How tall r u?Gosh, you guys are all awfully heavy. Well, I'm awfully light, too. 126lbs, to be precise. How can I raise this number?
How tall r u?Gosh, you guys are all awfully heavy. Well, I'm awfully light, too. 126lbs, to be precise. How can I raise this number?
Eat everything. I don't know what type of training you use at the moment, but a weights program would be the ideal choice.
How tall r u?
Well, I do more running and jumping stuff, I guess, but I do sometimes do the strength stuff every now and then...
... And I do eat everything. I stay annoyingly slender, though.
Short enough to be looked down at by most people. Haven't measured in a while.
I highly doubt you eat as much as you think unless you run like 5-10 miles a day. How many calories do you estimate? Give us a rundown of your typical day. What kind of stuff are you eating and how much?Well, I do more running and jumping stuff, I guess, but I do sometimes do the strength stuff every now and then...
... And I do eat everything. I stay annoyingly slender, though.
Short enough to be looked down at by most people. Haven't measured in a while.
I don't know how much you run? But cardio in general helps to keep your weight at a controlled level. A strength training workout is one of more effective ways to make gains. There are lots of different workouts out there. The ones mentioned in the OP are some good choices.
I highly doubt you eat as much as you think unless you run like 5-10 miles a day. How many calories do you estimate? Give us a rundown of your typical day. What kind of stuff are you eating and how much?
Then you need to eat more. Three miles isn't burning that many calories. You probably eat about 3000-3500 and have a fast metabolism. If you are serious you need to know exactly how much you are consuming and that requires having a rough idea of the calories you eat. I would add lots of peanut butter and other nuts. Basically eat whatever you want until you get to about 4000-4500 a day. If you still see no weight gain increase it. It's trial and error and everyone is different. As mentioned, a serious weightlifting regime will benefit you greatly also. Good luck.Will read those, thanks very much~
Well, I run about 3 miles. I eat too much food, all the time. Entire packets of biscuits, lots of steak and pork and shit, and a tonne of sausage rolls. I'm not sure how many calories that is. It doesn't make me any bugger, mind.
Here's an interesting quote from an article I just read regarding "fast" and "slow" metabolisms:You probably eat about 3000-3500 and have a fast metabolism.
With the exception of very rare cases, resting metabolism is virtually the same from person to person, so there is no such thing as a fast or slow metabolism. Having more muscle than fat has an insignificant effect on metabolism. Also, having three vs. six meals in a day does not affect metabolism. Metabolism is increased through exercise, especially weight training, because of the energy expenditure during the workout and the energy required to repair the muscles.
But holy shit at the GOMAD thing... is such a thing even possible? I have problems digesting milk so I obviously wouldn't do that, but holy shit that seems like way too much milk for anyone to digest daily.
... And I do eat everything. I stay annoyingly slender, though.
Then you need to eat more. Three miles isn't burning that many calories. You probably eat about 3000-3500 and have a fast metabolism. If you are serious you need to know exactly how much you are consuming and that requires having a rough idea of the calories you eat. I would add lots of peanut butter and other nuts. Basically eat whatever you want until you get to about 4000-4500 a day. If you still see no weight gain increase it. It's trial and error and everyone is different. As mentioned, a serious weightlifting regime will benefit you greatly also. Good luck.
Here's an interesting quote from an article I just read regarding "fast" and "slow" metabolisms:
Source Article:
Sources (within the article):
Thanks~! To be fair, I haven't really tried particularly hard before to get bulkier, although I am trying now, for certain. So it's trial and error? Makes sense. I'll certainly be eating more in time~ Again, thank you.
My advice is to actually count your calories, it can be deceiving how much you are or aren't eating until you have the actual numbers to look at. That's how it was for me. I downloaded the fitocracy app purely for the calorie counting and it helped a lot.
I just realized that when people ask me how much I lift, I actually feel ashamed of my numbers because I'm comparing them big powerlifters and guys like brolic. When I tell them they are always telling me it's a lot, but it never seems like it anymore. Does this happen to anyone else here?
I was going to start a new thread about this but you know how it goes with these subjects.
I find the two in sides indistinguishable on that site.
Hahah, hurting sounds good.At least you know you are doing it right.
Let us know how the physio went!
is not the normal range that someone can do that, apparently. I compared the mobility of my ankle with a coworker this morning and yeah...she couldn't move her ankle nearly as much as mine.
Bodyweight exercises can definitely be a challenge. I do body weight rows like you are on the Smith machine, and it's humbling how hard they get after 10 reps.On the plus side, I can now do 5 chin-ups and 4 neutral/hammer grip pull-ups, so improvement is happening. Best of luck with the program!
I just realized that when people ask me how much I lift, I actually feel ashamed of my numbers because I'm comparing them big powerlifters and guys like brolic. When I tell them they are always telling me it's a lot, but it never seems like it anymore. Does this happen to anyone else here?
I was going to start a new thread about this but you know how it goes with these subjects.
My advice would be to go for a more structured program. It kinda sounds like you're just throwing shit at a wall, i mean doing leg day because it makes your stomach sweat is bro science at its best.
In terms of your diet if you're planning to reach something like 10% body fat that's really where all the work is going to be done.
The type of squats that I do make me sweat a lot, around my abdomen. This is purely from observation lol.
Yep I figured it's all about diet but it's hard to maintain it. I'll feel hungry most of the time and it takes a lot of will not to eat carb-heavy foods, like Mac n cheese, or basically something that my family cooks which always involves a lot of carbs. So I'm sticking to a mostly protein diet.
I have also hyper mobility in quite many places like ankles, knees and elbows. I always need to remember to have soft knees for example and remind myself not to lock my joints. Hopefully your ankle will be better after you have managed to strenghten your muscles around it a bit. Go show your calf it you think it isn't getting any better and bothers you. If you keep working out like you do you will soon have a steel body.It huuuuuurts still. Lol.
So apparently I have "unusually floppy ankles" lol. Like, hyper mobility.
I had no idea that this:
is not the normal range that someone can do that, apparently. I compared the mobility of my ankle with a coworker this morning and yeah...she couldn't move her ankle nearly as much as mine.
So it's not getting the support it needs. So she gave me exercises that I will do to strengthen everything around the ankles.
She also mentioned that if I am still getting ankle freak outs around the new year, it might be worth going to get a referral to an orthopedic specialist to discuss it.
She didn't know what my calf things were though, because it has some qualities of a tear and not other qualities. She wonders if a tendon might be getting "caught" on something else, or something. But she couldn't say for sure.
Yep! Physio adventures.
No need to feel silly. I have couple friends who have been skinny their whole lives no matter what they have been eating and I remember it annoyed them quite much especially when they were younger. Also always on doc's appointmens they were accused to be anorexic or bulimic or something as nasty as that and health professionals used to be very mean towards them. I have now known them for over 20 years and I know for sure that they eat normally and quite much but still just don't gain weight.To be honest I start to feel silly complaining about things like that but as you said everyone has their own battles to win. Growing up as someone abnormally skinny I definitely empathize with anyone overweight, being skinny may be the more socially acceptable option but it doesn't stop being from being a dick to you about it at times.
Mike Matarazzo said:..."Oh, God, where do I begin? I'd have to say that everything that led to my heart problem began the minute I started getting serious about competitive bodybuilding. In order to get bigger, I'd eat five, six, seven pounds of red meat a day, no vegetables. And I'd stay away from fruits because of their sugar.
Worst were the chemicals. I have so many memories of being alone in a hotel room the week, five days or two days before a contest, and doing unspeakable things to my bodysteroids, growth hormones, diureticsanything and everything that we as bodybuilders do to achieve a certain look.
It has affected my whole life, so to all those guys who are on an eternal quest to have 21" arms and 20" calves, and who are so vain about their never-say-die attitude, I say, "Change your attitude." Worry about keeping that body of yours as healthy as possible, because it's going to have to last you not just through your next contest or to the end of your bodybuilding contract, but for a long time. And a long time for a human being is nothing. It goes by real quick, even quicker when your health is gone and you have nothing to stand live for.
WTF..I just learned Mike Matarazzo, popular bodybuilder in the 90's died two months ago, age 47, due to heart failure.. someone posted a pic of his calves in the calf thread, googled him and bam, dead..
fantastic body, indeed, but...
(his quote in Wikipedia):
WTF..I just learned Mike Matarazzo, popular bodybuilder in the 90's died two months ago, age 47, due to heart failure.. someone posted a pic of his calves in the calf thread, googled him and bam, dead..
fantastic body, indeed, but...
(his quote in Wikipedia):
Do any of you have a set ab workout?
I use a few individual ones but nothing concrete, just wondering what you guys use or if there is a template you ab havers use. I'm trying to get an effective ab workout going for myself is all
Do any of you have a set ab workout?
I use a few individual ones but nothing concrete, just wondering what you guys use or if there is a template you ab havers use. I'm trying to get an effective ab workout going for myself is all
My ab workout consists of weighing my food and putting no more than 2500 calories in my mouth 6 out of 7 days a week. Secondary exercises include DLs over 400lbs once a week and squats over 350. Bingo!Do any of you have a set ab workout?
I use a few individual ones but nothing concrete, just wondering what you guys use or if there is a template you ab havers use. I'm trying to get an effective ab workout going for myself is all
Do any of you have a set ab workout?
I use a few individual ones but nothing concrete, just wondering what you guys use or if there is a template you ab havers use. I'm trying to get an effective ab workout going for myself is all
That is insanity. Thank gods I actually aesthetically even prefer a body with a bit less muscles and higher body fat. People in this thread generally look damn good.WTF..I just learned Mike Matarazzo, popular bodybuilder in the 90's died two months ago, age 47, due to heart failure.. someone posted a pic of his calves in the calf thread, googled him and bam, dead..
fantastic body, indeed, but...
(his quote in Wikipedia):
That is awesome! Have you managed to keep a hold on your muscle mass?Put on a belt I haven't worn since my early 20s. Not only am I wearin this motherfucker, it's a notch tighter than I ever did back in the day. This cardio shit has kicked my diet into GEAR, goddamn.
That's not really how sweating works, you don't really make one part of your body sweat it's a whole body response. Secondly what is the purpose of making your abdomen sweat? You're trying to lose fat from that area, having your sweat glands produce some sweat does nothing to achieve that goal. Thirdly you can't target areas for fat loss, it doesn't really work that way. Generally you just have to lose fat across your body and eventually you will see results with your abs (though often it's the last to go).
I think you really need to define your goals a bit better. You say you just want to work on your abs, so is that literally your only goal? If so why do you care about losing strength?
If you want to know my personal opinion i think you're wasting your time and effort. You're working out at as much as 6 times a week for as long as 2 hours. That's a hell of a lot of effort to just try and lose a few pounds. The guys in this thread you see with incredible bodies and ridiculous strength aren't even doing that much. If you're going to spend that much time and effort in the gym isn't it worth taking a little while to do some reading and make the most out of your time working out?
I strongly recommend doing some reading about all this and starting yourself on a progression based lifting program (some sort of beginners program like SS would be ideal). At the least if you learn the basics you can set yourself up to get more out of your time working out.
What you're doing with your diet isn't healthy and might not give you the results you want. Even for someone your size a 1300 calorie diet is really low especially if you're working out for 1-2 hours every day. I can also guarantee that you're not burning as much as 1400-1600 calories a day nor do you need to for fat loss.
You should definitely do a bit of reading about nutrition and diet. There is a diet thread out there somewhere on GAF for you to start.
I really can't stress this enough but you owe it to yourself to learn a little bit about what you're doing. You don't want to look back in a few years and realise just how much time and effort you wasted because you couldn't be bothered to learn what to do at the start.
WTF..I just learned Mike Matarazzo, popular bodybuilder in the 90's died two months ago, age 47, due to heart failure.. someone posted a pic of his calves in the calf thread, googled him and bam, dead..
fantastic body, indeed, but...
(his quote in Wikipedia):
My ab workout consists of weighing my food and putting no more than 2500 calories in my mouth 6 out of 7 days a week. Secondary exercises include DLs over 400lbs once a week and squats over 350. Bingo!
Moral of the story is abs have nothing to do with concentrated ab work and all to do with diet. Of course, concentrated ab work will improve them once you shed that layer of fat away but most people just want to see them.
That is awesome! Have you managed to keep a hold on your muscle mass?
I hope you are also feeling better. Just do the things that make you happy! ^_^
May I ask what your diet looks like? As in what you eat every day and proportions? I'm just trying to get an idea for myself and would like to hear what your diet is like. Thanks!
Today I had the following and most days are similar to this:
-1.5 cups greek yogurt, 1 scoop protein, .25 cup bran buds=400 cal, 70gs protein
-1 quest bar=180 cal, 20gs p
-12ozs chicken, 2 Tbsp BBQ sauce, spinach, 1 Tbsp Italian dressing=520 cals, 60 p
-96gs PB, 20gs preserves= 700 cals, 20gs p
-1 quest bar= 160 cals, 20gs p
-1 bag of corn nuts= 220 cals, 4gs p
170 ozs of water
Total= 2180 calories and 195 grams of protein.
That's a bit low for me because I'm having a gigantic cheat day tomorrow and I like to be low the day before. I will interchange steak, fish, and pork for meat and usually stick to green beans, Brussels sprouts, and asparagus along with spinach.
Keep in mind I train heavy 5 or 6 days a week and weigh 180 pounds. You may not have the same needs I do.
Can anyone here recommend a gym in Vegas? Going to be on holiday there in a couple of weeks and given I'm probably going to be eating big, I reckon I should probably be lifting big too.
Don't care if it's at one of the hotels (or what it costs) as long as it's relatively well equipped / quiet. Maybe some hotels are known for having better gyms (weight rooms) than others? I'm staying at the Signature @ MGM Grand which I know has a "cardio room" as part of the price, but I don't think 6 days of spinning is going to cut it.![]()
Yes. Annoyingly so. The only time I see yellow pee is when I wake up.Holy shit!!!
You must piss like a waterfall!!!
Another quick try, for the weekend crew.
Average broz gym. Very solid.
no you're fine bro there is nothing wrong with failing a set. if she had really been watching, she'd have seen you do the previous two sets without issue. i was testing my 1rm about a month ago and got 235 stuck on my chest without a spotter. random dude came and helped me get it off. that doesn't mean i should drop down by 90 pounds. just try the weight again next session and maybe get a spotter.So what I usually do is bench a weight until I can do 3x5 in a session, then move up 5 lbs.
Been struggling with 135 lbs (45 lbs each side of the bar), doing sets of 3x3, but felt great today. Got through 1 set of 5 for the first time. Then got through the second set of 5. Failed on the 4th rep of set 3. Didn't have a spotter, two guys had to come lift the bar from chest level. (Yeah, stupid of me. Not sure why but I have been having this problem a lot lately where I push too far and end up needing a bail out. )
Girl spotting the guy next to me said that she was watching and that it wasn't a safe weight for me, that I should just stick to the bar. Wtf?
Is there a reason why someone would say this? I don't have much bulk because I never go more than 5 reps per set, or more than 3 sets, so maybe she thought I was just starting out with lifting? I started with just the bar when I began lifting 2 years ago, worked my way up to 105 lbs over the course of a year, stopped lifting for about 6 months, and about 6 months ago when I resumed lifting I started at 85 lbs. Saying that I should go from 135 to 45 just seems WEIRD
Yes. Annoyingly so. The only time I see yellow pee is when I wake up.
EDIT: Just took this free sample pre w/o I got at GNC for buying quest bars. It's called Assult by Musclepharm? I was instantly itching and got a rash around my neck, elbows, and a little around my right eye. WTF?? Boy does it work though!
Yeah my exact response was "No? I started with the bar 2 years ago, wtf?" Maybe she meant I should do a warm up set with just the bar?no you're fine bro there is nothing wrong with failing a set. if she had really been watching, she'd have seen you do the previous two sets without issue. i was testing my 1rm about a month ago and got 235 stuck on my chest without a spotter. random dude came and helped me get it off. that doesn't mean i should drop down by 90 pounds. just try the weight again next session and maybe get a spotter.
Or maybe she should mind her own damn business? Some people...Yeah my exact response was "No? I started with the bar 2 years ago, wtf?" Maybe she meant I should do a warm up set with just the bar?
I took Neon Sport Volt Pre-workout it has a strong flavor and gives you a lot of energy. But the first time I took it I felt very itchy, especially in my face and elbows. It's a side effect. Second time wasn't so bad and every once in a while you feel that way. I read that the tingling sensation is from beta alanine and the most active ingredient which is caffeine.