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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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My face looks skeletal at 10%, like I've got some sort of horrible illness. My body stores most of my fat on my thighs and stomach so I tend to look like a coathanger even towards 15%.


My face looks skeletal at 10%, like I've got some sort of horrible illness. My body stores most of my fat on my thighs and stomach so I tend to look like a coathanger even towards 15%.

For me personally I think my face looks best at around 10%, if I start going under that it starts to get the emaciated look. It's weird for me to imagine getting to 10% decreasing my facial aesthetics haha, genetics.


10% is probably the leanest I'd go ever again. At my "fittest" i was probably at 8% and personally I think I looked a lot better at ~12%

J. Bravo

I'm gonna be 8-10% and maintain during the summer (may-aug/sept). Other months idgaf. Also, on the training sick topic. I had mono two septembers ago and hit a bench 1RM PR of 225 haha.
Then at the end of the month I ended up in the hospital with a peritonsillar abscess and my throat closing dangerously fast :( it SUCKED.

Anyways, I have a question about Westside for Skinny Bastards. It's been going pretty well for me, and I can see that I am gaining some muscle. It's nice. My question is about this quote

Joe DeFranco said:
I now recommend 90 seconds rest between repetition sets for most females and beginners, and three minutes rest for stronger athletes.

What determines a "stronger athlete"? This is in regards to bench, so I'm assuming since my max is 225-235, I am not a stronger athlete. The program calls for 3 max rep sets at 55-60% of my 1RM. Thoughts?
I wouldn't mind having 30% bodyfat if it is in the right places. Some people store it in their forearms and calves and that makes me jealous.

As for me, I tend to loo like a pregnant woman but with no ass or nice legs. Just belly, tits and fat face
So I have a question, I have seen it here mentioned a few times that the more carbs you consume, the less protein you need. Why is this the case? Or it really isn't as cut and dry as that?
So I have a question, I have seen it here mentioned a few times that the more carbs you consume, the less protein you need. Why is this the case? Or it really isn't as cut and dry as that?

It's not really that cut and dry. The point is more that you need to keep your protein levels high when cutting to reduce muscle loss... and the only (good) way to do that on a restricted calorie intake is by reducing carbs.

Simplest example, if you're working with 3000kcal and are aiming for 150g of protein (calculated by body mass) then you have 2400 kcal for carbs and fat. If you're working with 2000kcal then you only have 1400kcal for carbs and fat. Something's gotta give... and it's usually best to make it carbs. That's one of the reasons people change their macros for cutting (or go full keto). Many people actually increase their protein intake too, but I'm yet to see conclusive science that supports that methodology (ignoring those on fairly low protein intake when bulking).

Unrelated, have leg, back, shoulder, neck and arm DOMS. Only thing not aching right now is my stomach. Really don't want to work out tonight but it's grin and bare it for back day then a rest day tomorrow.
It's not really that cut and dry. The point is more that you need to keep your protein levels high when cutting to reduce muscle loss... and the only (good) way to do that on a restricted calorie intake is by reducing carbs.

Simplest example, if you're working with 3000kcal and are aiming for 150g of protein (calculated by body mass) then you have 2400 kcal for carbs and fat. If you're working with 2000kcal then you only have 1400kcal for carbs and fat. Something's gotta give... and it's usually best to make it carbs. That's one of the reasons people change their macros for cutting (or go full keto). Many people actually increase their protein intake too, but I'm yet to see conclusive science that supports that methodology (ignoring those on fairly low protein intake when bulking).

Unrelated, have leg, back, shoulder, neck and arm DOMS. Only thing not aching right now is my stomach. Really don't want to work out tonight but it's grin and bare it for back day then a rest day tomorrow.

Simple answer is because carbs are protein sparing.


fantastic, thanks guys

the muscle quest continues


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
A few people have pointed out to me recently that my traps have grown. I went back and looked at some pictures and they do look a bit larger. If I get nothing out of this bulk but slightly bigger traps I will consider it an overwhelming success. I've always had trouble growing them.
Can anyone point me in the direction of a decent bench? I bought a fairly expensive multi-adjustable one, and frankly it's shit. Takes loads of messing around to change the angles, I think mostly because it's got a lot more adjustment available than I'd ever need.

One like they have in gyms with the notches for simple setup of back angle would be ideal.

Me doing power cleans


Realized I was flaring my elbows while benching last week so I've been working on form about 10lbs lighter, then 5lbs lighter. I feel like I finally got it straightened out. Chest and arms are on fire, but damn that feels good getting it right.


there is joy in sucking dick
On doing an ultra low carb/low carb cut and macros. I've disregard caloric requirements and just try to hit my protein intake levels based on lean mass. The fat levels goes 1:1 with protein or lower if you don't see body composition changes. Strangely I'm still getting stronger on this diet, albeit slower than when I slam carbs.


On doing an ultra low carb/low carb cut and macros. I've disregard caloric requirements and just try to hit my protein intake levels based on lean mass. The fat levels goes 1:1 with protein or lower if you don't see body composition changes. Strangely I'm still getting stronger on this diet, albeit slower than when I slam carbs.

Keto is not magic, but it kinda is. Once you become truly adapted, you can really do a lot at the gym even on a large cut. The key is that once you're adapted, your body will burn your fat stores for energy and you can still accomplish a lot thanks to that.

The efficiency is incredible, it's why I cannot fathom not being in ketosis 24/7, especially now that in doing intermittent fasting. Ymmv as usual, but I love feeling like I do all the time. Full and strong even on a large cut.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
A few people have pointed out to me recently that my traps have grown. I went back and looked at some pictures and they do look a bit larger. If I get nothing out of this bulk but slightly bigger traps I will consider it an overwhelming success. I've always had trouble growing them.

Try rack pulls. I've read nothing hits your traps harder, not even farmer's walks or high cleans.


Dear GAF, I need help with my first ever bulk in earnest.

This Sunday I (was) 71.7kg, which is around 2150 cal in maintenance. I've been doing 3500 cal Mon-Tue-Wed-Thur-Fri (it's Saturday now) - and my current weigh in is 74kg - which is around a 5 pound increase.

I can't tell if I've lost definition as I was a little soft to start with, I was wondering if this is too much and I'm actually consuming too much?


Dear GAF, I need help with my first ever bulk in earnest.

This Sunday I (was) 71.7kg, which is around 2150 cal in maintenance. I've been doing 3500 cal Mon-Tue-Wed-Thur-Fri (it's Saturday now) - and my current weigh in is 74kg - which is around a 5 pound increase.

I can't tell if I've lost definition as I was a little soft to start with, I was wondering if this is too much and I'm actually consuming too much?

Abruptly adding 1500 calories to your day is the wrong way to "bulk". That 5 pounds is nothing but fat.
Short of drug assisted, you're not going to be able to put on much more than a quarter of a kg of muscle a week. Of course, it's more complicated than that (it's extremely difficult to just put on muscle)... but in principal you should bare that in mind.


the piano man
so off-topic as hell...

any fitbros want to add me on PSN? I got a PS4 like a week ago. I don't play much co-op or online but it's cool to see what everybody's playing.

[EMAIL="PSN Moritz_Reiher][/EMAIL]

quote to reveal username :p (lol like anyone wants to add me,)


so off-topic as hell...

any fitbros want to add me on PSN? I got a PS4 like a week ago. I don't play much co-op or online but it's cool to see what everybody's playing.

[EMAIL="PSN Moritz_Reiher][/EMAIL]

quote to reveal username :p (lol like anyone wants to add me,)
I'll add you if you want. I've seen that you like xenoblade so we have at least some overlap in gaming taste :)

I was doing pause squats today and for whatever reason the gsc lance battle theme got me more hyped than any other song in recent memory.


the piano man
I'll add you if you want. I've seen that you like xenoblade so we have at least some overlap in gaming taste :)

I was doing pause squats today and for whatever reason the gsc lance battle theme got me more hyped than any other song in recent memory.

how can you possibly know I like Xenoblade? I love the soundtrack, specially :)

sure, I'd like to have all of fitgaf there.


how can you possibly know I like Xenoblade? I love the soundtrack, specially :)

sure, I'd like to have all of fitgaf there.
I remember seeing a post from you in a thread involving xenoblade. You also said you ran to the gaur plains music which I thought was brilliant lol.

Request sent


there is joy in sucking dick
Just ate two servings of ice cream, its been weeks since I ate something sugary. I'm legit am catching a buzz right now holy shit.


Went for my body weight day at the gym, and it went well. I think my body was kind beat up, only got 18 pull ups and 17 dips over 4 sets. Might skip the next one.


I managed to sweet talk a nice deal to myself so I bought the compression shirt and calve sleeves both for half the price. The shirt especially feels so comfortable, like someone hugging constantly, that I would just want to hang around in it at home. :p

I am also so lost with my size at the moment. I mean sure, the shirt is most likely the tightest thing I have ever owned (supposed to be that way too), but it is size M. M like medium. All my clothes start to be that size. Sure I am still way more soft that I would like but be, but I am still slowly becoming normal sized - and I don't understand it at all.

Keep yourself busy, enjoy more water, have some tea (with stevia, 0 calorie).

I tend to find that the times im hungry, i am usually just thirsty. Eating for bordem is bad and you should feel bad. Need to not look at eating as something to pass time if you want results unless you are bulking.
I tend to drink too little and eat too much during the dark hours of the day. I am taking notes and try to follow your advices. Shame they have run out of my favourite herbal blend...

Nope, probably never will if I'm honest. Severe body image issues. Even with a full on six pack I wont take my top off because of stretch marks.
Awwww. Other people don't look at the stretch marks like you do to be honest (or this is at least something I keep telling to myself so I don't need to cry myself to sleep). I am sure you are a total babe.

I wouldn't mind having 30% bodyfat if it is in the right places. Some people store it in their forearms and calves and that makes me jealous.

As for me, I tend to loo like a pregnant woman but with no ass or nice legs. Just belly, tits and fat face
Join the club. At least nobody have (I imagine) ever asked you are waiting to get a boy or a girl. Has happened once to me at work. I had the most hidious smile on my face and said that I don't know yet. One of the most awkward moment in my life.
And I haven't never ever been pregnant just so you know.
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