Grimløck;145027864 said:? it's especially hard when you don't eat meat.
It's why I don't ask for spots unless I know the guy well. Even if you tell them only step in if you see the bar going back down, too many guys will teabag you while hoverhanding the bar the whole time.Nice job but your spotters make my blood boil.
How hard is it to stand to the side, and step in only when the bar is going the opposite direction, using a mixed grip.
Nice job but your spotters make my blood boil.
How hard is it to stand to the side, and step in only when the bar is going the opposite direction, using a mixed grip.
It's why I don't ask for spots unless I know the guy well. Even if you tell them only step in if you see the bar going back down, too many guys will teabag you while hoverhanding the bar the whole time.
Unless someone specifies that I stand away, I always teabag/have my hands at the ready (not necessarily hover-handing). Since I don't know the random bro I feel being on the cautious side is better.
gg 2014, you have been fun
back pics are too hard
Freaking pissed right now. I couldn't get 385 on bench. I got stuck at the part where my shoulders should have pushed through. My spotter had to touch the bar to get me over. I'll upload the video of my failure later!!!
Post workout flex. Looking forward to getting bigger!
You may suck at taking back pics, but you rock at taking ear pics. That thing is all muscle baby.
love it brother, just a ball of mass
how much do you weigh? height?
In the gym you'll either see me in some old college tees I got for free or Reebok dri-fits (cheap at Dick's and feel good). I don't ever look at dudes clothing. Only time I notice clothes is women in yoga pants. I don't know how fashionable the dudes in this thread will be and I doubt the dudes in Men's Fashion lift either. Just wear whatever the fuck you don't mind sweating in.Been noticing that I need to step up my gym fashion game. EVeryone at Equinox NYC try's looking like a model with all their fancy gym clothes and here I am training in cut off t shirts and old shirts. I got like 2 pairs of Lulu shorts and shirts but looking to look more fashionable. I feel like im at the age where I should probably look a bit more presentable at the gym. So where is a good place I can get a bunch of fashionable gym clothes without breaking the bank?
Been noticing that I need to step up my gym fashion game. EVeryone at Equinox NYC try's looking like a model with all their fancy gym clothes and here I am training in cut off t shirts and old shirts. I got like 2 pairs of Lulu shorts and shirts but looking to look more fashionable. I feel like im at the age where I should probably look a bit more presentable at the gym. So where is a good place I can get a bunch of fashionable gym clothes without breaking the bank?
Also starting my slooow cut after next week. I will take a progress pic every week and once I am finished ill share it with you guys.
As promised here is the video of me failing to get 385. I think I should wait longer than before I go for it again. So this time around I'll wait two weeks
oops how did those get there!?
Since I didn't get an answer last time I'll ask again: When I bench press I'm getting pain in my upper arms and shoulders. Help!
Looks like you're setup loose. But it's hard to tell. You might be lacking s good arch or leg drive.
What type of pain? Like someone stabbing you with a knife or a burn?
What type of pain? Like someone stabbing you with a knife or a burn?
I try to keep as flat as possible. I just rely upper body (chest, shoulders, tri's). I tense up my lower body and core as I bench.
It's a matter of taste really I'm all about proper from. The arch and leg drive are not my thing
Feels like a sharp pain. It definitely wasn't soreness that you would expect after a good workout.
Feels like a sharp pain. It definitely wasn't soreness that you would expect after a good workout.
I'd advise stop benching heavy and maybe at all until you get it figured out. Start doing external rotations, band lull aparts and lots of rear delt work.
Might want to run a lacrosse ball across your pecs as well. Might be tight pecs.
Any injuries to that region in the past? Broken bone, torn muscle or prior surgery? Because it sound to me like a past injury has come back to haunt you.
Are there any other workout that you experience the same pain?
Eh, arch and leg drive are proper form. But to each their own.
Tight pecs can cause arm/should pain?
Nope, no prior injuries, and no I don't get the same pain with the other work outs that I do. I would like to mention that although the pain is sharp, it tends to go away after about a day or two, so I don't think there's any muscle tear or anything...yet.
Is it?! Prior trainers and professionals alike have told that is not. I'll do more research on the matter tomorrow.
It can definitely cause shoulder pain, absolutely. No idea where on the arm you hurt, but if it's near your shoulder, it could. The location of the pain isn't always the cause.
Might it not be that my form may simply be off?
Shit, I can't wait to see what your numbers are when you start using leg drive. Check Tate's so you think you can bench series.Is it?! Prior trainers and professionals alike have told that is not. I'll do more research on the matter tomorrow.
Might it not be that my form may simply be off?
Anything is possible, your post is vague, we don't know exactly what hurts and we don't have a video of you benching when you're hurting.
Is it flat bench that cause the or all chest workouts to include dumbbell? But if it's a sharp pain there could be a number of issues. Perhaps try to strengthen that area as brolic suggested. And stick with exercises that do not worsen the pain or cause it.
Yeah, I'll see if I can record a video next time.
Assuming the form's not an issue, I shouldn't continue with lighter weights or anything? I should just do some of the other exercises you mentioned?
I haven't tried dumb bell bench presses, so I can't say if that would a difference.
It hurts in the medius and longus area.
Shit, I can't wait to see what your numbers are when you start using leg drive. Check Tate's so you think you can bench series.
Yeah, I'll see if I can record a video next time.
Assuming the form's not an issue, I shouldn't continue with lighter weights or anything? I should just do some of the other exercises you mentioned?
I haven't tried dumb bell bench presses, so I can't say if that would a difference.
It hurts in the medius and longus area.
That makes more sense even though I admit that you are older than I thought you would be. Also I need to add that you look like a proper beast nowadays.I'm 26. I started working out when I was 14. Took two years off after my surgery then started back up in 2009. I didn't start lifting really hard till 2010.
Since I didn't get an answer last time I'll ask again: When I bench press I'm getting pain in my upper arms and shoulders. Help!
This is a shot in the dark, but if your elbows are at or close to a 90 degree angle from your body that can cause shoulder pain. I would definitely check out a video on bench form to see if you're making any form mistakes.
It's an unmaintained trail although technically part of a city park. Our liability law sucks and leaves the state a lot of exposure to lawsuits, which means the government is best off saying hike at your own risk, we won't do anything, than it is trying to maintain a dangerous trail, and then getting sued when the inevitable dumbass gets hurt and blames the government for not making it safer. There are maintained trails but they are really easy ones. We tried to get the law revised this past year but liability lawyers lobbied heavily against it.
Personally I hope the beehive stays. We need bees for pollination and it adds a little more excitement.
TFW your girlfriend tells her father that her boyfriend lifts all the time and he just laughs and says "he does?"
Fuck man, gains are hard
All those concrete blocks and gravel to fill in eroded spots were placed by volunteers. Same with the trash can at the top. Volunteer empties it and carries the trash down.I don't know anything about laws like that, but why can't it be maintained by the state and also have a sign that warns hikers to proceed at their own risk? If not, then that means that anyone can go there and make changes to it? Like a couple of guys fixing portions of the trail that need it.
And yeah, that guy was a dumbass doing that, especially at that point. My friends and I took the trail around that section since I Nope'd instantly once I got a look at it, haha.
I just realized if I added 10 pounds a week to my Deadlift, that would mean adding 500 pounds a year. I can live with just trying to add 5 a week.
That feeling when you are doing nice controlled front DB raises at 25, 30, and 35 for sets of 12-15 and the guy comes up next to you with his sleeves rolled up and swings up 45s and has that looked of superiority on his face. :shakes head:
Holy crap! At my gym it went from dead when I got there to packed in 30 mins after I arrived. Freaking New Years wackos
Shit's the worst. Have you wishing they could see you on your strength days. I'm only benching 125 for 10 cause my programming says so. And I don't really lift heavy till like 4 weeks later. Just hoping you catch em that week.That feeling when you are doing nice controlled front DB raises at 25, 30, and 35 for sets of 12-15 and the guy comes up next to you with his sleeves rolled up and swings up 45s and has that look of superiority on his face. :shakes head: