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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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I need a clutch recommendation from you fine folk

I started a desk job about six months ago, and I've essentially been stationary as a rock ever since. I didn't live the most active lifestyle beforehand, but now I'm really feeling it. General weakness in areas that weren't weak before. Shortness of breath far more frequently. It's like I'm feeling my body atrophy around me... and I'm only in my mid-20s, so I'm not ready to concede that victory to father time yet.

Unfortunately I don't have a car. I'm underpaid at work, and the closest gym to me is about $70/month (friggin city prices, man)

So I'm looking for an equipment-less routine I can do in my apartment. Thankfully my room has plenty of space, so that shouldn't be an issue. And I have a chair I could use for stair-climbs or something if need be, but other than that I have nothing. I'd consider investing in a pair of free weights if it will be tremendously helpful, but starting out I'd rather just use general body resistance (in addition to cardio).

Any good recommendations for something like this? While I could stand to shed some pounds, I'm not interested in doing this for weight loss... I just need to get some energy and strength back. Obviously not having access to equipment or a gym isn't ideal, but it's what I have to work with. If I find something that works, I can commit to 5 days a week, which would hopefully be enough to start showing results within a couple of months.

Any advice would be greatly, greatly appreciated on this. I tried googling it but was bombarded with much bullshit I had no idea how to separate the good routines from the bad ones, so I figured I'd come to the experts.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
(In my opinion) the lowest cost but highest potential for gain is a pull up bar like this:


You hang it in a door frame and can do pull ups and chin ups to build upper body strength. You can also put in on the floor to do pushups as well. It's only $30 bucks and I've personally been using it for awhile and it has definitely helped build upper body muscle.

If you're sitting down a lot it's possible you could also develop some anterior pelvic tilt which could cause some low back pain. Alan Thrall has a good video showcasing some stretches you can do to alleviate these.


If you really want to go equipmentless I'm not sure what advice to give you. One of the more experienced fit-gaf members can probably give better advice.


Mostly dynamic stretches. Here's a spreadsheet of what I do. The Evernote link in the OP has a mobility/stretching section if you want to take a look at that; stretches from my spreadsheet are chosen from a lot of those YouTube video links.

EDIT: Feel free to PM me questions about stretching and mobility. It's not really talked about in this thread; the short section in the OP kinda reflects that haha /joke.

That's great man thanks a lot.


You might actually need more than that. Everyone is different.

It could also be a form issue. You shouldn't be stalling this early. I'd say post your lifts here and we'll take a look.

Post my lifts - as in film them, or my greasy paper containing my current max?


I need a clutch recommendation from you fine folk

I started a desk job about six months ago, and I've essentially been stationary as a rock ever since. I didn't live the most active lifestyle beforehand, but now I'm really feeling it. General weakness in areas that weren't weak before. Shortness of breath far more frequently. It's like I'm feeling my body atrophy around me... and I'm only in my mid-20s, so I'm not ready to concede that victory to father time yet.

Unfortunately I don't have a car. I'm underpaid at work, and the closest gym to me is about $70/month (friggin city prices, man)

So I'm looking for an equipment-less routine I can do in my apartment. Thankfully my room has plenty of space, so that shouldn't be an issue. And I have a chair I could use for stair-climbs or something if need be, but other than that I have nothing. I'd consider investing in a pair of free weights if it will be tremendously helpful, but starting out I'd rather just use general body resistance (in addition to cardio).

Any good recommendations for something like this? While I could stand to shed some pounds, I'm not interested in doing this for weight loss... I just need to get some energy and strength back. Obviously not having access to equipment or a gym isn't ideal, but it's what I have to work with. If I find something that works, I can commit to 5 days a week, which would hopefully be enough to start showing results within a couple of months.

Any advice would be greatly, greatly appreciated on this. I tried googling it but was bombarded with much bullshit I had no idea how to separate the good routines from the bad ones, so I figured I'd come to the experts.

You could go the P90X/ P90X2 / P90X3 route. You need some home equipment, but nothing too bad.


Hello GAF, quick and maybe silly question. When I do pushups, one of my hands is slightly (maybe an inch) ahead of the other, is anything wrong with that? In other words, when I place both hands on the ground, my right hand is perhaps just a slightly bit higher up than my left, instead of both hands being symmetrical. Same thing with my legs when I do squats. My right leg is slightly higher ahead than my left. If I try to balance/even out my hands or legs, it feels weird.

Most people have arms and legs and hands and feet that aren't exactly the same length, so I wouldn't be nervous about a *slight* stagger like that.

Szu - I feel you! Glad to know you're keeping up with it to be around for your son (can't wait to see his PRs)

MetalGuardian - on a very limited budget get a pull up bar, a jump rope and a resistance band / handles that "mimics" 50 lbs or so. I'd do circuits or push ups, pull ups, squats, jump rope, burpees, rows, mountain climbers, curls, extensions, lateral raises, etc. with those basic things. Try to act like you're at the gym (meaning don't focus on all of your body parts every day) and write down your goals and your plan ahead of time. As soon as you can, get a gym membership though. Good luck man, it cam be done.


Post my lifts - as in film them, or my greasy paper containing my current max?

Yes, video them. You'll get very good responses and evaluation from folks here. Even when you "know" the lifts it's a good thing to do, because people in general are pretty bad at critiquing themselves. When you are having issues especially, getting someone to look at your lifting form is invaluable.


Hey guys, how is everyone january going? I dont post much in here but i read everything and its great to see everybody working hard.

Ive decided that i want to hit the gym every day. Mostly because i love the training itself, but also because my body just feels better when i get a workout in every day. For the last year ive been doing 5 workouts in the gym and 2 off days with stretching and mobility work. So I guess the leap to 7 days a week wasnt that great.

Basically i work out every day unless i dont feel like it (weird huh?) and ive been at it for a month now. If anyone is interested i can post a bit more detailed overview of how i do it concerning spesific workouts, workout load, RPE etc. If not, just continue what you guys are doing. Its a pleasure reading this thread each day.


Hey guys, how is everyone january going? I dont post much in here but i read everything and its great to see everybody working hard.

Ive decided that i want to hit the gym every day. Mostly because i love the training itself, but also because my body just feels better when i get a workout in every day. For the last year ive been doing 5 workouts in the gym and 2 off days with stretching and mobility work. So I guess the leap to 7 days a week wasnt that great.

Basically i work out every day unless i dont feel like it (weird huh?) and ive been at it for a month now. If anyone is interested i can post a bit more detailed overview of how i do it concerning spesific workouts, workout load, RPE etc. If not, just continue what you guys are doing. Its a pleasure reading this thread each day.

Hey man, it may work for you, but working out every single day is definitely not recommended. If you run a machine constantly, it breaks down...same with your body. Why don't you increase the volume or intensity of your workouts and stick to 5 days or so? If you've already tried that and get a better workout 7 days on, more power to you.


Hello GAF, quick and maybe silly question. When I do pushups, one of my hands is slightly (maybe an inch) ahead of the other, is anything wrong with that? In other words, when I place both hands on the ground, my right hand is perhaps just a slightly bit higher up than my left, instead of both hands being symmetrical. Same thing with my legs when I do squats. My right leg is slightly higher ahead than my left. If I try to balance/even out my hands or legs, it feels weird.

To add to BumRush's post, see if you have scoliosis because I have minor scoliosis since I was a kid. As a result, my right shoulder is slightly lower than my left shoulder so anything that needs to be done evenly or balanced feels weird. And I kind of see it in my feet...? For me it's the foot angle.
Hey man, it may work for you, but working out every single day is definitely not recommended. If you run a machine constantly, it breaks down...same with your body.

Yup. Rest is as an important part of training as the training itself. If you aren't resting properly then you're wasting a ton of the work you're doing at the gym.

Sleep well, eat well, destress.


ugh....i'm a mental (and physical) weakling...

i totally let the holidays sidelines me...and that led to anxiety about my health...trying to pick myself up and dust myself off...

gained like 7-10 pounds over the holidays and i'm disgusted with myself



Yup. Rest is as an important part of training as the training itself. If you aren't resting properly then you're wasting a ton of the work you're doing at the gym.

Sleep well, eat well, destress.

Psycho nailed it. You may "feel" like you're doing better, going every day, but your gains won't reflect that. Plus you'll have a couple of days to relax.

ugh....i'm a mental (and physical) weakling...

i totally let the holidays sidelines me...and that led to anxiety about my health...trying to pick myself up and dust myself off...

gained like 7-10 pounds over the holidays and i'm disgusted with myself


Dude, 99% of people did the same exact thing you did. Get back on the horse...start slow...and you'll be back where you need to be in no time.


Post my lifts - as in film them, or my greasy paper containing my current max?

Yup, film and post here.


Bum rush, thanks for the kind words earlier :). This community is really great.

I can't even imagine how much free time gets sucked away when you have a kid. I might go full garage gym like Brolic whenever my wife and I decide to have our first.


Can't get myself motivated at the gym, guys what do you say about joining a Kickboxing program? The studio gym where they do it at goes 4 days a week about 14 people. 1st hour cardio/punching bag work, 2nd hour technique. I am looking solely to cut weight.


Hmm. My hamstrings are feeling really tight after my weights session yesterday. Like there's muscle pain but this is something different. Not good :(
Can't get myself motivated at the gym, guys what do you say about joining a Kickboxing program? The studio gym where they do it at goes 4 days a week about 14 people. 1st hour cardio/punching bag work, 2nd hour technique. I am looking solely to cut weight.

Well, 2 hours of that would certainly burn a shitload of calories. As always though, you can't outwork a shit diet... so if you have a poor diet, and you want to lose weight, address that first.

I might go full garage gym like Brolic whenever my wife and I decide to have our first.

I'm (hopefully) moving some time in the next 6 months, which should give me my garage back... which means proper power rack again. \o/


Hey man, it may work for you, but working out every single day is definitely not recommended. If you run a machine constantly, it breaks down...same with your body. Why don't you increase the volume or intensity of your workouts and stick to 5 days or so? If you've already tried that and get a better workout 7 days on, more power to you.

Yup. Rest is as an important part of training as the training itself. If you aren't resting properly then you're wasting a ton of the work you're doing at the gym.

Sleep well, eat well, destress.

Hey guys, thanks for the concern i appreciate you looking out for me.

Ive only been doing it for a month so far, and of course thats not enough time to really say if its good or bad. But seeing as i have been lifting for 22 years now i pretty much know my body in and out.

Im working with one of the best (if not the best) coaches in Norway and have for a couple of years. So im thinking (and hoping) that out battle plan will work.

But hell yeah, i wont recommend it to anybody else. But after this many years of training i love to try something new and push the limit to see what happends.


Hey guys, thanks for the concern i appreciate you looking out for me.

Ive only been doing it for a month so far, and of course thats not enough time to really say if its good or bad. But seeing as i have been lifting for 22 years now i pretty much know my body in and out.

Im working with one of the best (if not the best) coaches in Norway and have for a couple of years. So im thinking (and hoping) that out battle plan will work.

But hell yeah, i wont recommend it to anybody else. But after this many years of training i love to try something new and push the limit to see what happends.

I'm glad you qualified, since beginners DEFINITELY should not be doing this. Let us know how it works out!


Well, 2 hours of that would certainly burn a shitload of calories. As always though, you can't outwork a shit diet... so if you have a poor diet, and you want to lose weight, address that first.

Will do, my thinking is between 2hrs of focusing on kickboxing and work the rest of the day will mean less time left to my own devices to eat crap and lay on the couch.


Yup, film and post here.


Bum rush, thanks for the kind words earlier :). This community is really great.

I can't even imagine how much free time gets sucked away when you have a kid. I might go full garage gym like Brolic whenever my wife and I decide to have our first.

Got a mate to film my squat earlier, just waiting for him to send it.

Had no way to film my press or power clean, the gym was incredibly packed today, no idea why - it was 4pm for fucks sake.

I'm glad you qualified, since beginners DEFINITELY should not be doing this. Let us know how it works out!

I had been running for 3 years, with a marathon under my belt and all - one week I decided to try a new program that consisted of running each and every day, with my regular 15-25km runs on every second day, and 7km runs on offdays.

11 days of that and I had a knee injury that I still suffer from, 2 years later. Not saying MrMuscle shouldn't continue, but listen very carefully to your body.
Hey guys, thanks for the concern i appreciate you looking out for me.

Ive only been doing it for a month so far, and of course thats not enough time to really say if its good or bad. But seeing as i have been lifting for 22 years now i pretty much know my body in and out.

Im working with one of the best (if not the best) coaches in Norway and have for a couple of years. So im thinking (and hoping) that out battle plan will work.

Is it Borge Fagerli aka Blade (the only Norwegian coach I ever heard of lol)?


I had been running for 3 years, with a marathon under my belt and all - one week I decided to try a new program that consisted of running each and every day, with my regular 15-25km runs on every second day, and 7km runs on offdays.

11 days of that and I had a knee injury that I still suffer from, 2 years later. Not saying MrMuscle shouldn't continue, but listen very carefully to your body.

Hell yeah man, im paying close attention.

Is it Borge Fagerli aka Blade (the only Norwegian coach I ever heard of lol)?

Haha yeah it actually is.
Hey guys, don't post on this topic much but I wanna see if anyone's got some advice:

So I have some tendinitis in my elbows from what I think is messed up form on some exercises. Most likely because I was wrenching my wrist/forearm subconsciously to assist in chin-ups (don't do this =( ). Compounding with bench press, I had soreness in my elbows for a while. Has anyone had to deal with this? I'm trying to do some rehab exercises after resting it for a while and I don't know when I should get back on heavy lifting. I'm really only doing squats right now, stayed off bench for the most part and deadlifts as well.

I guess the plus side is that my squat is now at 335 lbs? Anyways, any advice is appreciated.


Got hit with the same cold I got earlier this year. It's wrecking my sleep but still feel strong. Going to decide today after lunch if i have it in me for 1s week.

Tater Tot

"My God... it's full of Starch!"
Yeah! I can now do weighted chinups with 50 lbs for 4 reps :D. My lifetime goal is to get to 90 lbs for 5 reps.


Brolic!! Destroyed 385 on flat bench. I didn't use a full leg drive and Arch but a modified virsions of both were I kept tension in my core and legs and agusted the angle of my chest and blew up 385 esay. Thank you for the advise. Still a work in progress though.

Edit: my grammar and spelling skills suck between sets!


Junior Member
Hey guys, thanks for the concern i appreciate you looking out for me.

Ive only been doing it for a month so far, and of course thats not enough time to really say if its good or bad. But seeing as i have been lifting for 22 years now i pretty much know my body in and out.

Im working with one of the best (if not the best) coaches in Norway and have for a couple of years. So im thinking (and hoping) that out battle plan will work.

But hell yeah, i wont recommend it to anybody else. But after this many years of training i love to try something new and push the limit to see what happends.

I train every day. It works for me. If I don't want to train, I won't, but I'm not going to stay away from the gym to top off some magical recovery fuel tank.


Junior Member
Brolic!! Destroyed 385 on flat bench. I didn't use a full leg drive and Arch but a modified virsions of both were I kept tension in my core and legs and agusted the angel of my chest and blew up 385 esay. Thank you for the advise. Still a work in progress though.

Holy shit. Insane. Nice dude!!!!
Brolic!! Destroyed 385 on flat bench. I didn't use a full leg drive and Arch but a modified virsions of both were I kept tension in my core and legs and agusted the angel of my chest and blew up 385 esay. Thank you for the advise. Still a work in progress though.
Nice work big guy. :)


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Brolic!! Destroyed 385 on flat bench. I didn't use a full leg drive and Arch but a modified virsions of both were I kept tension in my core and legs and agusted the angle of my chest and blew up 385 esay. Thank you for the advise. Still a work in progress though.

Edit: my grammar and spelling skills suck between sets!
If you destroyed 385 I expect to see a video of 405 in the near future. Nicely done brother!


Can't get myself motivated at the gym, guys what do you say about joining a Kickboxing program? The studio gym where they do it at goes 4 days a week about 14 people. 1st hour cardio/punching bag work, 2nd hour technique. I am looking solely to cut weight.

IMO, the most important thing about a group program is how you feel about the instructor. If you think that the instructor is someone that you can benefit from, then I say go for it.


Brolic!! Destroyed 385 on flat bench. I didn't use a full leg drive and Arch but a modified virsions of both were I kept tension in my core and legs and agusted the angle of my chest and blew up 385 esay. Thank you for the advise. Still a work in progress though.

Edit: my grammar and spelling skills suck between sets!

Honestly, you were so pumped from the 385 press that you destroyed the English language. Well done!!!


Brolic!! Destroyed 385 on flat bench. I didn't use a full leg drive and Arch but a modified virsions of both were I kept tension in my core and legs and agusted the angle of my chest and blew up 385 esay. Thank you for the advise. Still a work in progress though.

Edit: my grammar and spelling skills suck between sets!

405 is within your grasp!
How to troll 10/10:

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