Home gym/noob question
Squats - I don't have a squat rack currently. Are there any other exercises I can do to replace it?
Home gym/noob question
Squats - I don't have a squat rack currently. Are there any other exercises I can do to replace it?
We can just think I am fashionable late.
Also since I can't do deadlifts at the moment at all because of the back my physiotherapist suggested I would try this with bodyweight:
I actually don't even know a name for it, but does anyone in here know how high the thing should be compared to my legs and tummy and how big movement I should be doing? If I understood it correctly my upper body should be going up and down while embracing my core and that it should work with back of the thighs, ass and lower back as well. I am just happy there is at least something I could try while recovering.
Hahaha jeez reading through some of this thread and some of you guys are beasts! I'm struggling with benching 100lbs and you guys are doing 300+!
Watching through some of Brolic Gaoler YT vids and getting inspired to get to that level
I wonder what all these clues mean:
Szu is my Leg split Bro
Cooter is my Chocolate Soulmate
Brolic's birthday is 3 days after christmas and mine 3 before christmas.
gotta solve the riddle. it will surely lead to endless gains.
Happy belated birthday!!
Impressive work on the yoke walk. It's hard to tell from this camera angle, but are you walking on a mostly level surface or is there a slight slope?
Happy birthday Shogun.![]()
That's tragic. He's lucky he didn't drop the weight.
Just watched a guy use paper towels to hang on to bar for dead lifts. And I found dumbbells over at the squat racks. January is in full swing at my gym.
Totally off day. I think I'm just gonna push squats back tomorrow and do a back to back workout tomorrow and Thursday.
Just not feeling it today. I'm exhausted for some reason.
It's actually a really shitty yoke walk, haha, but it's my first, so there is that. Gonna take a while to get used to.
Slight slope down/up, my driveway is just over 50ft outside the garage and over 75ft from inside.
I figured the slope might have factored in a bit after the turn. I could see a bit of swing in the yoke.
I rarely take pictures of my legs, but I do train them. I've been going extra hard on legs lately, forgot how much I enjoy leg days.
BTW, JKY (Jockey Athletic Branding) underwear I'm wearing are the ABSOLUTE best athletic underwear! They are only $9.99 a pair at Target. Thank me later!
Awesome job, man. I forget, but don't you do HiIT training?
Of course, the reason for this pic is to sneak in a shot of your mail box. I see it in the corner.
Nice try.
Yes, I do HIIT more so during the summer, but I did do some track work this past Saturday and Sunday.
Well for what it's worth, my post earlier that was all optimistic? Throw that shit in the garbage.
My red blood cell count is up. There's no reason for this as I have not had any testosterone in months now. So this points to there being an issue with the blood my heart creates. If it's up again and not just a weird fluke (which is possible) I'll be sent to a heart specialist. I'm really disappointed and feeling bad. Sucks.
Well for what it's worth, my post earlier that was all optimistic? Throw that shit in the garbage.
My red blood cell count is up. There's no reason for this as I have not had any testosterone in months now. So this points to there being an issue with the blood my heart creates. If it's up again and not just a weird fluke (which is possible) I'll be sent to a heart specialist. I'm really disappointed and feeling bad. Sucks.
Huh? I don't even know what this means. I've never heard of elevated red blood cells and I thought blood was created in marrow, in the bones, not the heart.
So confused. What does all of this mean in regard to your health?
I have no idea - I may have misremembered what they said it could possibly be at the root of it, but long story short, it doesn't appear to have been testosterone that did it. It didn't help, but I'm not actually getting better and my red blood cells aren't going down. I'm far from any kind of expert on it, they gave me a couple numbers. My hematocrit is at 58 and the safe level is supposed to be 48, from what I saw. Last week it was a 56, and now it jumped, and that's WEIRD.
It's possible it could just be a weird fluke, related to me eating too much iron but they really don't think so - they said it's just a drop in the bucket for the change that'd do, but we'll find out next week and if it's still at 58 or even higher, then it's cause for concern.
To help rule that shit out I'm doing a week of chicken. I usually eat chicken since I'm on keto still, but I'm going to eliminate meat. I don't take a multivitamin either so I'm not getting it from there.
Hope everything works out and it's not serious bro.
Thank you guys, all of you, I'm really tired of losing my blood and want to get back to eating like a king and lifting like a peon.
how long does a sprained wrist takes to heal![]()
I sprained my wrist in April, stupidly tried to keep lifting but much lighter. It would feel fine at first but then would start making popping noises and then would hurt too much to lift at all for a week or so. Stopped lifting for a month, still no better. Went to doctor, he gave me a steroid shot and said it would take two weeks to work, but meanwhile said if I can handle the pain I can keep training. It did take a couple weeks for the pain to reduce, and then I was fine, but took months to get back where I was strenght wise. Benching took a while to get back cuz my wrist tended to roll. So all in all about a 6 month set back. If I did it again I'd go get that shot first thing.how long does a sprained wrist takes to heal![]()
That is is awesome to hear! Now I am even more excited to try them out.Back extensions are great. According to allthingsgym.com, they were the only exercise that weightlifters from EVERY country were doing after every training session.
Damn you do make those underwears look good. Honestly, your legs look beastly gorgeous. You would definitely rock all the mini skirts there is.I rarely take pictures of my legs, but I do train them. I've been going extra hard on legs lately, forgot how much I enjoy leg days.
BTW, JKY (Jockey Athletic Branding) underwear I'm wearing are the ABSOLUTE best athletic underwear! They are only $9.99 a pair at Target. Thank me later!
Cut my calorie intake to 2100 and holy shit my strength levels plummeted by a good amount with the hill sprints of the off days. Raising it up to 2400 and work from there to see if the scale trends downward but maintaining my strength levels.
If you mean a life of health, strength, and a killer physique then yes. Yes it is.Waking up at 3:30am BC I feel aslepp to early and missed working out. Is this my life now?
The strength gains continue.
BB bench day:
It really is as simple as staying healthy and eating right guys.
EDIT: Bonus 120sx5 to finish up on incline DB. I be ridin these gains!
I plan on it! Thanks. Rapid weight gain has stopped and now I'm sitting somewhere between 195-200. One more month of this bulk unless I decide to keep going. I'm not worried at all about the time it will take to shed this fat. I've gained less than usual due to my clean eating and capped calorie intake of 4,000.You're killing it man! Keep it up!
mirin so hard
I'd put the odds slightly over 99%That dude is bigger than me which means he has to be on roids.