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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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J. Bravo

Okay guys, tell it to me straight: does it look like I have a spine issue?

Every time I look at myself from a side view it looks like I'm slouching, even when I'm standing straight. I used to think that was cause I have a little bit of a gut building there, but the more I think about it, the more I wonder if I have a scoliosis problem or something.

While I've made some really great progress over the year, and look pretty dang decent on a front/back shot, I look all gangly and weird whenever I view myself from the side. :/

you might, but you should try doing twice as many pull reps as push reps. so if you do 3x10 bench, you might go do 3x10 pulldowns and 3x10 facepulls. this will pull your shoulders back and help your posture. another thing to do is releasing tension in your chest. the pec minor is a culprit for a lot of things when it's tight, so grab a lacrosse ball, find the knots in your chest, and start workin on them. all these will help your posture a ton.

Evo X

Two month progress update. Managed to hit some new PRs. This is the strongest I've felt in my life. Really wish I would have started lifting seriously sooner.

Still on Starting Strength program.

For a reminder, this is what I started on my first day.

Squat – 65lbs 5x3
Bench Press – 85lbs 5x3
Deadlift – 85lbs 5x1

This is where I was at one month.

Squat – 165lbs 5x3
Bench Press – 115lbs 5x3
Deadlift – 185lbs 5x1

This is where I am at now.

Squat – 200lbs 5x3
Bench Press – 135lbs 5x3
Deadlift – 220lbs 5x1

I'm also doing bicep curls with 35lb barbells in each hand and military shoulder press sets with 70lbs overhead.

My starting body weight was 156lbs. Now I'm at 165lbs.

Feeling pretty good about the progress. Think I'm gonna focus more on upper body exercises now. My end goal for squat was 1.5x body weight so around 230lbs. I thought it would take me at least 6-8 months to get there, but looks like I'll reach it within 3 months? Don't know where to go after I hit that. Seems kind of anti climactic. lol

Did I set my goal too low or should I just switch to maintenance after 230? I don't want to gain too much weight. I'm only 5'8", so I'm afraid it might look weird.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Two month progress update. Managed to hit some new PRs. This is the strongest I've felt in my life. Really wish I would have started lifting seriously sooner.

Still on Starting Strength program.

For a reminder, this is what I started on my first day.

Squat – 65lbs 5x3
Bench Press – 85lbs 5x3
Deadlift – 85lbs 5x1

This is where I was at one month.

Squat – 165lbs 5x3
Bench Press – 115lbs 5x3
Deadlift – 185lbs 5x1

This is where I am at now.

Squat – 200lbs 5x3
Bench Press – 135lbs 5x3
Deadlift – 220lbs 5x1

I'm also doing bicep curls with 35lb barbells in each hand and military shoulder press sets with 70lbs overhead.

My starting body weight was 156lbs. Now I'm at 165lbs.

Feeling pretty good about the progress. Think I'm gonna focus more on upper body exercises now. My end goal for squat was 1.5x body weight so around 230lbs. I thought it would take me at least 6-8 months to get there, but looks like I'll reach it within 3 months? Don't know where to go after I hit that. Seems kind of anti climactic. lol

Did I set my goal too low or should I just switch to maintenance after 230? I don't want to gain too much weight. I'm only 5'8", so I'm afraid it might look weird.
You can get a lot stronger at the same bodyweight. You have to make your own choices about what you want from your training and how to balance it with your life, just letting you know that you don't have to put on more weight to get stronger.


haven't lifted all week and doubled up on cake and pie for desert tonight. looking forward to this 285x3 bench day on Monday


Sounds like the pop was either a torn tendon or strained muscle, sincerely doubt it's anything permanant. edit- yikes just realized the ban. Rough he seemed like he knew his stuff and was very big part of what made this thread active.

Anyways guys got the ON creatine as suggested, but one problem... it gives me terrible stomach pains. I don't even get to relieve that by going to the bathroom, although it always feels like I'm going to explode lol sorry if that's graphic.

I get awful stomach pain when I drink any kind of protein shake. Helps a lot if you eat a yogurt with it.


So I've been reading a lot tonight and came across DNP for the first time. Wow.

What are some not life threatening alternatives, EC stack? What else to promote and fastens fat loss? Low dosage is tempting but it's such a dangerous drug, read for hours on it and yeah, not worth the risk. You might get a month+ results in a week but possible side effects... And I wasn't actively searching for it, just came upon it in one thread and decided to look it up. (along with clen, anavar etc lol)


So I've been reading a lot tonight and came across DNP for the first time. Wow.

What are some not life threatening alternatives, EC stack? What else to promote and fastens fat loss? Low dosage is tempting but it's such a dangerous drug, read for hours on it and yeah, not worth the risk. You might get a month+ results in a week but possible side effects... And I wasn't actively searching for it, just came upon it in one thread and decided to look it up. (along with clen, anavar etc lol)

DNP is heavy stuff, i know someone that has (probably) died from it. Old bodybuilder, always relied on DNP to stay lean.
I would take a ECA stack, it's not that heavy and worked really well on me. Plus, it's easy to get.


Take aspirin too? At most places read to skip on it. Need to figure out what exactly to buy and where, not seeing much at local stores but maybe I'm looking for wrong things.

Edit: lol can't buy ephedrine legally, let's see local alternatives or order and wait zzz what about yohimbine?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Would need more evidence but it looks like you may have some anterior pelvic tilt.

you might, but you should try doing twice as many pull reps as push reps. so if you do 3x10 bench, you might go do 3x10 pulldowns and 3x10 facepulls. this will pull your shoulders back and help your posture. another thing to do is releasing tension in your chest. the pec minor is a culprit for a lot of things when it's tight, so grab a lacrosse ball, find the knots in your chest, and start workin on them. all these will help your posture a ton.

Thanks. And I'll look into that anterior pelvic stuff.

Looks like your typical monkey butt. There's an old thread that you can search for with some things you can do.

What is this? I tried to google it, and the only thing that keeps coming up is smelly asses. Are you saying my ass smells? D:


Made it through thanksgiving without eating carbs easy. But I have to be honest, I've never had doms like I do right now. The last 2 workouts have destroyed me for days. I'm going to chalk it up to getting back into ketosis. Hope it improves since my lifting shoes arrive Wednesday and I'm so psyched since I'll be starting 1's week then as well.

Great news about brolic.

Hope everyone had a great holiday. Fitgaf da bes.


Should I be rolling my shoulder blades back or letting them rest in their natural position before doing a shoulder shrug? I tried both, and it seems to hit slightly different muscles.


Should I be rolling my shoulder blades back or letting them rest in their natural position before doing a shoulder shrug? I tried both, and it seems to hit slightly different muscles.
Kind of unsure what your asking. There are different angles you can hit on shrugs but it should always be one direction. Never "roll" otherwise you're wearing and tearing cartilage. Top 5 things I hate seeing in the gym include rolling shrugs with huge weight.


Take aspirin too? At most places read to skip on it. Need to figure out what exactly to buy and where, not seeing much at local stores but maybe I'm looking for wrong things.

Edit: lol can't buy ephedrine legally, let's see local alternatives or order and wait zzz what about yohimbine?

Where are you from? I thought you could buy ephedrine from behind the counter in america and canada.
My ECA came in pre-made caps so there was aspirin in it, i don't know if it's really needed though.
Also did ECY, but it killed my hunger. I couldn't eat anything at all, so yeah. Don't recommend that at all.

J. Bravo

don't think you need aspirin. it helps with keeping your blood pressure normal-ish though. ephedrine will raise it and the aspirin should mostly counteract that. so if you have any BP issues, i would be wary of ECA stacks, with or without the aspirin.
Bulksgiving was a great success. Went in today and smashed my bench numbers. First time since I herniated a disc back in march that I put up 3x5 185.


The new Quest Protein powder is expensive as hell but I at least want to try it to see how good it tastes. Put it on my Christmas list, hopefully I get one!
Bulksgiving was a great success. Went in today and smashed my bench numbers. First time since I herniated a disc back in march that I put up 3x5 185.

Bulksgiving went well for me too.

P.S. 25% off all Quest Bars and Quest Chips plus free shipping on the Quest website on Monday with coupon code CYBERUS. International people use code CYBERINT. Only for orders $39.99-$250 though. Gonna buy 2-3 boxes to stock up I think.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
This holiday has taken it's toll on my physique and I really don't give a shit. I think one ab is still visible but then again that might be a rib. Monday and Tuesday we celebrated my uncle's 60th and the food was amazing. Then yesterday was another spectacular day of eating. I even baked my mom's famous cheesecake and it turned out great. Besides my Niners being exposed for the crappy team they are it was a fun day!

Sidenote, wasn't the new smores quest bar released? Anyone try it?
This holiday has taken it's toll on my physique and I really don't give a shit. I think one ab is still visible but then again that might be a rib. Monday and Tuesday we celebrated my uncle's 60th and the food was amazing. Then yesterday was another spectacular day of eating. I even baked my mom's famous cheesecake and it turned out great. Besides my Niners being exposed for the crappy team they are it was a fun day!

Sidenote, wasn't the new smores quest bar released? Anyone try it?

Mine are supposed to arrive today or tomorrow based on the tracking info. I'll post back once I get 'em.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Good news regarding Brolic, his injury is faaaaaar less than expected. So he's good! Just sore.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery


Bulksgiving went well for me too.

P.S. 25% off all Quest Bars and Quest Chips plus free shipping on the Quest website on Monday with coupon code CYBERUS. International people use code CYBERINT. Only for orders $39.99-$250 though. Gonna buy 2-3 boxes to stock up I think.
Dammit. Sometimes I wish I would live in the US. The free shipping isn't for international customers.

I would have loved to try a box of S'mores (they don't have them in the place where I normally order from) and I would anyways need two boxes of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.

EDIT: the shipping to Finland is still only under 5 dollars which is basicly nothing for three boxes of bars and couple bags of chips.

Their own page is safe to order, right? And I need to wait till Monday to get that -25%? Also are the chips any good? I generally love sour cream&onion and salt&vinegar.

Mine are supposed to arrive today or tomorrow based on the tracking info. I'll post back once I get 'em.
I can't wait for this none the less. :p

Good news regarding Brolic, his injury is faaaaaar less than expected. So he's good! Just sore.
That is really a relief. :D


This is a bit silly but I've changed my mindset when it comes to lifting a bit the last weeks and it made a big difference (and I dont know where else to talk about as the wife is already bored to death by gym stuff).

I pretty much only listen to podcasts and I do the same in the gym. Doing 5/3/1 with OK results.
I stalled a bit and I tried out some music and some more "I'm going to KILL this weight" thinking and its silly how much it helps.

Lifting with a CAPSLOCK mindset and loud and heavy music makes that last rep or the last joker set go a lot easier.

I feel like a baby saying that as I guess most people here are already smart enough to not just cruise through their workouts... But I regret my last year or so on auto pilot. I could have made more gains with a bit more focus and determination.

Rant over, Happy Thanksgiving!

Tater Tot

"My God... it's full of Starch!"
With the Thanksgiving calorie surplus the day before, I was able to PR on the deadlift at 345 for 8 reps. feels good man. It feels good to be able to make strength gains on a cut. My main goal is to get to 405 deadlift for 5.


Their own page is safe to order, right? And I need to wait till Monday to get that -25%? Also are the chips any good? I generally love sour cream&onion and salt&vinegar.

I've never had any issues ordering through Quest's site but I'm in the US. Chips are rally good, I love the cheddar and sour cream ones. They aren't going to fill you up like a bar does though, super light.


Under 2,5 hours sleep. I haven't done anything today. I am at work. I am so not going to work out today. I will reschedule everything for tomorrow.

High expectations, zero results.

I've never had any issues ordering through Quest's site but I'm in the US. Chips are rally good, I love the cheddar and sour cream ones. They aren't going to fill you up like a bar does though, super light.
Hey, thanks for replying! Good to know.

I think I might need to order some chips as well to try them out. :p


Neo Member
Has anyone ever had hernia before? I went to a doctor and she diagnosed a hernia in my stomach above my navel (epigastric hernia). I have an appointment in 2 weeks to a surgeon for futher consulting, and she told me to stop lifting (above 7 kg) until then :(


Has anyone ever had hernia before? I went to a doctor and she diagnosed a hernia in my stomach above my navel (epigastric hernia). I have an appointment in 2 weeks to a surgeon for futher consulting, and she told me to stop lifting (above 7 kg) until then :(

No but I've read up on it. You're looking at 6-10 weeks of no lifting post surgery.

Get it dealt with now so it doesn't get worse.

How do you think you did it?

S'more Quest Bars are good. Probably my second favorite behind Fudge Brownie. My third favorite is Apple Pie and Cookies n Cream is a close fourth. Keep in mind there are 6 grams of erythritol (a sugar alcohol) in the S'more flavor which I believe is way more than any other Quest Bar (1-2 grams is the most I've noticed).

Bought a box of S'more which I look forward to eating.


Neo Member
No but I've read up on it. You're looking at 6-10 weeks of no lifting post surgery.

Get it dealt with now so it doesn't get worse.

How do you think you did it?

Honestly I don't know how I did it. It doesn't hurt (even when lifting) and I've been lifting with it for a while until I decided to go get it checked.
From what I read, it can happen by anything from coughing to lifting, for people that has some kind of abdominal weakness (probably genetic or something).
My dad has a hernia for 12 years and hasn't had surgery, no pain for him either... (he doesn't lift but he's doing cradio every day)


I had shoulder surgery 4 weeks ago. My shoulder is pretty much just bones now since I've had my arm in a sling all this time. I've got 2 more weeks and then I start therapy.

Anyway myprotein has a blackfriday deal on their stuff. 40% off with the code BLACKFRI

is this a good protein brand?
Honestly I don't know how I did it. It doesn't hurt (even when lifting) and I've been lifting with it for a while until I decided to go get it checked.
From what I read, it can happen by anything from coughing to lifting, for people that has some kind of abdominal weakness (probably genetic or something).
My dad has a hernia for 12 years and hasn't had surgery, no pain for him either... (he doesn't lift but he's doing cradio every day)

Yea I would see a general surgeon and get it taken care of asap if you want to lift again in the future. Hernia repairs have a long recovery period when it comes to lifting


Neo Member
Yea I would see a general surgeon and get it taken care of asap if you want to lift again in the future. Hernia repairs have a long recovery period when it comes to lifting

That's why I don't want to go through surgery :(
But I guess it's worth it (unless the surgeon says otherwise) so yeah...
I had shoulder surgery 4 weeks ago. My shoulder is pretty much just bones now since I've had my arm in a sling all this time. I've got 2 more weeks and then I start therapy.

Anyway myprotein has a blackfriday deal on their stuff. 40% off with the code BLACKFRI

is this a good protein brand?

I, too, am interested in this deal. If it is a good brand, what protein flavor is the best?


there is joy in sucking dick
Felt like I had all the energy in the world today from all those carbs over the past two days. Did 3x3 presses, lat pulldowns, tricep presses, Arnold presses, shrugs and cable rows. My whole upper body is like BOOM!


That's why I don't want to go through surgery :(
But I guess it's worth it (unless the surgeon says otherwise) so yeah...

Eh just do it and reset all your lifts. It sucks, but it's small in the big scheme of things. Trust me. You'll come back stronger.

Riding the gainzgiving train. Pulled a very easy 320 10x1 in deadlifts today. All beltless.
Hey guys, I'm pretty sure there was a recent ranking of decent protein powders to buy. I tried googling and couldn't find the recent one.

Pretty sure it was on reddit but I only found a few from a couple of years ago.


Brian Burke punched my mom
Well it's been 5 weeks? since my groin tear/strain and it's still not close to being healed. I can do basic movements, 135lbs squats, and barbell rows now but I really have to concentrate on not bringing the adductors into play or else there's pain.
sorry to hear about all the injuries guys, hope for a speedy recovery =/

I suffered an emotional injury today as I visited my mom and sister and they said I look the same after seeing them last time three months ago

upsetting =/
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