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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Man, does anyone struggle with eating as a means to cope? Whenever something triggers a bad mood I get the worst cravings for the worst foods. It's a leftover from my overweight days and dealing with constant stress and depression. I just don't know how to deal with it sometimes.

It's hitting me hard as fuck tonight. I haven't even hit the gym today.

Usually I try to distract myself until all the delivery places close, then I'm OK, but it's not helping tonight, lol.

I do that on occasion, but my bigger issue is eating out of boredom. If I have nothing to do, I eat a lot more than usual.
Man, does anyone struggle with eating as a means to cope? Whenever something triggers a bad mood I get the worst cravings for the worst foods. It's a leftover from my overweight days and dealing with constant stress and depression. I just don't know how to deal with it sometimes.

It's hitting me hard as fuck tonight. I haven't even hit the gym today.

Usually I try to distract myself until all the delivery places close, then I'm OK, but it's not helping tonight, lol.

I usually take out my bad mood with a kick ass lifting sesh. It also makes me want to eat better so I can feel better. When I eat bad foods it screws with me physically and mentally so I keep that on the low


the piano man
gah, I am just not eating enough food/protein, I feel like these workout sessions are a waste.

they feel like "dispossable" workouts sometimes,

.- train
.- look and feel good about that particular body part,
.- all gone after 3 days,
.- repeat.

every once in a while mix it with " I like where this is going, yay, I am on the right path"
they feel like "dispossable" workouts sometimes,

.- train
.- look and feel good about that particular body part,
.- all gone after 3 days,
.- repeat.

every once in a while mix it with " I like where this is going, yay, I am on the right path"


this is so damn true


How inaccurate would you guys say those BMI hand scanner things are at the gym? I just used one and it said I had 5.4% body fat which was hilarious.
with all the recent talk about protein powders, I want to ask:

is this brand known in America?

that's exactly the one I use but Have no idea what kind of reputation it has. there's probably better than that but here in Germany I wouldn't know...

many products of the company frey nutrtion are listed in the list of the sport university köln, which means that all substances are at least legal.

J. Bravo

one of my girlfriends is joining crossfit cuz she got a month for $40 off groupon. so i'm gonna take the free week they give and go with her.

what should i expect? i think we're gonna be able to do a class or get some training or w/e. this will be my first lifting in a few weeks.

i get that xfit has a bad stigma but it's not like i'm an idiot and i'll be able to hopefully stop us from getting injured/doing stupid things with olympic lifts.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Man, does anyone struggle with eating as a means to cope? Whenever something triggers a bad mood I get the worst cravings for the worst foods. It's a leftover from my overweight days and dealing with constant stress and depression. I just don't know how to deal with it sometimes.

It's hitting me hard as fuck tonight. I haven't even hit the gym today.

Usually I try to distract myself until all the delivery places close, then I'm OK, but it's not helping tonight, lol.

Yeah, happens to me. I think a large part of it is that when my stress levels increase my stomach acid goes crazy. I've been on a PPI for my stomach acid for the last couple months to treat an ulcer and it's made cutting weight tremendously easier (down >15 lbs in that time frame with maintained strength).


Man, does anyone struggle with eating as a means to cope? Whenever something triggers a bad mood I get the worst cravings for the worst foods. It's a leftover from my overweight days and dealing with constant stress and depression. I just don't know how to deal with it sometimes.

It's hitting me hard as fuck tonight. I haven't even hit the gym today.

Usually I try to distract myself until all the delivery places close, then I'm OK, but it's not helping tonight, lol.

Almost daily. When I get home from work, I reach for some kind of chips or cookies or whatever the hell we have in the house that isn't healthy. I don't eat much of it, but I eat it pretty much daily - the first thing I do when I get home.
I don't really know how accurate this is, but before I started working out at the gym a week ago I took my weight on a couple of scales. One said I was about 200 lbs, and the other said about 199.4 lbs. They seemed close enough, so I figured they were both accurate.

Today was a full week since I started going to the gym, and started watching my calorie intact in my diet via myfitnesspal. The scale at the gym said I was about 194, and another said I was 195.6. Either way, both seem to suggest I've lost about 4-5 lbs in the past week....so go me? Seems like a lot though.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I don't really know how accurate this is, but before I started working out at the gym a week ago I took my weight on a couple of scales. One said I was about 200 lbs, and the other said about 199.4 lbs. They seemed close enough, so I figured they were both accurate.

Today was a full week since I started going to the gym, and started watching my calorie intact in my diet via myfitnesspal. The scale at the gym said I was about 194, and another said I was 195.6. Either way, both seem to suggest I've lost about 4-5 lbs in the past week....so go me? Seems like a lot though.
That's completely possible and likely if you had a strict week of low calories. Most water but probably but who cares? Keep it up. String 4 or 5 weeks of that and you will see a noticeable difference in your appearance.
That's completely possible and likely if you had a strict week of low calories. Most water but probably but who cares? Keep it up. String 4 or 5 weeks of that and you will see a noticeable difference in your appearance.

The cool thing is I'm not completely depriving myself of things I like. I used to buy those movie theater style boxes of candy, and munch on them...used to eat a full frozen pizza myself sometimes. I still had a frozen pizza this week, but I only 2 or 3 slices, and had 2 slices for lunch the following day. I love chocolate, but I've been trying not to just gorge myself. Got some fiber brownies that are only 90 calories, and limit myself to one a day.

Still not eating the best food in the world I suppose, but thanks to myfitnesspal, every day I'm trying to stay around my target daily calorie intake, and not exceed it by much if I do. ^_^
I don't really know how accurate this is, but before I started working out at the gym a week ago I took my weight on a couple of scales. One said I was about 200 lbs, and the other said about 199.4 lbs. They seemed close enough, so I figured they were both accurate.

Today was a full week since I started going to the gym, and started watching my calorie intact in my diet via myfitnesspal. The scale at the gym said I was about 194, and another said I was 195.6. Either way, both seem to suggest I've lost about 4-5 lbs in the past week....so go me? Seems like a lot though.

Scale is bs i think. One had me 5 less pounds compared to another scale. And then water weight has to be into consideration. I rather just watch in the mirror and see if anything is diferent.


Weight needs to be measured on the same scale, same time in your daily routIne to be meaningful.
So I recently signed up for a gym membership and decided to go for an SS regimen for improving strength, gains, etc. But I realized that I didn't do the sort of research on the gym that I probably should have and decided to rectify it. Lo and behold, I get a recent review saying that the gym didn't have a Squat Rack, only a Smith Machine. Normally this would have lead me to choose a different gym, but the catch to this story is that I called the gym and found out that while they don't have a Squat Rack now, they should have one in around the end of the month.

My question is how I should proceed with this. I'd honestly like to get started as soon as I feel comfortable with the basics of the lifts, so within the next few days maybe. And from what I understand, squats are a very important lift style, so skipping them certainly doesn't seem like the best idea. Should I just temporarily use the Smith Machine, or even the Leg Press machine, for those muscles? If I go the Smith route, should I reset my rep weight once the rack comes in? From what I just read, the Smith Machine tends to have you lift heavier due to the extra stability, so carrying over the same weight to regular squats seem unsafe.

I suppose there's also the option of trying other gyms until they get it in. I worry that that could get a little costly though. I honestly chose the gym I'm at (Gold's Gym) because of its price while having what I wanted (or so I thought). I figured that if it proved inadequate or had issues that I didn't see changing, I could always look elsewhere. The rack doesn't quite count here since there'll be one in the future, just not the immediate future.

I'll be sure to use this as a learning experience to ask more questions and look more indepth at the equipment available. When I asked for a tour, the staff member didn't seem to know much about the heavy weights, and clearly I wasn't looking for all the right stuff either.


So I recently signed up for a gym membership and decided to go for an SS regimen for improving strength, gains, etc. But I realized that I didn't do the sort of research on the gym that I probably should have and decided to rectify it. Lo and behold, I get a recent review saying that the gym didn't have a Squat Rack, only a Smith Machine. Normally this would have lead me to choose a different gym, but the catch to this story is that I called the gym and found out that while they don't have a Squat Rack now, they should have one in around the end of the month.

My question is how I should proceed with this. I'd honestly like to get started as soon as I feel comfortable with the basics of the lifts, so within the next few days maybe. And from what I understand, squats are a very important lift style, so skipping them certainly doesn't seem like the best idea. Should I just temporarily use the Smith Machine, or even the Leg Press machine, for those muscles? If I go the Smith route, should I reset my rep weight once the rack comes in? From what I just read, the Smith Machine tends to have you lift heavier due to the extra stability, so carrying over the same weight to regular squats seem unsafe.

I'll be sure to use this as a learning experience to ask more questions and look more indepth at the equipment available. When I asked for a tour, the staff member didn't seem to know much about the heavy weights, and clearly I wasn't looking for all the right stuff either.

Meh, to be honest if they're going to have squat racks at the end of the month just do some dumbbell and machine work. You can still do things like deadlift and rows without the rack. Get used to working out with dumbbells (and machines if you want), but when they get their racks in start SS and don't look back.


So I recently signed up for a gym membership and decided to go for an SS regimen for improving strength, gains, etc. But I realized that I didn't do the sort of research on the gym that I probably should have and decided to rectify it. Lo and behold, I get a recent review saying that the gym didn't have a Squat Rack, only a Smith Machine. Normally this would have lead me to choose a different gym, but the catch to this story is that I called the gym and found out that while they don't have a Squat Rack now, they should have one in around the end of the month.

My question is how I should proceed with this. I'd honestly like to get started as soon as I feel comfortable with the basics of the lifts, so within the next few days maybe. And from what I understand, squats are a very important lift style, so skipping them certainly doesn't seem like the best idea. Should I just temporarily use the Smith Machine, or even the Leg Press machine, for those muscles? If I go the Smith route, should I reset my rep weight once the rack comes in? From what I just read, the Smith Machine tends to have you lift heavier due to the extra stability, so carrying over the same weight to regular squats seem unsafe.

I suppose there's also the option of trying other gyms until they get it in. I worry that that could get a little costly though. I honestly chose the gym I'm at (Gold's Gym) because of its price while having what I wanted (or so I thought). I figured that if it proved inadequate or had issues that I didn't see changing, I could always look elsewhere. The rack doesn't quite count here since there'll be one in the future, just not the immediate future.

I'll be sure to use this as a learning experience to ask more questions and look more indepth at the equipment available. When I asked for a tour, the staff member didn't seem to know much about the heavy weights, and clearly I wasn't looking for all the right stuff either.

In my opinion, you can use this time to work on mobility to be able to squat properly (and continue to if you really need to work on it). Especially if you have been sedentary for the vast majority of your life or work at a desk job. Ankle mobility and dorsiflexion, hip mobility, and thoracic spine mobility (?) are generally some of the problems that prevent people from squatting properly.
You can do goblet squats too.

As for what to ask when looking for gyms, I actually made a spreadsheet of what I usually ask and look for in a gym today. Just make a copy of it: link.


You're not doing keto if your primary macronutrient is protein. 1g fat per kg of body weight sounds extremely low.

When it comes to carb ups, I think the best way is to just not think about it too much. Lots of people cut fat on their carb days/meals, but you probably won't notice too much of a difference either way.
That's what I thought until I came to forum of this guy http://wwwogistra-nutrition-shop.blogspot.com/p/fotografije.html

he's bodybuilder from these parts and read a lot about keto on his forum and both he and other competitors from there practice this diet (more proteins for them and kcals in general ofc) and other people had amazing results so I figured I might try.
Now that I think about it further it does make sense. When you're in ketosis and have no carbs in you your body uses fat for fuel right? But it will also eat my muscles unless I eat enough proteins to maintain them and 2g/body weight is least you can do for someone who's working out as far as I know, no? So basically no carbs, 2g/bw and rest should be fat which is 4g/bw for me which still puts me in a healthy caloric deficit.

Correct me if wrong. I did do "normal" keto before where most of your food is fat (few years ago, worked great but slower than now) but after much research this does appear to be best, I have few more weeks to go so at the end I'll know for sure.
Successful keto isn't just low carb, it's high fat. A good rule of thumb (for lifters) is equal grams of fat and protein. For example:

- 200 grams of fat (1800 cals)
- 200 grams of protein (800 cals)
- (for many people) around 20 grams of carbs

For those doing keto that are not lifting, the fat to protein ratio can be increased.
Sure, but that would blow my caloric deficit and put me in surplus? Now I guess calories in calories out might not be the case for keto because whenever I read about that people are fighting and can't settle on it..
Edit: Might not blow me out but it would be around my TDEE+ my workout I'd be in deficit but not as high.
with all the recent talk about protein powders, I want to ask:

is this brand known in America?

that's exactly the one I use but Have no idea what kind of reputation it has. there's probably better than that but here in Germany I wouldn't know...
From what I've gathered it's American brand based in Hungary but not sold much in USA but most popular in Europe, more so in East.
I've been buying red verison of that and it's been great and everyone I know says it's great.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
In honor of FE and his leg pictures here's a Sunday leg pic.

Meh, to be honest if they're going to have squat racks at the end of the month just do some dumbbell and machine work. You can still do things like deadlift and rows without the rack. Get used to working out with dumbbells (and machines if you want), but when they get their racks in start SS and don't look back.

I didn't even think about dumbbells oddly enough. Any idea on exercises that'd work the same muscles until the rack arrives? I see goblet squats looking pretty promising, and some people mentioned lunges as well.

In my opinion, you can use this time to work on mobility to be able to squat properly (and continue to if you really need to work on it). Especially if you have been sedentary for the vast majority of your life or work at a desk job. Ankle mobility and dorsiflexion, hip mobility, and thoracic spine mobility (?) are generally some of the problems that prevent people from squatting properly.
You can do goblet squats too.

As for what to ask when looking for gyms, I actually made a spreadsheet of what I usually ask and look for in a gym today. Just make a copy of it: link.

I feel fairly confident in my flexibility, but it doesn't hurt to make sure everything is as it should be before I try something like squats. I'll do some mobility exercises when I have downtime at work. And I just realized that you also mention goblet squats, so that as a temp solution is looking more appealing.

I'm loving that spreadsheet. I'll keep that for next time I decide to shop around for what's best for me. Thanks!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Dem quads!!!

Thanks man.

Damn, you've really beefed up your legs. Sorry I'm still kinda new on here, but what exercise have you been doing on them?

Ha. Did I? Just squats and deadlifts mostly. Added some leg press these last 2 months.

wow pretty good. Are you cutting?

Thanks. Nope. Just staying where I've been.

hehe what took you so long? you've been a regular here for the last several OTs and this is the first time you show your quads (I think?).

pic delivered, awesome .

Don't know. I've never considered them a strong suit of mine, Thanks though.

My trainer always made me do sets of 10-12 for squats/press/deadlift.

Was I led astray?

There are many ways to combine sets and reps. 10-12 is just fine although for DLs I prefer to stick to the 3-5 range for heavy reps. I find that is the sweet spot for me personally.


Looking to get a new belt. Need recommendations. I know a couple people her rock Inzer. How do y'all like em and what size do you rock?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
yeah I think you've mentioned that before but man, you sure have high standards, those quads look like they want to rip your underwear apart.

That's because I buy extra small boxer briefs for the false confidence boost it gives me when I'm getting dressed and undressed! ;-)

Looking to get a new belt. Need recommendations. I know a couple people her rock Inzer. How do y'all like em and what size do you rock?
I got mine about a month or so ago and adore it. Medium 10mm single buckle red beauty!


I was gone for couple days since I was visiting my parents. It was Father's day this Sunday and I haven't seen mine at least in the last six months so I thought to pay a visit. Even though it wasn't that good of an idea because that meant I needed to sit in a bus 3 hours in a row when I went there and when I got back. That didn't do any good to my back or my legs. I thought I was over with the pain, but it seems I have been proven wrong. Hopefully it goes away soon and at least the visit was definitely worth it.

Saw my gym gf yesterday and asked if she was using the fat bar in the rack and she said "yeah I'm using both of them, but you can take that one, I've done enough legs today and I can do leg press instead" and I almost tripped over myself trying to cut off my brain from saying out loud "I'd rather see you squat any day" - instead I had to modify this to "I try not to do anything that keeps someone from squatting, so if you need it go ahead, I can use another bar" - but she insisted I take it anyways. /swoooon lol

Move ya body!!!
I am trying my very best what comes to moving my body. I might need to skip the said squats though.

Seriously, I am now trying to figure out is this nerve related pain or muscle pain. How long can muscle pain after the gym last? I went to gym on Thursday and I am still (on Sunday night) feeling absolutely horrid pain on the outer backside of my tighs and calves on right leg. Can deadlift or squatting cause pain on those particular areas and if so, how long can it last?

This feels extremely much like the nerve pain I used to have, but I haven't had it in the last eight or nine months or so and not on this leg in this whole year. I am being hopeful that this could perhaps be just really bad muscle pain, but I am not at all sure about it. The same things that eased the nerve pain seem to be working a bit now.

I won't be going to gym on Monday and I will postpone it till Tuesday. Hopefully this is better by that. Also what do you think, should I even go to gym then and if and when I will, should I skip either deadlift or squats? Any thoughts about this?

This whole thing seems so stupid. I was squatting and deadlifting with only 22 pounds / 10 kilos which is the same I have in one hand while I do bench with barbells.

Finally working out again. Felt like crap for a bit but okay now. Though now I'm out of practice. :( ah well, back to continuing YAYOG. Behind a week but that's okay.

Welcome back, Sadetar! Tell me all about your trip (maybe in PM?)!
Awesome to hear that you are feeling better!

I guess it is my time to feel like crap instead.

Oh and I will try to write you a short info about the trip when the pain isn't as bad as now. Soon I hope. :)

I suppose the voice of reason has spoken, no more complimenting each others pictures unless the statements are purely objective and platonic! Don't want anyone coming down with a case of the vapors, after all.
Indeed. I think I try to keep it to the minimum so anyone don't need to be afraid of being called sweetie pie, hottie or other unspoked horridness that would make them feel uncomfortable or scar them for life in other ways.

Szu, I am fashionable late, but still I hope you had extremely splendid Bday! Definitely sounds like you did. :D Best first world problems ever. :p

I do that on occasion, but my bigger issue is eating out of boredom. If I have nothing to do, I eat a lot more than usual.
I am sadly exactly the same.

If you have managed to create any ways to cope with it, please share.

As for what to ask when looking for gyms, I actually made a spreadsheet of what I usually ask and look for in a gym today. Just make a copy of it: link.
I saved that as well for the future. Thank you. :D


I'm glad you two found the spreadsheet helpful; I make things like that often.

And I'm so jealous and mad at this:
These are the adidas adiStar, before the adiPower came. These retailed for $200 and were discontinued many years ago. This guy scored one for $22...and it looks almost brand new.


I'm glad you two found the spreadsheet helpful; I make things like that often.

And I'm so jealous and mad at this:

These are the adidas adiStar, before the adiPower came. These retailed for $200 and were discontinued many years ago. This guy scored one for $22...and it looks almost brand new.

that's one purdy pair of shoes. I'm using Power Trainers currently. Not great and wish the heel was higher (just 0.60") but they work. But it's irrelevant right now because I still can't squat.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Bruh I'm jello of dem quads
Thanks big guy. Hey! Your Raiders heading for the number 1 pick! Could be worse.
How long did it take to ship
About 6 weeks. I knew that going in. If you order black I hear it's pretty quick. I had to have red!
love it dood. Just solid all the way around. Are you just in maintenance mode these days? No real desire to gain more mass?
Thanks brotha. Yup. Just staying somewhere between 175 and 180 with about 2200-2500 every day except Sunday which tops out around 8,000 usually.


Junior Member
I injured my forearm in August and being a fool I kept going to the gym until I had to just stop. It's been over a month now and it's not healed much. Doctor just told me to rest. It's not that it hurts but it feels weak and kinda odd. Was wondering if anyone that's had a similar problem could share some tips on what they did to help. Thanks


505 Games Ltd
I see a lot of people doing Keto.

Keto for me fucks me up. 40% protein, 30% carbs and 30% fat seems to be the sweet spot while keeping my calories just under maintenance. This + 3-4 months works wonders for me.

I may sometimes go to 50% protein, 25% carbs and 25% fat but this will probably be for 1-2 days max and then switch back.

Some nice phisiques here! Keep going bros!


Haven't been to the gym in 2 weeks, been so busy with family events + calladoody owning my life. I finally went in tonight for 3s week and i got 195lbs on overhead press for 2 singles. Damn it felt incredible. I think i might have 205 in me. I've never been so lean also, went to a family get together and it was non-stop compliments about how skinny i look. I truly cannot see it, i honestly still feel obese and fat, but a lot of people tell me otherwise. I've gone from a size 48 pants to now wearing 36 everyday, and size xxxl shirt to a xl now. I think its possible i might end up at size 32 pants, but i don't know if my body can physically get that lean? I am just going to get as lean as possible with as strong as possible, there is no stopping this train.

Also extremely disappointed about brolic, you are legit man, learned so much from you and truly appreciate your contribution to the thread thus far. I really hope you stick around, you're a asset.

Oh I see, that's consistent with the estimates from the IF calculator too.
The reason I would have to keep track of my macros is to make sure I'm eating enough. Back in mid-August to early September, when my parents and brother went to China, I had to cook for myself. It just so happens my lifts didn't progress that well during that period; I was most likely not eating enough and I was at lighter weights due to returning from a month hiatus. I figured I would go the extra mile if I'm to take nutrition more seriously.

Nutrition is too important, you should really find food you enjoy eating and get the macros set strait on it for the most part. I eat the same food everyday for the most part, and it works well for me. When i do feel like i should refeed, i just eat a lot more fat then normal.

I'm glad you two found the spreadsheet helpful; I make things like that often.

And I'm so jealous and mad at this:

These are the adidas adiStar, before the adiPower came. These retailed for $200 and were discontinued many years ago. This guy scored one for $22...and it looks almost brand new.

WTF!!! I'm going to every ross in the so cal area this weekend. Thats my size too.

Just took a bday selfie of this 41 year old bastard.

You look incredible man, keep it up.

In honor of FE and his leg pictures here's a Sunday leg pic.

Seriously impressed. You really look amazing man, i love that you are maintaining at that level, just so awesome. Gives me hope for the future once i hit a size i'm happy with.

Man, does anyone struggle with eating as a means to cope? Whenever something triggers a bad mood I get the worst cravings for the worst foods. It's a leftover from my overweight days and dealing with constant stress and depression. I just don't know how to deal with it sometimes.

It's hitting me hard as fuck tonight. I haven't even hit the gym today.

Usually I try to distract myself until all the delivery places close, then I'm OK, but it's not helping tonight, lol.

Real talk, food means nothing to me anymore. I never crave it, i eat it just to hit macros. Its kinda sad, but i honestly would never want to go back to enjoying food as a treat and going balls out, i want to be thin as possible so badly that nothing can stand in my way anymore. And that's how i like it. You should play something time consuming when you get them feels, i forgot to eat for 24+ hours from playing so much calladoody this weekend.

I see a lot of people doing Keto.

Keto for me fucks me up. 40% protein, 30% carbs and 30% fat seems to be the sweet spot while keeping my calories just under maintenance. This + 3-4 months works wonders for me.

I may sometimes go to 50% protein, 25% carbs and 25% fat but this will probably be for 1-2 days max and then switch back.

Some nice phisiques here! Keep going bros!

Yah, keto is definitely not a one size fits all solution. It is my preferred method simply due to how delicious everything is, full of flavor, the fat keeps you full all the time, and its extremely muscle sparing on a cut. I'm fully keto adapted and just couldn't be healthier or feel better, its the best i've literally felt in my life. YMMV of course when it comes to a diet that makes sense for you. Anyone asking me for advice IRL, i tell them to try various methods to see which makes sense for them, there is no wrong answer really, just getting your macros down and eating properly with clean food.
I only tend to track protein these days macro wise. I know my diet well enough to know that by eating what gives me the protein intake I want, I'll be getting as much fat and carbs as I'm after too.

Which is good, because I said that I'd never record the full details again after trying some pretty obsessive (and largely pointless) diets some years back.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Keto ain't for everyone, but jesus H, I'm eating at a big deficit with keto macros and it's all still melting away. I've kind of topped out and plateaued on my running due to my energy loss, though - I can only manage one mile without any breaks, and three with breaks, and then my body just quits on me. Doesn't help I've had to give a LOT of blood lately due to my blood thickening due to testosterone. 3 pints in a month. 2 at Red Cross, then I got a phlebotoligmgishthst appointment that took another pint a few weeks later. I'm TIRED, friends. :(


Phew, I'm back fit-bros (and gals).

Wife and I took a trip with the whole family to Disney World this past week. The food on the Disney dining plan...D: let's just say it was an epic week for eating.

Back to reality now. I'm ready to start up Iron Sport method again, but might just do 3 days a week (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Squat, Bench, Dead and then the next week OHP, Squat, Bench and keep cycling like that). I also gotta email Stevie P and set up my 3 personal training sessions :)


Definitely plateaued on bench. Just 270x3 on bench this week, 1 fewer than last week. Since that's two straight weeks of failure on 1x5 should I go ahead and deload?

Tater Tot

"My God... it's full of Starch!"
Chest today, went on to do the incline press and after my first warm up set came up with a small pain in my neck. (In the cervical vertebra, near the bottom) I did not know what was wrong. My guess was a form issue, I saw that when I started to struggle I would push with neck on the bench in order to help me. I guess I have to deload the weights and start back up again. I felt a lot weaker though, I feel it was because yesterday I drank alcohol (almost never drink) and it fucked me up somehow. :/
What in the love of fuck did the spotter think he was doing? What, was he expecting him to power out of it at that point?

Idiot. Could have killed him.
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