Second round of PT went well yesterday. Leg is definitely getting stronger. Can now at least hit depth in a squat position without too much pain. Should be back at it in a couple of weeks.
That sounds awesome.
I have been jumping up and down in excitement - on Friday I will finally meet up with my physiotherapist and hopefully will have a new gym program. She was the one that encouraged me to start going to the gym in the first place and she hasn't seen me since. She knows I have lost around 45 pounds, but hasn't seen it. I know already it will be emotional meeting.
Nah. I've got quick hands. I've never fallen on my face
Cooter and quick hands...
Hahah, but hey, just remember there is first time for everything. Be careful
A good sports massage can work wonders on any muscle group, legs included.
Thanks! That is awesome to hear. I know what I will be asking for Christmas.

Now I have just been using those foam rolls.
Dem feels when you haven't seen someone in a year and the first thing say to you is "wtf, you're buff!". :')
That is so great! Positive feedback always feels so good.
I met one of my formed colleagues last week when I was shopping to get a new jacket for jogging and Nordic walking and I could see the discomfort in her face. With a free translation she said to me "Oh. Hi... I didn't expect to see
you in a sport equipment store... it seems you have started to work out. Well, it isn't wrong for any one of us to try I guess." And then she continued looking at me with this extremely pissed face. She is fit and have been working out for couple years and it seems she is annoyed by the idea that someone else is trying to better themself as well.
Based on my own experience men might take these kind of things better than females (even though I need to add that couple of my friends and former colleagues are so adorable and have started to work out as well because of my "good example" so they say).
Talking about starting to work out. A male friend of mine, age 27, 160 pounds / 73 kilos is planning to start to go to gym as well. I am thinking what program could I recommend for him. He is in a very good shape even if he hasn't never gone to gym. Does push ups, pull ups and chin ups quite much on daily basis. Can also do muscle ups without any discomfort and one handed pull ups. Veins are visible in the arms and upper body so I assume that the body fat percentage is quite low. So he is lean but he hopes to get more muscle mass. Can you recommend some program that I could say to him to check out?
Oh yes, delts are getting some solid gains this bulk.
Sweetie, you are looking extremely fine.
I think it was kind of tough for the physio because I didn't come in injured haha. She could figure out my ankles because you can see it and feel it, but the calf thing is just weird and I'm not surprised it was tough for her to tell. We'll see! Doing my little exercises, though.
Hm...what could be a decent substitute/easier move that does the same thing as a military press? I can't do them at all. Haha.
Chocobro already helped with the military press substitute.
Good that you are back on the gain train.

I am sure that if you continue doing everything your physio told you to, it will start to heal and be better in no time.
it's a double-edged sword, it's one of the things that annoy me each time I visit friends and family in Mexico, they see me once or twice a year and always before I go there I wonder whether they'll notice changes...
fortunately a fitness friend of me told me last summer the moment he saw me "why the hell do you complain you don't see gains in our FB group? you have improved a lot" and I thanked him and it made my day

but other fitness friends didn't say a word, so who knows.
really shouldn't care, either way and yet I sorta kinda do, boo me.
Come on, we are only puny mortals - we all care. It is normal to want positive feedback and people to notice how much you have been putting time and effort into yourself. And trust me with this one, it is showing. I am sure your cut is going to be glorious!
Alrighty. Thanks! I'll cut out all ab work. Running has been awesome so far but I feel like its taking a lot longer than I thought. I haven't been very attentive with my diet. I'll work on that.
Bummer. I was afraid so. So mostly the ellipticals and the treadmills I suppose.
Can you ask your physiotherapist's opinion and ask him/her to do you a gym programm? I am fairly sure you can do isolated movements with machines to build up your muscles. They aren't as effective as free weights are, but will get you started. If you want, I can write you my gym program that I started with when my back was absolutely awful.
It is quite hard to actually cut fat while same time gaining muscles. If you are a newbie, you can do it for a while though, so better take everything out of that precious time.