicken and rice

another shake

like 2 lbs of cashews (nuts are the easiest way to oost calorie intake for me, or peanut butter)

tilapia and more rice

1/2 lb of ground beef mixed with rice

Holy shit was I eating a lot. I'm like Cooter and never truly feel full though. I have to stop eating rather than be full.

Feel free to enjoy an OCD account of everything I have eaten for the last 500 or so days.



LOL this is sadly probably true

No joke, I once saw five (yes five) teens walk straight up to the dumbbells and start curling away. Then they all preacher curled followed by hammer curled and then left. They were wearing jeans and golf shirts/graphic ts.

I REALLY wish I knew about the awkward gym moments webpage. I would have taped and submitted it in a heart beat.

So humbling.

He probably squat more than most folks do with two legs.


the piano man
Regarding awkward gym moments, the one thing that makes me laugh all time is seeing certain women use the adductor/abductor machines.

I always want to chime in and say " hey girls, would you like some cookies and coffee while you do your 100-reps per set? I can bring it to you "

/sad brofist.

it is okay, the ladies still love us


I've never seen this before LOL

Handle less weight because on a high bar squat you generally hit rock bottom, 5" for me in oly shoes, so 4" from my heels vs 16-18" on a toilet squat.There are plenty of oly lifters surpassing the most elite PLs with raw full squats, so stop with the heavy weight can't be handled.

Also that pic is terrible considering depth which is the whole point of high bar full squats and front squats...lol

Here's an ECG study that shows a 7%+ difference.

"The effect of back squat depth on the EMG activity of 4 superficial hip and thigh muscles

The purpose of this study was to measure the relative contributions of 4 hip and thigh muscles while performing squats at 3 depths. Ten experienced lifters performed randomized trials of squats at partial, parallel, and full depths, using 100-125% of body weight as resistance. Electromyographic (EMG) surface electrodes were placed on the vastus medialis (VMO), the vastus lateralis, (VL), the biceps femoris (BF), and the gluteus maximus (GM). EMG data were quantified by integration and expressed as a percentage of the total electrical activity of the 4 muscles. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey post hoc tests indicated a significant difference (p < 0.001*, p = 0.056**) in the relative contribution of the GM during the concentric phases among the partial- (16.9%*), parallel- (28.0%**), and full-depth (35.4%*) squats. There were no significant differences between the relative contributions of the BF, the VMO, and the VL at different squatting depths during this phase. The results suggest that the GM, rather than the BF, the VMO, or the VL, becomes more active in concentric contraction as squat depth increases."

This. And many raw powerlifters are increasing the amount of high bar squats in their training. Eg. see Chad Wesley Smith from Juggernaut Training. He has a raw squat of 905lbs and calls oly lifters the best squatters in the world.

Using examples of elite strength athletes don't serve your point very well. Elite powerlifters (even raw) usually also squat more than they deadlift, while for any novice this would be the opposite.

The study compares different depths of the same type of squat (high-bar probably) but does not compare low-bar with high-bar. It basically only proves the simple point that hip extensor activity is determined by the amount of hip flexion (or hip angle) observed in the movement, since a deeper squat produces a more closed hip angle.

So sure, if you would compare an ass to grass high-bar with a just below parallel low-bar, glute activity might be comparable, since hip angle might be comparable. But I don't see how you could argue anything beyond that.

Thanks for all the info as I've never really thought about this before. It has always been low-bar squat to just squat. Now that I'm specifically trying to get my deadlift up, I know that my posterior chain needs to be stronger and I want to work on exercises that focuses on that. From what I have read, it is better to stick with low-bar squats but eventually, I would like to try more high-bar, box squats, etc when I want to focus on a stronger squat.

More info:

Low Bar vs High Bar Squatting
Squatting and Weightlifting
Squatting and Powerlifting


Regarding awkward gym moments, the one thing that makes me laugh all time is seeing certain women use the adductor/abductor machines.

I always want to chime in and say " hey girls, would you like some cookies and coffee while you do your 100-reps per set? I can bring it to you "

Yes, even worse, I've seen some of them only move like 1/4 the motion.


I find Friday, Saturday and Sunday are all pretty similar. Love working out on the weekend as it's always close to empty whatever time you go.

Looks like I will have to adjust my workout days and get them in on the weekends. My wife is a teacher and a coach. She starts teaching again this coming week as well as coaching so I will be picking up our son from daycare and taking care of him until she gets home. Then it's double parent time so not really time to workout like I normally do which is a Monday, Wednesday and Friday routine. I will maybe do cardio early in the mornings...maybe, and then do my heavy lifting routines at the gym on the weekends.
I found saturday afternoon is a great time for the gym. I usually will play ball, but if i miss a workout i'll lift instead.

I mean, it is a Saturday afternoon, but I wake up at 7am on the weekends anyways so I have plenty of time to get other shit done.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
Disappointed in my progess this week. Only down 1.4lbs this week 12.6 total with 55.6lbs left to go. Didn't change my diet or workout so I'm not sure why I didn't drop as much. Did have a lot of sodium yesterday so maybe that has to do with it.
Recommend me the best one without sucralose (gives the wife upset stomach and she wants to try them too).

Also I am on Team Friday-is-Bench-Day as well, heading over around 3-4 pm.

in no particular order, my "good" questbar flavors -
cookie dough
apple pie
cinnamon roll
chocolate brownie
strawberry cheesecake
white chocolate raspberry
banana nut muffin
peanut butter and jelly

we really should do a vote/poll on quest bars and create a gaf tier list


Disappointed in my progess this week. Only down 1.4lbs this week 12.6 total with 55.6lbs left to go. Didn't change my diet or workout so I'm not sure why I didn't drop as much. Did have a lot of sodium yesterday so maybe that has to do with it.

That's still pretty good, I have been stalled out for a month. How long have you been at it?


Should I work out if I have a minor cold? My friend is coming to the gym as well so I'll have a partner. I don't want to miss the first Friday of Omar Isuf's beginner routine :( no runny nose, and a minor cough if I don't drink water.


Should I work out if I have a minor cold? My friend is coming to the gym as well so I'll have a partner. I don't want to miss the first Friday of Omar Isuf's beginner routine :( no runny nose, and a minor cough if I don't drink water.

Whenever I have any type of cold, I don't just think about my performance, but I also take into account that I'm also contagious.


Nice! Are you taking apple cider vinegar shots like he recommends?

Yeah I had a mix of vinegar/lemon juice and water earlier, will drink more with my bagels. I don't think I'm going to hit the 1400g carb mark though, I'm inhaling food and still a ways off from that total.

LOL Szu, you're an underrated comedian in here.
Damn it feels good, hit a new PR for my deadlifts and broke the 200lbs barrier! Hit 205lbs and did 3 sets of 2-3 reps. Oh yea! Form was good, one of the trainers was watching me.


Time to check in to Fit-GAF

Prior to this year, I'd never done any kind of fitness/gym/workout. Used to be skinny as a kid, but in the last decade I've been putting on weight. Turned 40 last August, and decided that it was time to get fitter. I also ski in the winter and love it, but was struggling to ski a whole day (or even sometimes 4 hours) without getting exhausted.

So I had two separate motivations - get healthy generally and get healthy to be able to ski blacks all winter.

So in January, i was 211lb, and I'm 5'10". Wasn't pleased with how I looked and decided it was time for a change. I had a gym membership purely to use the pool, and decided to kick start something.

Started static bike and rowing machine at the gym 3 times a week for about 60 minutes total each time. Kept it up until May and kept a log of my times on the bike and could see that I was improving.

In January, a particular route on the bike would take me 31 minutes, and have a high average heart rate. By May, the same route would take 24 minutes and a lower average heart rate.

I decided that it was time to look at all the other gear in the gym as I'd just been doing cardio. My wife used to run marathons and trained every day (until a medical issue intervened), so she knew I needed to add more than just cardio, and I signed up for a once-a-week training session to learn how to use everything.

From May, I've been meeting my trainer once a week to do strength/rep training, and then doing two more strength/rep sessions on my own (various routines put together by my trainer). Kept up cardio via bike riding outdoors (26 miles each weekend the last 3 weekends).

I'm now at

Age: 41
Height: 5'10"
Goal:no specific weight goal
Current Training Schedule:3 x str/rep a week and cardio
Current Training Equipment Available: full gym + bike and bike trails
Comments:last Body Fat measurements was 21.9% at middle of July - down from 23.1% at the middle of May. Next measurement due at mid Sept.

I'm loving the difference it's made both physically and mentally. Feed the best I have for a long long time (15 years). Had to throw out all my old jeans as they were too big, and working on throwing out most of the rest of my wardrobe. People have noticed the difference and been amazed (I saw a load of friends last December, then again a few weeks ago and they couldn't believe it).

Looking forward to seeing the improvement on the ski slopes and I look forward to the training sessions, rather than dread them. Decided to have a look in Fit-GAF to share my story. A lot of what's discussed here is a bit above me, the terminology is odd, and I'm going to rely on my trainer until the end of the year to set my programme.

tl;dr: getting fit rocks, best thing I've done in the last decade


Time to check in to Fit-GAF

Prior to this year, I'd never done any kind of fitness/gym/workout. Used to be skinny as a kid, but in the last decade I've been putting on weight. Turned 40 last August, and decided that it was time to get fitter. I also ski in the winter and love it, but was struggling to ski a whole day (or even sometimes 4 hours) without getting exhausted.

So I had two separate motivations - get healthy generally and get healthy to be able to ski blacks all winter.

So in January, i was 211lb, and I'm 5'10". Wasn't pleased with how I looked and decided it was time for a change. I had a gym membership purely to use the pool, and decided to kick start something.

Started static bike and rowing machine at the gym 3 times a week for about 60 minutes total each time. Kept it up until May and kept a log of my times on the bike and could see that I was improving.

In January, a particular route on the bike would take me 31 minutes, and have a high average heart rate. By May, the same route would take 24 minutes and a lower average heart rate.

I decided that it was time to look at all the other gear in the gym as I'd just been doing cardio. My wife used to run marathons and trained every day (until a medical issue intervened), so she knew I needed to add more than just cardio, and I signed up for a once-a-week training session to learn how to use everything.

From May, I've been meeting my trainer once a week to do strength/rep training, and then doing two more strength/rep sessions on my own (various routines put together by my trainer). Kept up cardio via bike riding outdoors (26 miles each weekend the last 3 weekends).

I'm now at

Age: 41
Height: 5'10"
Goal:no specific weight goal
Current Training Schedule:3 x str/rep a week and cardio
Current Training Equipment Available: full gym + bike and bike trails
Comments:last Body Fat measurements was 21.9% at middle of July - down from 23.1% at the middle of May. Next measurement due at mid Sept.

I'm loving the difference it's made both physically and mentally. Feed the best I have for a long long time (15 years). Had to throw out all my old jeans as they were too big, and working on throwing out most of the rest of my wardrobe. People have noticed the difference and been amazed (I saw a load of friends last December, then again a few weeks ago and they couldn't believe it).

Looking forward to seeing the improvement on the ski slopes and I look forward to the training sessions, rather than dread them. Decided to have a look in Fit-GAF to share my story. A lot of what's discussed here is a bit above me, the terminology is odd, and I'm going to rely on my trainer until the end of the year to set my programme.

tl;dr: getting fit rocks, best thing I've done in the last decade

Cool story, congrats to your success!!! I also hope your wife feels better.


Yeah I had a mix of vinegar/lemon juice and water earlier, will drink more with my bagels. I don't think I'm going to hit the 1400g carb mark though, I'm inhaling food and still a ways off from that total.

LOL Szu, you're an underrated comedian in here.

I'm the court jester of FitGaf.


Getting pumped about today's SS workout to finish off the week. I usually do it in the a.m., but I had to move it to after work. Thanks to Fit-GAF for pointing me to this routine. It really is something else.

I think a lot of newcomers or people who are coming back into weightlifting after a long hiatus (like myself) may have a hard time grasping it at first that something like this can do so much for them. Just fucking do it, people, just fucking do it....

You will get results.

Nelo Ice

Yeah, when first starting, it doesn't make sense. I'm only doing what? No way this works.

The results speak for themselves.

Yup they really do. And for that matter my cousin thought the same thing wait that's the workout that's it?. Then one day after the workout he was like I need 2 days rest and he has felt better doing SS even though he hasn't been going to the gym consistently.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
This is what 34 looks like biatches!!! Happy birthday to me!


Age aint nuttin but a number!!
Everyone has to start somewhere!


Gonna make some wings and pizza tonight while watching some indy wrestling. 255 lbs here I come.


So today I had some time left over after my routine and tried the Rippetoe endorsed shrug (barbell on the pins, then up as if to do a power clean and back down). To be honest I couldn't really feel it. Maybe the weight was wrong but I'll keep working on that. On Wednesday used the easy bar for the lying tricep extension. Certainly doing those again, maybe in-between squats. They felt great.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
holy shit.

you look amazing.

fucking beast. jealous but at the same time, super motivated.

Seriously dood, fucking fantastic. also HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

Thanks brotha! Only crappy thing about my 30's so far is the relentless attack of my grey hairs!


This is what 34 looks like biatches!!! Happy birthday to me!


Age aint nuttin but a number!!

Happy Birthday and awesome as always, Cooter!!! I hope you devour whatever tasty cheat foods on this glorious day.

Oh and be careful, but there's a kid behind you. Don't make any sudden moves.
Getting pumped about today's SS workout to finish off the week. I usually do it in the a.m., but I had to move it to after work. Thanks to Fit-GAF for pointing me to this routine. It really is something else.

I think a lot of newcomers or people who are coming back into weightlifting after a long hiatus (like myself) may have a hard time grasping it at first that something like this can do so much for them. Just fucking do it, people, just fucking do it....

You will get results.

Yeah people find it counterintuitive that absolute beginners can progress the fastest. I guess if other skills had numbers attached to them people might notice that everything works that way.

Like, a master musician might need to practice obsessively for ages to see the tiniest improvement on his technique cause its already so good, but a kid who plays guitar for the first time can learn a brand new technique every week for a while. Its just that people don't realize the speed of progress there cause a kid who's been playing guitar for a few months still sounds like crap, while a new lifter on a few months of ss moves weight that can be pants-shitting to an untrained person.
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