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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Has anyone tried Jason Blaha's 5x5 novice program? I'm thinking about switching from 531 to that so that I can reach my goal of 2xs bodyweight squats quicker. I feel like progress is so slow in 531
Hey guys, got some questions as an absolute fitness noob.

Several weeks ago I finally got my gym membership and past my initial fear as a very skinny guy of hitting the gym for the first time lol. It's not a big fitness chain, but a local gym with a passionate owner who's there all the time and helps out everyone personally. I only asked him about giving me some workout schedule to start off with and nothing really food-wise. I thought I read enough online about nutrition, but boy was I wrong.

Anyway, the working out part has been going very well and he'll provide me with a new more intense schedule this week as the first one was more of a "full body - get your muscles used to everything" kind of a schedule.

Now the food part is where I underestimated everything and made a huge mistake. I started off at about 73kg/160lbs but now I'm at 70kg/154lbs (185cm/6ft1 tall). So, obviously I'm going the wrong way.

I've always been a picky/difficult eater and to suddenly start eating way, way more than I was ever used to, while also trying new things that are more often than not 'disgusting' to me, was always going to be a big challenge. Nonetheless, I started eating more frequently, cut out loads of sugar and really started digging into the protein/carbs/fats topic. The big thing I overlooked was the calorie thing. My initial lazyness of thinking "Oh, I'm sure I'm eating more than enough calories" instead of actually at least estimating If I'm getting enough of them, has obviously cost me. Now I learned the hard way.

So early last week I went to the owner and told him about my weight and provided me with a schedule to try and hit almost 4000 calories a day if I'm serious about gaining some proper weight. I was away on holiday/business til today so tomorrow I'm gonna start with the new diet.

Now, the only shake I'm using is your standard protein shake. But I noticed there are some popular 'weight gainer' shakes aswell. I was wondering if it's worth ordering one of those buckets? I want to stress that I don't plan on living off of that, but just as an extra convience inbetween meals or the occasional situations where you don't have anything nearby to eat/make food, it does look like it could be helpful?

City athletic club is a good commercial gym in Vegas.

I saw that one, looked fancy. Couldn't see anything about pay as you go though, seemed only available to members.

So early last week I went to the owner and told him about my weight and provided me with a schedule to try and hit almost 4000 calories a day if I'm serious about gaining some proper weight.

Just out of interest, what have you been doing up until now? Because 4000 is a massive amount.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Can I get a squat form check?

This is my 3rd set of 3x5 @ 200lbs on Starting Strength. Trying to employ Rippetoe's low-bar technique.

Thoughts? I'm happy about my depth and bar speed especially since it's the third set, but maybe I could work on that buttwink at the bottom. So hard, though, unless I stop just around parallel.

Also managed to hit 3x5 @ 110 for military press!


Has anyone tried Jason Blaha's 5x5 novice program? I'm thinking about switching from 531 to that so that I can reach my goal of 2xs bodyweight squats quicker. I feel like progress is so slow in 531

I was going to ask how long you've been training and what programs you did for how long each? Jason's program is generally for novices with less than one year of serious training.
If you want to increase your squat, you might be better off looking at Smolov, Sheiko, or some other squatting program; just a warning, those two programs have a lot of volume.

EDIT: MrOogieBoogie, you need to fix the link BTW. Doesn't go to the video but goes to my video manager. You fixed it.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Hey guys, got some questions as an absolute fitness noob.

Several weeks ago I finally got my gym membership and past my initial fear as a very skinny guy of hitting the gym for the first time lol. It's not a big fitness chain, but a local gym with a passionate owner who's there all the time and helps out everyone personally. I only asked him about giving me some workout schedule to start off with and nothing really food-wise. I thought I read enough online about nutrition, but boy was I wrong.

Anyway, the working out part has been going very well and he'll provide me with a new more intense schedule this week as the first one was more of a "full body - get your muscles used to everything" kind of a schedule.

Now the food part is where I underestimated everything and made a huge mistake. I started off at about 73kg/160lbs but now I'm at 70kg/154lbs (185cm/6ft1 tall). So, obviously I'm going the wrong way.

I've always been a picky/difficult eater and to suddenly start eating way, way more than I was ever used to, while also trying new things that are more often than not 'disgusting' to me, was always going to be a big challenge. Nonetheless, I started eating more frequently, cut out loads of sugar and really started digging into the protein/carbs/fats topic. The big thing I overlooked was the calorie thing. My initial lazyness of thinking "Oh, I'm sure I'm eating more than enough calories" instead of actually at least estimating If I'm getting enough of them, has obviously cost me. Now I learned the hard way.

So early last week I went to the owner and told him about my weight and provided me with a schedule to try and hit almost 4000 calories a day if I'm serious about gaining some proper weight. I was away on holiday/business til today so tomorrow I'm gonna start with the new diet.

Now, the only shake I'm using is your standard protein shake. But I noticed there are some popular 'weight gainer' shakes aswell. I was wondering if it's worth ordering one of those buckets? I want to stress that I don't plan on living off of that, but just as an extra convience inbetween meals or the occasional situations where you don't have anything nearby to eat/make food, it does look like it could be helpful?

Don't assume an isolation based routine is more intense because it is not. Stick to the major compound lifts and add some isolation ones after if you like. Also, if you are looking for calories in your shake try adding peanut butter or oatmeal.
Do any of you have a set ab workout?

I use a few individual ones but nothing concrete, just wondering what you guys use or if there is a template you ab havers use. I'm trying to get an effective ab workout going for myself is all

3-4 sets of weighted crunches/cable crunches at the end of lower body days (after squats/deads/stuff where you need strong core stability). I think it helped the blocks pop out more at leaner BF%s.

For me at least it's been more of, "abs are built in the weight room and REVEALED in the kitchen" like how in a movie when you take off the ugly girl's glasses and let her hair down suddenly she's all hot and stuff
I was going to ask how long you've been training and what programs you did for how long each? Jason's program is generally for novices with less than one year of serious training.
If you want to increase your squat, you might be better off looking at Smolov, Sheiko, or some other squatting program; just a warning, those two programs have a lot of volume.

EDIT: MrOogieBoogie, you need to fix the link BTW. Doesn't go to the video but goes to my video manager. You fixed it.
I basically started with SS in January then switched to 531 BBB in July after stalling on the squat.

I've dicked around the gym and did P90X prior to SS


Hey guys, got some questions as an absolute fitness noob.

Several weeks ago I finally got my gym membership and past my initial fear as a very skinny guy of hitting the gym for the first time lol. It's not a big fitness chain, but a local gym with a passionate owner who's there all the time and helps out everyone personally. I only asked him about giving me some workout schedule to start off with and nothing really food-wise. I thought I read enough online about nutrition, but boy was I wrong.

Anyway, the working out part has been going very well and he'll provide me with a new more intense schedule this week as the first one was more of a "full body - get your muscles used to everything" kind of a schedule.

Now the food part is where I underestimated everything and made a huge mistake. I started off at about 73kg/160lbs but now I'm at 70kg/154lbs (185cm/6ft1 tall). So, obviously I'm going the wrong way.

I've always been a picky/difficult eater and to suddenly start eating way, way more than I was ever used to, while also trying new things that are more often than not 'disgusting' to me, was always going to be a big challenge. Nonetheless, I started eating more frequently, cut out loads of sugar and really started digging into the protein/carbs/fats topic. The big thing I overlooked was the calorie thing. My initial lazyness of thinking "Oh, I'm sure I'm eating more than enough calories" instead of actually at least estimating If I'm getting enough of them, has obviously cost me. Now I learned the hard way.

So early last week I went to the owner and told him about my weight and provided me with a schedule to try and hit almost 4000 calories a day if I'm serious about gaining some proper weight. I was away on holiday/business til today so tomorrow I'm gonna start with the new diet.

Now, the only shake I'm using is your standard protein shake. But I noticed there are some popular 'weight gainer' shakes aswell. I was wondering if it's worth ordering one of those buckets? I want to stress that I don't plan on living off of that, but just as an extra convience inbetween meals or the occasional situations where you don't have anything nearby to eat/make food, it does look like it could be helpful?


You should not be looking for "intense" workouts as a noob. Full body workouts are the way to go, what you wrote sounds like whatever he handed you is not a full body routine. Care to post what routine he gave you?

4000 calories a day is going to make you fat, if you can even get down that many calories (you say you're skinny). Arbitrarily throwing out a caloric number for you to hit everyday is the wrong thing to do. Learn about how many calories you eat now, and then raise it by about 300 per day.

Weight gainers have loads of sugar, not exactly the main thing you want to be putting in your body to make you gain weight.


I basically started with SS in January then switched to 531 BBB in July after stalling on the squat.

I've dicked around the gym and did P90X prior to SS

Ah, I see. I think you can squeeze out a bit more from linear progression then. Look into Greyskull LP; if you want the book or links about the program, send me a PM. I actually switched it two week ago and it has been pretty good for me so far (still can only squat and DL though). If you don't see anymore progress while on GSLP, then look at the programs I mentioned in the previous post.


I think I totally forgot to jump around in joy about my gym visit on Friday. I rescheduled my eating and ate an apple and organic extra virgin coconut oil with quark a bit before I went there - it made a huge difference. I felt like I would have been cheating since I had so much more energy to do my program. I was totally dead afterwards though since I even did HIIT kinda thing (no idea was I doing it right: I was on crosstrainer and did 50 second with my normal phase and 10 as fast as I could and repeated this eight times = 8 minutes in total) after the weight training because I had the extra energy needed for that.

So far so good. Later I'll post about what the testosterone has been doing to me as I've been hit really hard with some of the side effects, and it's probably worth talking about.

Long story short, docs were giving me, in their words, "way too much" and have cut my dosage by a third. Once they did that my mood swings vanished. I haven't cried in over a week, feels like a miracle.

There's a lot more going on and I am still somewhat miserable but getting rid of the mood swings has helped me so very much.
It is great to hear you are at least a bit better since the mood swings that you have mentioned earlier on seem to be gone. It is always a struggle to find the right dosage in every kind of medication. My thyroxine hormone was also a trial and an error type of thing in the beginning. Now it seems to be perfect and there is no side effects. (Even though some doc would have wanted to try to stop me taking it for a while just to see what would happen. I kindly declined for the time being.) So yeah, life will be easier when you are taking the right amount, I am sure.

It will be definitely interesting for us to hear how you have been doing and how testosterone has affected you. Also you are a good lad, I am sure you will have the strenght to dig yourself out of the misery and be happy again. Just stay strong. If you want to talk, we are all here for you.

Had my first real 'cheat meal' in a while. Went to a Mcdonalds, inhaled 3 big macs in a matter of minutes, went to a candy shop and gorged approx. 270 grams of mixed sweets. Didn't eat anything else the entire day. All in all everything was around 2500~2600 cal total.
That is insanity. How is your tummy feeling?

I ate one tiny little cinnamon roll today and two small cookies and I am in agony and feel totally bloated. If I feel like this still after around six hours or even half as bad as now, I can't go to the yoga. Everything is so painful and I feel like an air balloon.

Can I get a squat form check?

This is my 3rd set of 3x5 @ 200lbs on Starting Strength. Trying to employ Rippetoe's low-bar technique.

Thoughts? I'm happy about my depth and bar speed especially since it's the third set, but maybe I could work on that buttwink at the bottom. So hard, though, unless I stop just around parallel.

Also managed to hit 3x5 @ 110 for military press!
I am little to no help what comes to the form, but I definitely watched it, paid very much attention to the butt and possible buttwink... and damn your backside and ass look good. Squats have definitely been paying off. Great work what comes to results at least. :D
xpost from progress thread

what a difference a year makes


another pic

chest and traps are still doo doo


Slayer of Combofiends
feeling pretty good, the wizardry you people call a "good diet" and "lifting" has made my losing weight go swimmingly. 8 weeks ago, I weighed 200, today I weighed myself in at 190. God damn, never thought of the day I could actually get closer to what I aspire to be. My "cut" ends first week of December and I wanna hit 180 at most if I can. Take a break and start again to reach my goal, 165. Thanks for all the support in this thread and putting up with my constant questioning!
I didn't take any progress pics cause I hate the way my body is shaped and didn't really believe it would work but I'll be sure to keep it updated from now on and have a collection!


I've been kind of focusing on the fact I haven't been eating as much as I maybe should be and that my lifts have felt like they were starting to stall. On the other hand I've put on almost 20 lbs since I began again nearly three months ago. Can't be upset about progress.

xpost from progress thread

Right on dude, lookin huge.

J. Bravo


I decided I am gonna start convict conditioning and do it on my off days. Upping calories and sleep to compensate. I just got a prescription for vyvanse and am going to need an outlet for ask the extra energy I have throughout the day. So Tuesday, Thursday = convict conditioning; Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday = lifting. I can take Sunday off if needed since that's just mostly arms and abs, but since I'm at the gym for work anyways I probably won't lol.

Sunday = arms and abs plus whatever else I feel like doing/have neglected earlier in the week

Monday = back/shoulders

Tuesday = cc

Wednesday = squats-80% 3x5, 70% paused beltless 3x3-5, 60% 3x10

Thursday = cc

Friday = chest/arms

Saturday = deadlifts-same rep scheme as squats, except deficit at 70% and sumo at 60%

Plus basketball whenever I see people playing and have my shoes. Watch out guys, I might be getting too big soon!!!


1. Who wrote convict conditioning? I Google it and get a few different results. Wanna make sure I'm getting the right one.

2. What do you guys think of this routine for a 23 year old male with strength and hypertrophy goals? Mostly hypertrophy. I've got progression all lined up, and will be asking the resident power lifters at my gym for advice.

3. What do you guys use to track lifts? I've been using my fitness pal but it seems pretty clumsy. I've been thinking about grabbing a notebook and just using that but I don't wanna lose or forget it, whereas I always have my phone on me. Windows phone though, so probably don't have the app you're thinking of.

Thanks for taking the time to read and maybe even respond!

Apologies for any errors in formatting, I'm on my phone lol.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
I keep overthinking things.

For the past few months, I've been doing compound lifts with isolation work tacked on the end. Basically, I'll do a warm up set with little to no weight, then one set with 45 plates, and then get serious for 3 more.

Am I overdoing it with this program?

Pull ups, 3 sets of 10 if possible. settle for one of 10, 2 of 8.
Squat. 1 warm up set of 8 reps. 3x8 at 145 lbs.
Bench, I screwed up today. but I usually do, 1 warm up set. 1x5 185 lbs. 2x5 at over 215lbs. Then I do another set of 5 at 185 lbs.
cable row, 3-4x8 at 115 lbs.
ohp light 95lbs, 4x5
bicep curls 3x8 at 70 lbs.
two hand tri extension, 3x8 50lbs.
concentration curls 3x8 60lbs.
cable tricep pulldown, 3x8 at 60 lbs.

I do this every other day with a couple of differences no more than 3 days a week. I don't do bench on every workout day, and instead go heavier on OHP. once a week, I will incorporate DL at 185lbs. typically on the same day I skip bench press.

Am I overdoing it? Seems complicated when I write it down..


I'm getting an iPhone 6 this week. I'm moving on from Stronglifts 5x5 back to custom routine and I will be needing a new app. I have certain demands:

- iOS8 HealthKit compatible.
- Timer (between sets).
- Bonus: Reports calories burned.

Any suggestions?


Totally loving the JYM products (especially the pre), very clean and efficient energy.
The protein is awesome too, even though it doesn't have the best taste it keep me full for few hours.

Anyone bought vitafiber and attempt to do home made quest bar?
I i just finished 1 kg and it ended up in failure most of the time (too sweet or not holding up). Anyone have any tips on how to do it or the right ratios?
how do people feel about weighted dips

i've been eating them for lunch for a while now and have recently started doing reps of them at about 50 lbs using a dip belt

decided to see what high level weighted dips look like on youtube and got this vid:


basic mantra from the vid is "don't do it, they can fuck up your shoulders even with proper form"



basic mantra from the vid is "don't do it, they can fuck up your shoulders even with proper form"


That's kind of what I got out of it as well. Just add more reps or do something else?

note: I do dips once a week, I like them. But I don't do them weighted.
so what's everybody's personal record on normal, unassisted, unweighted dips?

today I did 4 sets, 14 reps each, dat tricep-pump

It's been a while but I remember the last time I did them I was up to 3x15, I was maybe 185 back then.

Dat tricep pump making dem undefined fatceps even less defined and more fatter and hyooj

Oh PR report - After about 3 weeks of trying I finally got 70lbs for 3 sets of 8 on incline DB bench.
Atm I have a strong desire to scream all sorts of unholy profanity.

Yesterday when I was headed home, I slipped and twisted my foot on a supremely wet staircase to the metro. Visited the ER today and Im currently in crutches. The doctors believe its a miniscus injury. May or may not operate depending on how the injury progresses the the next 7~10 days.

The pain is still intense.

Im out of the gains game for at least a few weeks. :-(

That is insanity. How is your tummy feeling?

I ate one tiny little cinnamon roll today and two small cookies and I am in agony and feel totally bloated. If I feel like this still after around six hours or even half as bad as now, I can't go to the yoga. Everything is so painful and I feel like an air balloon.

Oh, it was fine, thanks for asking. Given that Im currently in a bulking phase its alright.
how do people feel about weighted dips

i've been eating them for lunch for a while now and have recently started doing reps of them at about 50 lbs using a dip belt

decided to see what high level weighted dips look like on youtube and got this vid:


basic mantra from the vid is "don't do it, they can fuck up your shoulders even with proper form"


It is simply a case of trying weighted dips and seeing if you feel any pain from them. I do not so I will not quit weighted dips.


so what's everybody's personal record on normal, unassisted, unweighted dips?

today I did 4 sets, 14 reps each, dat tricep-pump

Last time I did them I got 3 x 10 with 35 lbs on me. At 210lbs bw.

Edit: sorry, you asked unweighted. It´s been a while because I only do them weighted now. I guess it was something like 5 x 15.

J. Bravo

how do people feel about weighted dips

i've been eating them for lunch for a while now and have recently started doing reps of them at about 50 lbs using a dip belt

decided to see what high level weighted dips look like on youtube and got this vid:


basic mantra from the vid is "don't do it, they can fuck up your shoulders even with proper form"


i can't watch the video right now but just get a weight belt with a chain and throw a plate on there. as long as your core is strong enough you won't fuck your shoulders up. i really can't see how your shoulders would be hurt regardless.

anyways i can do like 5 sets of 20-30 dips fresh. dips are cheese as a first exercise. haven't been able to max out reps/sets with weight tho :(

after a chest/arms workout i can do like 2 sets of 20 lmao. they get hard real quick.


I'm feeling pretty comfortable hitting 365-385 for 5 sets of 5 on squats right now. Should be back to repping 4 plates, for just as much, but I won't over extend myself. My deadlift still suckss ass though. Maybe I should run a proper program for that, open to suggestions. Might make it a point to focus on sumo deadlifts even though I don't like them.


xpost from progress thread
I know you are huge but somehow I am still both surprised and impressed every time I see a pic of you. Splendid!

Atm I have a strong desire to scream all sorts of unholy profanity.

Yesterday when I was headed home, I slipped and twisted my foot on a supremely wet staircase to the metro. Visited the ER today and Im currently in crutches. The doctors believe its a miniscus injury. May or may not operate depending on how the injury progresses the the next 7~10 days.

The pain is still intense.

Im out of the gains game for at least a few weeks. :-(

Oh, it was fine, thanks for asking. Given that Im currently in a bulking phase its alright.
I wish I could be at bulking phase at some point in my life. I think I need to be cutting around a year or so before my weight is where I want it to be.

And poor babe. Hopefully your foot will be better soon. Can you do any upper body work or will just rest couple weeks?

Injuries are annoying as hell. I am hoping that my own ankle will be fine on Friday when I meet with my physiotherapist at the gym.

Breezed through 280x3 on bench today. That's a PR at 162.5lbs bodyweight.
Wow! That is extremely impressive! Do you have any current pics of you by any chance... ;)

feeling pretty good, the wizardry you people call a "good diet" and "lifting" has made my losing weight go swimmingly. 8 weeks ago, I weighed 200, today I weighed myself in at 190. God damn, never thought of the day I could actually get closer to what I aspire to be. My "cut" ends first week of December and I wanna hit 180 at most if I can. Take a break and start again to reach my goal, 165. Thanks for all the support in this thread and putting up with my constant questioning!
I didn't take any progress pics cause I hate the way my body is shaped and didn't really believe it would work but I'll be sure to keep it updated from now on and have a collection!
I know. It is awesome! Great job this far. Just stick with it and the results will be insane! :D I am very curious to see your progress photos when the time comes. ^_^

Speaking of which, I need to go back to keeping a better eye on my diet. I haven't gained weight, but I haven't been losing any either for quite some time now. After two weeks I will be eating all kind of tasty trash when I will be having my vacation in UK. I should get my weight down a bit before that.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Got my first sports massage today, first for my whole life. This was NEEDED. Everyone should get one, I feel so much better.
I really, really hate massages. Find them extremely uncomfortable during, and afterwards my muscles just feel odd. I think my body just likes being tense.


I haven't never had a proper massage, so I wouldn't know. Sometimes my friends have tried to massage my upper back and neck area, but afterwards I am just totally sore when normally there is no pain or tension.

But how about leg and foot massage? That sounds like something I would totally love. The back of my tighs are totally jammed most of the time nowadays and foot massage sounds like a luxury. Has anyone tried these and does massage work for legs?
Got my first sports massage today, first for my whole life. This was NEEDED. Everyone should get one, I feel so much better.

Agreed. No one should ever bother with the froo froo massage envy crap. You find someone who'll beat the shinola out of you. Crush the trigger points!

But how about leg and foot massage? That sounds like something I would totally love. The back of my tighs are totally jammed most of the time nowadays and foot massage sounds like a luxury. Has anyone tried these and does massage work for legs?

A good sports massage can work wonders on any muscle group, legs included.


This damn tennis elbow is driving me nuts. I've had it for at least three weeks now.

I've taken it easy, but any time I think it might be gone, I do something like bent over rows and I can feel it even using just the bar.

I've had it once before, but it went away after a week. It was in the other elbow too, so it's not like it's an injury to a specific joint.

Crampin my style!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I don't know if it's my belt breaking in or the good quality cheat day I had with mountains of sub sandwiches yesterday but my squats were powerful today. Been a while since they've felt this good. Looking for it to continue and roll it into deads on Thursday!
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