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Fitness |OT6| Defying gravity, Quest madness, and Muscle Shaming

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Losing weight may be what you want to start with to keep the possibility and risk of injury down. Maybe drop 30, 40 lbs and by then you'll be antsy to start lifting and from a beginner's perspective, I recommend Starting Strength routine in the OP as well as keeping your diet in check.

Focusing on diet first is a good way to start to build discipline as well.

Should I just keep doing P90 (the original)? It definitely gives me a workout, but I'm worried I'll have that skinny fat look again.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Should I just keep doing P90 (the original)? It definitely gives me a workout, but I'm worried I'll have that skinny fat look again.

If it doesn't burn you out, it won't hurt. Losing weight is all about the diet though, so if you end up dying to eat like dogshit due to you being tired or worn out, you may have to make some choices.
If it doesn't burn you out, it won't hurt. Losing weight is all about the diet though, so if you end up dying to eat like dogshit due to you being tired or worn out, you may have to make some choices.

My diet is pretty solid at the moment. I lost a ton of weight before (70 pounds) through diet and walking. It just left me looking like a deflated human.

I really appreciate the advice.
Took a week off and had a few cheat days and I actually feel much shittier than when I was grinding out lifts every other day. Much less energy, worse allergies, etc. The muscle soreness I was experiencing was nothing compared to how lethargic I feel right now.

fuck that

back on the grind, expecting my energy to really pick up after hitting the weights again this evening

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
My diet is pretty solid at the moment. I lost a ton of weight before (70 pounds) through diet and walking. It just left me looking like a deflated human.

I really appreciate the advice.

Dope. You'll be able to do it again then, and at that point, once you've got a good base, your mobility will be up and you can safely do the SS routine in the OP and start gettin STRONK.


Hah, that's blocked as adult/pornography at my work.

From what I remember when I glanced at it yesterday, it doesn't let you choose method. This one does even if the interface isn't so great.


Dear god

Watching this video made me twitch in pain and discomfort :(





Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
God I wish I could do this, My DL is only at 230 with a squat of 315ish.

You'll get there. You're on the Muscle Train. We've left the station. Feel free to unbuckle your weight belt and get swole.

Choo Choo + Flex


Junior Member
Thanks to better eating, lots of cardio/resistance training, I've dropped about 40 pounds over the last 4 months or so. Now, I've setup a free weight gym in my garage and I'd like to lose another 10 or 15 as well as building on some bulk to look all badass in my old age. Here are the answers to the OP's list of questions:

Age: 42
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 210
Goal: 195
Current Training Schedule: Weights 3 days a week/ 1 hour per day
Current Training Equipment Available: various olympic barbells, dumbells, weights, curling barbell, and a "Surge Bench"
Comments: I use Quest Bars and Some protien shake powder I got from GNC in the mornings after a work out.

The thing I need to know is about how many calories should I be taking in? About how much weight should I be working with? And I'm also unclear about whether I should alternate working out different parts of my body every day or work out every other day and do a comprehensive full-body workout. My body type is mesomorph, btw.

Your help is greatly appreciated.

I kid!

Just because I do push-ups with her on my back and she does squats with me on her back and we exclusively refer to each other as "baby" or "baby cakes" and we have matching outfits and she slaps me on the butt after every rep when I deadlift does not mean we look silly! She even agrees!
Fuuuuck, stomach issues, need to go see a doctor about this - haven't been able to sleep the last couple of days.

Damn you FitGhost!

Thanks to better eating, lots of cardio/resistance training, I've dropped about 40 pounds over the last 4 months or so. Now, I've setup a free weight gym in my garage and I'd like to lose another 10 or 15 as well as building on some bulk to look all badass in my old age. Here are the answers to the OP's list of questions:

Age: 42
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 210
Goal: 195
Current Training Schedule: Weights 3 days a week/ 1 hour per day
Current Training Equipment Available: various olympic barbells, dumbells, weights, curling barbell, and a "Surge Bench"
Comments: I use Quest Bars and Some protien shake powder I got from GNC in the mornings after a work out.

The thing I need to know is about how many calories should I be taking in? About how much weight should I be working with? And I'm also unclear about whether I should alternate working out different parts of my body every day or work out every other day and do a comprehensive full-body workout. My body type is mesomorph, btw.

Your help is greatly appreciated.


I used teh following calculator, and it looks like you should consume about 2.1k calories a day (that's on a -10% deficit, which will be slow, but make you less prone to pack on the weight after you've reached your target).
Follow the full-body workout in the OP for best results, which combined with a minor calorie deficit should also result in some strength gains.
When doing a reverse-grip DL, which hand should I reverse? My strong hand or my weak hand? If it's the latter, I'm going to feel very stupid.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
GTA V + Shoulder Injury + Knee Injury = Good-Bye Gainz

At least it's a fun goodbye, you'll be back before you know it! Oh I gotta make sure it's in Vince's voice.


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Yknow, I bet the clients are half of the reason trainers give no fucks and make people do insane shit. I know customers in any profession can drive people insane, but it could just be a wonderful, cruel form of torture to see what kind of shit you can make someone do, and pay for it. And thank you after.


Junior Member
Fuuuuck, stomach issues, need to go see a doctor about this - haven't been able to sleep the last couple of days.

Damn you FitGhost!


I used teh following calculator, and it looks like you should consume about 2.1k calories a day (that's on a -10% deficit, which will be slow, but make you less prone to pack on the weight after you've reached your target).
Follow the full-body workout in the OP for best results, which combined with a minor calorie deficit should also result in some strength gains.
Thanks, I'll give it a try. Any guidance about my other questions, like how much I should be lifting, etc?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Thanks, I'll give it a try. Any guidance about my other questions, like how much I should be lifting, etc?

Start SUPER LOW and work your way up. Get yourself a schedule on how you're going to progress and stick to it. What you think you can lift? Chop that in half and each workout, raise the weights by a small amount. You've got time. You'll get to the right spot very quickly.


When doing a reverse-grip DL, which hand should I reverse? My strong hand or my weak hand? If it's the latter, I'm going to feel very stupid.

If the weight is so heavy that you can only lift it with a mixed grip, it is your weaker had that should be underhanded.

I recommend using standard double overhand grip for all your sets except for your heavy work sets.

God I wish I could do this, My DL is only at 230 with a squat of 315ish.

This is very odd. Are you sure you are squatting to at least parallel (femur parallel to the floor)?
Dear god

Watching this video made me twitch in pain and discomfort :(



I like how the guy at around 3:30 uses his belly as a resting point for the bar - I need to learn that technique! At my crossfit gym they only teach doing cleans, push jerks and stuff like that, in the vein of Rippletoe.
Being at a proper crossfit gym, the general attitude towards crossfit in this thread annoys me a bit, but I must admit that the GIFs amusing :)
If the weight is so heavy that you can only lift it with a mixed grip, it is your weaker had that should be underhanded.

I recommend using standard double overhand grip for all your sets except for your heavy work sets.

Cool, thanks--it sounds like I should switch hands, then. I should keep a double-overhand grip for all of my warm-up sets?


Yes, you'll always be able to lift more weight back squatting and thus you'll get stronger. Back squats use much more musculature and are not limited by upper back strength like front squats. It doesn't really have anything to do with powerlifting, it's just that the back squat is probably the best exercise in the world for building strength. That's why it's at the center of every strength training program and why pretty much everyone who participates in any athletic activity should do back squats (with some exceptions like marathon runners and stuff like that).

When training for strength movements that utilize the most amount of muscle mass over the longest ROM are always preferable. That's why we prefer the flat bench to the incline bench, or why we prefer the OHP to the seated barbell press or why we prefer deadlifts to RDLs and rack pulls. And that's why we prefer back squats to front squats.

I mean front squats are a fantastic exercise but unless you are training the Olympic lifts they should be secondary to back squats.
Thanks, yeah you're right, I'll probably do Back Squats on one of the lower body days. I really enjoy doing Front Squats tho, I feel much more comfortable than doing BS.


Cool, thanks--it sounds like I should switch hands, then. I should keep a double-overhand grip for all of my warm-up sets?

Yes. Mixed grip should be reserved only for when it's warranted; i.e, when the weight is so heavy you won't be able to lift it otherwise.


What the fuck? What are they attempting? Are they trying to do OHP's while cleaning from the ground or are they doing clean and jerks?

Straight scary

It's a legit lift. It's a variation of the Axle Clean and Jerk. It's just being do very poorly.


Getting Stronggger

Feeling good, deadlifts went well yesterday. Finally feeling strength returning.

Bloated as shit though from all the food I'm eating.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Getting Stronggger

Feeling good, deadlifts went well yesterday. Finally feeling strength returning.

Bloated as shit though from all the food I'm eating.

It'll even out. Glad you're back as a part of the unstoppable machine that is Fit-GAF!


What the fuck? What are they attempting? Are they trying to do OHP's while cleaning from the ground or are they doing clean and jerks?

Straight scary

I like how the guy at around 3:30 uses his belly as a resting point for the bar - I need to learn that technique! At my crossfit gym they only teach doing cleans, push jerks and stuff like that, in the vein of Rippletoe.
Being at a proper crossfit gym, the general attitude towards crossfit in this thread annoys me a bit, but I must admit that the GIFs amusing :)

They are trying to do axel bar cleans which is a legit strong man exercise. They just look goofy as hell doing it.

Here is a beast doing it


Captain, you are the second Crossfit person I've met to call him "Rippletoe"

Is that like universal Crossfit speak or something?
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