What's up guys? Remember me?

Haven't posted in a while, sorry about that.
Last four months haven't been so good training wise. Last august we moved and I decided to try working out at home with bodyweight stuff. Packed on a few pounds as well because was too busy/uninterested to count calories.
Had some problems with pain in my sternum, worse than normal. I've talked about it before but I've been having those pains for over two years now. Something got fucked up once when I was doing too much dips and it hasn't healed yet. For the longest time I thought it was
costochondritis but it isn't. Had to do a lot of tests, including MRI but now I finally know what it is. Fucking
osteoarthritis in some little joint in the middle of my sternum. Luckily it's not that bad since it's in there and not in some moving joint but it's annoying. Got some good painkillers that basically make it a nonissue at the moment. Just have to wait and hope for it to get "boned" and hopefully stop hurting some day
Anyway I'm back to the gym! It's hard to motivate myself doing BW stuff at home and with the diagnosis I haven't worked out consistently in two months. Alan Aragon/Lou Schuler got their
Lean Muscle Diet book out finally and I've decided to follow the eating plan and routine there. Definitely recommending the book, probably the best diet book out there. I've been waiting for it for months and it didn't disappoint. And I know the name is lol, but so do the authors

Name like that guarantees that it sells well but the contents are solid.
Also realised I'm going to be a part of the New Years rush. Shiit..