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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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You take some dumbbells and go into the squat rack? Wha?


The straight bar on the squat rack, the one that weighs 45lbs on its own with no weights...the one you would squat, I curl that and add plates to it.

Nothing wrong with doing that in my opinion as long as no one is wanting to squat.

See the bar?

I will do arms with that bar. I will curl it. I'll start with a wide grip, then go into a shoulder width grip, and then end with a wrist to wrist grip.


Hey Fit-Gaf, I'm looking to buy a home trainer, I go running outside and lift weights already, but my feet kinda suck, so while my stamina is good enough to keep on running, I have to take breaks because my feet hurt.

Won't have this problem with a home trainer so I'd like to buy one, I found one for 150 euros, which is one of the more affordable ones, but I dunno if it's any good. Plus, the recommended height is 1.80m and I'm 1.84m. Will those 4cm matter a lot or should I spend even more money?

I was looking at this one, the FitBike Ride 1 Hometrainer

I can't speak for the attached personally, but I bought a Schwinn Airdyne AD6 like 8 months ago to give my feet a break and I LOVE it...highly recommended.


I can't speak for the attached personally, but I bought a Schwinn Airdyne AD6 like 8 months ago to give my feet a break and I LOVE it...highly recommended.

Yea that one looks awesome, but a bit too expensive for me, I tried googling for reviews for multiple ones, but I don't really find any reviews. Just more places to buy them from. I guess it doesn't really matter, just don't wanna be stuck with a bad one.
Yea that one looks awesome, but a bit too expensive for me, I tried googling for reviews for multiple ones, but I don't really find any reviews. Just more places to buy them from. I guess it doesn't really matter, just don't wanna be stuck with a bad one.

I bought an older Airdyne (AD-5) off of Craigslist for $150.


Hi FitGaf, here I am reporting again! I'm really motivated so there's that ;)

This is what I did today:

FitNotes Workout - Tuesday 13th January 2015

** Running (Treadmill) **
- 0.9 mil in 10:00min

** Fitness Ball Back Extension **
30 seconds - 3 reps

** The Hundred **
- 30 reps
- 30 reps
- 30 reps

** Deadlift **
- 66.14 lbs x 5 reps
- 88.18 lbs x 5 reps [PR]
- 88.18 lbs x 5 reps

** Pull Up **
- 5 reps
- 5 reps
- 4 reps

** Scott Curl **
- 44.09 lbs x 5 reps
- 35.27 lbs x 5 reps
- 35.27 lbs x 5 reps

** Lunge **
- 52.91 lbs x 5 reps
- 52.91 lbs x 5 reps
- 52.91 lbs x 5 reps

** Fitness Ball Hip Raise And Curl **
- 10 reps
- 10 reps
- 10 reps

** Knee Raise **
- 30 reps
- 30 reps
- 30 reps

I felt like I could do more reps in the DL, so I increase the weight next workout? I did the first set of Pull ups in the machine but after that I decided to do regular ones, much harder of course but I liked more.

The straight bar on the squat rack, the one that weighs 45lbs on its own with no weights...the one you would squat, I curl that and add plates to it.

Nothing wrong with doing that in my opinion as long as no one is wanting to squat.

See the bar?

I will do arms with that bar. I will curl it. I'll start with a wide grip, then go into a shoulder width grip, and then end with a wrist to wrist grip.

I don't ever see why people use a rack to curl. I don't see the benefit.
I don't ever see why people use a rack to curl. I don't see the benefit.

I might be a simpleton here, but I don't really see any benefit to doing any dedicated bicep movements. I get a good bicep workout from various other lifts (pull ups, deadlift, etc) so I don't see why people spend so much time on the muscle (I know, I know, vanity muscles and all). Same with shrugs. I get compliments all the time about my traps but I don't do shrugs. Deadlifts and other lifts have really helped my upper back and neck grow. To each their own, I just think there are better ways to spend the limited time I have in the gym.
I might be a simpleton here, but I don't really see any benefit to doing any dedicated bicep movements. I get a good bicep workout from various other lifts (pull ups, deadlift, etc) so I don't see why people spend so much time on the muscle (I know, I know, vanity muscles and all). Same with shrugs. I get compliments all the time about my traps but I don't do shrugs. Deadlifts and other lifts have really helped my upper back and neck grow. To each their own, I just think there are better ways to spend the limited time I have in the gym.

If there is anything I could change when I first started lifting was listening to people who said that compound lifts are more than enough for my biceps and to not do dedicated bicep movements. For me, I need them for growth. Otherwise, I am just hurting myself in a long run.
If there is anything I could change when I first started lifting was listening to people who said that compound lifts are more than enough for my biceps and to not do dedicated bicep movements. For me, I need them for growth. Otherwise, I am just hurting myself in a long run.

For sure. Everyone has different goals and different bodies. I came to the conclusion that they weren't for me.


Can't wait for this next week: going to attack new 1RM on 5/3/1 of Deads @ 405lbs, Squats @ 360lbs & Bench @ 280lbs (had to reset OHP), then I'm fonally going to take a few weeks off to let myself recover and heal up while I go to MAGfest for 4 days next weekend, then Disney for 5 days the week after.

Super paranoid I'm going to lose all my gains.

Tell me it's ok FitGAF. Please? Tell me I'll come back and start a cycle at 5lbs more than those weights no problem.

Tell me!

I might be a simpleton here, but I don't really see any benefit to doing any dedicated bicep movements. I get a good bicep workout from various other lifts (pull ups, deadlift, etc) so I don't see why people spend so much time on the muscle (I know, I know, vanity muscles and all). Same with shrugs. I get compliments all the time about my traps but I don't do shrugs. Deadlifts and other lifts have really helped my upper back and neck grow. To each their own, I just think there are better ways to spend the limited time I have in the gym.

I'm with you. I work them, but not in any serious way. I'll do a few sets of various curls after my squat or deadlift days, just because I have some extra time those days because I don't do much else. But it's never "serious" work.
I don't ever see why people use a rack to curl. I don't see the benefit.
You don't need to. It's as simple as that. You're never curling a weight that can't just be placed on the floor when you're done and picked up for the next set. There's just zero need to occupy a rack with that nonsense.
Tell me it's ok FitGAF. Please? Tell me I'll come back and start a cycle at 5lbs more than those weights no problem.

Tell me!

I posted this a couple of days ago...

Very interesting read on how taking a break from lifting shouldn't actually harm your progress.

The researchers hypothesized that because atrophy (muscle loss) from stopping weight training occurs at the same rate or slower than it was gained, and previous research had shown muscle growth occurs faster after a detraining period, then the detraining group should still get similar results to the group who trained continuously.

Amazingly, that’s exactly what happened.

Despite having 3 weeks off after every 6 weeks, at 24 weeks the detraining group experienced the same weight, size, isometric strength and one-rep maximum (1RM) gains as the continuous group.

Far more at the link: http://anthonycolpo.com/will-taking-a-break-from-weight-training-hurt-your-progress-in-the-gym/

Unrelated to that, I've realised that I basically have zero upper body strength. For my size, my squat is ok, my deadlift is pretty good, but I can't bench shit, I can't shoulder press shit and I can't curl shit. I broke both my collar bones when I was in my teens and I'm wondering if that might have had something to do with it it.

Feels like every day should be arm day.
I live in Holland though, I'll check our own version to see if they have any on there.

Well they don't have an Airdyne there, but tons of other cheap ones.

If I couldn't get an Airdyne and I needed something for HIIT cardio I'd probably be looking at a good rowing machine.


I posted this a couple of days ago...

This is really interesting. It doesn't "make sense" to me so I need to read more, but if this really is true...

The problem is these studies are often done with completely untrained individuals.

Either way I'm taking my 2 weeks. Just super paranoid about it.


This is cool but when I tried to buy multiple quantities it said "This seller only lets you purchase 1 every 10 days" which is lame. Still grabbed a box of CnC for 19.99, good looking Des.
What's the go to flavor, I usually just eat a chicken breast, but I'm running low on time to cook before working out nowadays so thinking about going the Quest route myself.


Count of Concision
In a bit of a conundrum:

I started the keto diet on November 10th in an attempt to help me get past a plateau I had been at for several months (I couldn't dip below 260 pounds; my starting weight was ~308). I lost roughly 10-12 pounds in first 3.5-4 weeks, but then didn't lose a single pound for the next four weeks thereafter. Mind you, I was tracking all my calories in MyFitnessPal. Based on the Keto Calculator (http://keto-calculator.ankerl.com/), my macros on a 20% caloric deficit should be:

2650 calories
~180 g protein
~185 g fat

I adhered to this very strictly, yet didn't drop a pound in nearly 4 weeks. On keto (which by itself is supposed to make you lose weight). On a 20% caloric deficit. It was very frustrating. My friend told me to just cut down to ~2100 calories/day and see what happens, but I feel this is much too little for me (I'm 6'1"/260 and lift weights 4x/week; my BMR alone is like 2150 calories). I may drop to 2250 cal/day, but I wanted to know if anyone ever plateaued so quickly, and plateaued for 3-4 weeks, on a keto diet while running a high caloric deficit. Basically the only weight I lost over 8 weeks on a keto diet/20% deficit seems to have been water weight. How is that possible?

My friend says I may have overestimated my activity level, which is possible, but even when I select "sedentary," and vary my estimated body fat % by a few points, I still get 2500-2650 cal/day as my requirement. I'm just baffled is all. Obviously I can just keep cutting calories, but 2650 is already a 20% deficit - 2100 cal/day would be like a 40% deficit. Just seems extreme to me to see any results. I'm not down to my last 10-15 pounds or anything - my lean weight is probably around 205-210, so I have ~50 pounds to lose.
In a bit of a conundrum

Three questions.

1: Are you getting stronger?
2: What are you measuring your calorie burn with?
3: Are you absolutely positive you're not incorrectly calculating your intake?

Also, technically keto doesn't make you lose weight on its own (this would be mostly magic). If you're eating more calories than you burn, you're still going to gain weight. What it does do is make your body burn more fat than it normally would, and has the added advantage of much improved satiety (meaning most people tend to eat less on the diet anyway).

What about the rest?

Not a lot I can say really. If you have a trainer then it makes sense to stick to what he's telling you to do, short term at least. But yes, generally if you're capable of completing a block of exercises with good form then it's time to increase the weight.


Count of Concision
Three questions.

1: Are you getting stronger?
2: What are you measuring your calorie burn with?
3: Are you absolutely positive you're not incorrectly calculating your intake?

1) Hard to tell, but I was probably just maintaining strength during those 8 weeks, since there is an adjustment period once you go carb-less. The first 2-3 weeks I definitely saw a decrease in reps/weight I could do, roughly around 5-10%. The last month I've returned to normal strength levels, however.

2) I wasn't measuring calorie burn at all. The keto calculator I linked to earlier lists various activity levels in order to provide a caloric estimate. I chose "moderately active" because it fit the description (I do weight training 4x/week, staying in the 8-12 rep range). But as I said, even if I choose "sedentary," I get ~2550 cal as a daily estimate on a 20% deficit. I still should have been losing weight according to the calculator/common sense.

3) Highly unlikely. I was very, very strict with entering info and measuring my food.

Obviously I can (and probably will) just cut calories further, maybe to around 2250/day and see what happens.
Just my personal opinion, but there's every chance that you're still losing fat, but you're also gaining muscle at a relatively similar rate. If you do decide to drop your calories, I'd strongly suggest that you only do it by a little, give it a few weeks and then see where you are.

I'd say dumping 400kcal a day extra off is too much given the BMR etc figures you've mentioned, and would probably only recommend a change of half that.

Also, losing 10-12 lbs in 4 weeks is generally considered an unhealthy rate. I wouldn't try to continue at anything near that rate, especially as you're not just trying to lose weight (fat), but trying to build some muscle too.


Count of Concision
Just my personal opinion, but there's every chance that you're still losing fat, but you're also gaining muscle at a relatively similar rate. If you do decide to drop your calories, I'd strongly suggest that you only do it by a little, give it a few weeks and then see where you are.

I'd say dumping 400kcal a day extra off is too much given the BMR etc figures you've mentioned, and would probably only recommend a change of half that.

Also, losing 10-12 lbs in 4 weeks is generally considered an unhealthy rate. I wouldn't try to continue at anything near that rate, especially as you're not just trying to lose weight (fat), but trying to build some muscle too.

The 10-12 pounds was almost certainly all water weight. I know because I carb binged last week because I was sick (I eat whatever I want when I'm sick lol) and put on 12 pounds in 5 days, 95+% of which was water held in my body by the carbs.


the piano man
today a guy approached me while I was using the squat rack to ask how longer I'd need the rack,

and when I look down, I see the mofo is wearing these beauties


for the first time ever someone in my gym was wearing them and I had to ask him where in the fucking world did he find them!! I've been looking for them here in Germany ever since I learned about their existence with no luck.

I wasn't surprised with the answer... amazon :/ I said I don't want to go by trial and error with stuff that expensive.

man I was so jelly.
The 10-12 pounds was almost certainly all water weight. I know because I carb binged last week because I was sick (I eat whatever I want when I'm sick lol) and put on 12 pounds in 5 days, 95+% of which was water held in my body by the carbs.

Oh, sorry, I misread your original post. I thought you lost the weight generally, didn't realise it was at the start of keto.

So what you're saying is that you lost 10-12 lbs over 4 weeks, nothing in 4 weeks, then put 12lb on again last week, and then lost it again this week? It's a bit confusing based on your posts.


there is joy in sucking dick
I think my excessive benders on the weekend is fucking with my weight loss. I tend to get really drunk Saturdays with some hard shit (Bacardi 151). You'd think the body would bounce back but nope, I stall throughout the week.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
today a guy approached me while I was using the squat rack to ask how longer I'd need the rack,

and when I look down, I see the mofo is wearing these beauties


for the first time ever someone in my gym was wearing them and I had to ask him where in the fucking world did he find them!! I've been looking for them here in Germany ever since I learned about their existence with no luck.

I wasn't surprised with the answer... amazon :/ I said I don't want to go by trial and error with stuff that expensive.

man I was so jelly.

I have them. Have for a while. They are amazing. And Amazon has a great return policy. If you have any other adidas anies they fit about the same.


Count of Concision
Oh, sorry, I misread your original post. I thought you lost the weight generally, didn't realise it was at the start of keto.

So what you're saying is that you lost 10-12 lbs over 4 weeks, nothing in 4 weeks, then put 12lb on again last week, and then lost it again this week? It's a bit confusing based on your posts.

Yeah, the 10-12 pound loss was when I first started keto. Pay no attention to the last week where I've put on 12 pounds of largely water weight lol. That was expected. What happened was this:

Start of keto -> dropped 10-12 pounds in first ~4 weeks -> lost nothing the next ~4 weeks. That plateau is what I'm seeking advice on.
Fair enough. Well, I guess for a while anyway you'll be shedding that water weight, but yeah, drop it a little and see where you are when it all shakes out.

If you start getting weaker (I'm not sure how long you've been lifting) then it may be time to rethink your calorie intake.


Not a lot I can say really. If you have a trainer then it makes sense to stick to what he's telling you to do, short term at least. But yes, generally if you're capable of completing a block of exercises with good form then it's time to increase the weight.

I don't really have a trainer, there are some instructors at the gym who I can ask for tips and etc. I based my routine on what you guys are telling me here, so in this sense FitGaf is my trainer lol.


Thank God I decided to go to the gym during work hours. Life changing man. Deadlift on point today, felt strong and just loving it. Down another half a pound, and today for the first time, hit the 5th belt hole on my lifting belt. Loving 2015 man.

In a bit of a conundrum:

I started the keto diet on November 10th in an attempt to help me get past a plateau I had been at for several months (I couldn't dip below 260 pounds; my starting weight was ~308). I lost roughly 10-12 pounds in first 3.5-4 weeks, but then didn't lose a single pound for the next four weeks thereafter. Mind you, I was tracking all my calories in MyFitnessPal. Based on the Keto Calculator (http://keto-calculator.ankerl.com/), my macros on a 20% caloric deficit should be:

2650 calories
~180 g protein
~185 g fat

I adhered to this very strictly, yet didn't drop a pound in nearly 4 weeks. On keto (which by itself is supposed to make you lose weight). On a 20% caloric deficit. It was very frustrating. My friend told me to just cut down to ~2100 calories/day and see what happens, but I feel this is much too little for me (I'm 6'1"/260 and lift weights 4x/week; my BMR alone is like 2150 calories). I may drop to 2250 cal/day, but I wanted to know if anyone ever plateaued so quickly, and plateaued for 3-4 weeks, on a keto diet while running a high caloric deficit. Basically the only weight I lost over 8 weeks on a keto diet/20% deficit seems to have been water weight. How is that possible?

My friend says I may have overestimated my activity level, which is possible, but even when I select "sedentary," and vary my estimated body fat % by a few points, I still get 2500-2650 cal/day as my requirement. I'm just baffled is all. Obviously I can just keep cutting calories, but 2650 is already a 20% deficit - 2100 cal/day would be like a 40% deficit. Just seems extreme to me to see any results. I'm not down to my last 10-15 pounds or anything - my lean weight is probably around 205-210, so I have ~50 pounds to lose.

Honestly, the calculators are not to be taken as pure gospel, they are starting points to work with. When it comes to keto, the main things are the macros.

Carbs should be 30g net or less (I like under 20), you're protein should be .5 to 1.0 of lean body mass, so if you're 200lbs, with 30% body fat, your lean mass is 140lbs. I like to hover around .7 to .8 myself, it's all personal preference. Darthluiggi from reddit does .5g per lean pound in protein and he gains muscle just fine. The rest of your calories come from fat.

And lifting weights does not burn many calories. I go with sedentary on any calculators I use and the calories burned while lifting are just icing on the low carb cake.

Also since like myself you were obese, the fat doesn't want to leave easily. Just keep tracking and keep going. I weighed in at 246lbs this morning, lift heavy on 5/3/1 and only eating about 1400-1600 calories on keto. It's so hard to eat now, never hungry.

I would definitely lower the calories if I were you personally, protein and fat.
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