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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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I lurk and this thread makes me feel bad about myself

Never look at it that way. Everyone in this thread had to start somewhere. I myself used to be 280lbs of obesity and never did anything fitness related in my life. I'm a completely different person from who I was 7 years ago. You can achieve the same amazing results and see yourself progress in ways you never dreamed possible, it just takes some motivation and determination. It ain't easy, but anyone and everyone can meet goals and get far.

Never doubt yourself. Your mindset can push you far or hold you back.


Almost done with my 8th 1s week. Hit 245 on bench press tonight and it felt incredible, i likely could have had 1-2 more but i didnt want to press my luck. Just so happy i got the lift up and felt real smooth. I just have 370lbs squats left and im done with this 1s week.

Here it is. Deadlift 615lbs. Pulled 605lbs before this with a long ass static hold. Sorry, audio cut out for some reason.


And if you're curious. Here's that 605 pull just moments prior. Unfortunately it's blurry.


Incredible job. I think soon people are going to do montage videos of you in the gym.

I lurk and this thread makes me feel bad about myself

As darth said, don't think that way. 27 months ago, i was 337lbs, severely obese, and 0 muscle. I literally could barely lift 5lb dumbbells. I now lift very heavy and lost 75lbs in body weight, and gained 30+lbs in muscle all over my body. If what you see is what you want, you can make it happen. Truthfully, i was perfectly content as being obese, but i knew that i wanted a change to happen for myself. If you want it, get it.


"Edge stole Big Ben's helmet"
Wow @ Brolic. That DL just does not quit. Strength beast.

Also @MTP your squat numbers are huge and always impress the hell out of me.

Question for you guys. When in the final stages of a cut and you feel like you need to pull back the intensity do you think it's better to lower the weight lifted or the sets? Specifically on squats I'm wondering if I drop to two or one set at my current level or pull off 10% and do 3x5. Any thoughts? I'm on PHAT so this would mainly be for the power days.


Really, I'll never be happy with how I look. :( I'm kind of like...at least if I'm skinny, it takes the edge off the ugly. But I'll never be happy with my appearance. Can only mitigate. :/

You're super pretty whether you lost weight or not. Got a gorgeous face :)

Bad bad day today... I had a fridge delivered with the stupid "between 10 - 3", so just sat around waiting and after had shopping and a dinner with my parents and sisters and blah blah. No working out. Barf.

I should do two or three work outs tomorrow. Maybe a cardio in the morning and strength later in the afternoon.

It sounds like you have a bit of a disordered relationship with your body. I'm sure your body is great, there's really no need to go down to dark well of self-loathing. Don't sell yourself short. There is always something else to do if you're interested in getting more fit, but you can't hate yourself for not being where you want to be yet.

As for long term goals, a more measured approach that includes a fair bit of heavy resistance training will probably give you the results you want.


Sup brahs. Warning: long post incoming.

So, I’ve been lurking this thread somewhat in conjunction with the Weight Loss thread, and figured I’d tell my story as well as ask for some suggestions going forward. I recognize, like, one person in this thread (sup Vinny Mac). BTW, I’m gonna post pics, but without my face; I’m still not comfortable sharing my face with strangers lol, don’t be offended! Maybe in due course…

Anyway, here’s a quick background. I’d always been a straight up fat ass for most of my life. In my youth, I was the kid that ate like shit. Doritos, Snickers, Gatorade, sodas, trash like that for lunch everyday. Also, being Indian, even home cooked food was pretty shitty for me, just fried foods and white rice all the time. I was also super inactive, inside on the computer (I’ve been on GAF for 10+ years! Think I joined when I was 14?) or playing vidya games for hours on end. No wonder I was a butterball. I think my peak was something like 180-185 lbs - being 5’6”, that’s pretty damn bad.

Anyway, over junior/senior years of college, I got fed up with being fat and got pretty serious about eating healthy and working out. Over the course of 6 months or so, I got all the way down to 139 lbs by following a rudimentary workout plan that was a total body circuit 3 days a week combined with 30-45 min of cardio the other 3 days a week (1 day rest). But then I graduated, got a desk job, stopped working out, started drinking and eating like shit again, and before I knew it, I was back up to 170 lbs. This is where my new story starts:

February 18, 2013 - 28 days into “Get Fit” lifestyle (never did take Day 1 pics, a shame)

Woof. Anyway, on January 21, 2013, I started my new journey. For the first 4-5 weeks, I followed the same plan I did in college. The weight circuit went like this:

  • squat
  • lat pulldown
  • bench press
  • overhead press
  • upright row
  • triceps pushdown
  • leg extension
  • bicep curl
  • leg curl
Using weight where I could do 10 reps per set, 1 set per exercise, 30-45 sec rest in between exercises. Doing that circuit twice.

I had some semblance of success, but nothing amazing (keep in mind I wasn’t tracking my macros or anything at this point, just “eating healthier”).

One of my coworkers at the time, who is really in shape, is more into bodyweight workouts / metabolic conditioning / crossfit type stuff (I can already picture all the :rolleyes lol). He gave me workouts to do for 6 weeks along with a pdf guide that had over 200 variations of metcons/crossfit routines. I had a lot of fun doing these and basically did that for the next 7-9 months, bringing me to early February of this year:

February 9, 2014

At this point, I was ready to switch up the routine and really change my body. So I started scouring bodybuilding.com (see the :rolleyes again lol) and came across Greg Plitt’s MFT 28 program (http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/mft28-greg-plitts-4-week-military-fitness-trainer-by-met-rx.html). Now, I didn’t actually follow this program to a T (lol one solid meal a day, 2 weight workouts a day, pretty much all liquid diet, etc.), but I ripped the workouts from it and created a modified 10- week plan that I did which was basically:

  • Fasted cardio + abs in the morning (20 min stairmaster (speed intervals)/20 min elliptical (resistance intervals)/ab circuits from above)
  • Weights in the evening (ripped straight from the trainer above)
  • And followed a meal plan where I ate basically the same foods everyday and roughly broke out to 1,800 cals (200g protein/60g fat/100g carbs)
That led to this:

Mid-April 2014 (took this pic after a workout when I caught my reflection in the kitchen window and was mirin’ lol)

For the past 2 months now, I’ve been just doing the evening workouts (dropped the fasted cardio in the morning) and have relaxed the meal plan (I generally get about the same amount of protein but prob more carbs and fat, somewhere more like 150g/75g if I had to guess).

I don’t really have a specific goal in mind except to cut more body fat (I’m obsessed with getting more visible abs!). I’m not really looking to set any PRs with crazy weights or anything, which truth be told has made me a bit hesitant to post in this thread (maybe this is better suited for the Weight Loss thread?). I’ve been reading the OP and thinking about checking out some of the plans listed there though.

Also, I checked out that nutrition calculator and it freaks the shit out of me lol. I’ve always been of the mindset that carbs are the devil, and that calculator is telling me to take in 330g of carbs on workout days! Seems like wayyy too much. I've probably averaged somewhere between 100g (low end) to 175g (high) carbs/day for the past 4 months. Thoughts?

Here’s my stats:

  • Age: 26
  • Height: 5’6”
  • Weight: ~145 lbs (fluctuates between 142-148); also according to the calculator in the OP, I’m somewhere between 11-12% body fat? I doubt it’s that low.
  • Goal: Cutting body fat; I wanna get cuts and more visible abs! I’m narcissistic :p
  • Current Training Schedule: see above, but basically a circuit style 5-day split (Chest/Back/Legs/Arms/Shoulders)
  • Current Training Equipment Available: pretty much everything at my gym
Sorry for the long-winded post! I know I’m a total noob, but just reading through the OP and the posts here have been really helpful and I look forward to hearing what people have to say!

Bonus pic I took yesterday cause striations!

Really, I'll never be happy with how I look. :( I'm kind of like...at least if I'm skinny, it takes the edge off the ugly. But I'll never be happy with my appearance. Can only mitigate. :/

You're super pretty whether you lost weight or not. Got a gorgeous face :)

Bad bad day today... I had a fridge delivered with the stupid "between 10 - 3", so just sat around waiting and after had shopping and a dinner with my parents and sisters and blah blah. No working out. Barf.

I should do two or three work outs tomorrow. Maybe a cardio in the morning and strength later in the afternoon.

Leeness don't sell yourself short. Please don't do that.

I saw your two photos for comparison and you're a pretty girl. Maybe consider that you might not photograph well or that you're internalizing this self-image of yourself that's far from the truth.

Just workout for fitness and health sake, and ignore the mirror and watch how much difference it makes. You'll also be a lot happier :)

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Incredible job. I think soon people are going to do montage videos of you in the gym.


Thanks, but I sincerely doubt that.
dat grip strength.

how come your grip doesn't fail you at such high weights? share that secret sauce :D

Honestly it's just the chalk. Hat and probably those static holds I do at the end. I don't train farmer walks consistently enough for it to be those and I do shrugs with straps.

Is it the farmer's walks? Are you using captains of crush? We need to know!

Same as above.


Sup brahs. Warning: long post incoming.

Mid-April 2014 (took this pic after a workout when I caught my reflection in the kitchen window and was mirin’ lol)

Bonus pic I took yesterday cause striations!
Holy hell - wow!

I am admiring as well (and drooling to my keyboard). You have absolutely gorgeous body type at the moment. Seriously, totally smashing upper body and arms. <3

It is so inspirational to read stories like this! And you don't need to be craving to get new PRs, we appreciate your journey and will do all we can to help you to go even further. (I am bad at giving advices since I am a noob, but at least I cheer with the crowd.)

But yes, love it, keep up the good work!

Here it is. Deadlift 615lbs. Pulled 605lbs before this with a long ass static hold. Sorry, audio cut out for some reason.


And if you're curious. Here's that 605 pull just moments prior. Unfortunately it's blurry.

Damn. You are like the official Mr. Beast around here. *pat pat* Attaboy.

Never look at it that way. Everyone in this thread had to start somewhere. I myself used to be 280lbs of obesity and never did anything fitness related in my life. I'm a completely different person from who I was 7 years ago. You can achieve the same amazing results and see yourself progress in ways you never dreamed possible, it just takes some motivation and determination. It ain't easy, but anyone and everyone can meet goals and get far.

Never doubt yourself. Your mindset can push you far or hold you back.
Darth, I enjoy reading every one of your posts. You are always so friendly and motivational.

When ever I am in doubt, I'll come and read your wise words.

Really, I'll never be happy with how I look. :( I'm kind of like...at least if I'm skinny, it takes the edge off the ugly. But I'll never be happy with my appearance. Can only mitigate. :/

You're super pretty whether you lost weight or not. Got a gorgeous face :)

Bad bad day today... I had a fridge delivered with the stupid "between 10 - 3", so just sat around waiting and after had shopping and a dinner with my parents and sisters and blah blah. No working out. Barf.

I should do two or three work outs tomorrow. Maybe a cardio in the morning and strength later in the afternoon.
Awww, sweetie, it saddens me to read your ideas about yourself. You wouldn't think or say anything as bad about anybody else compared to what your thoughts are about yourself. You seem to have twisted body image and self-image. You need to be more merciful towards yourself.

Like I have said before, I adore your body. I understand if you want to feel more healthy, but there isn't anything wrong with your body to begin with. You are absolutely beautiful the way you are.

Stop worrying about your looks and start to think about how you feel. Even if we would like to make you feel better about yourself it is not going to work if you aren't yourself working towards it as well. You need to believe more in yourself and to what you can do. Do the things that you enjoy and that make you feel better.

Oh and thank you so much. ^_^ That was very sweet of you to say!


Was in Holland & Barrett and fancied some vege sausages. Picked the Linda Mcartney brand. (I do eat meat normally)

Anyway noticed its 11.5g of protein per sausage! And its 6 for 1.99

Great deal.


Gold Member
Sup brahs. Warning: long post incoming.

Bonus pic I took yesterday cause striations!

Absolutely amazing job. I mean,absolutely spectacular. Two questions

1 - Do you remember at what point did those bicep veins bust out? Love them.

2 - Alcohol, did you drink any?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Happy Father's Day to all the dads in here. My favorite day of the year! Enjoy everyone.


Bowser, what the fuck, I did not expect that ripped third pic you posted. Great work man. I am definitely mirin'.

Holy hell - wow!

I am admiring as well (and drooling to my keyboard). You have absolutely gorgeous body type at the moment. Seriously, totally smashing upper body and arms. <3

It is so inspirational to read stories like this! And you don't need to be craving to get new PRs, we appreciate your journey and will do all we can to help you to go even further. (I am bad at giving advices since I am a noob, but at least I cheer with the crowd.)

But yes, love it, keep up the good work!

Absolutely amazing job. I mean,absolutely spectacular. Two questions

1 - Do you remember at what point did those bicep veins bust out? Love them.

2 - Alcohol, did you drink any?

Thanks guys, appreciate the kind words! Making me blush haha.


1) I started getting hints of the veins about 7-8 months in (you can see 'em starting to show in that 2nd pic). It didn't really start showing so well until I started doing the weight workouts. I try to work out at least 5 days a week (proud to say I've kept that up for a majority of the last 18 months or so). I honestly think cutting body fat with the fasted cardio in the mornings were what helped the most in the veins becoming prominent, but I don't know for sure.

2) For the 10 week cut program I referenced above, I only drank a handful of times and even then I kept it as clean as you can with alcohol (vodka sodas, bourbon on the rocks, a (very) occasional glass of wine if I went out to dinner, etc). I drank heavily only one time during that program and that was for my cousin's birthday.

At this point, I try to limit myself to 2-3 drinks at most on any given night and only once any given week. To be quite honest, I rarely drink now. It just isn't really worth it to me. It's definitely tougher now in the summer when it's nice out and people want to go day drink during the weekends. The upside with not drinking as much is that I can get a really good buzz off just one drink. Makes me a cheap date lol.

edit: I should mention that basically the only liquids I drink nowadays, besides an occasional drink as referenced above, is water, black coffee, and tea. I try to take in a gallon of water a day. Oh and coconut water:

Harmless Harvest: nectar of the gods


After a month of keto and a tad over 20 pounds lost I feel like having a cheat day today and getting some Hot Tomales at the movies. The impending shame will be intense.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
After a month of keto and a tad over 20 pounds lost I feel like having a cheat day today and getting some Hot Tomales at the movies. The impending shame will be intense.
You deserve it. Throw in some Häagen Daz Caramel Cone and thank me later.


Sorry to hear Sean. Get better soon.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
After a month of keto and a tad over 20 pounds lost I feel like having a cheat day today and getting some Hot Tomales at the movies. The impending shame will be intense.

Of all goddamn things to cheat with, those nasty-ass Hot Tamales?!


Well fit bros I've been in the ER since 8am

Gotta get my appendix out :(

:( Take it easy and feel better soon. I'm glad you had the good sense to get yourself checked out, instead of sitting around and making a Dr. GAF "Hey I have excruciating pain in my lower stomach, what should I do?" post.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
That was fast, haha. Glad you're okay, Sean.

todd: just mixed grip and liquid chalk.


Thanks guys. You guys are all like family.

No lifting is gonna suck. My wife said I can get a wii u and Mario kart to pass the time :)


Hey everyone, long time no see. I've been bit by the injury bug and also a promotion so work and my body have been working against me. My wife is pregnant with our first child, due this Fall. I haven't deadlifted in months because I hurt my back.

Does anyone have any recommendations for super abbreviated workouts? I've been getting into the gym at about 4:30 AM. I would like to get out in about 30-45 minutes. Anyone know of any programs that might support this? I've been winging it by working up to a 3RM in the squat, GM, bench and OHP. Squat/Bench on Mon/Thurs and GM/OHP on Tues/Fri.
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