I was gone for couple days since I was visiting my parents. It was Father's day this Sunday and I haven't seen mine at least in the last six months so I thought to pay a visit. Even though it wasn't that good of an idea because that meant I needed to sit in a bus 3 hours in a row when I went there and when I got back. That didn't do any good to my back or my legs. I thought I was over with the pain, but it seems I have been proven wrong. Hopefully it goes away soon and at least the visit was definitely worth it.
Saw my gym gf yesterday and asked if she was using the fat bar in the rack and she said "yeah I'm using both of them, but you can take that one, I've done enough legs today and I can do leg press instead" and I almost tripped over myself trying to cut off my brain from saying out loud "I'd rather see you squat any day" - instead I had to modify this to "I try not to do anything that keeps someone from squatting, so if you need it go ahead, I can use another bar" - but she insisted I take it anyways. /swoooon lol
Move ya body!!!
I am trying my very best what comes to moving my body. I might need to skip the said squats though.
Seriously, I am now trying to figure out is this nerve related pain or muscle pain. How long can muscle pain after the gym last? I went to gym on Thursday and I am still (on Sunday night) feeling absolutely horrid pain on the outer backside of my tighs and calves on right leg. Can deadlift or squatting cause pain on those particular areas and if so, how long can it last?
This feels extremely much like the nerve pain I used to have, but I haven't had it in the last eight or nine months or so and not on this leg in this whole year. I am being hopeful that this could perhaps be just really bad muscle pain, but I am not at all sure about it. The same things that eased the nerve pain seem to be working a bit now.
I won't be going to gym on Monday and I will postpone it till Tuesday. Hopefully this is better by that. Also what do you think, should I even go to gym then and if and when I will, should I skip either deadlift or squats? Any thoughts about this?
This whole thing seems so stupid. I was squatting and deadlifting with only 22 pounds / 10 kilos which is the same I have in one hand while I do bench with barbells.
Finally working out again. Felt like crap for a bit but okay now. Though now I'm out of practice.

ah well, back to continuing YAYOG. Behind a week but that's okay.
Welcome back, Sadetar! Tell me all about your trip (maybe in PM?)!
Awesome to hear that you are feeling better!
I guess it is my time to feel like crap instead.
Oh and I will try to write you a short info about the trip when the pain isn't as bad as now. Soon I hope.
I suppose the voice of reason has spoken, no more complimenting each others pictures unless the statements are purely objective and platonic! Don't want anyone coming down with a case of the vapors, after all.
Indeed. I think I try to keep it to the minimum so anyone don't need to be afraid of being called sweetie pie, hottie or other unspoked horridness that would make them feel uncomfortable or scar them for life in other ways.
Szu, I am fashionable late, but still I hope you had extremely splendid Bday! Definitely sounds like you did.

Best first world problems ever.
I do that on occasion, but my bigger issue is eating out of boredom. If I have nothing to do, I eat a lot more than usual.
I am sadly exactly the same.
If you have managed to create any ways to cope with it, please share.
As for what to ask when looking for gyms, I actually made a spreadsheet of what I usually ask and look for in a gym today. Just make a copy of it:
I saved that as well for the future. Thank you.