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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Alright GAF I need some help like serious..
I got a fitness abo untill june 2015 but I'm scared to go there.. I get the feeling I'm constantly being watched and/or laughed at..

You're not. And if some roid head does, fuck him, you have as much right to be there as him.

I started with no strength and no visible arm muscles, and had to do my lifts on the non-Olympic bars. Only took a month to work up to the bar and I've got visible muscles now. I'm nowhere near as strong as the rest of the thread but they've been just as helpful and welcoming to me as if I was putting up huge numbers.

I can carry giant bags of dog food into the house now, no problem, and that used to be an ordeal. You'll get there. Start today!


About 7-4 typically.

Yeah Bowser, price is my major factor on cottage cheese.

Hmm, if I can get a similar schedule at the job I'm supposed to start in September, I might give your style of diet a go. The schedule at my previous job just wrecked my diet and workouts, it was 1pm-11pm.


Slayer of Combofiends
Yams, get out of squat position right away.


Thanks for looking out Sean, will start doing the correct position once I start lifting tomorrow.

I just wrapped up a diet myself so I'm still a bit on edge :p My point stands though, anyone can tell you ice cream is "safe" (whatever that means) to eat but it won't change the ingredients or what's on the label.

A lot of people will ask for advice, but what they really want is affirmation, and they'll just keep on asking until they hear what they want.


Guys, I want a good protein bar to make up for some protein I wouldn't be able to make up in a day but I hate it when it has so much sugar in it... Not much of a fan of sweet things, I even hate honey. Anybody got a recommendation?
I'm curious as to what your daily diet consists of. You obviously have a solid handle on what and what not do do.
My typical day is this:

1 cup oats, protein shake -- 450 cal
1 cup brown rice, 2 chicken breasts - depends on chicken breasts but usually around 600-800 cals
Preworkout protein shake, apple with peanut butter -- 350 cal
2 chicken breasts -- 600-800 cal
Almonds/PB/shake snack -- 150-300

Veggies are included in the larger meals (chicken), I just don't count their macros for obvious reasons.

I don't limit myself to just chicken, brown rice, veggies, and oatmeal. That's just what I prefer to eat. I substitute appropriately with eggs, sweet potatoes, popcorn (yes plain popcorn is good), lean beef, fish, pork.

So on a cut I get around like 2400-2800 calories depending on how I eat, which is right there at about a 400-700 cal deficit. Sometimes more than that. I don't like adjusting food intake on long term cuts because it sucks to encourage yourself to eat 100-200 cal less than you have been. So my deficit may be larger at the start.

Shit varies day by day depending on how busy I am or what I'm hungry for. Sometimes I ditch the oats in the morning and just have a shake with 2 scoops of whey.

Also, I have a cheat meal like every week. Sometimes it spills over into large cheats that are bad, but never really seem to hurt my progress. Early on in cuts I try not to cheat big or often, maybe 1-2 meals a month.

Cheats I have:
Thin crust pizza w/ light cheese and whatever topping (I don't go crazy)
Candy bars
"Refeeding" -- so just eating more of what I usually eat.
Chinese very very occasionally, lol.

The key is that I allow myself that option if I have a craving or something arises (social life) that causes me to eat bad. Keeps me sane, and overall just makes cheating a whole lot less evil than people make it out to be.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Alright GAF I need some help like serious..
I got a fitness abo untill june 2015 but I'm scared to go there.. I get the feeling I'm constantly being watched and/or laughed at.. I'm a very weak person in terms or muscles my arms are very thin even thinner than most girls arms who don't do any fitness. I just feel so insecure there and it sucks cause I want to get some muscles, not only for the looks but also because I had a back operation when I was younger and I need more muscles if I ever need to do some real work cause now it's just not possible..
Any help..? sorry if I sound desperate (but I am :'()

Once upon a time I was a twig who couldn't even do knee pushups. And then I became morbidly obese and couldn't climb a flight of stairs without turning purple and wanting to die. It took losing a human being's worth of weight and then an additional year of negatives and stepping on resistance bands before I could finally do the triviality of an unassisted pullup. If I had cared constantly about what the guy next to me was doing I would have felt like absolute shit 24/7 and never would have gotten anywhere. Some people have great genetics, some people have been working at it for a long time and may have even started somewhere similar. It doesn't matter. Those people aren't you. You are you, and you're starting where you are.

Fuck what other people think, and fuck what other people are doing. This is your journey. Every step you take is a step closer to your goals and a boost in your confidence. Just do it.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Hmm, if I can get a similar schedule at the job I'm supposed to start in September, I might give your style of diet a go. The schedule at my previous job just wrecked my diet and workouts, it was 1pm-11pm.

I'm not sure how I'd structure my day with those hours. That's rough. Probably toss IF all together.


I've been messing around with IF for a week or so now and I think I might do this for a while. Feel pretty full all day by trying to cram all my meals into an 8-hour window. I tend to workout in the morning so I've made my window 8am-4pm starting with a shake immediately following my morning workout. After 4pm I just have a shit ton of water and some diet soda, go to bed around 11pm, and start over again.


Once upon a time I was a twig who couldn't even do knee pushups. And then I became morbidly obese and couldn't climb a flight of stairs without turning purple and wanting to die. It took losing a human being's worth of weight and then an additional year of negatives and stepping on resistance bands before I could finally do the triviality of an unassisted pullup. If I had cared constantly about what the guy next to me was doing I would have felt like absolute shit 24/7 and never would have gotten anywhere. Some people have great genetics, some people have been working at it for a long time and may have even started somewhere similar. It doesn't matter. Those people aren't you. You are you, and you're starting where you are.

Fuck what other people think, and fuck what other people are doing. This is your journey. Every step you take is a step closer to your goals and a boost in your confidence. Just do it.

Brilliant. Always loved your story.

Although would like to add you don't even have to worry what other people are thinking, because they're so wrapped up in themselves (workout/life etc..) that they are not thinking about you believe it or not. Heck when resting between sets I observe (not stare) at the others working out around me but it doesn't mean I'm judging them. It means nothing.


Brilliant. Always loved your story.

Although would like to add you don't even have to worry what other people are thinking, because they're so wrapped up in themselves (workout/life etc..) that they are not thinking about you believe it or not. Heck when resting between sets I observe (not stare) at the others working out around me but it doesn't mean I'm judging them. It means nothing.

Same. The only people I judge are the ones doing smith machine deadlifts (happens more often than you'd think...).


Alright GAF I need some help like serious..
I got a fitness abo untill june 2015 but I'm scared to go there.. I get the feeling I'm constantly being watched and/or laughed at.. I'm a very weak person in terms or muscles my arms are very thin even thinner than most girls arms who don't do any fitness. I just feel so insecure there and it sucks cause I want to get some muscles, not only for the looks but also because I had a back operation when I was younger and I need more muscles if I ever need to do some real work cause now it's just not possible..
Any help..? sorry if I sound desperate (but I am :'()

You probably will be watched, and yes maybe even laughed. How do i know? Well, they did the same to me.
And now these clowns come up to me asking for help.
So here's what the fuck you do. You get your ass in the gym, fuck shit up and leave without giving a fuck about what they say/think.
Trust me, it's for the best.


I can join in with my current diet.

Meal 1 (10.30)
1 slice sourdough bread
50g roastbeef
2 eggs

Meal 2 (13.30)
1 slice sourdough bread
120g chicken
1 tbs salmon oil

Pre-workout (14:45)
400g fruit in blender (or 4dl fruit juice)

Meal 3 (17:00)
150g chicken breast
130g rice
30g unpasteurized cheese

Meal 3 (21:00)
250g chicken breast
150g rice
30g unpasteurized cheese
15g unpasteurized butter
20g dark chocolate (min 80% cocoa)

This gives me in the ballpark of 320g carbs, 170g proteins, 70g fat – ca 2600kcal.

I eat this for 4 days out of the week, i have 2 low days (non workout days) where i eat the same foods just less and end up around 100g carbs, 170g proteins, 50g fat – ca 1500kcal. My day 7 is my refeed day, so i eat 3 light meals and then i just let it rip and eat whatever i feel like.

I follow the principles of Biorythm dieting as described by Børge Fagerli (who is also my coach) here - http://forum.reactivetrainingsystems.com/content.php?108-The-Biorhythm-Diet

Im 189cm, 87-88kg with sub 10% bodyfat. I have (way too many) pictures up on my instagram for those curious http://instagram.com/themrmuscle I do like to stay as lean as possible.



I can join in with my current diet.

Meal 1 (10.30)
1 slice sourdough bread
50g roastbeef
2 eggs

Meal 2 (13.30)
1 slice sourdough bread
120g chicken
1 tbs salmon oil

Pre-workout (14:45)
400g fruit in blender (or 4dl fruit juice)

Meal 3 (17:00)
150g chicken breast
130g rice
30g unpasteurized cheese

Meal 3 (21:00)
250g chicken breast
150g rice
30g unpasteurized cheese
15g unpasteurized butter
20g dark chocolate (min 80% cocoa)

This gives me in the ballpark of 320g carbs, 170g proteins, 70g fat – ca 2600kcal.

I eat this for 4 days out of the week, i have 2 low days (non workout days) where i eat the same foods just less and end up around 100g carbs, 170g proteins, 50g fat – ca 1500kcal. My day 7 is my refeed day, so i eat 3 light meals and then i just let it rip and eat whatever i feel like.

I follow the principles of Biorythm dieting as described by Børge Fagerli (who is also my coach) here - http://forum.reactivetrainingsystems.com/content.php?108-The-Biorhythm-Diet

Im 189cm, 87-88kg with sub 10% bodyfat. I have (way too many) pictures up on my instagram for those curious http://instagram.com/themrmuscle I do like to stay as lean as possible.


Good shit man, mirin' hard over here
Followed you MrMuscle, keep at it. You can see all my pics on IG as well. I post way too many in these threads so eh, lol. @Spiritreaver05

Also you have the exact same build as my last ex, lol.


What I've been doing.

Breakfast - 350 calories
- 2 eggs,
- 3 egg whites
- 2 pieces ezekial bread

Lunch - 500-600 calories
- 12 ounces of chicken
- some type of carb (sweet potato, beans or rice)

Dinner 6-700 calories
- 6 ounces of salmon or 2 turkey burgers or 12 ounces chicken
- a carb again

Late snack 350 calories
- 2 cups cottage cheese

Other snacks calories vary
- quest bars, scoop of whey, oatmeal, peanubutter.

My one and only goal is to get strength back. That's it.


Thanks fitness gaf fuck u give some good motivation <3 it's 11pm now so I'm going tomorrow after work. I'll check in here in this thread. Wish me luck dudes and dudettes love u all <3
Forgot to mention that on Friday I was doing Upright Barbell Rows and then went to do some curls afterwards and noticed my wrist hurt a bit. Didn't think much of it but when I woke up the next morning my wrist was in horrible pain. I decided to skip my monday session to give it some time to rest but now its Wednesday and I need to go back to the gym. It's been getting better but it's still bothering me. Guess I'l just try and alter my workout


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement

This is probably my favorite super cut IG pic, but it's a little much for some people. lol
Happens to me all the time Darth. For some reason peanut butter always ends up on my bis. Strange phenomenon indeed!
If you squat and your glutes kind of make this circular motion white going down is that considered bad form? For some reason that happens when i squat but other times it does not.
also thanks to the recent pictures, it helps me find comfort in the decision that I am gonna focus on leaning out. A focus on size will be my main goal when I try to put on more mass later this/next year.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Well you may lose the same weight but you will feel like death with low carb & low fat

Good food for thought, but it's one study that doesn't take into account a variety of variables that may be highly relevant. I'm also not sure that most people would consider ~30% carbohydrate as low-carb. Lower carb content than most, for sure.


Slayer of Combofiends
Once upon a time I was a twig who couldn't even do knee pushups. And then I became morbidly obese and couldn't climb a flight of stairs without turning purple and wanting to die. It took losing a human being's worth of weight and then an additional year of negatives and stepping on resistance bands before I could finally do the triviality of an unassisted pullup. If I had cared constantly about what the guy next to me was doing I would have felt like absolute shit 24/7 and never would have gotten anywhere. Some people have great genetics, some people have been working at it for a long time and may have even started somewhere similar. It doesn't matter. Those people aren't you. You are you, and you're starting where you are.

Fuck what other people think, and fuck what other people are doing. This is your journey. Every step you take is a step closer to your goals and a boost in your confidence. Just do it.

Straight up truth.

I can join in with my current diet.

Meal 1 (10.30)
1 slice sourdough bread
50g roastbeef
2 eggs

Meal 2 (13.30)
1 slice sourdough bread
120g chicken
1 tbs salmon oil

Pre-workout (14:45)
400g fruit in blender (or 4dl fruit juice)

Meal 3 (17:00)
150g chicken breast
130g rice
30g unpasteurized cheese

Meal 3 (21:00)
250g chicken breast
150g rice
30g unpasteurized cheese
15g unpasteurized butter
20g dark chocolate (min 80% cocoa)

This gives me in the ballpark of 320g carbs, 170g proteins, 70g fat – ca 2600kcal.

I eat this for 4 days out of the week, i have 2 low days (non workout days) where i eat the same foods just less and end up around 100g carbs, 170g proteins, 50g fat – ca 1500kcal. My day 7 is my refeed day, so i eat 3 light meals and then i just let it rip and eat whatever i feel like.

I follow the principles of Biorythm dieting as described by Børge Fagerli (who is also my coach) here - http://forum.reactivetrainingsystems.com/content.php?108-The-Biorhythm-Diet

Im 189cm, 87-88kg with sub 10% bodyfat. I have (way too many) pictures up on my instagram for those curious http://instagram.com/themrmuscle I do like to stay as lean as possible.


What I've been doing.

Breakfast - 350 calories
- 2 eggs,
- 3 egg whites
- 2 pieces ezekial bread

Lunch - 500-600 calories
- 12 ounces of chicken
- some type of carb (sweet potato, beans or rice)

Dinner 6-700 calories
- 6 ounces of salmon or 2 turkey burgers or 12 ounces chicken
- a carb again

Late snack 350 calories
- 2 cups cottage cheese

Other snacks calories vary
- quest bars, scoop of whey, oatmeal, peanubutter.

My one and only goal is to get strength back. That's it.

Any tips to those who've stalled on OHP? The last three times I've done OHP for 3x5, I struggled to hit the last rep in my third set. Today was even worse, I was only able to get 4 reps on my second set and 2 reps on my last set. So I'm seeing some regression. Would you recommend just eating more and trying again, or resetting? Maybe afterwards I should do some accessory exercises like dumbbell presses? I haven't been weight training for long and it's only 75 pounds, but it doesnt seem to be getting stronger. Im also having issues improving my bench and have resetted from 132.5 back to 125.

I honestly don't eat a consistent diet. Even though I aim for ever 2000, I think I usually eat about 1800-1900. I eat fairly clean, mostly grilled meats with simple seasoning or minimal sauces, white rice or potatoes/sweet potatoes for my starch, green salad, fruit for dessert. I refrain from foods with added sugar and wheat flour products.


Once upon a time I was a twig who couldn't even do knee pushups. And then I became morbidly obese and couldn't climb a flight of stairs without turning purple and wanting to die. It took losing a human being's worth of weight and then an additional year of negatives and stepping on resistance bands before I could finally do the triviality of an unassisted pullup. If I had cared constantly about what the guy next to me was doing I would have felt like absolute shit 24/7 and never would have gotten anywhere. Some people have great genetics, some people have been working at it for a long time and may have even started somewhere similar. It doesn't matter. Those people aren't you. You are you, and you're starting where you are.

Fuck what other people think, and fuck what other people are doing. This is your journey. Every step you take is a step closer to your goals and a boost in your confidence. Just do it.

Truth. I remember being in fourth grade, unable to do a single chinup while the whole class watched. I fought for it hard because I was always THAT KID who underperformed on the field, on the track, in the gym. And of course a bunch of kids laughed. The gym coach shouted them down and told them I tried twice as hard as they had. Of course that didn't really make me feel any better.

I was 35 the first time I did an unassisted chinup.


Are any of those body fat measuring devices for sale in Amazon accurate? I downloaded an app that has me measure around my navel, but that varies a ton depending on time of day, plus I just started taking creatine so I'm retaining water. I'd love to be able to track bf % so I know the weight I'm gaining is mostly muscle.

I've been on a 1200-1500 calorie diet so long that I'm paranoid that jumping to 2000-2200 to aid strength growth is going to make me fat. (I'm 5'9 and at my thinnest about 150, up to 161 after starting lifting).


Are any of those body fat measuring devices for sale in Amazon accurate? I downloaded an app that has me measure around my navel, but that varies a ton depending on time of day, plus I just started taking creatine so I'm retaining water. I'd love to be able to track bf % so I know the weight I'm gaining is mostly muscle.

I've been on a 1200-1500 calorie diet so long that I'm paranoid that jumping to 2000-2200 to aid strength growth is going to make me fat. (I'm 5'9 and at my thinnest about 150, up to 161 after starting lifting).

5'9" 150 lbs and on a 1200-1500 calorie diet seems super, super low. I'm 5'6, roughly around 135-140 lbs and I'm on a 1650/1850 (rest/lift) calorie cut right now (15% deficit on my TDEE). Surprised you've been able to add weight on that kinda intake.

Those scales are trash btw. Best to just take pics and let the folks in here estimate. Alternatively you can try to use one of those picture reference things and estimate yourself: http://www.builtlean.com/2012/09/24/body-fat-percentage-men-women/


5'9" 150 lbs and on a 1200-1500 calorie diet seems super, super low. I'm 5'6, roughly around 135-140 lbs and I'm on a 1650/1850 (rest/lift) calorie cut right now (15% deficit on my TDEE). Surprised you've been able to add weight on that kinda intake.

1500 was before I started weightlifting. That's how I lost ~50 pounds. I've been forcing myself to eat 2000+ for a few weeks.

I was considering buying this:
Omrom body fat loss monitor.


Any tips to those who've stalled on OHP? The last three times I've done OHP for 3x5, I struggled to hit the last rep in my third set. Today was even worse, I was only able to get 4 reps on my second set and 2 reps on my last set. So I'm seeing some regression. Would you recommend just eating more and trying again, or resetting? Maybe afterwards I should do some accessory exercises like dumbbell presses? I haven't been weight training for long and it's only 75 pounds, but it doesnt seem to be getting stronger. Im also having issues improving my bench and have resetted from 132.5 back to 125.

I honestly don't eat a consistent diet. Even though I aim for ever 2000, I think I usually eat about 1800-1900. I eat fairly clean, mostly grilled meats with simple seasoning or minimal sauces, white rice or potatoes/sweet potatoes for my starch, green salad, fruit for dessert. I refrain from foods with added sugar and wheat flour products.

Eat more, read the ss chapter on the press, remember to squeeze your glutes and abs hard as you press with lats locked down, get enough rest, micro load and you will eventually have to stagger your workload. Maybe a 5x5 one day then a 3x3 heavier later that week. Do it first.
Shit I lost 40+ pounds up until last June and I still had belly fat hanging around. I'm learning to live with it, or maybe this added muscle over the course of the year will balance it out.
Shit I lost 40+ pounds up until last June and I still had belly fat hanging around. I'm learning to live with it, or maybe this added muscle over the course of the year will balance it out.

It's possible to stay the same weight and get lean right? Since you are maintaining muscle or maybe even getting a little by eating a lot of protein but also lifting. It will balance each other out correct? Or should you be expecting to lose weight still? I say this since i am noticing leaner parts like my arms but i still remain the same weight. Just trying to make sure i am not doing something wrong and making no progress.


Otakon taking me away from the gym for 5 days. Zero fucks given!

Unless I find a Baltimore gym that's guest friendly!
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