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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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The day before yesterday I had a failure for the first time. It was OHP at 65 lbs 3x5. Managed 5/5/4 and I just wasn't able to handle that last rep.

Thinking back, I feel like my OHP form is questionable as well. I may want to get some form videos of that, and probably my Deadlift too. I'm worried that I'm arcing my back some and while I haven't had too much issue getting the weight up (at 155 1x5 for that) I'd rather get a better form before things get too bad and my lower back hates me for it.

Wait, I want to check something. You're saying you failed on a 3x5 at 65 lbs OHP but can do a 1x5 at 155 lbs OHP? Or am I misunderstanding?


Make sure you're stretching enough! I hope your pain goes away on its own, but at least you'll have physio soon?

Haha, glad you found a buddy at the gym. :D who wants to help!

I'm doing okay. Working out and everything but still failing at eating lol. Like just bad. I've got such bad will power right now. And at this point, I'm like...fuck it, there's going to be chocolate and whatever all December to Christmas, so I'll just try to keep the calories down below 1500 and just be lax and start getting my will power back after all the chocolate lol.

Oh well. In any case, I've had random people at working asking me if I've lost weight again, so... -shrug-
I stretch every day so I am fairly sure that that is enough. :D The pain is still somewhat annoying even though not as bad as it was. I actually on purpose missed one gym session to give it more time to heal. I am going to hit the gym on Tuesday and see how does it feel. I am at the moment being very hopeful. And yeah, physio time is on mid December.

Oh, well I haven't been as strict with the diet as I should have either. I think I need to go it through and recalculate it, since I haven't really done it at all in the past six months or so even if I now weight less than I did back then. I haven't lost any significant weight in the last couple months. I don't stress about it though, since I think it might be just good for the body to get used to this weight... and yes, December will be though. :p

I am also sure you have lost more weight than you think or even if you wouldn't have lost that much, you are definitely more toned and fit now when you have been working out. :D So yeah, I am sure you just don't give yourself enough credit. Plus, it might actually be just good for your body as well not to stress about it and eat a bit more. :)

Trying out a new look. Shaved my head and I am going to continue growing the beard. The beard is only 4 weeks old, it's just a wee lil baby.

I think this increases my lifts by at least 15%
This is an awesome look! I am also convinced that your lifts will increase and also your street credibility must be through the roof. I must add that I really like that shirt too. :D

S'more Quest Bars are available for ordering this coming Monday... I'll let you know what I think once I get a hold of one.
We are all waiting. :p I am ordering couple new boxes quite soon and I haven't yet really decided what I will go with. ^_^


GAF is awesome. I just noticed this thread. Anyways, need some opinions, comments. I started lifting (never weight lifted in my life) I was 198lbs 5'10 then broke up wit my gf and focused more on doing this. So far I've seen some gains but I feel its too slow I've gained some weight up to 205 but dont want to gain more.. My friend says I need to gain more weight and blames my mind for not pushing heavier but my arms are already failinga. Today I deadlifted 255 6reps(final set) at the moment my max squat is 195 I bench 155 for 10 reps 3 sets. 475 leg press 12 reps 3 sets. I feel I can do more but my body is holding me back. I usually take shotgun preworkout and have a protein shake right after and then before sleep.. I think I eat enough to maintain weight.

My question is : can it be my mind or am I just to new to it and my muscles not developed enough? Me and my buddy have arguments about me letting my mind stop me.. always drops the stop being a bitch and finish it.

I was thinking of moving on to white flood over shotgun also... but he says its pointless..

Mr. X

Xsport is doing some unlimited guest trial shit and it's way way more crowded during the peak and the clips and surprisingly bars are missing. Not to mention a severe lack of towels and more broken cables lately. It's such pain if I miss going at like 630-7am now.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Question about fat reduction. You know how there's no such thing as spot reduction? So how does it work if you have say a pretty muscular, ripped body overall, except for your belly? When you try to burn off fat it's supposed to happen all over your body, but if you don't have much fat except in one area, what happens? Does your body burn off muscle as well?
Yeah, I meant 3x5 OHP 65 and 1x5 Deadlift 155, sorry for the confusion.

Tuna being high in protein for what it offers is something I knew, but I never looked into cottage cheese. Never been much of an eater of it, mind you, but I'm willing to give it a shot.
Did you have a coach to teach you the snatch (and C&J)? Or did you self-teach?

I self taught but read a lot and went to a seminar. It's actually pretty important to watch yourself and just comparing what others do to fix it. you can tell I am still jumping forward but i have gotten a lot better about it.
When you try to burn off fat it's supposed to happen all over your body, but if you don't have much fat except in one area, what happens? Does your body burn off muscle as well?

Short answer, no. Some of us are just really unlucky as to how we store our fat. Some get most of it in one place (stomach for me, ass for some, thighs for some), others have it spread out more evenly.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I've been doing SS since July and have seen good results and am ready to switch it up to a new program.

I've been thinking about the Buff Dudes 12 week program but I'm not sure if It completely checks out so I need advice on where to go from here,


Any advice or suggestions are appreciated! Gotta get swoll

Glad you're still working on it brother. I'll check it out later, but I'm sure Fit-GAF Friend Program will analyze it all before I get around to checking it out.

However, why do you want to switch it up? Have you plateaued? If not, no reason to change.


I've been doing SS since July and have seen good results and am ready to switch it up to a new program.

I've been thinking about the Buff Dudes 12 week program but I'm not sure if It completely checks out so I need advice on where to go from here,


Any advice or suggestions are appreciated! Gotta get swoll

Glad you're still working on it brother. I'll check it out later, but I'm sure Fit-GAF Friend Program will analyze it all before I get around to checking it out.

However, why do you want to switch it up? Have you plateaued? If not, no reason to change.

What he said. Don't just change for the sake of change. Do it because you need to change your programming since you aren't progressing.

4 months of SS is nothing, you should be able to do plenty more.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
Guess I will stay on that SS grind then. I've stalled out on a couple of lifts, but I'll just attempt to summon the strength of my inner beast to break through. Much appreciated friendos.
Guess I will stay on that SS grind then. I've stalled out on a couple of lifts, but I'll just attempt to summon the strength of my inner beast to break through. Much appreciated friendos.

I noticed you said "grind" there. If you're finding it boring / tedious then that might actually be a legitimate reason for changing... better that than finding yourself not wanting to do it and quitting completely.
Guess I will stay on that SS grind then. I've stalled out on a couple of lifts, but I'll just attempt to summon the strength of my inner beast to break through. Much appreciated friendos.

You should look into something like GSLP if you're really sick of SS. For me GSLP is perfect since I don't squat every workout (which killed me while doing SS)
is this Cooters body?


Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Holy shit. I'm pretty sure my forearms would snap if I attempted something like this.

The is, but it's really not much. I used to put 280 overhead on a barbell. I'm coming back from a bad shoulder issue. It's definitely s learning process due to the log working different than a barbell though. Plus I'm cleaning it from the floor every time now.

I guarantee given enough time you could do the same shit.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Ugh. On Saturday I was sick for the whole day. Got a lot better by Sunday but I barely ate anything on either day. It's amazing what effect that seems to have on the body. I go to class today and wear one of my t-shirts which looks pretty decent on me normally, but I look totally freakin' deflated. D:
The is, but it's really not much. I used to put 280 overhead on a barbell. I'm coming back from a bad shoulder issue. It's definitely s learning process due to the log working different than a barbell though. Plus I'm cleaning it from the floor every time now.

I guarantee given enough time you could do the same shit.

Does strongman specify if it has to be a strict log press or can you do it as a push press???
First day back doing shoulders after injury. Pleasantly surprised that I haven't lost as much strength as I might have. Still far too much clunking, cracking and general grinding going on though. :(


Can I get a form check on my squats and deadlifts? The weights are starting to get heavier and I want to make sure my form isn't entirely terrible before moving on.

5'9 / 165lb


I think I may not be contracting my glutes or properly locking out on my deadlift, looking at this video. I also had slight back pressure after finishing it (it's now gone).

Low-bar squat:

For my squats I mentioned earlier in this thread that I'm having some shoulder soreness after squats, but on my left side only. Not sure if it's my hand placement, or grip but it starts happening around the 4/5 set.

Any advice or comments would be appreciated!


I self taught but read a lot and went to a seminar. It's actually pretty important to watch yourself and just comparing what others do to fix it. you can tell I am still jumping forward but i have gotten a lot better about it.
Ah nice, glad to see it's possible. I've been watching a lot of weightlifting videos the past year or so; even more so lately. I don't plan on starting oly lifting until maybe a year or two later.

I think I may not be contracting my glutes or properly locking out on my deadlift, looking at this video. I also had slight back pressure after finishing it (it's now gone).
Yeah, you didn't lockout on those. I feel your DLs are more like clean pulls. Have you tried Rippetoe's DL steps or cues to see where your starting position should be?
Ah nice, glad to see it's possible. I've been watching a lot of weightlifting videos the past year or so; even more so lately. I don't plan on starting oly lifting until maybe a year or two later.

If you plan on ever doing it, start now. You'll regret it later. I wish I would have found weightlifting 10 years ago.

J. Bravo

Ah nice, glad to see it's possible. I've been watching a lot of weightlifting videos the past year or so; even more so lately. I don't plan on starting oly lifting until maybe a year or two later.

Yeah, you didn't lockout on those. I feel your DLs are more like clean pulls. Have you tried Rippetoe's DL steps or cues to see where your starting position should be?

you should start sooner than later. i can't imagine watching videos of a lift for 3 years before even attempting it. you gotta practice some time man. i understand if you don't have the mobility or the strength, but i know you are flexible as hell and you can probably power clean at least a plate. give it a try, film it, and look over your form if you must.
Can I get a form check on my squats and deadlifts? The weights are starting to get heavier and I want to make sure my form isn't entirely terrible before moving on.

5'9 / 165lb


I think I may not be contracting my glutes or properly locking out on my deadlift, looking at this video. I also had slight back pressure after finishing it (it's now gone).

Your start position is too low, almost like you're trying to squat the weight up and as a result your hips shoot up when you start your pull.

The position you're in when your hips shoot up, should actually be your start position... Probably would help with the back issues as well.
I can't speak for GAF's reasoning, but I read some opinions that Rippetoe and others had on it. A lot of the emphasis is on doing a large number of reps in a short amount of time, and often times the trainers aren't fully trained on proper form and are then expecting other newbies to heavy lifting to do these lifts. If your form is improper while lifting, it can leave you prone to injury.

I can't speak personally on it, as I've never attended a local session, but seeing a lot of longtime lifters cringe at the form and methods used in crossfit, along with a friend of mine getting injured at a crossfit gym (granted, I don't know the full details of her injury) is enough to make me not want go that route. The occasional silly gifs/webms of weird lifts doesn't help.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
I do not like bent over barbell rows. It's too easy to make a costly mistake.
It's one of the few exercises I seem to be able to do with good, repeatable form. Only way I could see myself hurting myself is picking the bar up from the floor incorrectly (unlikely) or by jerking my body to lift the weight (which I don't tend to do, because if my form goes out of the window, I'm lifting more than I'm capable of, so drop the weight).
I get everyone is different, but I find it a little surprising that squats seem to be unpopular to the masses. I love doing them, and they're my favorite of the basic/SS lifts, easily.

I'm gonna have the best ass and legs in the world, just you wait and see!


It's been a while Fit-GAF...missed you guys!

Baby girl is 4 months old and healthy / beautiful as can be. Naturally, I've been slacking in the fitness department, preferring to spend time with wife and baby, but I've slacked long enough. Help me get out of bed in the morning!!! For reference I currently get up at 6:00 but need to get up at 5:00 to get in a workout.
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