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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Anyways guys got the ON creatine as suggested, but one problem... it gives me terrible stomach pains. I don't even get to relieve that by going to the bathroom, although it always feels like I'm going to explode lol sorry if that's graphic.

The hell, is this creatine monohydrate? I've never had any sort of reaction to it. How much are you taking?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Mutha fucking shit fuck! I told Brolic to stay out of those political threads and I even remember him telling me he was never going in there again.
It was a post in the Michael Brown thread. He posted a link from a co worker that he didn't realize wasn't legit and got banned for that.


And admitted he made a mistake 10 minutes later


So thats the permaban.

Wtf. We need to protest this shit and burn down some servers or something.

For real though can we get an appeal or at least an indictment on the mod that perma'd him?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Wtf. We need to protest this shit and burn down some servers or something.

For real though can we get an appeal or at least an indictment on the mod that perma'd him?

Do it via PM, not in the threads or else you'll get nowhere fast. PM a mod you have some sort of rapport with. Evilore himself comes in Fit-GAF so he might be worth a shot.


Pretty sure if it was a permaban his avatar wouldn't show. at least that's how I think it works. Unless he told you he was perm'd, then nevermind.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Pretty sure if it was a permaban his avatar wouldn't show. at least that's how I think it works. Unless he told you he was perm'd, then nevermind.

That's an urban legend, mine vanished once when not permed.


Pretty sure if it was a permaban his avatar wouldn't show. at least that's how I think it works. Unless he told you he was perm'd, then nevermind.

His twitter seems to indicate perma.

"@NeoGAF just a bit of info. I wasn't trolling with that post I made, it was a mistake and I apologized for it immediately. Perma? :("

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Wonder what makes the avatar disappear on some bans.

Bad luck? I dunno.

Seriously, someone should PM a mod and show the posts and Twitter. I can't do it because I'm running out the door.

Mods I've had good exchanges with:
I was wondering why Brolic hadn't posted int hat thread about those 4 prison guards that were having sex with one inmate :(

A loss to neogaf, he's been a great resource
I have a question that wont have a yes / no answer... it's more a matter of opinion.

Since I've switched to two a day training I'm really starting to struggle to hit my calorie targets when the calories burned are taken into account. In the past, it was less of an issue as it would go something like:

2500 + 400
2500 + 600
2500 + 600

etc. But now it's more like

2500 + 1200
2500 + 1200

Do people reckon that it's ok to "shift" some of those calories to the rest days? So say, eat 3500 calories on one of those workout days, then maybe 2700 the next day instead of 2500? I'm sure to some of you, that many calories is nothing, but combined with maybe three hours of exercise and intermittent fasting, it's a shitload to try and eat in something like five or six hours.

I could just eat a tub of icecream, but I'm not sure I'm allowed. I did eat an entire pizza out of desperation for calories today though.


This week has been just pure madness. Phone calls from work that wake me up and ask me can I work on that particular day while I am totally lost what day it even is. I have been just utterly busy with everything and eating shit things. The good thing is that I anyways went to the gym on Tuesday and while it didn't really help with my back at least it didn't make it any worse. I have also missed three times pilates in a row since I have been working every time I should have been in there which might make the back even worse. I should learn to say no to money. Oh well, the only direction is up and even the idea that I think I can continue going to gym makes me so happyyyy. :D

Haven't posted in a while. Started seriously dieting, added in cardio after workouts, only on my sixth day but I feel a ton better so far.
None the less I would have came here faster if I would have known that there is something like this. That is some extremely impressive physique.

Brolic and Ohhthegore banned. May they rest in heaven with the angels
Damn. This is bad news. Even if some may think I might be a piece of shit, I actually really liked Brolic since he was at least honest and helpful every damn time someone needed it.

Both will be greatly missed.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I reached out via PM to a mod, we'll wait and see.

Use hashtag


If you plan on ever doing it, start now. You'll regret it later. I wish I would have found weightlifting 10 years ago.

you should start sooner than later. i can't imagine watching videos of a lift for 3 years before even attempting it. you gotta practice some time man. i understand if you don't have the mobility or the strength, but i know you are flexible as hell and you can probably power clean at least a plate. give it a try, film it, and look over your form if you must.

Well since you guys advocate that and after chatting with my friend about this, I might start weightlifting earlier than I intended to. The main concerns for me were:
  1. I had numbers I wanted to hit in the PLing lifts before transitioning to weightlifting, but my friend said that it isn't like I'm abandoning the PLing lifts. They become accessory lifts in weightlifting. Also, I can still progress in the GSLP program for those "noob gains".
  2. Gym equipment. The university gym I go to removed the weightlifting platforms to make room for more cardio machines so there's no safe place for me to do snatches and C&J, etc. The new gym I plan on going to after I move (although for 8 months) has everything that's used in strongman, PLing, and weightlifting. I wish Eleiko bars were cheaper :(
  3. No coach. It would save me a lot of time when correcting form.
Mobility isn't a concern IMO, my strength just isn't where I want it to be.


Too many girls doing things in the video to focus on the lift
(great job!)
I need to say I totally missed the girls this time and noticed them only after you mentioned they were there.

Incredible. Theytookourjobz you lift a lot for your size. Also looking totally great, not going to lie.


I've missed like the last 4 of 6 weeks at the gym lol. Seems at least once a year I always lose interest like this for big chunks of time. Oh well

J. Bravo

Well since you guys advocate that and after chatting with my friend about this, I might start weightlifting earlier than I intended to. The main concerns for me were:
  1. I had numbers I wanted to hit in the PLing lifts before transitioning to weightlifting, but my friend said that it isn't like I'm abandoning the PLing lifts. They become accessory lifts in weightlifting. Also, I can still progress in the GSLP program for those "noob gains".
  2. Gym equipment. The university gym I go to removed the weightlifting platforms to make room for more cardio machines so there's no safe place for me to do snatches and C&J, etc. The new gym I plan on going to after I move (although for 8 months) has everything that's used in strongman, PLing, and weightlifting. I wish Eleiko bars were cheaper :(
  3. No coach. It would save me a lot of time when correcting form.
Mobility isn't a concern IMO, my strength just isn't where I want it to be.

maybe it's the natural athlete in me talking, but i picked up power cleans very quickly. never tried any other oly lifts. as for the safety, as long as you have at least 1 bumper plate on each side i would feel completely comfortable dropping weights. that's bad for the bars if they're the wrong kind though.

i would totally understand waiting 8 months before going heavy, BUT i would suggest at least practicing with lighter weights/broomstick/pvc pipe to get the form perfect in the meantime.


maybe it's the natural athlete in me talking, but i picked up power cleans very quickly. never tried any other oly lifts. as for the safety, as long as you have at least 1 bumper plate on each side i would feel completely comfortable dropping weights. that's bad for the bars if they're the wrong kind though.

i would totally understand waiting 8 months before going heavy, BUT i would suggest at least practicing with lighter weights/broomstick/pvc pipe to get the form perfect in the meantime.

I did try to learn to clean back in July by following CalStrength's video, but I never continued after the first step (essentially the hang clean). It wasn't too hard, I just needed to read up on the nuances to do it better.
To be clear, I'm moving in a month and will be going to the new gym for eight months before moving back to NYC. If I do start weightlifting, I hope to get form down within the first one to three months and still be able to take advantage of the equipment for the remaining time I'm there. Only back in NYC will be a problem lol. Not many gyms are suitable for weightlifting, but there are plenty of CrossFit gyms around where I live.

I better start looking up on beginner programs and reading material + tutorial videos during my free time. In the meantime, I guess I'll continue GSLP and maybe learn the clean (for now) with the bar + 10lb bumpers.

At this point I feel like I'm rambling in my post :T


Good news, I heard back, and Brolic's ban is no longer a perm. Good times for Fit-GAF.

Well, I'm going to eat some pizza and cake in his honor.

Also, I can't forget about ohthegore, we'll hold a place for you at the Fit-gaf table.

Happy thanksgiving to all who celebrate it. Be safe and don't eat too much. Unless you're bulking, then have at it.


Junior Member
Well since you guys advocate that and after chatting with my friend about this, I might start weightlifting earlier than I intended to. The main concerns for me were:
  1. I had numbers I wanted to hit in the PLing lifts before transitioning to weightlifting, but my friend said that it isn't like I'm abandoning the PLing lifts. They become accessory lifts in weightlifting. Also, I can still progress in the GSLP program for those "noob gains".
  2. Gym equipment. The university gym I go to removed the weightlifting platforms to make room for more cardio machines so there's no safe place for me to do snatches and C&J, etc. The new gym I plan on going to after I move (although for 8 months) has everything that's used in strongman, PLing, and weightlifting. I wish Eleiko bars were cheaper :(
  3. No coach. It would save me a lot of time when correcting form.
Mobility isn't a concern IMO, my strength just isn't where I want it to be.

If you're technique is on point, you can make any amount of strength go a long way in weightlifting. One of my training partners has a 310# front squat and a 300# clean because he is incredibly efficient and fast. Obviously strength is huge in lifting but speed, technique, and proper positioning are paramount.

If you need any help, I'm a USAW certified club coach and I'd be glad to look at your lifts if you record them and I'm sure plenty of other people in here would too.

Hope everyone has an awesome thanksgiving!


Tried to squat with low weights after some time, didn't have any shooting pain in my hip and I hope it stays that way :)

Did front squats for the first time, figured I might as well try them instead of the regular squats. I think I got them right, but to be sure, the bulk of the weight supposed to be held with your arms/shoulders, not your chest, right? Also is there any difference where I have my fingers under the bar? Had them in the sockets above the collarbones, but it kinda hurt my left wrist so I will try different positions.

Any reasons why I should be doing back squats instead of front squats? (I try to follow the program in the OP, but without power cleans)


I've missed like the last 4 of 6 weeks at the gym lol. Seems at least once a year I always lose interest like this for big chunks of time. Oh well

If your consistency is there the rest of the year, those breaks tend to be more beneficial than not.

I could really use one like that myself, actually, but I'm too stubborn, and this past year I haven't been as disciplined with my diet.
Tried to squat with low weights after some time, didn't have any shooting pain in my hip and I hope it stays that way :)

Did front squats for the first time, figured I might as well try them instead of the regular squats. I think I got them right, but to be sure, the bulk of the weight supposed to be held with your arms/shoulders, not your chest, right? Also is there any difference where I have my fingers under the bar? Had them in the sockets above the collarbones, but it kinda hurt my left wrist so I will try different positions.

Any reasons why I should be doing back squats instead of front squats? (I try to follow the program in the OP, but without power cleans)

Back squats tend to work the lower back and glutes more than front squats, which is more quad dominant. Front squats also require a lighter weight to start off more than back squats


If you're technique is on point, you can make any amount of strength go a long way in weightlifting. One of my training partners has a 310# front squat and a 300# clean because he is incredibly efficient and fast. Obviously strength is huge in lifting but speed, technique, and proper positioning are paramount.

If you need any help, I'm a USAW certified club coach and I'd be glad to look at your lifts if you record them and I'm sure plenty of other people in here would too.

Hope everyone has an awesome thanksgiving!

I see. Those three you mentioned are usually what's emphasized in many on Diane Fu's and Wu Chuan Fu's IG posts.

Is there particular angles you'll be needing if I am to record them? Side view, isometric view?
Do you happen to have any resources I can use and look into that can help me transition/start to weightlifting? Would you suggest me learning the lifts while I'm on a beginner weightlifting program or take the time to learn the lifts first and then go on a beginner weightlifting program?


Junior Member
I see. Those three you mentioned are usually what's emphasized in many on Diane Fu's and Wu Chuan Fu's IG posts.

Is there particular angles you'll be needing if I am to record them? Side view, isometric view?
Do you happen to have any resources I can use and look into that can help me transition/start to weightlifting? Would you suggest me learning the lifts while I'm on a beginner weightlifting program or take the time to learn the lifts first and then go on a beginner weightlifting program?

Side angle is the best for analyzing. Bar path is really easy to see from the side.


Junior Member
Maybe you've stated it before, but how much do you weigh and what's your body fat %, roughly? I'm thoroughly impressed by how easy you made that look. I'm pegging you at around 175? Bit of a distant video so hard to tell. Props man.

I usually lift at -85kg when I do a meet but I don't weigh myself if I'm not trying to make weight. I'd guess I'm probably heavy right now because I've been eating creatine like it's going out of style.


there is joy in sucking dick
Played three hours of tackle football. Not the brightest idea after having a heavy'ish leg day yesterday :/ I guess I'll deal with the inevitable DOMS.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I usually lift at -85kg when I do a meet but I don't weigh myself if I'm not trying to make weight. I'd guess I'm probably heavy right now because I've been eating creatine like it's going out of style.
That's 187lbs. I'm curious what kind of numbers people at that weight are hitting. Care to share a range on all lifts?

J. Bravo

Played three hours of tackle football. Not the brightest idea after having a heavy'ish leg day yesterday :/ I guess I'll deal with the inevitable DOMS.
Yeah I skipped our turkey bowl this morning lol. Played 2 hours of basketball last night. Plus the squats for the first time in 2 months. I am struggling today. So glad it's Thanksgiving haha. Have q good bulksgiving guys. Even if you're cutting you better eat a shit ton
Bleh, shit workout is shit.

I'm going to work on the assumption that I couldn't do something that I managed last week because I increased the weight on a couple of other moves today.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Okay guys, tell it to me straight: does it look like I have a spine issue?


Every time I look at myself from a side view it looks like I'm slouching, even when I'm standing straight. I used to think that was cause I have a little bit of a gut building there, but the more I think about it, the more I wonder if I have a scoliosis problem or something.

While I've made some really great progress over the year, and look pretty dang decent on a front/back shot, I look all gangly and weird whenever I view myself from the side. :/
So if I'm trying to work my way up to being able to do 5 sets of 15 hanging leg raises with straight legs, whats the best way of going about it?

Just knees working towards having more and more stretched legs, or as many as possible with fully stretched legs?

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Okay guys, tell it to me straight: does it look like I have a spine issue?

Every time I look at myself from a side view it looks like I'm slouching, even when I'm standing straight. I used to think that was cause I have a little bit of a gut building there, but the more I think about it, the more I wonder if I have a scoliosis problem or something.

While I've made some really great progress over the year, and look pretty dang decent on a front/back shot, I look all gangly and weird whenever I view myself from the side. :/
Would need more evidence but it looks like you may have some anterior pelvic tilt.
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