Okay guys, tell it to me straight: does it look like I have a spine issue?
Every time I look at myself from a side view it looks like I'm slouching, even when I'm standing straight. I used to think that was cause I have a little bit of a gut building there, but the more I think about it, the more I wonder if I have a scoliosis problem or something.
While I've made some really great progress over the year, and look pretty dang decent on a front/back shot, I look all gangly and weird whenever I view myself from the side. :/
you might, but you should try doing twice as many pull reps as push reps. so if you do 3x10 bench, you might go do 3x10 pulldowns and 3x10 facepulls. this will pull your shoulders back and help your posture. another thing to do is releasing tension in your chest. the pec minor is a culprit for a lot of things when it's tight, so grab a lacrosse ball, find the knots in your chest, and start workin on them. all these will help your posture a ton.