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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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wasn't musicle confusion debunked in several serious reports?

I googled to make sure and it seems like that,

Maybe it was but it isnt a staple of my workouts. Just kind of a term I used lazily to justify my deloading, haha. I work the same groups every day each week. Thanks for pointing this out though I had no idea. Now I have something to point out to others.


Well deadlifts are definitely hard to tackle after a week off. Struggled through 3x3x305 but got it. Just felt out of sync but I'm sure 310 next week will feel like a breeze compared to this.

Also probably going to get an MRI on my hip. Been doing rehab stuff and it seems to have peaked


Oblivion, here are two posts a few pages back regarding OHP and a similar issue:

Just remember to activate your glutes (squeeze and clench your butt cheeks) and valsavla maneuver throughout the OHP. Forgetting to do these might result in you hyperextending your lower back.

Flare your lats lock your legs and engage your glutes. You should be a tight head to toe as possible.

For your second question, it depends on the program if you're following one. For GSLP, I reset by 10% when I fail to get 5+ in my AMRAP set; it happens after maybe 3 weeks depending on the lift. Microload for the bench and OHP; I actually ordered legit fractional plates to use.


I'm sure this gets asked often, so sorry about this ahead of time, but I've having a hard time researching some stuff out.

My wife has started running half marathons. She's really fast, but she wants to get better and she's been tracking her runs with phone apps. She's been using RunKeeper, but it seems to crap out or get inaccurate data about once every 4-5 runs. To help out, I was looking at getting her a GPS-enabled fitness band, like the Microsoft Band or one of Garmin's watches. The issue I have is that there seems to be NO consensus on which of these devices are the best or if they're that much more accurate than a phone.

Are these devices simply not 100% ready for serious users yet, or is there just an abundance of nitpicking users out there?

What would be the right device for a semi-serious runner? She's smaller, so I don't want anything with a large body to it. Microsoft's Band looks to be the best at a glance, but it's reviews were lukewarm.

And if a watch isn't the answer, what's a better tracking app than RunKeeper? She's on Android, by the way with a Galaxy S4.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
I'm sure this gets asked often, so sorry about this ahead of time, but I've having a hard time researching some stuff out.

My wife has started running half marathons. She's really fast, but she wants to get better and she's been tracking her runs with phone apps. She's been using RunKeeper, but it seems to crap out or get inaccurate data about once every 4-5 runs. To help out, I was looking at getting her a GPS-enabled fitness band, like the Microsoft Band or one of Garmin's watches. The issue I have is that there seems to be NO consensus on which of these devices are the best or if they're that much more accurate than a phone.

Are these devices simply not 100% ready for serious users yet, or is there just an abundance of nitpicking users out there?

What would be the right device for a semi-serious runner? She's smaller, so I don't want anything with a large body to it. Microsoft's Band looks to be the best at a glance, but it's reviews were lukewarm.

And if a watch isn't the answer, what's a better tracking app than RunKeeper? She's on Android, by the way with a Galaxy S4.

None will be a 100% accurate. Get the one that is easies to use and most convenient.


My hardcore friend uses a Garmin, though I don't know which one.

And if a watch isn't the answer, what's a better tracking app than RunKeeper? She's on Android, by the way with a Galaxy S4.

I have both Runkeeper and Endomondo going when I run (+ Polar HRM w/ Bluetooth). I use Runkeeper as my main because some of the equivalent features in Endomondo require a subscription.

Even though they're getting GPS from the same source, for some reason the distances don't quite line up. I think it has to do with taking the elevation into consideration.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
New plan of attack. I'm going on a semi clean bulk until FEB 1st. For the first time in a long time I'm clear of nagging injuries and I figure why not take advantage of it and try to put on a few lbs of muscle. Planning on running around 4,000 a day with sparadic higher calories days mixed in. Just gonna drink more milk, eat granola which I love, and add pastas and breads.

Accordingly, I wrote a very nice thought out goodbye letter to my abs explaining the situation and how I think the time apart will do both of us well.
New plan of attack. I'm going on a semi clean bulk until FEB 1st. For the first time in a long time I'm clear of nagging injuries and I figure why not take advantage of it and try to put on a few lbs of muscle. Planning on running around 4,000 a day with sparadic higher calories days mixed in. Just gonna drink more milk, eat granola which I love, and add pastas and breads.

Accordingly, I wrote a very nice thought out goodbye letter to my abs explaining the situation and how I think the time apart will do both of us well.

Those nagging injuries are the worst. At least you got to spend some quality time with your abs. I haven't been able to see mine in a long time :(.


I self taught but read a lot and went to a seminar. It's actually pretty important to watch yourself and just comparing what others do to fix it. you can tell I am still jumping forward but i have gotten a lot better about it.

So I've been trying to learn the snatch with a PVC pipe and I'm following the Chinese techniques; I think I'm getting the hang of it. I may try it with 10# bumper plates in the near future to practice starting from the ground because I've been practicing by starting from the top.
I may have figured out why you are jumping forward; it's your second pull. The Chinese technique is to pull straight up like in the panda pull. Here's a video of Coach Ma showing what I mean. Looking at your videos at half speed, the bar goes away from your COM and back in; it curves around. It's kind of like you chasing after the bar since it went forward. But you know, I may be wrong lol.
last shirtless pic of 2014



New plan of attack. I'm going on a semi clean bulk until FEB 1st. For the first time in a long time I'm clear of nagging injuries and I figure why not take advantage of it and try to put on a few lbs of muscle. Planning on running around 4,000 a day with sparadic higher calories days mixed in. Just gonna drink more milk, eat granola which I love, and add pastas and breads.

Accordingly, I wrote a very nice thought out goodbye letter to my abs explaining the situation and how I think the time apart will do both of us well.


i approve boss man, come to the light


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
With all the squats and deadlifts I do, it took light weight RDLs to screw up my lower back. Out of the gym for a week now. Thankfully it's during my deload week on 5/3/1, so whatever.

Mentally coping with injuries never gets easier, sigh


New plan of attack. I'm going on a semi clean bulk until FEB 1st. For the first time in a long time I'm clear of nagging injuries and I figure why not take advantage of it and try to put on a few lbs of muscle. Planning on running around 4,000 a day with sparadic higher calories days mixed in. Just gonna drink more milk, eat granola which I love, and add pastas and breads.

Accordingly, I wrote a very nice thought out goodbye letter to my abs explaining the situation and how I think the time apart will do both of us well.

This is kind of my plan of attack as well. I'm in good health and I'd rather ride the gainz train until something tweaks or gets hurt lol

Probably gonna give MFP a rest too. Just go with the eating flow. No dream bulk though.


the piano man
This is kind of my plan of attack as well. I'm in good health and I'd rather ride the gainz train until something tweaks or gets hurt lol

Probably gonna give MFP a rest too. Just go with the eating flow. No dream bulk though.

yeah I am healthy again too, unlike most of the year.

I liked 2014 as a whole but regarding fitness and gains, fuck it, good riddance.

I welcome 2015 with lots of food, and a careful approach to every single thing, I will continue going high rep on everything, that way I have more time to listen to and feel my body and hopefully avoid injuries.


FE, there's still one last Bulk stage between Dec. 24 and Jan 01! that can't be your last pic of the year.


Hey guys. First time posting on Fitness Gaf, but I have been working out for a couple of months and have a quick question. My brother keeps suggesting I drink some protein shake stuff that he buys. Now, I've never been into supplements as I guess I always just wanted to do things "naturally". However, I am not against the idea especially since I really want to see results quicker.

My question is, if I start drinking these protein shakes, what will happen if I stop drinking them? Will I begin to lose any mass I've gained because of it or will I keep what I have gained? Money in question I just don't know if I will constantly want to be buying the stuff and don't want to use it if it's just a "temporary" boost.
Protein shakes are just food, in powdered form. There's nothing special about them. Assuming you're still getting enough protein from other sources (and obviously working out), not taking them will mean absolutely nothing.

I haven't had a protein shake in months, simply because when bulking it's been REALLY easy to hit my protein targets.


Bought a couple boxes of Quest Bars from their website using their Cyber Monday sale... also threw in one of those dumb Quest Pastas they have to see how it tastes just because I'm curious. Nom nom.
I ordered 3 Boxes from the Monday sale! Thanks darlings for mentioning about it! Sadly they don't ship chips to Finland... I might survive without them. Just waiting my S'mores to come!

At the gym I also noticed there is pain on my lower back when I try to do Romanian deadlifts, so I think I will just skip them till I see my physiotherapist. Sucks.

bought it.

There are so many so very lame tank tops everywhere....

one with the line "turning my Zelda into Sheik" with a barbell there.. *rolleyes
That is extremely badass! Good for you for buying it! <3

Zelda is most likely my favourite game series of all time.

New plan of attack. I'm going on a semi clean bulk until FEB 1st. For the first time in a long time I'm clear of nagging injuries and I figure why not take advantage of it and try to put on a few lbs of muscle. Planning on running around 4,000 a day with sparadic higher calories days mixed in. Just gonna drink more milk, eat granola which I love, and add pastas and breads.

Accordingly, I wrote a very nice thought out goodbye letter to my abs explaining the situation and how I think the time apart will do both of us well.
Hahah, I remember you saying you are happy with maintaining. We all knew this was going to happen though. :D

It is also good to have an open relationships with the abs, you know, meet some new fellas and have fun with them. :p

I always wondered what it would look like from my point of view if i were giving another guy a blowjob while he was doing curls. Thanks, Sphinx.
Oh my gods. I laughed so hard. Wouldn't have even thought of that without this. Thanks Soka!

J. Bravo

when am i going to be able to add some volume work at the end of my heavy sessions? squats were once again completed with no trouble today (295 3x5), ohp was a little more tough with 115, and bent over rows were also difficult doing 135 3x10. but at the end of those 3 lifts, i was just exhausted and ready to leave. so i did. but i realllllly want to be able to do some more high rep work. today might have just been a bad day. but how long should it be taking to get my conditioning back to where it was pre break?

edit: especially considering it seems as though i have lost very little lower body strength, with the ease that i'm completing my squat sets....
yeah I am healthy again too, unlike most of the year.

I liked 2014 as a whole but regarding fitness and gains, fuck it, good riddance.

I welcome 2015 with lots of food, and a careful approach to every single thing, I will continue going high rep on everything, that way I have more time to listen to and feel my body and hopefully avoid injuries.


FE, there's still one last Bulk stage between Dec. 24 and Jan 01! that can't be your last pic of the year.

heh, duly noted


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Hahah, I remember you saying you are happy with maintaining. We all knew this was going to happen though. :D

It is also good to have an open relationships with the abs, you know, meet some new fellas and have fun with them. :p
I was. This is mainly me seizing an opportunity and running with it. At my old age I don't know when or if I'll ever feel this good again. ;)

Trainig felt great today. Had a pb&j and a glass of milk beforehand which is something I never do. The quick injection of 600 calories did its job too. Was cranking numbers close to my peak last summer!


So I saw something a little weird in the gym today. Our gym has this pretty cool area with all this open space and brand new circular plates instead of the annoying octagonal ones. I was going over there to do some deadlifhts, and I see this guy in the area doing some power snatches I think. No biggie. The weird thing is I guess he doesn't like to start from the ground. He wanted a raised platform so that he's able to start the snatch while it's close to his waist. Well we don't have anything like that, so he made his own. He got a bunch of plates and stacked them all up into two columns and now he was able to rest his barbell on those and start his snatches. He basically took up all the plates in the room except for like 6 and those were only light plates like 25s. I just thought that was strange.
So I saw something a little weird in the gym today. Our gym has this pretty cool area with all this open space and brand new circular plates instead of the annoying octagonal ones. I was going over there to do some deadlifhts, and I see this guy in the area doing some power snatches I think. No biggie. The weird thing is I guess he doesn't like to start from the ground. He wanted a raised platform so that he's able to start the snatch while it's close to his waist. Well we don't have anything like that, so he made his own. He got a bunch of plates and stacked them all up into two columns and now he was able to rest his barbell on those and start his snatches. He basically took up all the plates in the room except for like 6 and those were only light plates like 25s. I just thought that was strange.

Those are called block snatches and are a legitimate assistance exercise for the snatch. However, that is a massive dick move on his part to steal all the plates, and he should be doing hang snatches instead if that is the only way he can do block snatches.


Just found this thread, so much stuff on GAF.

So I'm going to try out starting strength. I'm 29, weigh about 12 stone, currently don't exercise at all, have a reasonable but not brilliant diet. Goal would be to gain strength and lose some fat I guess. Going to begin on Monday!
Just found this thread, so much stuff on GAF.

So I'm going to try out starting strength. I'm 29, weigh about 12 stone, currently don't exercise at all, have a reasonable but not brilliant diet. Goal would be to gain strength and lose some fat I guess. Going to begin on Monday!

Monday? Begin now! This is one of the few things in life where your investment always pays off. Don't wait :)
Just found this thread, so much stuff on GAF.

So I'm going to try out starting strength. I'm 29, weigh about 12 stone, currently don't exercise at all, have a reasonable but not brilliant diet. Goal would be to gain strength and lose some fat I guess. Going to begin on Monday!

If you haven't already, I highly encourage you to actually purchase the Starting Strength book (or eBook) and read the descriptions of each major lift very carefully... Read the whole book, really. It will help you quite a lot with your form. I, and many others, made the easy mistake of just watching a YouTube clip of each movement once and then end up doing everything wrong. Just my suggestion, anyway.

Good luck, and let us know if you have any questions. Welcome to FitGAF.

J. Bravo

I want to start doing yoga as part of my morning routine. Any suggestions? I have the p90x and insanity yoga workouts (i guess insanity would be the max recovery one) but am looking for other options. p90x is 90 minutes of yoga iirc, while insanity is a much more manageable 47. But which is better? and are there better options? broga and DDP come to mind but i know nothing about them aside from what i've read on their sites lol. anyone here tried them or other yoga programs you would recommend?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Just found this thread, so much stuff on GAF.

So I'm going to try out starting strength. I'm 29, weigh about 12 stone, currently don't exercise at all, have a reasonable but not brilliant diet. Goal would be to gain strength and lose some fat I guess. Going to begin on Monday!

Why wait?

Also, detail "reasonable" diet and we'll tell you if it is.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Vince a while back I had a question about lunch plans that wouldn't make me feel like I was going to pass out noon. I've been doing what you suggested and it works out great. Cook a bunch of chicken breasts on Sunday, spicing them differently and leaving some whole, while others cubed or cut into strips for salad. The variety helps keep it fresh and I feel great after lunch. This happened a while ago I just forgot to say anything and was reminded about it recently. I appreciate it.
Vince a while back I had a question about lunch plans that wouldn't make me feel like I was going to pass out noon. I've been doing what you suggested and it works out great. Cook a bunch of chicken breasts on Sunday, spicing them differently and leaving some whole, while others cubed or cut into strips for salad. The variety helps keep it fresh and I feel great after lunch. This happened a while ago I just forgot to say anything and was reminded about it recently. I appreciate it.

Yup, that strategy works so well. You can try other options too like slow-cooking a bunch of chicken once in a while just to get a different texture of meat in the rotation.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Vince a while back I had a question about lunch plans that wouldn't make me feel like I was going to pass out noon. I've been doing what you suggested and it works out great. Cook a bunch of chicken breasts on Sunday, spicing them differently and leaving some whole, while others cubed or cut into strips for salad. The variety helps keep it fresh and I feel great after lunch. This happened a while ago I just forgot to say anything and was reminded about it recently. I appreciate it.

Ah shit, sorry. I got banned a few times as a case of mistaken identity or something and I may have missed it.

I'm glad that helps. I've also been buying a bunch of fajita meat as well and doing the same. For some reason the amount of seasoning on fajita meat (assuming you buy it precooked, you can also buy it raw and season yourself) has been a nice change from chicken if you're getting bored.

Sunday night is still my "cook ALL the chicken" night, and I buy various and different cheeses to melt on top of them. Sometimes pepperoni too, but it doesn't melt.


there is joy in sucking dick
Vince a while back I had a question about lunch plans that wouldn't make me feel like I was going to pass out noon. I've been doing what you suggested and it works out great. Cook a bunch of chicken breasts on Sunday, spicing them differently and leaving some whole, while others cubed or cut into strips for salad. The variety helps keep it fresh and I feel great after lunch. This happened a while ago I just forgot to say anything and was reminded about it recently. I appreciate it.

I feel its carbs that eff you up midday. First half of the day have it be protein, fat, and dietary carb heavy and you wont feel the midday nap attack. My staple is tuna, heavy on the mayo (eaten out of a bowl, with salad), cottage cheese, and nuts (almonds, cashews, or walnuts. Anything that are fatty). Avocados here and there. Also scrambled eggs.
I want to start doing yoga as part of my morning routine. Any suggestions? I have the p90x and insanity yoga workouts (i guess insanity would be the max recovery one) but am looking for other options. p90x is 90 minutes of yoga iirc, while insanity is a much more manageable 47. But which is better? and are there better options? broga and DDP come to mind but i know nothing about them aside from what i've read on their sites lol. anyone here tried them or other yoga programs you would recommend?

Apparently P90X2's yoga is better than the first one. Though you might want to ask in the beachbody thread for more info.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I underestimated just how difficult fitting 4,000 semi clean calories is in a 6 hour window. I topped out at 3,300 yesterday. Going to add some almonds and rice into the mix.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
don't worry about eating semi clean friend, just eat
No brutha! I'm doing this! I want to try something different this time. You're like the lipid fairy on my left shoulder. You know you want that candy bar. Just eat it. I saw you eyeing those doughnuts. What are you afraid of? Just eat them!
No brutha! I'm doing this! I want to try something different this time. You're like the lipid fairy on my left shoulder. You know you want that candy bar. Just eat it. I saw you eyeing those doughnuts. What are you afraid of? Just eat them!

how bad do you want it?!? you can cut in feb/march like me!
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