Yup, film and post here.
So here's my squat
I feel like I usually have more focus while doing it, but the cameraman made me a bit shaky.
That was with the added 5kg for todays squat, and I managed to do 5x45kg 5x45kg 4x45kg.
Yup, film and post here.
Make the video unlisted, not private.So here's my squat
I feel like I usually have more focus while doing it, but the cameraman made me a bit shaky.
That was with the added 5kg for todays squat, and I managed to do 5x45kg 5x45kg 4x45kg.
Make the video unlisted, not private.
The first rep it wasn't so bad but u can really see it on the second one...chest really drops.At the bottom of the rep you're dropping your chest, which probably means you're bringing the bar down to be ahead of your midfoot instead of going straight down. It also means your core isn't tight enough.
Brolic!! Destroyed 385 on flat bench. I didn't use a full leg drive and Arch but a modified virsions of both were I kept tension in my core and legs and agusted the angle of my chest and blew up 385 esay. Thank you for the advise. Still a work in progress though.
Edit: my grammar and spelling skills suck between sets!
How'd I miss this? Fucking grown ass man you are!
Jesus Christ
Aawwwwww yiss!
I am always so amazed what kind of numbers you lads are talking about. You are starting to be quite a big boy.
No video? Da fuq? Congrats anyway man. Next to pass 6 hundo maybe? You and immortal can race!
As long as you're not sneezing all over I say go and see how your warm ups feel
so, I heard in order to burn fat I should run at a slower pace and for a longer period of time, like 40 minutes. Is this correct?
Technically, yes... lower heart rate means a higher percentage of your calories come from fat. Practically, no... because if you can do just as many minutes at a higher heart rate then you'll be burning just as much fat anyway because even though a lower percentage is being burned from fat, you're burning more in total.
Quick example... 150 kcal burned, 50% fat, 75 kcal of fat. 250 kcal burned, 30% fat, 75 kcal of fat.
A lot of people do high intensity interval training for their cardio these days as it revs up the metabolism helping you to burn fat when you're not training.
Thanks for the explanation, Psychotext! I'll try to run 45 minutes at a comfortable pace. I normally run 4 km in about 24 minutes. Not awesome but....
At the bottom of the rep you're dropping your chest, which probably means you're bringing the bar down to be ahead of your midfoot instead of going straight down. It also means your core isn't tight enough.
The first rep it wasn't so bad but u can really see it on the second one...chest really drops.
even so, since he's stalling at a low weight, I would have expected a much worse form,
that's pretty decent, good range of motion, good mobility and flexibility.
Next time record that shit. Well done.
I really appreciate the feedback. I think I was a bit overwhelmed by the weight at first so it took some time getting my balance right, I feel like my 2nd and 3rd set was much better in that regard. I'll try to focus on that come wednesday.
Can't get myself motivated at the gym, guys what do you say about joining a Kickboxing program? The studio gym where they do it at goes 4 days a week about 14 people. 1st hour cardio/punching bag work, 2nd hour technique. I am looking solely to cut weight.
Anyone have a decent HIIT program that can be done like in a hotel type gym setup?
Bart Kwan uses bands in some of his workouts. He uses orange bands. Buy them from EliteFTS. See if you can find some people who are interesting in buying some items from EliteFTS or just buy more bands because the shipping is just stupid expensive (especially for one item) back when I bought bands last Thanksgiving '13; I was lucky enough to have two other friends that wanted to buy bands so we split the shipping to around $3-3.25/person. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBvOPZhXHVY Feel free to look at his other (deadlift) videos. He also uses the orange bands for banded speed squats.Anyone have experience with bands? I'm thinking about buying some to help get my deadlift up. Any insight on what length or tension level I should get would be appreciated.
If it helps I'm 5"10 with a roughly average convential deadlift ROM. I won't be pulling from a deficit or blocks since I don't have any decent way to do that at the gyms which I train at.
Ok married fitGAF do you lift with your ring on? Mine is pinching my hand in between the ring and bar and sometimes its quite painful and I can't grip as well as I can with the other hand.
Ok married fitGAF do you lift with your ring on? Mine is pinching my hand in between the ring and bar and sometimes its quite painful and I can't grip as well as I can with the other hand.
Get obese for a couple of years, then lose the weight
Google degloving.
After you throw up from the pictures, you'll never wear your ring to the gym again.
Anyone have a decent HIIT program that can be done like in a hotel type gym setup?
Ok lol I'll take your word on that no more ring....aww crap curiosity got the best of me OMG that looks awful
That's what I've been doing - was maybe gonna throw in burpees or somethingCould just do 30/30 x 15 or something on one of the exercise bikes no?
Yeah pretty much the most basic setupWhat do you mean, bud? Do they have a treadmill / bike / elliptical? Just do 30/30 X 10 or 15 one one of those machines.
Yeah, I definitely don't wear mine when I lift.
Bodybuilding GAF, how do I get bigger calves? I feel like my lower legs are puny as fuck. I like my quads and glutes okay but I want proportionally big calves!
Also bought some slim fit jeans on sale from banana republic and I think I'm in love.
Also bought some slim fit jeans on sale from banana republic and I think I'm in love.
That's what I've been doing - was maybe gonna throw in burpees or something
Can't get my thighs in slim fit jeans. I look ridiculous if I try.
(Doesn't help that I have no ass, it looks like someone stole it)
I really should try some of those SEXY CROTCH THRUSTS to see if I can build it up a bit. Or get implants, whatever ends up sexier.
So what happens when you kinda hate boxer briefs but like slim fit jeans? Dilemmas.
So what happens when you kinda hate boxer briefs but like slim fit jeans? Dilemmas.
I really should try some of those SEXY CROTCH THRUSTS to see if I can build it up a bit. Or get implants, whatever ends up sexier.
What do you hate about boxer briefs? Too restrictive? Look for ones that have a bigger junk holder.
IDGAF, I do a variation of these at the gym, I probably look ridiculous, but it has helped my glutes and hamstrings. My ass looking nice as fuck now.
This is what I was looking for.I probably won't ever wear "regular fit" or "relaxed fit" jeans again!
Also, I love your username.
Oh! Open up your workout with 30/30 X 10 on the treadmill (30 seconds of sprint, 30 of light job).
Then, do 5 circuits of push-ups, pull-ups, burpees, mountain climbers.
Pick yourself up off the floor.