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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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No, I mean I'm not sure if you're seriously going to sit down and eat that!

Also, why do I start gaining too much weight at about 2500kcal? I literally couldn't eat that meal and fit into my calorie targets. lol
Well I saw the Dr and she said it was just a deep contusion so I'm celebrating with a 2600cal meal.

Awesome! You already have the beard haha.




Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
No, I mean I'm not sure if you're seriously going to sit down and eat that!

Also, why do I start gaining too much weight at about 2500kcal? I literally couldn't eat that meal and fit into my calorie targets. lol
I could eat that during half a quarter of football! Step up yo game Psycho!


After jogging on the weekend my back has been acting up first time in some time. It seems that jogging was a bad idea but I wanted to try it out after over four months stop. One hour of pilates and 1,5 hours of nordic walking today - it better get the message and behave nicely again. I want it to be in as good condition as possible next week's Friday when I am seeing my physiotherapist since it will determine what kind of new gym program I will be having.

Do what you're gonna do, I was addressing your post about how you think people find your posts. I'm just confirming at least one person (me ) feels that way.

But by all means, don't let me bring you down, just rather th flirting stuff was saved for PM.
I think some people might take my comments a bit too seriously. :p They serve the same purpose as people saying "miring bro" but my choice of words is just a bit different. Other don't seem to mind it at all and some even think that it is delightful.

Since we are all adults in here I am sure that we are able to tolerate each other and keep up the encouraging and positive athmosphere even if we wouldn't all the time really appreciate someone's different ways of expressing oneself.

Good edit. I almost got you.

I think I've seen a few people complain about this kinda stuff over the past few weeks. Quite honestly I don't see the problem. The pics and flirting definitely DON'T clutter the thread as very few people even post that stuff and of those that do it isn't even all that often (multiple times a page).

Frankly I'm kinda disappointed in the overall lack of progress pics in the thread lately. Believe it or not some people actually do find them motivating. Seeing friends progress makes me wanna keep going. I'm one of those people. That's my mindset behind posting pictures when I do it, even if they aren't typical progress photos.

It's an extra source of motivation and there is no other thread active enough for me to just dump a picture in and get positive feedback. Although I do have other outlets (facebook, IG) many other posters here don't.

That all being said. I really try hard not to murk up this thread. I give my opinion if I see something I want to add. I post occasionally when I need a pick me up or a little extra bit of motivation. Aside from that I really just lurk.
Kitty, your posts are always motivating and extremely encouraging.

I also love when people post progress photos. When I look at them I am generally thinking that damn, if they can do that, I can also better myself.

my problem with progress pics (as opposed to just random pics to show a shirt or a move or a nice angle) is that after a while there's this diminishing returns thing that begins to settle in and that's when the real challenge begins.

my first 18 months on fitness and lifting where like "WOAH, I am a totally different person", once you get used to the fact that have attained a certain build, all there is to look for is:

I.- Real definition, bring down the BF%.

II.- Get mass in form of Muscle

I guess what I want to say is that it's hard for me to get things done to get and see the progress I'd like and then take a pic and have a satisfactory comparison with a pic of several months back. I think real progress pics or before/afters are going to be a lot farther apart than I used to post them.
I think it is totally fine to just throw in here a pic of a new belt or a work out shirt. It just shows that you are happy and excited about it. Also like said, you look more shredded than you did late spring / early summer. You are just being too hard on yourself.

I so know that feeling being in the middle of a cut. I know this is my first "cut" ever and I am basicly just trying to lose the fat to see what kind of muscles I have underneath. At the moment I am quite much halfway to the weight I have in my mind and I might end up cutting more than that. We'll see. Even though being smaller is just a good thing for me, but this overall softness is annoying. I am still in that overly happy honeymoon phase though and basicly just excited about quite much all the little changes I see.

I can still already feel that the cut is getting harder and I am not losing weight as fast as I did when I started. I am happy if I manage to get an average cut of one pound per week after my first year. It isn't even much, but I would rather take that around 55 pounds loss slowly than something bigger that would come back easier. I am trying to do it right so I don't need to do it again hopefully ever again.

Sometimes I find it frustrating that the early gains are not showing in pics.
Everyone commented that I look bigger and some of my shirts don't fit anymore, yet when I take pics all I see is shrimpy old me.
I guess am going to wait awhile until I see a truly visible difference before I'm confident enough to post pics.
Sweetie, this might also be just because you are your worst critic. If other people can see it, there most likely is something visible to comment. :D

Look good to me
Thanks honey! ^_^

Looking great! and I know the feeling. When I used to play rugby I was 230 something lbs and while I carried my weight decently enough, I decided to get lean for once after hitting nearly 250 lbs. I decided to forgo strength in favor of aesthetics/leaness and to great results. I felt really small. actually I still have days where I feel small, and then I just carb up. How big I was sort of skewed my perception of what is 'big' and for a while it was weird seeing how much my body had changed.
That is very sweet of you to say. :D

I have hard time imagining you could feel small, since you are one of the huge beasts in here. But yeah, I understand that odd mindset quite well and good to know I am not alone. I guess it just takes time to get used to the changing body.

Well I saw the Dr and she said it was just a deep contusion so I'm celebrating with a 2600cal meal.
Lol, your meals never stop to amaze me.

What kind of budget you have per month solely for food if you don't mind me asking?

I wish there was a way I could work out at my local high school. Was just walking the halls because I took my toddler there for a swimming class. Saw their weight room. It was glorious. 10 power racks/cages. It was a thing of beauty.
That must have felt the same as when I went to a yoga class in University of Technology. Their gym was big, well equipped and it actually had proper air conditioning. My university gym is too small and from the 80's and it shows. Five people make it look like it would be crowded.

...I actually just now properly realized that since I went to a yoga class in there they activated my student card so it opens doors in the building so I can go there if I want!


Brian Burke punched my mom
Lol, your meals never stop to amaze me.

What kind of budget you have per month solely for food if you don't mind me asking?

I'm not sure anywhere from $300-400CDN/month because of take out.

most guys feel small in the gym. and you see that you're bigger, but then you measure your arms and you still only have 15.5" biceps. fucking bullshit.

try eating this MTP : http://www.medicaldaily.com/8000-ca...ver-human-stomach-not-ready-hibernator-305624

My arms are 17.5-18" and I feel small looking down at myself; unless I catch myself in a mirror with some good lighting. My legs and glutes are huge though not mater what hahaha.

Too much bread in there, needs more meat!
I'm not sure anywhere from $300-400CDN/month because of take out.

My arms are 17.5-18" and I feel small looking down at myself; unless I catch myself in a mirror with some good lighting. My legs and glutes are huge though not mater what hahaha.

Too much bread in there, needs more meat!

my arms are 18 with a pump and they still look small, they just arent wide enough




I'm not sure anywhere from $300-400CDN/month because of take out.
That is actually very decent. I am starting to think that food is cheaper in there compared to Finland... I think I use around 200+ euros / 280+ CDN / 250+ USD per month and I don't even eat out.

I eat way too many Quest bars though. :p


Slayer of Combofiends
Well I saw the Dr and she said it was just a deep contusion so I'm celebrating with a 2600cal meal.

Before I started workout out and cutting, I could only eat 3 hot dogs and feel full. Now I can probably eat 7, working out does a lot. Plus, FitGAF, you lied to me... I'M SEEING GAINS IN ALL THE WRONG PLACES! MY LEGS ARE FREAKING MONSTERS! THE DEFINITION IS TOO MUCH!
Before I started workout out and cutting, I could only eat 3 hot dogs and feel full. Now I can probably eat 7, working out does a lot.
I've gone in a completely different direction. I used to be able to eat like a monster, but now, I can barely finish normal meals in restaurants.

Oh, and to the guys complaining about 17" biceps. Try having my frame... mine are big compared to my arms (and far more defined than most people I know), but break the tape at a massive 13.5".

As I've said before. Even if I was a woman I'd still be classed as a small frame. Yay genetics. =/


Slayer of Combofiends
I've gone in a completely different direction. I used to be able to eat like a monster, but now, I can barely finish normal meals in restaurants.

Oh, and to the guys complaining about 17" biceps. Try having my frame... mine are big compared to my arms (and far more defined than most people I know), but break the tape at a massive 13.5".

As I've said before. Even if I was a woman I'd still be classed as a small frame. Yay genetics. =/

if i know im going to pig out pretty good (healthy food choices: i hope sushi qualifies) i skip carbs the entire day except for pre-workout (i know, i shouldnt but i rarely do it) and man can i bring the hammer down! probably 3 pounds of food gone and wait... you seriously have 13.5" biceps? I have 16 and im only starting...

J. Bravo

wait... you seriously have 13.5" biceps? I have 16 and im only starting...
Are you fat? Lol only half joking. Lots of people start out lifting as skinny bastards, such as myself. I was 5'9" 135 when I started.

Real talk though I could use some of that 8k calorie meal. I'm on 4-5 hours of (drunken) sleep, worked 8 hours, lifted, balled until 730, and have eaten 1500 calories today. And I just got done playing more basketball. Fucking gassed. Need some food, weed, and legs in a hot tub. Luckily I don't work tomorrow.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
if i know im going to pig out pretty good (healthy food choices: i hope sushi qualifies) i skip carbs the entire day except for pre-workout (i know, i shouldnt but i rarely do it) and man can i bring the hammer down! probably 3 pounds of food gone and wait... you seriously have 13.5" biceps? I have 16 and im only starting...
Way to make him feel even better! Ha Biceps size really can be deceiving. Many have larger ones than mine which are about 16.5 but yet they look much smaller. Is a 19 inch biceps really all that impressive if it's covered in a sizable layer of fat.


Slayer of Combofiends
Are you fat? Lol only half joking. Lots of people start out lifting as skinny bastards, such as myself. I was 5'9" 135 when I started.

Real talk though I could use some of that 8k calorie meal. I'm on 4-5 hours of (drunken) sleep, worked 8 hours, lifted, balled until 730, and have eaten 1500 calories today. And I just got done playing more basketball. Fucking gassed. Need some food, weed, and legs in a hot tub. Luckily I don't work tomorrow.

im a husky guy, used to play lacross in high school as a defender so that build always stayed with me. gotta lose more fat!

Way to make him feel even better! Ha Biceps size really can be deceiving. Many have larger ones than mine which are about 16.5 but yet they look much smaller. Is a 19 inch biceps really all that impressive if it's covered in a sizable layer of fat.

basically, i have some arm flab thatll probably go away if i keep it up.


Good to hear that you think that hatha yoga could possible suit me. :D

Also thank you for the compliment! It is a very flattering cut and shape. :p

Good luck with the working outs! Just remember to eath healthy, but enough and remember to have your rest days. You should do work outs that actually make you happy and that you enjoy doing. I don't believe that one can change his or her life if he/she doesn't enjoy the changes. :) Same goes with the diet. Only change your diet in a way that you think you could follow for the rest of your life.

At least those have worked for me. I actually tried to imagine what would a person with a body I dream to have eat on daily basis and just sticked with that. :p Stupid, I know, but I do appreciate the results. ^_^

Hatha should hopefully be really relaxing!

It definitely looks great on you :)

I've done two of the You Are Your Own Gym workouts. It huuuuurts haha. My arms and legs hurt like crazy. First one was more arms and had some pull ups using a table and they hurt so much lol. Today was legs and had lots of squats and lunges.

Nothing tomorrow cause I'll be going to physio after work. Woo.


Are you fat? Lol only half joking. Lots of people start out lifting as skinny bastards, such as myself. I was 5'9" 135 when I started.

Real talk, I'm coming up on 3 months back in the gym after losing all my progress and mine are only 13.5 inches as well. Being 6'2'' with sub 10% BF doesn't help.

Question time, I've been kinda broke lately and therefore haven't been eating nearly enough to gain weight, lifts are starting to stall out. I'm curious if anyone has any suggestions for easy cheap calories before I jump back on the GOMAD train.


the piano man
October is my fitness anniversary month!! my gym membership started in Oct. 2012, happy anniversary, to me, lol.

.. you seriously have 13.5" biceps? I have 16 and im only starting...

progress is what matters, not raw numbers.

today I am 13'5 (cold) but I when I started I was 11.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
Do any of you do negatives reps? or focus a workout on negatives?
Can anyone here recommend a gym in Vegas? Going to be on holiday there in a couple of weeks and given I'm probably going to be eating big, I reckon I should probably be lifting big too.

Don't care if it's at one of the hotels (or what it costs) as long as it's relatively well equipped / quiet. Maybe some hotels are known for having better gyms (weight rooms) than others? I'm staying at the Signature @ MGM Grand which I know has a "cardio room" as part of the price, but I don't think 6 days of spinning is going to cut it. :)

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Fuck cardio but I respect it. It's made my cut go so much faster. I'm able to wear a belt I haven't worn since age 22 (34 now) - I can't fuck with that.

I hate that I've been getting more out of this than strength training. I know, I can do both, but I can focus so much better on just one thing. I really miss strength training, but at the same time, this FEELS more productive. I don't know. I'm a confused-ass man.
Fuck cardio but I respect it. It's made my cut go so much faster. I'm able to wear a belt I haven't worn since age 22 (34 now) - I can't fuck with that.

I hate that I've been getting more out of this than strength training. I know, I can do both, but I can focus so much better on just one thing. I really miss strength training, but at the same time, this FEELS more productive. I don't know. I'm a confused-ass man.
I think part of why you feel like that (and I as well) is that cardio fitness is gained and lost faster than strength is. Plus you just feel a lot better with decent cardio fitness, even while just sitting down doing nothing (lower heart rate, better breathing...etc).

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I think part of why you feel like that (and I as well) is that cardio fitness is gained and lost faster than strength is. Plus you just feel a lot better with decent cardio fitness, even while just sitting down (lower heart rate, better breathing...etc)

Could be, could be. I definitely feel the changes faster. I miss watching my weights go up, but it's like I'm getting noob gainz again by watching my numbers go up on the cardio end.


Fuck cardio but I respect it. It's made my cut go so much faster. I'm able to wear a belt I haven't worn since age 22 (34 now) - I can't fuck with that.

I hate that I've been getting more out of this than strength training. I know, I can do both, but I can focus so much better on just one thing. I really miss strength training, but at the same time, this FEELS more productive. I don't know. I'm a confused-ass man.

Could be, could be. I definitely feel the changes faster. I miss watching my weights go up, but it's like I'm getting noob gainz again by watching my numbers go up on the cardio end.

Yeah, I just finished up about 12 weeks of a modest strength training routine. Hit 3x5 @ 225 squat, 1x5 @ 225 deadlift, and 3x5 @ 175 bench. Might not seem like great numbers, but as small dude (5'6", 145 lbs), I'm pretty satisfied with it. But I also gained a bit of fat trying to eat enough to be able to put those numbers up - was trying to increase while cutting which is almost impossible, got really tough once I started hitting around 195 on squats especially.

Going to take a week off and then switch to a 6 week cardio and bodybuilding style split routine to drop some of this fat off.


This is the kind of stuff that helped make me quit using fitocracy. If you like that kind of stuff look into it, it's basically a fit people flirting site now.

Is it really? I just use it because it has years of my results and data all in one place, and don't even touch the social side.



In the vein of what you've posted, you spend a lot of time in this thread overtly flirting. It is very annoying. If you post the way you do as a male it would get the same response.

This is the kind of stuff that helped make me quit using fitocracy. If you like that kind of stuff look into it, it's basically a fit people flirting site now.

I'd cut back ok the overt flirting in posts. Take it/keep it in PM. Sharing progress isn't the issue at all.

I know you're a corrections officer, but no need to play thread cop. If you don't like her posts put her on ignore.


So the lowest I hit on the scale was 252, which was then followed by the introduction of creatine, and the last 1s week I did so I ate a ton. I gained water and weight as a result, and hit 259.5. As of this morning with much more strict sleep and eating more coconut oil in my coffee for the MCTs and fat, down to 253.5lbs even with the water gain from the creatine that I'm still taking. Getting there. Maybe Friday or so I'll head back for my 11th 1s week.

Body looks a lot leaner, just so happy with the results.
I saw this new, ridiculously jacked guy at my gym last saturday and he looks EXACTLY like Cooter (facially and physically). We were both doing curlz for the gurlz, while a couple of said gurlz were just to our right squatting. And I think to myself, "what would happen if I turned to this guy right now and just said, 'Cooter?'"

Very nearly dropped the DBs during that moment when you're about to bust out laughing and all the power drains from your limbs and goes straight to your diaphragm.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I know you're a corrections officer, but no need to play thread cop. If you don't like her posts put her on ignore.

You must have missed the following posts and the reason for my post. I'm not playing "thread cop" I was addressing her post and my follow on posts even said don't let me change what you wanna do, I'm simply saying what if would prefer.

Is it really? I just use it because it has years of my results and data all in one place, and don't even touch the social side.


I find the two in sides indistinguishable on that site.

Well I saw the Dr and she said it was just a deep contusion so I'm celebrating with a 2600cal meal.

Awesome! You already have the beard haha.


Good news bro and the beard is a shadow of its former glory.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I saw this new, ridiculously jacked guy at my gym last saturday and he looks EXACTLY like Cooter (facially and physically). We were both doing curlz for the gurlz, while a couple of said gurlz were just to our right squatting. And I think to myself, "what would happen if I turned to this guy right now and just said, 'Cooter?'"

Very nearly dropped the DBs during that moment when you're about to bust out laughing and all the power drains from your limbs and goes straight to your diaphragm.

you should definitely not say "cooter" to strangers my friend


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement

I was doing shoulders and tris yesterday. Damn. Thanks for the ridiculously jacked compliment too.

I did have a group of young kids overhear a trainer and I talking about how I love DLs and they butted in and said, "yeah, we call you Superman because of all the plates you put on." I laughed and said, thanks! I'll take it.

EDIT: Oh no wait!! Misread. I was doing curls last Saturday....


Fuck cardio but I respect it. It's made my cut go so much faster. I'm able to wear a belt I haven't worn since age 22 (34 now) - I can't fuck with that.

I hate that I've been getting more out of this than strength training. I know, I can do both, but I can focus so much better on just one thing. I really miss strength training, but at the same time, this FEELS more productive. I don't know. I'm a confused-ass man.

I feel you. Consistent cardio shreds the fat off so fast of for me as well, it feels way more effective than hitting the weights--to the point that even if I hit the weights hard as hell, I don't feel like I got a proper days workout in unless I hit a quick 1.5 as well.

Shit's mad
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