After jogging on the weekend my back has been acting up first time in some time. It seems that jogging was a bad idea but I wanted to try it out after over four months stop. One hour of pilates and 1,5 hours of nordic walking today - it better get the message and behave nicely again. I want it to be in as good condition as possible next week's Friday when I am seeing my physiotherapist since it will determine what kind of new gym program I will be having.
Do what you're gonna do, I was addressing your post about how you think people find your posts. I'm just confirming at least one person (me ) feels that way.
But by all means, don't let me bring you down, just rather th flirting stuff was saved for PM.
I think some people might take my comments a bit too seriously.

They serve the same purpose as people saying "miring bro" but my choice of words is just a bit different. Other don't seem to mind it at all and some even think that it is delightful.
Since we are all adults in here I am sure that we are able to tolerate each other and keep up the encouraging and positive athmosphere even if we wouldn't all the time really appreciate someone's different ways of expressing oneself.
Good edit. I almost got you.
I think I've seen a few people complain about this kinda stuff over the past few weeks. Quite honestly I don't see the problem. The pics and flirting definitely DON'T clutter the thread as very few people even post that stuff and of those that do it isn't even all that often (multiple times a page).
Frankly I'm kinda disappointed in the overall lack of progress pics in the thread lately. Believe it or not some people actually do find them motivating. Seeing friends progress makes me wanna keep going. I'm one of those people. That's my mindset behind posting pictures when I do it, even if they aren't typical progress photos.
It's an extra source of motivation and there is no other thread active enough for me to just dump a picture in and get positive feedback. Although I do have other outlets (facebook, IG) many other posters here don't.
That all being said. I really try hard not to murk up this thread. I give my opinion if I see something I want to add. I post occasionally when I need a pick me up or a little extra bit of motivation. Aside from that I really just lurk.
Kitty, your posts are always motivating and extremely encouraging.
I also love when people post progress photos. When I look at them I am generally thinking that damn, if they can do that, I can also better myself.
my problem with progress pics (as opposed to just random pics to show a shirt or a move or a nice angle) is that after a while there's this diminishing returns thing that begins to settle in and that's when the real challenge begins.
my first 18 months on fitness and lifting where like "WOAH, I am a totally different person", once you get used to the fact that have attained a certain build, all there is to look for is:
I.- Real definition, bring down the BF%.
II.- Get mass in form of Muscle
I guess what I want to say is that it's hard for me to get things done to get and see the progress I'd like and then take a pic and have a satisfactory comparison with a pic of several months back. I think real progress pics or before/afters are going to be a lot farther apart than I used to post them.
I think it is totally fine to just throw in here a pic of a new belt or a work out shirt. It just shows that you are happy and excited about it. Also like said, you look more shredded than you did late spring / early summer. You are just being too hard on yourself.
I so know that feeling being in the middle of a cut. I know this is my first "cut" ever and I am basicly just trying to lose the fat to see what kind of muscles I have underneath. At the moment I am quite much halfway to the weight I have in my mind and I might end up cutting more than that. We'll see. Even though being smaller is just a good thing for me, but this overall softness is annoying. I am still in that overly happy honeymoon phase though and basicly just excited about quite much all the little changes I see.
I can still already feel that the cut is getting harder and I am not losing weight as fast as I did when I started. I am happy if I manage to get an average cut of one pound per week after my first year. It isn't even much, but I would rather take that around 55 pounds loss slowly than something bigger that would come back easier. I am trying to do it right so I don't need to do it again hopefully ever again.
Sometimes I find it frustrating that the early gains are not showing in pics.
Everyone commented that I look bigger and some of my shirts don't fit anymore, yet when I take pics all I see is shrimpy old me.
I guess am going to wait awhile until I see a truly visible difference before I'm confident enough to post pics.
Sweetie, this might also be just because you are your worst critic. If other people can see it, there most likely is something visible to comment.
Thanks honey! ^_^
Looking great! and I know the feeling. When I used to play rugby I was 230 something lbs and while I carried my weight decently enough, I decided to get lean for once after hitting nearly 250 lbs. I decided to forgo strength in favor of aesthetics/leaness and to great results. I felt really small. actually I still have days where I feel small, and then I just carb up. How big I was sort of skewed my perception of what is 'big' and for a while it was weird seeing how much my body had changed.
That is very sweet of you to say.
I have hard time imagining you could feel small, since you are one of the huge beasts in here. But yeah, I understand that odd mindset quite well and good to know I am not alone. I guess it just takes time to get used to the changing body.
Well I saw the Dr and she said it was just a deep contusion so I'm celebrating with a 2600cal meal.
Lol, your meals never stop to amaze me.
What kind of budget you have per month solely for food if you don't mind me asking?
I wish there was a way I could work out at my local high school. Was just walking the halls because I took my toddler there for a swimming class. Saw their weight room. It was glorious. 10 power racks/cages. It was a thing of beauty.
That must have felt the same as when I went to a yoga class in University of Technology. Their gym was big, well equipped and it actually had proper air conditioning. My university gym is too small and from the 80's and it shows. Five people make it look like it would be crowded.
...I actually just now properly realized that since I went to a yoga class in there they activated my student card so it opens doors in the building so I can go there if I want!