it's kind of the store bought stuff that has the consistency of a hotdog i wouldn't really eat regularly.
Lucky if that crap has more than 50% meat anyway. Nasty.
it's kind of the store bought stuff that has the consistency of a hotdog i wouldn't really eat regularly.
I know FitGAF loves Chipotle. $3 Chipotle on Halloween, but only if you're in costume.
I know FitGAF loves Chipotle. $3 Chipotle on Halloween, but only if you're in costume.
Quick, swole-GAF needs to put on their lifting belt and say they're dressed as a pro-body builder/strongman/strongwoman.
I'll go as a Titan from Attack on Titan.
Up downGot denied out of the uni gym today, apparently I showed up too late for the classes, as they close the gates 20 min after the classes start (I learned this today).
It would have been ok if it hadn't been 10:19 according to my phone and 10:17 according to their clock. And even then I wouldn't have been the last one out of gym. I may have gotten in if I had thrown a fit but I decided against. The shitty thing is that I won't go to gym on friday either (important gig, I don't want my muscles to act against me) and I have missed a few fays in the past weeks as well.
I haven't done squats in weeks as my left hip gets painful when I get down, I hope I can get it sorted out soon. Been still doing deadlifts though.
Since Im completely oblivious to most lifts, are barbell shrugs a rotary movement or a simple up-down with your shoulders? I don't do them, but I've seen people do and am just wondering what is the correct technique.
Sadly I don't know this reference!
They're basically big, fairly stupid looking people.
Though without genitalia... I'm quite interested as to how far Szu is willing to go for a cheap Chipotle.
Fuck the diet police!
She said that she doesn't care about that shit.
However, she doesn't want carbs so she cut that out.
These diet comments remind me of a conversation that I had with a regular female gym rat.
This woman is awesome. She's probably in her early 50's. She's about 5'5" and weighs probably 145 lbs. But she sumo deadlifts 315 for reps. Major respect for her.
Another huge gym rat asked her for some advice on diet.
She said that she doesn't care about that shit. She eats whatever she wants and lifts heavy. However, she doesn't want carbs so she cut that out.
Funny how I understand all of Szu's references so far haha. The hopping vampire got me earlier.
Anyone who has had Asian friends has had to suffer through a so bad its good movie with hopping vampires.
Though without genitalia... I'm quite interested as to how far Szu is willing to go for a cheap Chipotle.
Cooking this tonight, though with normal sausage as apparently the only place I can get (non nasty hot dog style) chicken sausage is online.
Cast Iron Kitchen Sink Frittata
I get sore joints which I assume is tendinitis. I can usually manage it by lowering the weight and staying away from certain exercises that aggravate it. Eventually it goes away. Hope that helps.I think I may be a member now, if not now, I will be shortly. Slowly getting there. Couldn't do it without the Fitness thread. lol
300 posts and at least 3 months right? This is my 300th.
Anyways, anyone here have tendinitis in any of their joints? My shoulder is flaring up again, and I don't know what I could do to help manage it a bit better. I usually have to stop lifting if it flared up in the gym in fear of it making it worse. Outside of the gym I am icing it a few times throughout the day.
Up down
edit: now that i'm not laying in bed half asleep. what i do is up, 3 second pause, down. count to 30. so up 123 down up 456 down up 789 etc
Did Squats and Deadlifts today. I have a small pain on my left ass check, where it connects to the lowerback. Normally, after performing the exercises I don't really feel anything until the next day but today and last week I usually get a small pain. I actually wouldnt call it pain just a sensation, and I normally feel it when walking or standing up from a sitting position. Something to be worried about? It normally goes away after 2-3 days.
And I only get it after doing Squat/Deadlift day.
Just pushed myself way too hard doing tabata intervals. Feel really, really sick now. Totally fucked up.
When it comes to weight loss, you can't outwork a bad diet. The reverse is true for pretty much every other aspect of fitness (cant rely on diet to gain strength, endurance, mobility, lean mass etc... if your program is poor), but for fat loss, diet is paramount.Been sick the last few working out.
So...only been doing You Are Your Own Gym and definitely look like I'm getting fatter around my stomach again...sigh. Time to add cardio back in with a vengeance. Once I'm not sick, I think I'll do YAYOG in the morning, and a cardio at the end of the day.
Doesn't help that I've been eating like total shit lol. Still staying around 1200-1400cals, but it's all garbage.
How do I stop these sugar cravings
Dropped everything and going cold turkey and it's like a drug addict going in withdrawal lol
Any keto friendly food that can help me ? Eating walnuts to fit my macros but can't overeat them tho I love em.
My grip is starting to fail on my deadlifts. Otherwise they still feel quite easy on the rest of my body. I'm adding on farmers walks to try and help (which are fantastic btw wish i had tried them earlier). Otherwise not sure what else is good for grip strength.
At some point you will have to switch to mixed or hook grip (or straps). If you keep using double overhand for you warm-ups your grip will still get stronger without limiting your ability to progress on the lift. Don't forget chalk either, assuming your gym allows it.My grip is starting to fail on my deadlifts. Otherwise they still feel quite easy on the rest of my body. I'm adding on farmers walks to try and help (which are fantastic btw wish i had tried them earlier). Otherwise not sure what else is good for grip strength.
On my bench i'm really trying to rework my form. I'm having trouble keeping my shoulder blades together. Going to do a bit of a deload to work on my form i think.
Edit: I still haven't tried the overhand/underhand grip. I'll give that a go next workout and see how it pans out.
At some point you will have to switch to mixed or hook grip (or straps). If you keep using double overhand for you warm-ups your grip will still get stronger without limiting your ability to progress on the lift. Don't forget chalk either, assuming your gym allows it.
confession time: I do mixed grip at all times, warm-up and main sets alike. Same with chalk, I use it from the very first set.
I read the reasoning about strengthening grip but I wasn't convinced, I don't feel any difference at all in my body, regarding the effort I am putting into the lift.which is what matters to me.
it makes DLifting a lot easier, I am not sure if it's considered cheating.
Regarding Chalk, with the lack of ventilation in my gym and having sweaty hands at all times, DLing turns very fast into an exercise in futility without it
guilty as charged I guess.
At some point you will have to switch to mixed or hook grip (or straps). If you keep using double overhand for you warm-ups your grip will still get stronger without limiting your ability to progress on the lift. Don't forget chalk either, assuming your gym allows it.
How do I stop these sugar cravings
Dropped everything and going cold turkey and it's like a drug addict going in withdrawal lol
Any keto friendly food that can help me ? Eating walnuts to fit my macros but can't overeat them tho I love em.
My water weight game is too good.
Not sure if already posted as I don't follow the thread much. But here is link to some free QuestBar samples if you fill out some questions.
I'm thinking about purchasing that new 'Microsoft Band'. I'm a health nut, so it wouldn't go to waste.
Anyone have any experience with similar fitness bands?
They have no means of identifying how many plates you're squatting, therefore they are useless.