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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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We may have found the culprit. :) Also, you say you're early for no reason, but on the contrary, the information you've posted in this thread provides very good reasons. Abrupt changes in diet or exercise can easily disrupt hormone levels, and thus alter the menstrual cycle in various ways. You've changed both at once, which is fine to do, but the effect certainly isn't unheard of.

Instead of deciding right now to go to keto or whatever tomorrow, I would stick with what you're doing for another week and use that time to research alternative options. Some popular techniques in this thread are ketogenic/low carb, intermittent fasting, Paleo/clean eating, or macro/calorie based like you're using now. See if any of these looks like a method you'd actually enjoy. You don't want to pick something that you'll despise and quit after a couple weeks.

Thanks for being my MFP friend. :)

Being a girl sucks lol.

I will wait until the end (+a couple days) and see, and go from there. Really, I should be following low(er) carb anyway, but I love my strawberries so much. :( But if I have to give them up, I will.

But yeah, I'll wait the week and see where I am after that.


Why stick with the intermittent fasting for so long? IF you're going to add a consistent cardio routine to your workout, I doubt you'd need it. Anyway as far as Cardio goes, my preferred form is HIIT. You can do this on a treadmill (I do mine outside) by cycling between sprinting and jogging. 20 minutes is typically enough. The goal is to get your heartrate high and then lower it for a bit then back high. I'm not sure I understood how you take your rest days, you don't take them?
I try not to take any rest days, but one usually happens every other week or so. But the intention is to not take any rest days. The way my weightlifting routine works is that I essentially "rest" each muscle group for two days before working them out again - thus, there's no need for a rest day.

I like the sound of HIIT, however I'm not sure if my cardiovascular shape could handle running for twenty minutes straight, regardless of if it's running or jogging. The only experience I have with HIIT is when I attempted the Insanity program (which I made it through 7 out of the 9 weeks). So would you suggest like a walk 1 minute, jog 1 minute, sprint 30 seconds kinda thing?
I try not to take any rest days, but one usually happens every other week or so. But the intention is to not take any rest days. The way my weightlifting routine works is that I essentially "rest" each muscle group for two days before working them out again - thus, there's no need for a rest day.

I like the sound of HIIT, however I'm not sure if my cardiovascular shape could handle running for twenty minutes straight, regardless of if it's running or jogging. The only experience I have with HIIT is when I attempted the Insanity program (which I made it through 7 out of the 9 weeks). So would you suggest like a walk 1 minute, jog 1 minute, sprint 30 seconds kinda thing?

I prefer this:

5 minute warmup
50 secs light jog/ 10 seconds sprint
48 secs light jog/12 sec sprint
5 minute cool down

Don't have to warm up/cool down that long but it is up to you.


I try not to take any rest days, but one usually happens every other week or so. But the intention is to not take any rest days. The way my weightlifting routine works is that I essentially "rest" each muscle group for two days before working them out again - thus, there's no need for a rest day.

I like the sound of HIIT, however I'm not sure if my cardiovascular shape could handle running for twenty minutes straight, regardless of if it's running or jogging. The only experience I have with HIIT is when I attempted the Insanity program (which I made it through 7 out of the 9 weeks). So would you suggest like a walk 1 minute, jog 1 minute, sprint 30 seconds kinda thing?

No rest days sounds like a pretty poor program tbh. Your body needs rest.
slowly carving out the body, I don't think I will be ready for the July cut thread but we will see. I think I'm 10-15 lbs away from what I want to look like before hopping back on the strength and gain train

Kinda managed to skip over this.

Lookin like beef


I prefer this:

5 minute warmup
50 secs light jog/ 10 seconds sprint
48 secs light jog/12 sec sprint
5 minute cool down

Don't have to warm up/cool down that long but it is up to you.
That's not a bad routine, although I'll definitely have to walk at some point. Thank you!

No rest days sounds like a pretty poor program tbh. Your body needs rest.

Absolutely. Rest days are essential.

I honestly never had the mentality of I have to be in he gym constantly. I love my rest days. Not active rest. Just rest.
I understand the necessity of rest days - I'm not the kind of person who feels the compelling need to be in the gym all the time, but I do understand that rest days can be essential to certain individuals. However, I just don't feel like I need it the large majority of the time. My body never feels like I need to take a day off, and it hasn't since I started my diet and exercise program nearly five months ago. I try to listen very careful to what my body is telling me, and as far as I'm concerned, I've rarely been in a state where my body tells me that I need to take a rest day.

Regardless though, I agree with you guys on the principles of rest days, however I think I'll take one every 10-14 days (and use that as my chest day!).


Hit my two year anniversary recently! When I started this journey, it had been at least a solid decade since I had stepped foot in a gym. I wanted to put together an inspirational progress pic but I had limited resources to work with. Really wish I would have taken more shots along the way. This is the best iteration I could produce based on the interim periods between shots where I utilized an identical pose:

Two years prior to the event horizon, I was an overweight couchlocked 225lb+ wookie with a pack a day smoking habit and two herniated discs. I would be completely winded after climbing a single flight of stairs, I was constantly in pain and absolutely miserable physically and emotionally. Yes, that is also a pair of moobs hiding underneath there:

If you conceive it, you can achieve it, that's why I believe in you!

According to my subscription folder I only started reading this community thread in OT4. I've never been a big poster, more of a lurker, and I just want to say that throughout these years this community has really brought it home for me. We are all here because our original interest in discussing video games and that astounds me. Not due to cognitive dissonance, but due to the fact that we can apply our love of manipulating systems and investing incremental changes while patiently awaiting the payoff to ourselves instead of chasing an external abstract goal like a level cap, or a rare item to buff your class, or whatever arbitrary thing that was motivating you before.

Change your mind, change your life. Chase your dreams and do what makes you happy!!! ^.^

I also want to make a shout-out to Matthew Gallant. I love to see new faces but I was surprised when he started posting here. Years ago I used to post on PC & QT3 under a different alias and he always contributed a lot of rationality and intelligence to the discussion. So, glad to see you along on the "other side" for the FitGAF ride!

So Awesome!!!
Kinda managed to skip over this.

Lookin like beef

Haha thanks brah.

When are you getting the highlights?

Stayin clean for now.

That's not a bad routine, although I'll definitely have to walk at some point. Thank you!

I understand the necessity of rest days - I'm not the kind of person who feels the compelling need to be in the gym all the time, but I do understand that rest days can be essential to certain individuals. However, I just don't feel like I need it the large majority of the time. My body never feels like I need to take a day off, and it hasn't since I started my diet and exercise program nearly five months ago. I try to listen very careful to what my body is telling me, and as far as I'm concerned, I've rarely been in a state where my body tells me that I need to take a rest day.

Regardless though, I agree with you guys on the principles of rest days, however I think I'll take one every 10-14 days (and use that as my chest day!).

You really should do more rest days. Your body grows during off days.


Leeness, like said, stick with it some time before deciding about any changes! It took me nearly 6 weeks before I saw any changes in my weight but after that it started to go down. My weight actually went a bit up for a while after I started to go to gym so if I were you, I wouldn't be worried at all. You can do it!

Hit my two year anniversary recently! When I started this journey, it had been at least a solid decade since I had stepped foot in a gym. I wanted to put together an inspirational progress pic but I had limited resources to work with. Really wish I would have taken more shots along the way. This is the best iteration I could produce based on the interim periods between shots where I utilized an identical pose:

Two years prior to the event horizon, I was an overweight couchlocked 225lb+ wookie with a pack a day smoking habit and two herniated discs. I would be completely winded after climbing a single flight of stairs, I was constantly in pain and absolutely miserable physically and emotionally. Yes, that is also a pair of moobs hiding underneath there:

If you conceive it, you can achieve it, that's why I believe in you!

According to my subscription folder I only started reading this community thread in OT4. I've never been a big poster, more of a lurker, and I just want to say that throughout these years this community has really brought it home for me. We are all here because our original interest in discussing video games and that astounds me. Not due to cognitive dissonance, but due to the fact that we can apply our love of manipulating systems and investing incremental changes while patiently awaiting the payoff to ourselves instead of chasing an external abstract goal like a level cap, or a rare item to buff your class, or whatever arbitrary thing that was motivating you before.

Change your mind, change your life. Chase your dreams and do what makes you happy!!! ^.^

I also want to make a shout-out to Matthew Gallant. I love to see new faces but I was surprised when he started posting here. Years ago I used to post on PC & QT3 under a different alias and he always contributed a lot of rationality and intelligence to the discussion. So, glad to see you along on the "other side" for the FitGAF ride!
You are so damn inspirational (and hot as hell)!

I started to work out because my physiotherapist said I need to. I am myself at the moment in a process of healing my back. I actually talked with a doctor today, gonna see a private orthopedic doc next week and hopefully get a time to MRI. If I am lucky then more physiotherapy and even better work out programm.

At the moment I am crying inside though since I know that free weights are way more efficient than using the stupid machines - but my physiotherapist don't let me to use the free weights, at least not yet. So I am stuck with the machines and sometimes think that all what I do is totally irrelevant and not working as well as something else would.

But at least I am certain that within couple of years I will look different. It has been only three months now (first time at the gym was 11th of March) but I can feel the change and thank gods other people can also see it. For me, well, like said mirrors lie and I am still seeing myself exactly the way I have been. I am really doubtful about the upcoming cut-thread. Positive feedback always feels awesome but then again I am not at all sure do I have enough visible changes to even have any reason to post into it. First world problems, I know. Just feel so stupid about it.

YUP! On my way! Getting closer and closer to my ideal look.
You certainly look totally different compared to some time back! Your cut is really showing! Awesome work!


I went back and looked. I started posting in OT3. It's funny to see the core guys there and a whole bunch of people who don't post anymore.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
If you don't feel you need rest days then you are on something or not pushing yourself hard enough. That's my take.


If you don't feel you need rest days then you are on something or not pushing yourself hard enough. That's my take.

The gear! Everyone's doing it! I had a half a mind to ask my gym manager guy if he was on gear, he was totally Huge Jackedman for sure.


The gear! Everyone's doing it! I had a half a mind to ask my gym manager guy if he was on gear, he was totally Huge Jackedman for sure.
Hahah, that sounds like it would have been a great start in a new gym for sure.

Not saying that he couldn't be, but also take into account that he is a gym manager and might have actually been working out for decades. You can do miracles if you have enough time and dedication.


Leeness, like said, stick with it some time before deciding about any changes! It took me nearly 6 weeks before I saw any changes in my weight but after that it started to go down. My weight actually went a bit up for a while after I started to go to gym so if I were you, I wouldn't be worried at all. You can do it

Okay ;_;

Also lol, taking a rest day today, last time was last Saturday. Though maybe I'll do yoga tonight.

But my tummy and back hurt, I'm tired, and all I want to do is eat chocolate, ice cream or cake. FFFFFFFFF I want Half Baked Ben & Jerrys. But I resisted and made it home.


The only thing I ever want in life right now is Half Baked.


Today's my rest day, but did a little cardio to help recovery. Man my legs and stuff really ache though! Good signs :)


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
That's not the case for me at all. Different people have different bodies, I suppose.
How heavy do you lift? Rest days are just as much for your muscles as they are for your joints. I've went weeks without a rest day too so I can relate but that was more an unique situation as it was a planned out routine. As stated, rest days are when you grow and heal up for the next training session so even if you don't feel like taking them I would suggest you do. It's up to you but we all just want everyone here to reach their full potential as quickly as possible. We've made all the mistakes new lifters have made coming in here asking questions about. Learn from our mistakes.


Okay ;_;

Also lol, taking a rest day today, last time was last Saturday. Though maybe I'll do yoga tonight.

But my tummy and back hurt, I'm tired, and all I want to do is eat chocolate, ice cream or cake. FFFFFFFFF I want Half Baked Ben & Jerrys. But I resisted and made it home.


The only thing I ever want in life right now is Half Baked.
Awww, sweetie, you need your rest days. I have two rest days a week and I make sure I keep them and enjoy them. :D

Also good for you - awesome willpower... with all honesty I need to admit that I had a cinnamon roll today at work. But hey, I ate it, I loved it and I don't worry about it. I am sure I can do it once in a full moon (quite literally) without it affecting too much my training or weight loss. So keep in mind that no need to be too harsh on yourself.


Awww, sweetie, you need your rest days. I have two rest days a week and I make sure I keep them and enjoy them. :D

Also good for you - awesome willpower... with all honesty I need to admit that I had a cinnamon roll today at work. But hey, I ate it, I loved it and I don't worry about it. I am sure I can do it once in a full moon (quite literally) without it affecting too much my training or weight loss. So keep in mind that no need to be too harsh on yourself.

F rest daaaays, but my tummy hurts and bleh. :(

I made some of my chocolate tea to help the cravings. Ugh.


Halp me tea, you're my only hope.
Sitting here watching a guy alternate between curls in the squat rack and situps on the incline bench.

What are my obligations here?

Pete Rock

Well done Pete rock. Well done.
Pete Rock, rocks! Way to go man.
This is pretty freaking amazing. Awesome job dood!
Amazing post right here
GJ dood! Love hearing stories like this.
Pete rock you look great, incredible job.
So Awesome!!!

Pete, that's awesome and a bit worrying!! hahaha we started at the same point in time, I am "generation OT4/2012" too.
Thanks! Indeed, crazy on the diet! Congrats on your progress as well, I have enjoyed seeing you share your results. Particularly your last comparison pic which was a really good example of a healthy transformation. You got this!

Determination and dedication at its finest. The best part of your progression is the change of expression. Reflects quite clearly how you feel about your outcome :)
Absolutely! I didn't even realize this fact until I double checked my face to make sure I wasn't doing something stupid in one of the pics, then it kind of hit me... this smile, it is maybe not so coincidental? lol! Hooked on endorphins! Really liked your recent round of pics as well, great to see excellent progress over those time spans!

You are so damn inspirational (and hot as hell)!
You are so sweet, thank you!

I have heard it echoed here many times and it is worth repeating, it is a marathon not a sprint, so patience and mindfulness is helpful at all times. Enjoy each part of the journey, if nothing else because it will make it a lot more fond looking back on those times. It is hard! I am cheering for you! I can also recommend yoga all day! Well sometimes I wish I could just stand around and do it all day... or like three days a week... I feel I would be healthier the more I practice!

I always enjoy the tone of conversation in here as it seems inclusive enough without being washed out or overly aggressive. But then again I like the sound of loud weights dropping and grunting so my taste is questionable to some. Thanks for always being there when I am eating all alone and need something to read FitGAF, stay positive!
Yo FE you gave me some good advice earlier about arm workouts.

What's a good regiment to supplement Starting Strength?

Others can say a lot more but really, I would prolly just do 4x12 of some sort of bicep workout. Maybe curls, close grip curls, reverse curls, preacher curls, etc. Whatever you might think would work best for you. For tris, you should already be doing dips. If not that, CGBP, tri pulldowns, etc.

No Love

How heavy do you lift? Rest days are just as much for your muscles as they are for your joints. I've went weeks without a rest day too so I can relate but that was more an unique situation as it was a planned out routine. As stated, rest days are when you grow and heal up for the next training session so even if you don't feel like taking them I would suggest you do. It's up to you but we all just want everyone here to reach their full potential as quickly as possible. We've made all the mistakes new lifters have made coming in here asking questions about. Learn from our mistakes.

I hate taking rest days but they're definitely worth it. Took mine two days ago... it does make a big difference. The next day you really hit the weights feeling really fresh and full of energy.

I try to take at least one a week.
Three weeks ago: http://imgur.com/iAlt3Zm
Right now: http://imgur.com/6W575IB

I don't know... Look like I've put on weight. Now I feel bad resting tonight. Lol. Should be working out. ~Lie to me, GAF~, make me feel better.

The different (better) lighting makes comparisons a bit tough. But you look like you have lost weight to me, especially around your waist/hips.

Chuck in some European church/castle in the background and a smile and you can already be very proud of your pics.


I feel a little better about having skipped, thank you. I also ate less, so hopefully that helps.

Nice lies, tho.


How heavy do you lift? Rest days are just as much for your muscles as they are for your joints. I've went weeks without a rest day too so I can relate but that was more an unique situation as it was a planned out routine. As stated, rest days are when you grow and heal up for the next training session so even if you don't feel like taking them I would suggest you do. It's up to you but we all just want everyone here to reach their full potential as quickly as possible. We've made all the mistakes new lifters have made coming in here asking questions about. Learn from our mistakes.

As of right now, as far as compound movements go, as maximums (starting weight in parenthesis) - this is within a five month timespan:

Bench: 200 (155)
OHP: ~90 (?)
Deadlift: 230 (175)
Squat: 215 (175)

I certainly don't do these weights as repetitions, but I do check my max's usually every 4-6 weeks so I can adjust my regular routine accordingly. On everything else, I usually have been able to gain roughly five pounds per week per exercise, which I'm thrilled about. To get a little more into detail, here's my current program:

Day 1 - Chest and Tri's (4 exercises each, usually 3 x 8-10):
- BB Benchpress, with reps of 5-3-1-3-5-8, the one rep being 180 and decreasing/increasing ten pounds per set, DB Incline, DB Decline, Cable Flys
- Machine Tri Extension, Dips, Cable Pushdown, DB French Press

Day 2 - Back and Bi's (4 exercises each, 3 x 8-10)
- Deadlift, Wide-grip Pull-ups, Machine Row, Plated Back Raises
- Hammer Curls, Machine Preachers, Cable Curl, Concentrated Curls

Day 3 - Legs and Shoulders (5 exercises, 3 x 8-10)
- Squat, Machine Leg Extension, Plate Calf Raises (3 x 15-20), Machine Quad, Machine Leg Press
- BB OHP, Machine Military Press, DB Arnold, DB lateral/front raise, Plate Shrugs

(Side note: I'm limited to what my apartment gym offers me - no free bars and only a smith machine, that's why a large portion of these are dumbbell and machine based. I have access to my University gym when I can, where they have every piece of equipment desirable, but that's only once or twice a week).

On top of that, every other day I add in core (abs/obliques) in the routine. So if I do core on day one, I'll do core again on day three. Granted, I don't do the same exercises every time (for example, I don't bench every chest day, I'll substitute for dumbbell press, or do BB Incline over DB Incline, etc.), so I have plenty of alternatives for exercises to ensure I'm not doing the same thing every day. This is just an example, and the exercises certainly aren't strictly set. The only thing that's concrete is the amount of exercises I do for each muscle group on a particular day (usually 4).

However, the reason I don't take a rest day is because the large majority of the time, I really feel like I don't need it. For example, I'll workout chest on day one, but I won't work out chest for another three days on day four - that's two days off to allow my chest muscles to recuperate and rest. Sure, the other exercises in the routine may use my chest muscles, but it certainly isn't significant.

I realize that this isn't an adequate long-term fitness plan; the point of this is because I'm a beginner, my body can handle and adapt quickly to such exercises. My initial problem was that I wanted to fit in cardio somewhere in my routine, and I feel like doing a 20-minute HIIT treadmill run on the days I don't do core (days two and four, for example) would be a good fit.

Anyways, I also realize that this workout plan is highly, highly unconventional. But for me, it works, and it works well. I just really don't feel like I need a rest day, and I'd like to reiterate that I'm certainly not on anything! Hell, I don't even take supplements or protein powder; only a multivitamin. But would a rest day really be that beneficial?
who in here does power cleans? Can you please detail how the arms and elbows move during the jump in order to maintain the bar path vertical? It seems impossibe


Do we really need to do abs as a beginner? I thought the major compounds already covered abs.

I mean, the core's a muscle group just like any other, so I treat it that way. I don't do it to try and get a six-pack, I just want to improve the core muscles just as I would any other muscle.


I've never did any abs specific work since I started lifting a few months ago. I thought it would be better for me to save up those precious energy and go for it at compound lifts. Nevertheless I'm a newbie and would love to hear from more experienced fit gaffers about this.
I've never did any abs specific work since I started lifting a few months ago. I thought it would be better for me to save up those precious energy and go for it at compound lifts. Nevertheless I'm a newbie and would love to hear from more experienced fit gaffers about this.

Cable crunches for 3x10 once a week
That's all the ab work I do


the piano man
one thing I notice with core/abs is that if you are bulking or just have a high BF%, then when you work your core, the stimulated muscles will push your gut/fat out so you'd look bloated and fatter .:(

to summarize: from an aesthetic perspective it's pretty pointless.

nice core = eat healthy for months.

but if you want a strong core, then do everything you think might work.


who in here does power cleans? Can you please detail how the arms and elbows move during the jump in order to maintain the bar path vertical? It seems impossibe

Arms and elbows stay straight through the jump/shrug part of the movement. (Edit: as part of the jump you thrust hips forward which brings the shoulders back as well as you are completing the shrug. At this point the momentum from the shrug is already almost completely transferred to the bar so even though the arms are now at a small angle away from being directly over the bar, bar motion should continue in a basically straight up direction). As you are completing the shrug, you start to drop under the bar, and it's during this drop that you bend your elbows and catch the bar. For power cleans you should be using a weight light enough that you don't actually have to drop much to catch the bar. You land in a partial squat, not a full squat. If the weight is heavy enough that you have to fully squat to get under the bar as it nears it's peak, that's a squat clean.

Search youtube for slow motion power clean. You'll get a few results demoing clean and jerk, but it's basically the same thing, just with a heavier weight that ends the clean phase in a full squat clean. On mobile so I can't embed a video.


On the topic of poor workout programming, my gym is next door to a secondary school and yesterday soon as the clock struck 3 it was swarmed with 12-16 year old boys....

Curls...curls everywhere!

Dumbells, cables...whatever could be curled was being used.

99% of them had cross-fit levels of form too.

If I need a good laugh will go work out at that time again.


I'll take it under advisement, depending on how my arms feel that day, but what's a good regiment?

I love the farmer carry because it makes my arms bigger and helps my grip. What else would be good practice to do?

Try pullovers. They specifically hit your tris and abs hard. Take the eccentric phase slow and you'll really feel the burn in your abs. They were my go-to exercise when training for a front lever.


As of right now, as far as compound movements go, as maximums (starting weight in parenthesis) - this is within a five month timespan:

Bench: 200 (155)
OHP: ~90 (?)
Deadlift: 230 (175)
Squat: 215 (175)

I certainly don't do these weights as repetitions, but I do check my max's usually every 4-6 weeks so I can adjust my regular routine accordingly. On everything else, I usually have been able to gain roughly five pounds per week per exercise, which I'm thrilled about. To get a little more into detail, here's my current program:

Day 1 - Chest and Tri's (4 exercises each, usually 3 x 8-10):
- BB Benchpress, with reps of 5-3-1-3-5-8, the one rep being 180 and decreasing/increasing ten pounds per set, DB Incline, DB Decline, Cable Flys
- Machine Tri Extension, Dips, Cable Pushdown, DB French Press

Day 2 - Back and Bi's (4 exercises each, 3 x 8-10)
- Deadlift, Wide-grip Pull-ups, Machine Row, Plated Back Raises
- Hammer Curls, Machine Preachers, Cable Curl, Concentrated Curls

Day 3 - Legs and Shoulders (5 exercises, 3 x 8-10)
- Squat, Machine Leg Extension, Plate Calf Raises (3 x 15-20), Machine Quad, Machine Leg Press
- BB OHP, Machine Military Press, DB Arnold, DB lateral/front raise, Plate Shrugs

(Side note: I'm limited to what my apartment gym offers me - no free bars and only a smith machine, that's why a large portion of these are dumbbell and machine based. I have access to my University gym when I can, where they have every piece of equipment desirable, but that's only once or twice a week).

On top of that, every other day I add in core (abs/obliques) in the routine. So if I do core on day one, I'll do core again on day three. Granted, I don't do the same exercises every time (for example, I don't bench every chest day, I'll substitute for dumbbell press, or do BB Incline over DB Incline, etc.), so I have plenty of alternatives for exercises to ensure I'm not doing the same thing every day. This is just an example, and the exercises certainly aren't strictly set. The only thing that's concrete is the amount of exercises I do for each muscle group on a particular day (usually 4).

However, the reason I don't take a rest day is because the large majority of the time, I really feel like I don't need it. For example, I'll workout chest on day one, but I won't work out chest for another three days on day four - that's two days off to allow my chest muscles to recuperate and rest. Sure, the other exercises in the routine may use my chest muscles, but it certainly isn't significant.

I realize that this isn't an adequate long-term fitness plan; the point of this is because I'm a beginner, my body can handle and adapt quickly to such exercises. My initial problem was that I wanted to fit in cardio somewhere in my routine, and I feel like doing a 20-minute HIIT treadmill run on the days I don't do core (days two and four, for example) would be a good fit.

Anyways, I also realize that this workout plan is highly, highly unconventional. But for me, it works, and it works well. I just really don't feel like I need a rest day, and I'd like to reiterate that I'm certainly not on anything! Hell, I don't even take supplements or protein powder; only a multivitamin. But would a rest day really be that beneficial?

It's early so maybe I'm misunderstanding you.

If there are no free bars and only a smith at your apartment are you deadlifting in a smith?

Also I wouldn't count smith squats and smith bench as BB squat and bench

Also you keep going on about how this works. You've barely been in the gym. Everything works as a beginner, tbh.
Was gone for 3 days to Memphis last weekend but managed to squeak in a workout the morning before I left and then one of the mornings at the hotel gym (all they had were cardio machines, one adjustable flat/incline bench, and dumbbells up to 50 lbs... so I just did a few sets of as many reps as possible with good form of DB bench/OHP/curls/squats/etc). Now I'm off to Vancouver for 5 days... photos of this hotel's gym look like it is just cardio equipment and kettle balls, so I may just have to make due with those and swimming in the pool. Weaksauce.


who in here does power cleans? Can you please detail how the arms and elbows move during the jump in order to maintain the bar path vertical? It seems impossibe
Here's the video Faiz is probably referring to and it's the same one I used in terms of understanding the triple extension and the catch.
I'm still in the process of learning how to power clean. What seems to have been helping me is learning the hang clean first, then add in learning how to hang clean with the bar starting at the knees, and finally add in pulling the weight from the ground to essentially your power clean. At least that's how CaliforniaStrength teaches the clean: video 1, video 2, video 3.
On the topic of poor workout programming, my gym is next door to a secondary school and yesterday soon as the clock struck 3 it was swarmed with 12-16 year old boys....

Curls...curls everywhere!

Dumbells, cables...whatever could be curled was being used.

99% of them had cross-fit levels of form too.

If I need a good laugh will go work out at that time again.
Those were dark days for me :( I had weight training twice a week for a few semesters (one semester was like ~3 months) in High School and all my friends and I did were curls and machines to pass the time; what a waste of time. The teacher didn't bother teaching squats or deadlifts, only bench press.
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