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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Abruptly adding 1500 calories to your day is the wrong way to "bulk". That 5 pounds is nothing but fat.

Short of drug assisted, you're not going to be able to put on much more than a quarter of a kg of muscle a week. Of course, it's more complicated than that (it's extremely difficult to just put on muscle)... but in principal you should bare that in mind.

Last time I was consuming 2500cals and was unable to grow my lifts consistently, do you recommend trying 3000cals this time?
Your best bet is adjusting until you find you're consistently gaining a reasonable amount of weight and getting stronger. Took me months to find what works for me (I bulk on about 2000kcal before exercise taken into consideration). You can of course choose to just eat like a machine, many do, but obviously if you want to end up looking ripped, you're going to take a long while to lose the fat again.

Related, went way over my calories today. Worth it for that steak. :D


there is joy in sucking dick
Last time I was consuming 2500cals and was unable to grow my lifts consistently, do you recommend trying 3000cals this time?

Adjust by 100cals a week, a good indicator is scale weight. You're either going up, down or maintaining. If you're going up (slowly but surely) you should be consuming enough calories to gain strength. You dont want to overconsune and put on unnecessary weight.


My 1rm

Bench 170

(V Based off the calculater V)

Deadlift 172 but I actually think I can do more

Squat 90

Not impressive but not bad considering less than a year ago I couldn't lift my left leg on my own.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Should I ditch the weight belt on my Power Cleans? I wrecked my last set on the belt loop.

+1 to dropping the barbell on deadlifts and cleans on heavy sets (discussion pages back). I would have missed a lot of reps tonight.
Should I ditch the weight belt on my Power Cleans? I wrecked my last set on the belt loop.

+1 to dropping the barbell on deadlifts and cleans on heavy sets (discussion pages back). I would have missed a lot of reps tonight.
I don't use a belt on power cleans but I'm also not going super heavy on them yet. I've heard from multiple people that it's okay too switch to a belt that has more flex in it for lifts like cleans and snatch, but hearing fitgafs opinion would be cool.


I tend to drink too little and eat too much during the dark hours of the day. I am taking notes and try to follow your advices. Shame they have run out of my favourite herbal blend...

Bad habits die hard, trust me, i didn't get so obese out of nowhere. I would eat when bored and never drink enough water. Do the reverse! Takes time to get to the point where you can drink water when hungry and truly be satisfied, but it DOES happen, and its wonderful. You will get to know your body and when it is actually hungry, and it makes life a lot easier.

Last time I was consuming 2500cals and was unable to grow my lifts consistently, do you recommend trying 3000cals this time?

You need to figure out what your maintenance is, then eat at +250-500 or so calories ontop to build muscle. Increasing your lifts isnt building muscle, thats just gaining strength, which is not 100% dependent on pure muscle growth. You can easily get stronger on a cut, but that doesn't mean you are gaining muscle. It is a delicate line between getting mostly fat and some muscle and slowly building muscle and not much fat.

Read the nutrition thread:


The OP has a lot of info. End result, you need to be consistent with a plan, then adjust from there. Go 2 weeks with a particular calorie intake, measure after 2 weeks, then see if you need more, less or stay the same. And by measure, i mean scale weight, inches around your body parts like chest, arms, legs, etc. Things will not be instantly noticeable, its a very long process.


Bad habits die hard, trust me, i didn't get so obese out of nowhere. I would eat when bored and never drink enough water. Do the reverse! Takes time to get to the point where you can drink water when hungry and truly be satisfied, but it DOES happen, and its wonderful. You will get to know your body and when it is actually hungry, and it makes life a lot easier.
They indeed do. Especially during winter it is way harder than during summer, since there is around 6 hours of sunlight in a day. And I kinda now I am not hungry... I just want something, as stupid as it may sound. Nowadays I have like Quest bars and other ok stuff around for those moments so it makes it a bit easier. I still need to learn to drink more. This has always been my main problem.


I took some more vids. This time it's about OHP.

135# x 5

145# x 4

155# 1 RM
It's ugly as hell.

Here's some fun stuff. This is the result of dedicated core training, flexibility training, and watching a LOT of Kung Fu movies.


You are our very own kung fu master. :p Love them! Hahah, I want to be that cool one day too! :D


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Yeah, so my friend's girlfriend just hired a trainer who has planned out her diet. At some point I had to stop arguing because I think she felt I was questioning how she spent her money. First of all the trainer has her eating at certain times of day because she thinks eating at night increases how your body stores "fat." Then she tells me that her trainer made her give up dairy because it raises estrogen levels and increases fat accumulation to the stomach area. I asked how exactly she would accumulate fat when she's eating at a calorie deficit. She's eating between 1300-1500 a day with vigorous exercise. Please tell me how one puts on fat in one specific area at a calorie deficit by drinking a glass of milk? Frustrating. I felt myself coming off as a know it all and I hate that feeling so I backed off. I told her what she has been told contradicts the studies and information I have read and left it at that.

EDIT: At one point she pulled out my favorite excuse of, "well, we're not all a genetic freak like you." Forgot to mention that little gem.


Yeah, so my friend's girlfriend just hired a trainer who has planned out her diet. At some point I had to stop arguing because I think she felt I was questioning how she spent her money. First of all the trainer has her eating at certain times of day because she thinks eating at night increases how your body stores "fat." Then she tells me that her trainer made her give up dairy because it raises estrogen levels and increases fat accumulation to the stomach area. I asked how exactly she would accumulate fat when she's eating at a calorie deficit. She's eating between 1300-1500 a day with vigorous exercise. Please tell me how one puts on fat in one specific area at a calorie deficit by drinking a glass of milk? Frustrating. I felt myself coming off as a know it all and I hate that feeling so I backed off. I told her what she has been told contradicts the studies and information I have read and left it at that.

EDIT: At one point she pulled out my favorite excuse of, "well, we're not all a genetic freak like you." Forgot to mention that little gem.

None of your lifts count. Genetics.


Man, moving from NYC with a low elevation of 33ft to a city with an elevation of 4462ft is quite a change. Taking a bit more time to catch my breath while training here. Here are some pictures of the gym I'm going to. GHR machine, two power racks, DL loader, and free chalk in the bucket. Only thing that sucks is no lighter bumper plates; I was spoiled by my university gym's 10# and 25# bumper plates lol. The lightest they have are 15kg (~33#). So...I might have to be a douchebag and use the power rack for pendlay rows until I get to 111# working weight; stacking weights is too much of a trouble. Luckily almost no one else uses the power racks!

BTW thanks for your earlier responses, Brolic.


I'm on my second week of SS now, and god dammit that added weight between every squat, deadlift and bench is killing me.

I haven't failed so far, but with this progression I'll be left behind come week 3.


Can anyone point me in the direction of a decent bench? I bought a fairly expensive multi-adjustable one, and frankly it's shit. Takes loads of messing around to change the angles, I think mostly because it's got a lot more adjustment available than I'd ever need.

One like they have in gyms with the notches for simple setup of back angle would be ideal.

Are you in the US? If so, I own this and LOVE it: http://m.dickssportinggoods.com/product/index.jsp?productId=22455776&cp=4406646.4413986.12598195


I'm on my second week of SS now, and god dammit that added weight between every squat, deadlift and bench is killing me.

I haven't failed so far, but with this progression I'll be left behind come week 3.

Sounds like you started too high. You shouldn't be failing out at week 3
She's eating between 1300-1500 a day with vigorous exercise. Please tell me how one puts on fat in one specific area at a calorie deficit by drinking a glass of milk? Frustrating.

Wheeeee. She's going to feel great after a few weeks of that. :(

I had an argument with a friend about spot reduction at the new year. It was all I could do not to put us both in front of mirrors and ask which technique works, situps or calorie reduction.

No, unfortunately not. Also, when I said bench I should have probably been clearer. I think I need what's known as a dumbbell bench, as it'll spend a bit of it's life in a squat rack. Basically no supports / catchers.
So uh, are hip thrusters the best ass workout? I squat, squat, squat, but my quads just get bigger but not my butt.

It's not bad, I just want it be more in proportion to my quads. Any suggestions?


there is joy in sucking dick
So uh, are hip thrusters the best ass workout? I squat, squat, squat, but my quads just get bigger but not my butt.

It's not bad, I just want it be more in proportion to my quads. Any suggestions?

Hell yes. I do 40 second holds but I feel weighted thrusts could hit them much better.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
So uh, are hip thrusters the best ass workout? I squat, squat, squat, but my quads just get bigger but not my butt.

It's not bad, I just want it be more in proportion to my quads. Any suggestions?

Glute bridges, good mornings, romanian deads, pull throughs all hit my ass pretty well.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Wheeeee. She's going to feel great after a few weeks of that. :(

I had an argument with a friend about spot reduction at the new year. It was all I could do not to put us both in front of mirrors and ask which technique works, situps or calorie reduction.
What good would that have done? You clearly are genetically gifted and any results you may have achieved and the means used to accomplish them would not apply to her.
What good would that have done? You clearly are genetically gifted and any results you may have achieved and the means used to accomplish them would not apply to her.
I am a genetic god!!!

Pretty much just exist on pizza and cake, no exercise either. All takes care of itself.
Thanks for the info folks.

Glute bridges, good mornings, romanian deads, pull throughs all hit my ass pretty well.
I'll try bridges and pull throughs. I already do romanians when I can, but not a fan of good mornings personally. Thanks big guy!

Also that leg thread makes me want to crush watermelons. *grumbles*
Also that leg thread makes me want to crush watermelons. *grumbles*

Fuck em, your legs look amazing.

Also, I hadn't realised, but it's certain now that once I started lifting weights my IQ dropped precipitously. As it stands I can barely string a sentence together, and even typing takes significant mental exertion. I should probably stop and concentrate on bulking my mind before it atrophies beyond recovery.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I am a genetic god!!!

Pretty much just exist on pizza and cake, no exercise either. All takes care of itself.
We sure are lucky. Matter of fact it's quite the coincidence that nearly all of FitGaf was blessed with great genetics. What are the odds?


Also, my strength continues to improve athough it is slowing down. I'll still take it.

Bench 315x3 and as close as one can get to 4. Damn!

Incline DB 120sx5


We sure are lucky. Matter of fact it's quite the coincidence that nearly all of FitGaf was blessed with great genetics. What are the odds?


Also, my strength continues to improved athough it is slowing down. I'll still take it.

Bench 315x3 and as close as one can get to 4. Damn!

Incline DB 120sx5

God damn.

I'm chasing you though. That 300lb bench is within reach, I can't wait to use my belt again and see how far I really go.

But you continue to be the beast I chase.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
God damn.

I'm chasing you though. That 300lb bench is within reach, I can't wait to use my belt again and see how far I really go.

But you continue to be the beast I chase.
Best put your running shoes on then because I be a fast mofo!

You know this isn't a competition but thanks. We're all chasing someone. Ultimately we will be the best version of ourselves possible.


the piano man
so after 2.5 years I am ready to get serious about this and I want to get under the guidance of a trainer, someone whom I can trust and also wants to coach me.

I think I've reached some sort of dead-end, not because I don't see progress here and there but because I think I lack focus and I want to know and get out of the ignorance about so many things.

I want someone to help me open my eyes.

I want to know what to eat, how to eat, a bodybuilding program with specific goals at specifics points in time and someone who guarantees them, if I do them with discipline.

that's my resolution for 2015 I want to learn, I'll pay and I am pretty damn sure I'd be worth it for any trainer, I am not perfect but this is something I want so bad, it's not even funny how disciplined I'd go into it if life gave me the chance to work with someone.

how does one look for a trainer? you go and annoy some muscled guy asking him if he wants to train you?

I googled "bodybuilding trainer bremen" and that really didn't help. My other option is to ask the guys who work in my gym if they know of someone.


So we had our mini powerlifting meet. We ran through pretty quick which made it pretty rough. Had a couple quest bars and gatorades in between.

Final numbers were 355 squat, 235 bench and 415 deadlift. So up 10 in both squat and deadlift and down 5 in bench. By the end the deadlift felt hard as SHIT I was exhausted. The 4 of us went through it all in 3 hours.
how does one look for a trainer? you go and annoy some muscled guy asking him if he wants to train you?

I googled "bodybuilding trainer bremen" and that really didn't help. My other option is to ask the guys who work in my gym if they know of someone.

I suspect a good first step would be finding out if there are any recognised trainer qualifications in Germany. I'd be surprised if there weren't.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
So we had our mini powerlifting meet. We ran through pretty quick which made it pretty rough. Had a couple quest bars and gatorades in between.

Final numbers were 355 squat, 235 bench and 415 deadlift. So up 10 in both squat and deadlift and down 5 in bench. By the end the deadlift felt hard as SHIT I was exhausted. The 4 of us went through it all in 3 hours.
By my calculations that totals 1005! I could be wrong but I think I did the math correctly. Congrats!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Is there a 1k club for tiny people? :(

Even if I hit advanced on the "standards" table for all three I'd still be short.
We can do it by bodyweight ratios? Big three lifts times 5 times your body weight and you're in! We can have the X5 club. X6 club. X7 club


the piano man
Psychotext said:
I suspect a good first step would be finding out if there are any recognised trainer qualifications in Germany. I'd be surprised if there weren't.

will see what I can do, it won't be easy.

So uh, are hip thrusters the best ass workout? I squat, squat, squat, but my quads just get bigger but not my butt.

It's not bad, I just want it be more in proportion to my quads. Any suggestions?

this machine, I am not sure what it's called

"Donkey kick"? hahaha



Cross post from the facebooks.

Farmer walk milestone. Hit body weight per hand. 242lb for 75ft (did it twice). The worked in sandbag carries ended with 150lbs for 225ft. Hamstrings are fried. http://youtu.be/WEs6ypMClTw

Congrats buddy!

I remember when you started. Time flys when you're lifting heavy! FitGaf promotes yet another one!

Thanks guys! I owe a lot to the Iron Sport method. My strength has skyrocketed since starting.

And once again another badass Brolic video.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Thanks guys! I owe a lot to the Iron Sport method. My strength has skyrocketed since starting.

And once again another badass Brolic video.

Told you it was an excellent strength program. Just be sure to listen to your body so you know when to back off. It will wear you down eventually.

And thanks, I was pretty unstable with it, but it didn't bother my grip at all.
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