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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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maybe its that narrow camera view but that gym is pretty packed, lol. Maybe he thought with so many other people they wouldn't pay his dance moves any mind
Hahaha, I could see that. I'm a gym singer, and I tend to sing more the busier the gym is.

God there's probably Youtube videos of me singing out there. :(
Hahaha, I could see that. I'm a gym singer, and I tend to sing more the busier the gym is.

God there's probably Youtube videos of me singing out there. :(

well if that's you in your avatar, just know the chances of anybody mocking you to your face is probably slim to none. Your secret singing shame is safe.
Hi FitGaf. I saw the thread about gym tips and etiquette and figured I'd introduce myself here and possibly get some help in fostering a stronger, healthier me.

Age: 21 (22 in January)
Height: Around 6'0
Weight: 212lbs.
Goal: I was told by my doctor my ideal weight should be about 180lbs
Current Training Schedule: 3 times a week (1 hour weights/ 1 hour cardio) started 2 weeks ago.
Current Training Equipment Available: Gym access, yoga mat, abundance of hiking trails.
Comments: Last year I had the unfortunate experience of suffering from a kidney stone. After extensive lab work it was determined that the formation of the stone was due to high levels of sodium in my diet. After this event I made changes to my diet such as eliminating junk/fast food, increasing my water intake. For a few months my weight began to steadily drop the lowest being 204lbs . Then around summer of this year things began to fall apart. My father practically abandoned our family, my close friend moved away, change in jobs,etc. I fell into a rough patch I started eating like shit again , stopped what little exercise I was doing which lead to me gaining weight again. Fast forward to now where I'm ready to retake control of my life.

I guess what I'm asking is for your help fitgaf. I read through the OP and looks like Starting Strength would be my ideal starting point. As for my diet I have already begun gradually cutting down on my caloric intake, incorporating more fruits and vegetables, and water being my drink of choice. I would gladly appreciate any advice you guys could give me.


M1nion that is a fantastic profile picture! - very appropriate for this thread!

Thank you. I wanted one that goes with the name and shows that I love working out! Lol

On that note who else is doing chest today?! Depending on how I'm feeling there is two workouts I could do.

1. Incline bench press 1x20 135 1x12 225 3x3 315

Decline 5x5 to 7 reps at 315

Then flat bench. 3x max effort at 225


Start out over at flat bench and do 1x10 135 1x10 225 1x2 315 1x1 365 1x1 385 3x5 315

Then decline (same workout)

Then incline 3x max effort 225.

Can't wait to find out!


Brolic, glad to have you back :)

M1nion, that guy was in the zone

Hell yeah he was! Brolic!! Awesome videos bro! Going to workout even harder today because of it!

Very. Hit my bench 210 10x1 with ease. My bench is still weak as shit for my weight, but it's a big improvement for me :). Gotta stay positive.

You got itbro! You'll always find motivation here! Keep at it! You'll be a beast soon enough if not already!! You tell gravity to suck it!! You control the weight not it!!


My back is probably the same and Ive just gotten used to it, but I'm getting stronger and can do more so I'm happy.

I have gotten injured a few times in the last couple of years (inflamed rib cage lining for no apparent reason, sprained wrist power cleaning, tore up hand falling down a 10 foot rock wall while hiking) that took me off my gym program so I'm only lifting a little more than I was a year ago, but when I couldn't lift I focused on hiking. have done some long (for me) hikes that across along the koolau summit ridge. I stopped doing Koko crater so much cuz it has gotten insanely crowded. I hear there's a large bee nest under the bridge now.

Was hoping to get a hike in this weekend but right now I'm in bed sick.

Damn, sorry to hear about the injuries. I know how you feel. When my shoulder was so bad that I couldn't even hold anything in my right hand or open a door, etc I would just go out for walks as well. Hiking would've been great too. For me right now, pretty much anything is going to help with strength and function and it certainly doesn't take much. I also have a sled that I could haul around the yard which hopefully I'll be okay to do within a couple weeks, freezing weather be damned here in NY.

Wow, so if there is a bee's nest there is there anyone that is tasked with maintaining Koko Head and can get rid of it? Someone from the state or something? I could see it being very crowded too, especially when the sun is not so hot and high up (when I went).


Hi FitGaf. I saw the thread about gym tips and etiquette and figured I'd introduce myself here and possibly get some help in fostering a stronger, healthier me.

Age: 21 (22 in January)
Height: Around 6'0
Weight: 212lbs.
Goal: I was told by my doctor my ideal weight should be about 180lbs
Current Training Schedule: 3 times a week (1 hour weights/ 1 hour cardio) started 2 weeks ago.
Current Training Equipment Available: Gym access, yoga mat, abundance of hiking trails.
Comments: Last year I had the unfortunate experience of suffering from a kidney stone. After extensive lab work it was determined that the formation of the stone was due to high levels of sodium in my diet. After this event I made changes to my diet such as eliminating junk/fast food, increasing my water intake. For a few months my weight began to steadily drop the lowest being 204lbs . Then around summer of this year things began to fall apart. My father practically abandoned our family, my close friend moved away, change in jobs,etc. I fell into a rough patch I started eating like shit again , stopped what little exercise I was doing which lead to me gaining weight again. Fast forward to now where I'm ready to retake control of my life.

I guess what I'm asking is for your help fitgaf. I read through the OP and looks like Starting Strength would be my ideal starting point. As for my diet I have already begun gradually cutting down on my caloric intake, incorporating more fruits and vegetables, and water being my drink of choice. I would gladly appreciate any advice you guys could give me.

Looks like your pretty set as is. Maybe more information on your workouts like what exercises you do things of that nature. So I and many others can point you where you want to go.

If you want to loss weight I'll differ that to someone else. I'm 5"10 and 220 so the advice I give is more about strength training. I find it the best way to relieve stress. If you want to go down that route. Losing weight though. Hmmm just be more mindful of the things you eat. Maybe start cutting things entirely. I don't eat cheese anymore and I've lost 10 pounds because of it. Also I don't drink soda as well. It's been years since I drank soda like I used to. To help to improve water intake I suggest carrying around a water bottle and drink from it regularly.

Other than that feel free to seek moral support here! I know fitgaf is pretty good at that.
Water intake is something I've been struggling with lately. Just can't seem to drink with any regularity.

I keep a large rubbermaid jug which I think is 64 ounces. I keep it with me through the day and make sure to drink two full containers each day. Depending on your work situation that may not be so easy. Coupled with water in food its probably more than I need.


Water intake is something I've been struggling with lately. Just can't seem to drink with any regularity.


I have a Contigo that I fill up throughout the day.


If you're peeing on the hour, you're drinking too much. It's not hurting you, but it isn't helping you either.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Finally back on my sensible calorie surplus diet today. The last three days was ugly but damn enjoyable. Also finally getting back to the gym after a forced 2 days off. I have a feeling it will be a good one. Weighted pull ups, bent over rows and 60% DL work! :-D

And great to have you and your crazy fucking feats of strength back Brolic!

OG Kush

Squat advice here.. its just taking so long to progress my squats comapared to my other lifts. I squat 2 times a week, 3x5.

My flexibility is low, can just about hit parallel thats it. I feel there's so many things to work on with my squat and not sure exactly what though? Possibly my lower back? Deadlifts are going great, but I feel maybe my lower back is not as strong for my squats.

I need a new approach, I'm going to stop adding weight, fuck everyone else's opinion in the gym, I need to work on this.

So, yeah, best flexibility and squat form exercises? And should I do more lower back exercises?


Squat advice here.. its just taking so long to progress my squats comapared to my other lifts. I squat 2 times a week, 3x5.

My flexibility is low, can just about hit parallel thats it. I feel there's so many things to work on with my squat and not sure exactly what though? Possibly my lower back? Deadlifts are going great, but I feel maybe my lower back is not as strong for my squats.

I need a new approach, I'm going to stop adding weight, fuck everyone else's opinion in the gym, I need to work on this.

So, yeah, best flexibility and squat form exercises? And should I do more lower back exercises?

It would be helpful to get a form check video uploaded for us to see so we can give better suggestions.
The OP has my Evernote link if you want mobility YouTube videos; there are also videos on how to do the lifts, maybe you can take a look at that as well.
If you high-bar backsquat, I can help but I adopted the Chinese WLing techniques not too long ago. If you low-bar backsquat, the others here can help.


Freaking pissed right now. I couldn't get 385 on bench. I got stuck at the part where my shoulders should have pushed through. My spotter had to touch the bar to get me over. I'll upload the video of my failure later!!!


Post workout flex. Looking forward to getting bigger!


I noticed my inner thighs (I guess that is what they are called) look quite flat compared to the rest of me which looks consistent with my overall body.

I don't really work out very often and I don't really know any leg exercises I could do at home, everything seems to burn my upper thighs but my inner thighs don't get a lot of work... skinny legs grind my gears... look great from the front but on the side they don't look right.
Wow, so if there is a bee's nest there is there anyone that is tasked with maintaining Koko Head and can get rid of it? Someone from the state or something? I could see it being very crowded too, especially when the sun is not so hot and high up (when I went).
It's an unmaintained trail although technically part of a city park. Our liability law sucks and leaves the state a lot of exposure to lawsuits, which means the government is best off saying hike at your own risk, we won't do anything, than it is trying to maintain a dangerous trail, and then getting sued when the inevitable dumbass gets hurt and blames the government for not making it safer. There are maintained trails but they are really easy ones. We tried to get the law revised this past year but liability lawyers lobbied heavily against it.

Personally I hope the beehive stays. We need bees for pollination and it adds a little more excitement.



Freaking pissed right now. I couldn't get 385 on bench. I got stuck at the part where my shoulders should have pushed through. My spotter had to touch the bar to get me over. I'll upload the video of my failure later!!!


Post workout flex. Looking forward to getting bigger!

Looking awesome. That's how I'd want to look in the future. How many years have you been training?

Crushed my workout today.

345 deadlift 10x1
260 snatch grip deads 3x5
Curls for the girls 20,20,10
Cable rows 180 10,10,8


Looking awesome. That's how I'd want to look in the future. How many years have you been training?

Crushed my workout today.

345 deadlift 10x1
260 snatch grip deads 3x5
Curls for the girls 20,20,10
Cable rows 180 10,10,8

I've been training seriously for about 4 years. Alway room for improvement though. Plus I just do it for fun and to release stress.

Nice workout man!!


Everybody is Mikkelsexual
FitGaf, generally, how much more calories do you eat over your TDEE? I tried 10, 15, and now I've been at 20% for a month and I gained between 0 and 1 pound in three months. Not even fat. This is starting to piss me off.

Since last week I started a more gain-focused routine, today I upped to 25%, I'm eating almost 500 more calories than I "should" be.


I've been training seriously for about 4 years. Alway room for improvement though. Plus I just do it for fun and to release stress.

Nice workout man!!

Wow 4 years and almost a 400lb bench. Very impressive.

FitGaf, generally, how much more calories do you eat over your TDEE? I tried 10, 15, and now I've been at 20% for a month and I gained between 0 and 1 pound in three months. Not even fat. This is starting to piss me off.

Since last week I started a more gain-focused routine, today I upped to 25%, I'm eating almost 500 more calories than I "should" be.

How did you calculate your TDEE? Maybe it was too low.


All this drinking discussion made me realize I have again a drinking problem. Dammit. I go to bathroom like three times a day. I so need to drink more.

Brolic, good to have you back. Convincing vids like always.

Freaking pissed right now. I couldn't get 385 on bench. I got stuck at the part where my shoulders should have pushed through. My spotter had to touch the bar to get me over. I'll upload the video of my failure later!!!


Post workout flex. Looking forward to getting bigger!
Looking really, really good. You are huge as you are already.

And four years? How old you were when you started to work out if you don't mind me asking? You look somewhat young still...


Gained like 10 pounds since labor day just went 300-400 above my TDEE. Only thing I updated was protein intake during the weight gain. Just started a cut yesterday so hopefully it goes as smooth as the bulk.


Everybody is Mikkelsexual
Gained like 10 pounds since labor day just went 300-400 above my TDEE. Only thing I updated was protein intake during the weight gain. Just started a cut yesterday so hopefully it goes as smooth as the bulk.

Mmm, about that. Should I eat proteins for the weight I'm at or for the weight I'm aiming for? Right now I'm 127 pounds, i rounded up to 132 (58kgs > 60kgs) and I'm eating 1gr of pro per pound. When I upped the calories I always upped carbs and fats, while mantaining the pro quantity to the one suggested for my weight.
I'm ghetto, I fill up a gallon container of milk I finished and just work off that. Try to finish it daily.
*high five*

Although at home I swapped out all my glasses for very large ice tea glasses. If American's can get fat off larger portions... I can up my water intake the same way!


All this drinking discussion made me realize I have again a drinking problem. Dammit. I go to bathroom like three times a day. I so need to drink more.

Brolic, good to have you back. Convincing vids like always.

Looking really, really good. You are huge as you are already.

And four years? How old you were when you started to work out if you don't mind me asking? You look somewhat young still...

I'm 26. I started working out when I was 14. Took two years off after my surgery then started back up in 2009. I didn't start lifting really hard till 2010.


Mmm, about that. Should I eat proteins for the weight I'm at or for the weight I'm aiming for? Right now I'm 127 pounds, i rounded up to 132 (58kgs > 60kgs) and I'm eating 1gr of pro per pound. When I upped the calories I always upped carbs and fats, while mantaining the pro quantity to the one suggested for my weight.
I base my protein off current weight. What your macros actually look like?


Everybody is Mikkelsexual
I base my protein off current weight. What your macros actually look like?

Cal. 2360
Carbs 295gr 50%
Fats 70gr 25%
Proteins 130gr 25%

I always meet the proteins goal, sometimes I eat more carbs than fats or viceversa (generally is more carbs than fats though) while staying in the calories limit, but I don't think that should that big of a problem, right?

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
I just had the epiphany from reading Starting Strength and feeling my CNS aching that deadlifts more than once a week is too much for me. So now I have a few programming questions for you guys doing SS, but deadlifts once a week:

1. How much do you try to add to your Deadlift each week if only hitting it once? At 5 lbs it would eventually lag behind my squat (I hope)

2. Do you follow week one ABA, week two BAB still? If not, how do you work it?

3. Do you replace deadlifts on "A" days one out three "A" workouts with something else? I just added chin-ups but don't know what else to do if I'm straight skipping deadlifts.


Cal. 2360
Carbs 295gr 50%
Fats 70gr 25%
Proteins 130gr 25%

I always meet the proteins goal, sometimes I eat more carbs than fats or viceversa (generally is more carbs than fats though) while staying in the calories limit, but I don't think that should that big of a problem, right?
Seems fine for bulking macros. Sound like you gonna have to increase calories anyways especially if you didn't see any gains in months.


there is joy in sucking dick
Cal. 2360
Carbs 295gr 50%
Fats 70gr 25%
Proteins 130gr 25%

I always meet the proteins goal, sometimes I eat more carbs than fats or viceversa (generally is more carbs than fats though) while staying in the calories limit, but I don't think that should that big of a problem, right?

If you're not gaining weight, then its all in the calories. Even with the caloric estimation it may require tweaking. At least you know your baseline just increase 100cals a week and weigh yourself by weeks end to see if its consistently moving up. Don't go overboard lest you want to gain a larger ratio of fat too


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Freaking pissed right now. I couldn't get 385 on bench. I got stuck at the part where my shoulders should have pushed through. My spotter had to touch the bar to get me over. I'll upload the video of my failure later!!!


Post workout flex. Looking forward to getting bigger!

Pretty good, young padawan. In a few more years of hard work you'll approach us veteran powerlifters' level of swole :D


Everybody is Mikkelsexual
Seems fine for bulking macros. Sound like you gonna have to increase calories anyways especially if you didn't see any gains in months.

Yeah those are the numbers I'll use from today. I hope this time it'll work. :lol

If you're not gaining weight, then its all in the calories. Even with the caloric estimation it may require tweaking. At least you know your baseline just increase 100cals a week and weigh yourself by weeks end to see if its consistently moving up. Don't go overboard lest you want to gain a larger ratio of fat too

That's why I was pretty conservative with calories, but it looks like I need to go all in. Losing 40 pounds was easier. :lol


As promised here is the video of me failing to get 385. I think I should wait longer than before I go for it again. So this time around I'll wait two weeks


Then after that I destroyed myself. I punished myself with 3x5 315 flat bench decline 1x7 1x6 1x5 315 to finsh on a good note I did incline 3x1 and 1x2 at 315


nice stealth amiibo brag.
:p oops how did those get there!? :)
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