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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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what motivates you guys to keep lifting? I haven't been to the gym in 3 months now, just can't find the motivation

I used to be very into my lifting, always sticking to schedule, taking supplements, good diet, always reading about routines and theory, but I've completely lost my passion for it.

My motivation before was sport, but I'm out of Uni now, and local teams aren't as competitive.

Well, I just turned 35 a month ago...I can tell my body is slowing down. I have new aches and pains every day. If there's anything I can do to stem this, I will try.

I didn't like being winded after going up a flight of stairs. I have a 2 year old daughter...I want to be strong and active as I can for her.

Recently my father in law's knees both gave out...he can barely move, and hardly has the upper body strength to move himself around. I mean, that in itself is motivation to bust ass as much as I can.
what motivates you guys to keep lifting? I haven't been to the gym in 3 months now, just can't find the motivation

The only one person in their 60s plus (he's 75) who isn't a complete wreck for one reason or another. All the others I know never did exercise regularly... this guy has done it since his thirties and still does.
what motivates you guys to keep lifting? I haven't been to the gym in 3 months now, just can't find the motivation

I used to be very into my lifting, always sticking to schedule, taking supplements, good diet, always reading about routines and theory, but I've completely lost my passion for it.

My motivation before was sport, but I'm out of Uni now, and local teams aren't as competitive.

Because both of my parents are obese, my sister is at least overweight if not obese, my sister-in-law is obese, my nephew-in-law is overweight if not obese, and my nephew that is 8 months old is obese. My grandfather on my dad's side was obese and all three of his sons (one being my dad) are/were obese. My brother is the only immediate family member I have that is within a healthy weight range, but he doesn't lift or exercise at all outside of basic house chores so even his body composition is a bit lacking; he used to be overweight or possibly even obese but lost a lot of weight by cleaning up his diet over the past few years.

Basically, obesity is a common characteristic within my family... and, fuck that. I'd rather be dead than fat. So, I eat a reasonable diet and hit the gym 3-4 days a week while biking to/from work every day.


Because both of my parents are obese, my sister is at least overweight if not obese, my sister-in-law is obese, my nephew-in-law is overweight if not obese, and my nephew that is 8 months old is obese. My grandfather on my dad's side was obese and all three of his sons (one being my dad) are/were obese.

Basically, obesity is a common characteristic within my family... and, fuck that. I'd rather be dead than fat. So, I eat a reasonable diet and hit the gym 3-4 days a week while biking to/from work every day.

Rock on man. Does your family ever try to guilt trip you into eating what they eat etc?


Well, I just turned 35 a month ago...I can tell my body is slowing down. I have new aches and pains every day. If there's anything I can do to stem this, I will try.

I didn't like being winded after going up a flight of stairs. I have a 2 year old daughter...I want to be strong and active as I can for her.

Recently my father in law's knees both gave out...he can barely move, and hardly has the upper body strength to move himself around. I mean, that in itself is motivation to bust ass as much as I can.

I'm in the same vote as Cranky. I just turned 41 last week and I've got a 6 month old son. I want to be around as long as I can for him. At the same time, I want to set a good example for him.


what motivates you guys to keep lifting? I haven't been to the gym in 3 months now, just can't find the motivation

I used to be very into my lifting, always sticking to schedule, taking supplements, good diet, always reading about routines and theory, but I've completely lost my passion for it.

My motivation before was sport, but I'm out of Uni now, and local teams aren't as competitive.

I'll echo the same sentiment as above, in that I want to be active into my older years, as I approach 30 now. That my biggest motivation beyond simply wanting to look good and stay attractive for the lady in my life.

The difference between an active and inactive individual as they get older is insane.

This is the image that keeps me going:

Rock on man. Does your family ever try to guilt trip you into eating what they eat etc?

My mom often worries that I'm underweight (I'm 5'9" 175 lbs and ~15% body fat) so I'm hardly skinny or underweight... I just don't look anything like the rest of them, so comparatively, I'm fairly small. Besides her occasionally asking about my eating, no one else really says anything. And, when I eat with them I am comfortable with eating the food they eat since I keep my meals in-check the rest of the time... I just make sure the portions aren't insane. The good thing for me is that my wife is a clinical dietitian and I finished my Bachelor's in nutrition/dietetics, so my family feels fairly limited on what they can say to us about food unless they want us to destroy them with science-backed nutritional information.

I should add, the family I mentioned above is my entire immediate family. The next closest relative I have is one single first-cousin and she is obese as are both of her kids and her boyfriend. So, I wasn't just cherry-picking the obese people out of my family history, that's literally my entire family excluding distance 2nd cousins that I don't really know. My grandmothers and other grandfather (all deceased) were of decent weight actually, but to my knowledge none of them were very active people either.


I'll echo the same sentiment as above, in that I want to be active into my older years, as I approach 30 now. That my biggest motivation beyond simply wanting to look good and stay attractive for the lady in my life.

The difference between an active and inactive individual as they get older is insane.

This is the image that keeps me going:


got damn


1 down, 2 to go when it comes to hitting the weights needed for my 1000lb total Dead/Squat/Bench.

390 x 6 on deads today.

Bench is up next on Thursday. Let's go!

Das it mang.


Felt so good to be back yesterday. Can't wait to dive into the Iron Sport method. Week one you're supposed to set a 1rm for the following 4 weeks, but I'm going to take it a little easy to ease into the program. Stopped my squat at an easy 295 yesterday. I'm not used to the volume work though on the accessory stuff. Major doms this morning.


what motivates you guys to keep lifting? I haven't been to the gym in 3 months now, just can't find the motivation

I used to be very into my lifting, always sticking to schedule, taking supplements, good diet, always reading about routines and theory, but I've completely lost my passion for it.

My motivation before was sport, but I'm out of Uni now, and local teams aren't as competitive.
The mirror is my top motivation. I like the way I look with proper exercise. Recently had a period of about 2-3 months of no gym and I'm never going back again. Lost all my gains and took me about a year to get back to my previous state. Fuck that noise. Another motivation is all these other dudes lifting. I hop on YouTube and see guys deadifting 500+. I want to get to that level. I'm about 20 lbs from 1000 total which I should surpass in a couple weeks.


The mirror is my top motivation. I like the way I look with proper exercise. Recently had a period of about 2-3 months of no gym and I'm never going back again. Lost all my gains and took me about a year to get back to my previous state. Fuck that noise. Another motivation is all these other dudes lifting. I hop on YouTube and see guys deadifting 500+. I want to get to that level. I'm about 20 lbs from 1000 total which I should surpass in a couple weeks.

Right there with you boss!

We got dis!
what motivates you guys to keep lifting? I haven't been to the gym in 3 months now, just can't find the motivation

I used to be very into my lifting, always sticking to schedule, taking supplements, good diet, always reading about routines and theory, but I've completely lost my passion for it.

My motivation before was sport, but I'm out of Uni now, and local teams aren't as competitive.

It's like this: when you get to be around mid-30s, all the stupid things you did when you were younger come back and bite you square in the ass.

For me, it's nasty posture issues from years of allowing myself to be bullied combined with some old injuries that I've been using the right side of my body to overcompensate for.

It's best to get ahead of this stuff while you can.

Doesn't help that at age 37 I'm single again and the dating pool of attractive women in my age group is more competitive than ever.


It's like this: when you get to be around mid-30s, all the stupid things you did when you were younger come back and bite you square in the ass.

For me, it's nasty posture issues from years of allowing myself to be bullied combined with some old injuries that I've been using the right side of my body to overcompensate for.

It's best to get ahead of this stuff while you can.

Doesn't help that at age 37 I'm single again and the dating pool of attractive women in my age group is more competitive than ever.

My posture issues are killing me atm, so many stretches, so much time in the pain cave to right them, really should thank the lady who ran me over, I wouldn't of come across these issues if I hadn't been in physio.

Anyway squats and deadlifts training at the gym on Friday yay.
Celebrating time!

Before this year I had never lifted weights in my life (I'm not counting P90X).

In February I started the program outlined in the OP of this thread.

Now my 3x5 squat is at 355 and rising, my 1x5 deadlift is at 320 and rising, and my 3x5 bench press is at 195 and rising (a little more slowly than the others, but still making progress).

I want to thank FitGAF for giving me the tools I needed to get this far. I'm nowhere near done though. I'm going to continue bulking until my bench is at 225 (actually maybe I'll wait til I hit the 1000 combined mark, as some others in the thread mentioned above), and then it's time to cut hardcore and get rid of all the excess fat I've put on the past few months.

When I get my cut down to a respectable level I'll post before and after pics.

I'm pretty excited!


Yes, diet related. The only real answer is eating less than you're using for a while, though it may take you a few weeks to work out what that is.

I try to eat healthy and balanced but I don't really monitor portions. I just eat to satisfy hunger. I don't like being hungry. :(
I try to eat healthy and balanced but I don't really monitor portions. I just eat to satisfy hunger. I don't like being hungry. :(

Most people have no idea when they're actually hungry. Try intermittent fasting for a while and you'll get an idea of what it's like to really be hungry. :D


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Celebrating time!

Before this year I had never lifted weights in my life (I'm not counting P90X).

In February I started the program outlined in the OP of this thread.

Now my 3x5 squat is at 355 and rising, my 1x5 deadlift is at 320 and rising, and my 3x5 bench press is at 195 and rising (a little more slowly than the others, but still making progress).

I want to thank FitGAF for giving me the tools I needed to get this far. I'm nowhere near done though. I'm going to continue bulking until my bench is at 225 (actually maybe I'll wait til I hit the 1000 combined mark, as some others in the thread mentioned above), and then it's time to cut hardcore and get rid of all the excess fat I've put on the past few months.

When I get my cut down to a respectable level I'll post before and after pics.

I'm pretty excited!
That's pretty damn impressive. Squatting 355 3x5 after only 8 months of lifting is insane. Good for you. Based on these numbers I imagine your deadlift will increase rather quickly.


That's pretty damn impressive. Squatting 355 3x5 after only 8 months of lifting is insane. Good for you. Based on these numbers I imagine your deadlift will increase rather quickly.

Those numbers made me a bit concerned he isn't squatting to parallel, as the squat seems a bit out of whack with the other lifts.

I try to eat healthy and balanced but I don't really monitor portions. I just eat to satisfy hunger. I don't like being hungry. :(

Most people have no idea when they're actually hungry. Try intermittent fasting for a while and you'll get an idea of what it's like to really be hungry. :D

This is correct. It's very likely you don't know what hunger actually feels like so much as being used to your brain releasing the chemicals to make you feel like eating at a certain time.
Those numbers made me a bit concerned he isn't squatting to parallel, as the squat seems a bit out of whack with the other lifts.

I pay special attention to my squat because I'm worried about the same thing, but I'm definitely going completely parallel. My legs have always been freakishly strong compared to the rest of my body.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Those numbers made me a bit concerned he isn't squatting to parallel, as the squat seems a bit out of whack with the other lifts.
That was my initial reaction also but seeing as he is a regular I assumed he knows the importance of hitting parallel and gave him the benefit of the doubt. Didn't want to call him out after such a positive and happy post. That's why we have you! ;-)


I pay special attention to my squat because I'm worried about the same thing, but I'm definitely going completely parallel. My legs have always been freakishly strong compared to the rest of my body.

The thing is though your legs being strong should impact deadlifts just as much as your squat for the most part, as both lifts are predominantly leg lifts. The squat being so much stronger than deads speaks to an odd imbalance.

That was my initial reaction also but seeing as he is a regular I assumed he knows the importance of hitting parallel and gave him the benefit of the doubt. Didn't want to call him out after such a positive and happy post. That's why we have you! ;-)

I'm not afraid to call out a concern, just when something seems odd. I'm even more careful to be nicer about it now!

Less robotic Petrie!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
The thing is though your legs being strong should impact deadlifts just as much as your squat for the most part, as both lifts are predominantly leg lifts. The squat being so much stronger than deads speaks to an odd imbalance.

I'm not afraid to call out a concern, just when something seems odd. I'm even more careful to be nicer about it now!

Less robotic Petrie!
Not to mention legs are not the only thing being worked when squatting. It requires a strong back to squat 3 sets of 5 at 355 and as you said, that should translate to a bigger DL.
I don't feel like I've hit my max on dead lifts though. I've progressed every day like clockwork and haven't had a failed rep yet. I probably started way too low on them and could do more, but I'd rather just progress slowly and steadily; I add 5 lbs each time and I'm okay with that.

That said, I appreciate the feedback. I'll try to find someone to film my 355 squat so I can post it here. Maybe I am missing something!


That said, I appreciate the feedback. I'll try to find someone to film my 355 squat so I can post it here. Maybe I am missing something!

It's only worth looking at because someone simply being that much stronger in the squat without training specifically to squat and ignoring DL is pretty odd. These things happen, but it's always worth calling such things to someone's attention so they take a little better look.

Not to mention legs are not the only thing being worked when squatting. It requires a strong back to squat 3 sets of 5 at 355 and as you said, that should translate to a bigger DL.

As a guy who has trained for over 3 years and is just getting close to that level on squats without his belt, I have to agree completely. But I do go way beyond parallel. ATG baby!
Whats the longest you guys been in back pain after tweaking it? I've had pain for a little over a month now after tweaking it while squatting. At first I kepy trying to stick with my routine and eventually when it wasn't getting better I've dropped squats and deadlifts all together for now. It does feel like its getting better now which is really good. It feels really tight in the morning and gets better throughout the day . Been trying to just stretch as much as I can and I've been working on things like planks
Fits pretty well with the people I know in their 60s and 70s.

Yeah, other folks in this thread were mentioning family history as a negative incentive (family is obese and they want to avoid it) to work out. For me, seeing my family age is a big positive incentive for me. They are not crazy workout fiends in any particular area, but my parents are now moving into their 60s and they have stayed crazy healthy. They do weight training regularly as well as lots of other active sports (biking, swimming, rowing, racquetball, skiing) and the difference between them and other folks their age is just incredible. They are active, happy, and quite frankly look about 10+ years younger versus their contemporaries.

Obviously as you get older stuff can always happen and you can't guarantee your health. But darned it I'm not going to do all that I can for my wife and I to have that same kind of life into our later years. My wife and I also had kids fairly early, so with good health we'll have tons of really fun, physically active years as empty nesters to look forward to if we stay in shape.


Failed on my last set of 295x5 on deads. Let my form fail on the third rep, tried to reset and was so exhausted my hips shot up on the next rep and I felt a tug so I dropped it there. Probably would've been able to leg it out if I didn't fuck up the third rep. So ready for this deload, this cycle has taken everything out of me lol


what motivates you guys to keep lifting? I haven't been to the gym in 3 months now, just can't find the motivation

I used to be very into my lifting, always sticking to schedule, taking supplements, good diet, always reading about routines and theory, but I've completely lost my passion for it.

My motivation before was sport, but I'm out of Uni now, and local teams aren't as competitive.
Like most in here, I work out to feel good and stay healthy. I couldn't even imagine of stopping at the moment. And well, lets face it, I have been extremely happy about looking better as well. So overall well-being is what I get out of it and what keeps me going. :D

It's best to get ahead of this stuff while you can.
I agree with this. Do it while you still can. I started because I basicly had no other choice and now I wish I would have started earlier. I love the results and I really enjoy going to gym, but this all would have been so much easier if my spine would be in better shape. I am getting there, but this journey will take a lot longer because of that.

Doesn't help that at age 37 I'm single again and the dating pool of attractive women in my age group is more competitive than ever.
This actually surprises me or perhaps you define the word "attractive" in very different way than I do.

Not to mention legs are not the only thing being worked when squatting. It requires a strong back to squat 3 sets of 5 at 355 and as you said, that should translate to a bigger DL.
Talking about squats and deadlifts mine are pathetic.

I don't think the problem is the lack of strenght in my legs since I do think I have actually fairly strong ones, but my back and my spine are extremely poor. I honestly do deadlifts and squats with the same weight (10 kilos / 22 pounds) that I have in bench with barbells in one hand.

But shouldn't these actually make my inner corset and core muscles better so if I just stick with this I should be able to add the weight when my back get used to this?
There is no difference. The bar weighs the same no matter where the weights are on it. The position of the weights will have an effect on its rotational inertia, but the force up and down is the same no matter what. And if the bar is balanced, there is no rotational inertia.

Yep. Unless you aren't equally lifting the bar with each side of your body, there isn't going to be a difference.


the piano man
what the fuck at spotting on deadlifts? is that a thing? literally the first time I've seen it. oh and the dude on the right touching the bar throwing it off balance is..something else.

it made me laugh a bit, I mean, he screams with passion "don't touch it!!!!!!!" on the 2nd rep when the first rep was already failed/assisted anyway? WTF is that.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Gonna give this another go since the BS seems to have subsided and EL stepped in. Hopefully we can keep the BS out of here.

Strongman training is going well. Been training without a belt for a while now. Here's the progress. All Beltless.
Log press 195x5

Front squat 315 deadlift 525 and front squat 250

200lb sandbag and 160lb handles 75 foot. Sandbag is one of the hardest things ive done.


Whats the longest you guys been in back pain after tweaking it? I've had pain for a little over a month now after tweaking it while squatting. At first I kepy trying to stick with my routine and eventually when it wasn't getting better I've dropped squats and deadlifts all together for now. It does feel like its getting better now which is really good. It feels really tight in the morning and gets better throughout the day . Been trying to just stretch as much as I can and I've been working on things like planks

It can take a while brother. When it feels "okay" start very light and see how it goes. I've taken weeks off for my back and I took more than a month for my shoulder.


Brolic, it's pretty impressive to know that you can stuff a majority of FitGaf into a body bag and dump us on the side of a curb.

Just saying.


Awesome to hear that you are feeling better!

I guess it is my time to feel like crap instead.

Oh and I will try to write you a short info about the trip when the pain isn't as bad as now. Soon I hope. :)

Thanks! I hope you're starting on the path to feeling better too. :(

PM me anytime and we can chat. :)

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I thought log press was a typo

What is the main difference between it and a regular shoulder press?

It's just a variation. That log I'm using isn't ideal either. The holes aren't big enough and it's not wide enough. The main thing with it is cleaning it to the press position, mine is sloppy. Also for strongman it doesn't have to be strict. So im working strict press and eventually push press, but always cleaned from the floor for now.

Also a log uses a neutral grip.

Damn those some impressive vids

Brolic, it's pretty impressive to know that you can stuff a majority of FitGaf into a body bag and dump us on the side of a curb.

Just saying.

That's pretty damn impressive Mr. Gaoler. Great to have you back!

Thanks guys, but it's just a start. None of it is impressive in regard to strongman stuff, it's like starting all over again.

That sandbag is absolutely brutal though. No joke.


Does the severity of DOMS increase during cutting?

I rarely ever experience DOMS after lifting but damn I am feeling it my last 2 rest days


It's just a variation. That log I'm using isn't ideal either. The holes aren't big enough and it's not wide enough. The main thing with it is cleaning it to the press position, mine is sloppy. Also for strongman it doesn't have to be strict. So im working strict press and eventually push press, but always cleaned from the floor for now.

Also a log uses a neutral grip.

I also noticed you're using cross arm grip with the front squats. Did you switch over to it because the grip makes for a better transition to other strongman lifts such as sandbag and possibly atlas stones.


Does the severity of DOMS increase during cutting?

I rarely ever experience DOMS after lifting but damn I am feeling it my last 2 rest days

Less food = slower recovery, so yeah. You might want to change up your routine, possibly somewhat lower load or volume while you're cutting.
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