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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Can you elaborate on this? Both the concept of adaptive thermogenesis, and why whatever it is wouldn't be accounted for when I plug my current values in to the keto calculator? Like, even though I've lost >10% from my starting weight (~308 -> 260), why wouldn't this be accounted for when I plug the values of 260 lbs/~25% body fat into the calculator, thus giving me an accurate caloric estimate?

The very short answer to that is that after a certain amount of weight loss your metabolism basically changes and adjusts to function on a lower calorific intake to as to avoid further weight loss. This is on top of your reduced calorie requirements from having a lower body mass. (This is massively, massively oversimplified... the actual phenomenon is very complicated, and not yet particularly well researched, at least in humans.)

It's partially avoidable by taking breaks in your diet / having re-feeding days. Also diminished by losing more of your calories through lifting than reducing your intake too far. There are also a few diets specifically aimed at avoiding it, but they usually involve fasting periods or reducing your intake on certain days.

I'd have said it was unusual to see after only four weeks though. Unless you'd been on a reduced calorie diet before that point (and then switched to low carb).

If you find yourself with some spare time (and a scientific brain), you might find this interesting (on the longer term effects): http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/88/4/906.long

...or summarised in a much more friendly manner about half way down this page "An Elegant Study": http://weightology.net/weightologyweekly/?page_id=415


Negative. Just dedication and misery. No cheat days.

I think it's (relatively) easy to do no cheats on keto because you can eat all the cheese, peanut butter, and cream you want lol.

I've been doing Kiefer's CNS for the past 6 weeks, which is basically keto but one high carb/junk food "night" a week. I don't really know if it's working, but it's pretty easy to follow. The only thing that sucks is no alcohol on the keto days and limit of 2 drinks on the "carb nites", which normally isn't a problem for me, except I love having a few beers during football games :/
Coming off a week off, going to go hard and squat four plates. Technically it's four.



Count of Concision
The very short answer to that is that after a certain amount of weight loss your metabolism basically changes and adjusts to function on a lower calorific intake to as to avoid further weight loss. This is on top of your reduced calorie requirements from having a lower body mass. (This is massively, massively oversimplified... the actual phenomenon is very complicated, and not yet particularly well researched, at least in humans.)

It's partially avoidable by taking breaks in your diet / having re-feeding days. Also diminished by losing more of your calories through lifting than reducing your intake too far. There are also a few diets specifically aimed at avoiding it, but they usually involve fasting periods or reducing your intake on certain days.

I'd have said it was unusual to see after only four weeks though. Unless you'd been on a reduced calorie diet before that point (and then switched to low carb).

If you find yourself with some spare time, you might find this interesting: http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/88/4/906.long

or summaried in a much more friendly manner about half way down this page "An Elegant Study": http://weightology.net/weightologyweekly/?page_id=415

Interesting. The bolded is the distinction I was wondering about after your previous post. I was probably on a calorie restricted diet since December of 2013, since I was probably eating 2500-3000 cal/day between then and November 2014, but my maintenance was probably at ~3200/day (I say "probably" because I wasn't tracking my calories until I started Keto in Novmber). I'll take a look at the links you posted.


there is joy in sucking dick
I think it's (relatively) easy to do no cheats on keto because you can eat all the cheese, peanut butter, and cream you want lol.

I've been doing Kiefer's CNS for the past 6 weeks, which is basically keto but one high carb/junk food "night" a week. I don't really know if it's working, but it's pretty easy to follow. The only thing that sucks is no alcohol on the keto days and limit of 2 drinks on the "carb nites", which normally isn't a problem for me, except I love having a few beers during football games :/

You notice weight loss on the scale? My body is recomposing, getting the muscle mass I had when I was working out a year ago but the scale hasn't budged as much. I was worried for a while but the mirror recently has allayed those fears.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
You notice weight loss on the scale? My body is recomposing, getting the muscle NASD I had when I wad working out a year ago but the scale hdasnt budged as much. I was worried for s while bit the mirror recently had allayed those fears.

I was noticing it for sure, as a gradual trend. Water weight, whatever, and I always say "fuck scales" but watching it track a downward trend as quick as I was going was satisfying.


You notice weight loss on the scale? My body is recomposing, getting the muscle mass I had when I was working out a year ago but the scale hasn't budged as much. I was worried for a while but the mirror recently has allayed those fears.

I'm not sure if you meant to quote me or Vince, but no, the scale hasn't really budged aside from the initial 5-6 lbs of water weight (which comes right back after the high carb nights). Then again, I'm pretty sure I've reached a weight equilibrium, at least in terms of scale weight (for weight loss, obviously not for weight gain). My fitness/weight loss journey started about 2 years ago now (Jan 2012) and I've gone from ~175 lbs (I'm 5'6") to ~140 lbs (usually fluctuating between 137-143). I don't really bother obsessing over my scale weight (I check once every 10 days or so just to see where I'm at), more concerned with body composition as you say.

I kind of fucked up by not taking a before pic and tracking by the mirror at the start of this CNS "diet". I feel like I look the same as when I started though haha.


Well, I'll need to work on my cardio again. My job might be relocating to a location that has high risk potential. I may end up on the 50th floor. In the event of a fire drill or real world event, it'll be survival of the quickest for me.


Yes, I just got done losing about 70 lbs. I was on the ol' "Four Quesaritos at lunch while lifting" diet and it got out of control. Can't outwork a shit diet.

So I stopped lifting for a couple reasons - one was I'm focus-driven and have a very hard time ignoring my body's screams for more quesaritos when I'd lift heavy. That, and I had some medical issues. So I ran, I ran a lot.

I won't lie, going strict keto diet and running...that shit melted off. But I've been losing strength. And it fucking sucks. But it worked. No cheat days. Head down. Run, eat, sleep, suffer. FUCK cardio.

So in Feb, it's time to get back to lifting. I'm ready.

EDIT: Also, fuck low-fat, that shit doesn't make sense. Eat fats forever. They are unfairly vilified.

My next 50 lbs is going to be the hard cut, I'll be doing the running thing as well, but I've got to get my knees sorted first :(

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member

I can only deadlift 255 lbs.

If you're asking what I mean by normalize I currently do working sets of:

Bench: 195
Squat: 225
Deadlift: 255

A few months ago before I got hurt I was doing something like:
Bench: 205
Squat: 230
Deadlift: 235

So I think that with being more consistent the ratios are starting to normalize.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I can only deadlift 255 lbs.

If you're asking what I mean by normalize I currently do working sets of:

Bench: 195
Squat: 225
Deadlift: 255

A few months ago before I got hurt I was doing something like:
Bench: 205
Squat: 230
Deadlift: 235

So I think that with being more consistent the ratios are starting to normalize.

Sooooo, basically you're getting back to where you were. And you don't need an app to tell you you're about to hit a "PR" you either do or don't.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Well, I'll need to work on my cardio again. My job might be relocating to a location that has high risk potential. I may end up on the 50th floor. In the event of a fire drill or real world event, it'll be survival of the quickest for me.

Once I was on the 30th or so floor of a hotel and the fire alarm went off. I went down those stairs faster than water being poured out. Fucking dangerous but goddamn I flew.

False alarm



Once I was on the 30th or so floor of a hotel and the fire alarm went off. I went down those stairs faster than water being poured out. Fucking dangerous but goddamn I flew.

False alarm


Oh man, I just realized with my luck, there will probably be a drill the day after my leg day.

Oh, I forgot to mention that the new potential location is The World Trade Center.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Oh man, I just realized with my luck, there will probably be a drill the day after my leg day.

Oh, I forgot to mention that the new potential location is The World Trade Center.

That's dope. I bet it'll be beautiful.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Sooooo, basically you're getting back to where you were. And you don't need an app to tell you you're about to hit a "PR" you either do or don't.

I thought that I had and checked but don't remember numbers pre-app. Having a bad memory isn't exactly fun, but at a certain point soon I will know for sure.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I thought that I had and checked but don't remember numbers pre-app. Having a bad memory isn't exactly fun, but at a certain point soon I will know for sure.

Use google sheets and track your lifts. Makes shit a lot easier. Not sure what app you're using to calculate your PRs, but a simple spread sheet is all you need.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Use google sheets and track your lifts. Makes shit a lot easier. Not sure what app you're using to calculate your PRs, but a simple spread sheet is all you need.

That reminds me I kept a spreadsheet a couple years back on an old computer. It was a fine system, but the current app I has is more convenient to me. I can update it while at the gym easily, and it calculates warm-up reps for you. I'm starting to do those in my head, but it's still a nice feature.

Maybe I'll post a review with a few screenshots for fun. It has a few built-in graphs and calculations. Of course, they could be built in Excel also.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Can I get a form check on my squats? I know my wrists are in a poor position already but my workout buddy said that something weird was going on with my butt where it would tuck in under me. I watched Alan Thrall's video on how to squat and he said that "butt wink" is not a bad thing but can cause you to round your back.

Squat Attempt 5x5


Can I get a form check on my squats? I know my wrists are in a poor position already but my workout buddy said that something weird was going on with my butt where it would tuck in under me. I watched Alan Thrall's video on how to squat and he said that "butt wink" is not a bad thing but can cause you to round your back.

Squat Attempt 5x5

Yeah, you have some pretty severe buttwink going on there. Also I would work on starting your squat by moving your hips back instead of just bending at the knees and going down.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Can't believe I'm actually going to ask but...

Why NOT squat with bumpers? Assuming they aren't in limited supply, which obviously from the picture they aren't?

People tend to do it to impress others by looking like they are squatting more than they really are (this is common as shit) Why NOT use bumpers? Because if you're in a cage, it's pointless. You're using equipment that serves no purpose that someone else could use.

Now if you're simply squatting freely without a cage or catches they are fine, so you can dump the bar, but if that's not the case, you're being a jackass. Especially if you use lower weights taking up more plates that could be done with higher plate weights.

Basically it's up there with curling in the squat rack.
Can I get a form check on my squats? I know my wrists are in a poor position already but my workout buddy said that something weird was going on with my butt where it would tuck in under me. I watched Alan Thrall's video on how to squat and he said that "butt wink" is not a bad thing but can cause you to round your back.

Squat Attempt 5x5
Keep your elbows locked back, they're wiggling and your chest drops. The bar should be a little bit lower on your back to help you keep the bar locked over your midfoot. The bar is ahead of your midfoot and your feet are a little too far apart, in the last reps the entire outside of your foot is coming off the floor.

Keep your abs tight and your chest up, that will take care of the butt wink. Breathe in, hold, abs tight, go down and come up, exhale.


the piano man
People tend to do it to impress others by looking like they are squatting more than they really are (this is common as shit) Why NOT use bumpers? Because if you're in a cage, it's pointless. You're using equipment that serves no purpose that someone else could use.

Now if you're simply squatting freely without a cage or catches they are fine, so you can dump the bar, but if that's not the case, you're being a jackass. Especially if you use lower weights taking up more plates that could be done with higher plate weights.

Basically it's up there with curling in the squat rack.

I agree with this but different gyms have different equipments...

my gym has exactly eight 45lbs plates, that's for all of the free weight area, including 6 benches, a regular squat rack and a power rack and some loose bars for deadlifting.

most of the time the 45s are either lost in the gym (because my gym is filled with people who don't put things back in their place) or used by guys doing shrugs so most of the time I am forced to reach 225 with whatever is available around me, sometimes I have to actively search for certain plates. :/


It's not much but I hit 170 1rm on bench today...was slow to lock out but I got it and felt pretty good. I might have been able to do more with a little more rest because I had already did a couple sets.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I agree with this but different gyms have different equipments...

my gym has exactly eight 45lbs plates, that's for all of the free weight area, including 6 benches, a regular squat rack and a power rack and some loose bars for deadlifting.

most of the time the 45s are either lost in the gym (because my gym is filled with people who don't put things back in their place) or used by guys doing shrugs so most of the time I am forced to reach 225 with whatever is available around me, sometimes I have to actively search for certain plates. :/

This would be an extenuating circumstance.

J. Bravo

I am getting pretty fluffy. Hopefully all this eating translates into being a jackdood come April when I start cutting. My life right now is eating, working, lifting, sleeping, Parks and Rec. Not necessarily in that order lol. That show is taking over my life and I am so in love with every single character. I've never been more attached to the characters of any TV show. Even Jerry. Dammit Jerry you're making me sad!!

ANYWAYS, like I said, hopefully this eating translates into strength and muscle that shows up when I cut in a few months. Probably should start doing legs again and get my sleeping fixed up so I can wake up before noon >_>


I am getting pretty fluffy. Hopefully all this eating translates into being a jackdood come April when I start cutting. My life right now is eating, working, lifting, sleeping, Parks and Rec. Not necessarily in that order lol. That show is taking over my life and I am so in love with every single character. I've never been more attached to the characters of any TV show. Even Jerry. Dammit Jerry you're making me sad!!

ANYWAYS, like I said, hopefully this eating translates into strength and muscle that shows up when I cut in a few months. Probably should start doing legs again and get my sleeping fixed up so I can wake up before noon >_>

"You're a smart, successful young man with an adorable little belly."



People tend to do it to impress others by looking like they are squatting more than they really are (this is common as shit) Why NOT use bumpers? Because if you're in a cage, it's pointless. You're using equipment that serves no purpose that someone else could use.

Now if you're simply squatting freely without a cage or catches they are fine, so you can dump the bar, but if that's not the case, you're being a jackass. Especially if you use lower weights taking up more plates that could be done with higher plate weights.

Basically it's up there with curling in the squat rack.

Yeah, if the place only has a small number, it's like curling in the squat rack. And in a place that's obviously loaded to the gills with bumpers, it doesn't feel like a terribly apt comparison. Seems weird to even question it here IMO.

Hope no one thinks I look like a jackass next time I post a form check, because frankly everything I have at this point that's over 10 lbs are bumpers.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I'm opposite when I deadlift. The only plates in that area are bumpers so I steal regular 45s from the hammer strength area. I occasionally get odd looks going back and forth two at a time.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Yeah, if the place only has a small number, it's like curling in the squat rack. And in a place that's obviously loaded to the gills with bumpers, it doesn't feel like a terribly apt comparison. Seems weird to even question it here IMO.

Hope no one thinks I look like a jackass next time I post a form check, because frankly everything I have at this point that's over 10 lbs are bumpers.

The bigger issue with that specific post was the use of lower weight plates to take up more bar space to be a "4 plate squat."

If all your gym has is bumpers (is it a weightlifter gym or something?) then there's no real alternative.

I've been to a lot of gyms and I've never been to one that was "all bumper plates" that's typically because they are more expensive. The only places I've seen with huge amounts of bumpers are weightlifting and crossfit gyms.


I need some opinions if it's fine to lift twice a week (Friday and Sunday) and do HIIT or barbell complexes on Wednesday? Greyskull LP is fine with lifting 2x instead of 3x per week. Not sure if I can have a full session in on Wednesday when I need to get up early the next day while trying to get 9H of sleep.

I recall Brolic saying he lifted twice a week for a period of time in response to one of my similar questions.


The bigger issue with that specific post was the use of lower weight plates to take up more bar space to be a "4 plate squat."

I guess I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt when I see stuff like that. Less unloading and loading while warming up to the training weight. Yeah, he called it a 4 plate but it felt like he was just joking not trying to appear better than he is.

Kinda wish I had that luxury, but I only have 2 each of 45, 35, and 25, heh. (Fills my needs for now, but I'm aiming to need a couple more 45s by the end of the year.)

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I need some opinions if it's fine to lift twice a week (Friday and Sunday) and do HIIT or barbell complexes on Wednesday? Greyskull LP is fine with lifting 2x instead of 3x per week. Not sure if I can have a full session in on Wednesday when I need to get up early the next day while trying to get 9H of sleep.

I recall Brolic saying he lifted twice a week for a period of time in response to one of my similar questions.

Twice a week is just fine. Just have to plan accordingly. There's a setup in 5/3/1 for it. That's what I was using.

I guess I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt when I see stuff like that. Less unloading and loading while warming up to the training weight. )

Unless it's your own gym, it's pure selfish laziness. And that's not an excuse. Unless you're loading up to do a dropset it's pure laziness or ego.
I have never kept a record of anything. I usually can remember it all in my head pretty well.

The only time I regret not keeping a log of my progress is when I get sick or go on a vacation and can't remember shit from 2-3 weeks before. So I just guess and work from there. *shrugs*


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I have never kept a record of anything. I usually can remember it all in my head pretty well.

The only time I regret not keeping a log of my progress is when I get sick or go on a vacation and can't remember shit from 2-3 weeks before. So I just guess and work from there. *shrugs*


You and I were separated at birth I tell you. I remember everything when it comes to the gym. And I never take time off so I don't have that problem.

Minus your illogical hatred of Superman you're ok with me DarthSpiritReaver.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I think I must be an old man. I still use paper and a pencil. :(

I do both. PRs go in spreadsheet though.

I have never kept a record of anything. I usually can remember it all in my head pretty well.

The only time I regret not keeping a log of my progress is when I get sick or go on a vacation and can't remember shit from 2-3 weeks before. So I just guess and work from there. *shrugs*

To be fair it matters a lot less for BB IMO. As far as I know and correct me if I'm wrong, you don't really chase strength gains or maxes.

You and I were separated at birth I tell you. I remember everything when it comes to the gym. And I never take time off so I don't have that problem.

Minus your illogical hatred of Superman you're ok with me DarthSpiritReaver.

WAT! how can anyone hate Supes?
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