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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Then thats pretty poor programing for that goal.

Pick a strength program that emphasizes linear progression and constantly adding weight so you can build a solid strength base. Stick to the program exactly, don't make it your own.

Ivan, listen to Sean. You won't achieve your goals with that plan. SS or another progression program will get you there with hard work and dedication. Focus on compounds with only two or three accessory lifts per workout. If I was going to start all over with YOUR goal in mind that is literally exactly what I would do.

hahaha good to know! I don't which one I should do, I think I'll mix them.

If you only have time for one, I'd do parallel bar dips as they engage your larger chest more
Ivan, listen to Sean. You won't achieve your goals with that plan. SS or another progression program will get you there with hard work and dedication. Focus on compounds with only two or three accessory lifts per workout. If I was going to start all over with YOUR goal in mind that is literally exactly what I would do.

Then thats pretty poor programing for that goal.

Pick a strength program that emphasizes linear progression and constantly adding weight so you can build a solid strength base. Stick to the program exactly, don't make it your own.

I came for advice and I'll admit my first response wanted to be "but I keep lifting heavier stuff". I will take another crack at SL 5x5. Last time I tried I burned through it too fast and felt like I might be wasting my time. Truth is, I don't have an end date in mind so I should be more generous with my time and try out something new instead of sticking to what I know.


I came for advice and I'll admit my first response wanted to be "but I keep lifting heavier stuff". I will take another crack at SL 5x5. Last time I tried I burned through it too fast and felt like I might be wasting my time. Truth is, I don't have an end date in mind so I should be more generous with my time and try out something new instead of sticking to what I know.

The first few weeks can feel impossibly easy but it catches up to you soon after! Good luck man. Update us on your progress.

Also, if the program doesn't make you happy or turns you off to working out, pop back in here. That's never good either.
I think you're legit the biggest person in this thread.
Haha no way. Maybe up there as far as bodybuilding size, but I think keezy and Immort4l are way bigger and leaner

Clearly I must look bigger than I am in pictures if you think we are of equal size. That or the body dismorphia is strong with you my son.

Always walk? How far is your gym?
Haha, we have to be, you've put on some good size lately.

My gym is like a 10 minute lazy walk. So it's close, that's why I never drive lol.

Also, Spiritreaver you're big buddy. Don't you usually sit around 200-210? Cooter bulking is around 190-200 iirc.

Decided on a show. July 4th, so I'm 22 weeks out right now. At 20 weeks going to cut calories to 3500. Then at 16 weeks probably start adding cardio etc.
I'm 212 right now at about 15% or so. I'd have to get it measured, but it's on the higher side right now. I'm 5'9ish.

You're gonna rock that show, you have a great physique. Your proportions are sweet by my eye, plus you have quads. You'll have a great time.

I'm pushing 210 at the moment but I'm easily 16+ percent. Darth, oops, SR is 12% or lower right now at 200 pounds. He's much bigger than me. I think he was just being modest. The guy is huge.
Seriously, you're a beast. We gotta be pretty damn close right now and you're way stronger.


Busy as heck at work today, couldn't hit the gym, but will for sure tomorrow. I also just could not eat more then 2 pieces of cake today, and the 2nd one i had to force down my throat, i am just never ever hungry anymore.

Oh well. Tomorrow is a new day.


I'm 212 right now at about 15% or so. I'd have to get it measured, but it's on the higher side right now. I'm 5'9ish.

You're gonna rock that show, you have a great physique. Your proportions are sweet by my eye, plus you have quads. You'll have a great time.

Okay you guys are close, just probably hold size on different places.

Speaking of my quads... A pro today saw me. She was asking when my show was. I told her 22 weeks out. She then said I'd do well cause I'm short.
I'm like 6 foot.


I lift at least 4 days a week, but it's been a while since I've tried to commit to a workout routine or goal. I usually just stick to my tried-and-true workouts and don't think much about it but I'd like to change that. Where should I go to find good workout routines? I think my optimal goal would be to put on 5-10 pounds of lean muscle.
So it took a few days longer, but I have my videos up. Looking back at them, I'm going to need to look into ways to get my phone positioned or mounted better, especially because I work out at a small gym that rarely has more than 1 person in the Weight lifting area.

A set of Squats

A set of Benchpresses

First set of Deadlifts

Second set of Deadlifts (Redone to compare angles, though my form seems different so its worth showing here)

I feel like I may need to look again at SS, which I haven't taken notes from since when I first started in November.


Unconfirmed Member
Hey guys, what do you do for your diet/food to reach 3k plus calories? I live in the UK and have no idea what's the best approach to buy food and cook. I've only done a few recipes from a cook book and that's all!

I want to make sure I get the cooking food and diet side prepared and done right so I can keep to macros, as well learning the right way to do all the required lifting. I am going to start with the bar just only and then work myself up each week so I can get this done right and then be ready by a few months and do it correctly (I am doing some cardio for now so I can keep body fat lower and at bay before all of above).


Hey guys, what do you do for your diet/food to reach 3k plus calories? I live in the UK and have no idea what's the best approach to buy food and cook. I've only done a few recipes from a cook book and that's all!

I want to make sure I get the cooking food and diet side prepared and done right so I can keep to macros, as well learning the right way to do all the required lifting. I am going to start with the bar just only and then work myself up each week so I can get this done right and then be ready by a few months and do it correctly (I am doing some cardio for now so I can keep body fat lower and at bay before all of above).

I eat around 3000-3200 kcal a day and my diet looks like this:

Meal 1:
80g oatmeal
2 eggs
50g low fat quark
100g coconut milk
Fresh berries

Meal 2:
2 slices of sourdough bread
120g chicken breast
50g coconut milk
20g salmon oil

400g fruit juice (not concentrate)
30g Vitargo (carb powder)

Meal 3:
200g rice
170g chicken breast
100g coconut milk
20g dark chocolate (minimum 70% cocoa)

Meal 4:
50g rice
270g chicken breast

Ive found foods that my body seems to like, and it also taste awesome.


Unconfirmed Member
I eat around 3000-3200 kcal a day and my diet looks like this:

Meal 1:
80g oatmeal
2 eggs
50g low fat quark
100g coconut milk
Fresh berries

Meal 2:
2 slices of sourdough bread
120g chicken breast
50g coconut milk
20g salmon oil

400g fruit juice (not concentrate)
30g Vitargo (carb powder)

Meal 3:
200g rice
170g chicken breast
100g coconut milk
20g dark chocolate (minimum 70% cocoa)

Meal 4:
50g rice
270g chicken breast

Ive found foods that my body seems to like, and it also taste awesome.

That's a pretty good list there. Do you tend to stick to this mostly or mix it a little? Are you from the UK and do you buy your chicken breast frozen and cook it yourself, etc? I can see the price for all above not being too crazily expensive.


That's a pretty good list there. Do you tend to stick to this mostly or mix it a little? Are you from the UK and do you buy your chicken breast frozen and cook it yourself, etc? I can see the price for all above not being too crazily expensive.

I like to stick to my main food sources just because my stomach seems to react well to them. But im always adaptable, some lean ground meat instead of chicken etc is no problem.

I live in Norway, so not that far off :) I buy my chicken raw but not frozen, i tend to forget to take it out of the freezer when i do. And then im in a pickle! I also cook all my food yeah, it really doesnt take that much time when you get used to it.

I spend around 30 minutes in the morning before work making meal 1 and 2 (meal 1 is overnight oats, so its basically ready when i get up). Then when i get back home in the evening i put all the rice in a rice cooker and just prepare my chicken and put the overnight oats in the fridge. Maybe 1 hour total every day max preparing food.
I tend to buy my chicken in bulk (~20 breasts) then freeze them all individually. Doesn't take too long to defrost on a per breast basis, but I really should learn to get out three or four breasts the night before.


I came for advice and I'll admit my first response wanted to be "but I keep lifting heavier stuff". I will take another crack at SL 5x5. Last time I tried I burned through it too fast and felt like I might be wasting my time. Truth is, I don't have an end date in mind so I should be more generous with my time and try out something new instead of sticking to what I know.

Something like Strong Lifts 5x5 starts off very easy. It's going to ramp up fairly quickly. Honestly you have to stick with a program and you can't expect results immediately.


Sup guys

While I'm not new to working out (I have a program in place) I am new at the whole supplement thing. Bodybuilding.com has a suggestion for fat burner which goes as follows:

BPI Sports Rewired Fat Loss Stack

I don't think the capsules are necessary from what I've read, but I've heard good things about the other 3 products. Is Whey really that good? Are the pre and post workout powders (BCAA, Vortex) good? Do they help?

My goal is to cut fat. I gain muscle relatively easy so I am not worried about that and my routine/diet has been working well for me so far, but will they help or will my progress be about the same?


Junior Member
Sup guys

While I'm not new to working out (I have a program in place) I am new at the whole supplement thing. Bodybuilding.com has a suggestion for fat burner which goes as follows:

BPI Sports Rewired Fat Loss Stack

I don't think the capsules are necessary from what I've read, but I've heard good things about the other 3 products. Is Whey really that good? Are the pre and post workout powders (BCAA, Vortex) good? Do they help?

My goal is to cut fat. I gain muscle relatively easy so I am not worried about that and my routine/diet has been working well for me so far, but will they help or will my progress be about the same?

If your routine and diet is working then don't worry about supplements--especially bullshit "fat loss" ones.


Thought you were already super skinny? Not judging your goals, just honestly thought you were already pretty skinny.

You aren't necessarily wrong, but I was like 20% BF based on looking at the mirror and comparing myself to the BF% estimate charts/pictures. I spoke with iLoveBish about it and decided to just get to the BF% I am happy with and then alternate between lean bulking and recomping.
I would feel better being lean for the rest of my fitness journey.


I keep failing on 275x5 on bench on the 1x5 sets even though I hit 295 on 1x3 during my last cycle. It's incredibly frustrating. I even ate this morning and took 4 minutes between the last two sets


Sup guys

While I'm not new to working out (I have a program in place) I am new at the whole supplement thing. Bodybuilding.com has a suggestion for fat burner which goes as follows:

BPI Sports Rewired Fat Loss Stack

I don't think the capsules are necessary from what I've read, but I've heard good things about the other 3 products. Is Whey really that good? Are the pre and post workout powders (BCAA, Vortex) good? Do they help?

My goal is to cut fat. I gain muscle relatively easy so I am not worried about that and my routine/diet has been working well for me so far, but will they help or will my progress be about the same?

Steve P and I were just talking about this. When something is working, why change it? Just keep doing what you're doing.


Junior Member
I know cf is a dirty word around here but I did a cf competition with a couple of my swolemates this past weekend and pulled an easy 485# DL. 500 sooooooooon (I hope). We ended up taking 5th place out of like 30 teams. Pretty stoked.


I know cf is a dirty word around here but I did a cf competition with a couple of my swolemates this past weekend and pulled an easy 485# DL. 500 sooooooooon (I hope). We ended up taking 5th place out of like 30 teams. Pretty stoked.

Very nice. I'm sure you'll hit 500 in the next couple months.

Speaking of CF my shoes already came in

Not bad for 50.00 shipped. Gonna take them for a squat spin tonight. I've never worn this style of shoe before. It feels perfect on the sides but the toes feel just short by a little bit. I feel like 10.5 would have been too small given how the sides feel


Junior Member
Very nice. I'm sure you'll hit 500 in the next couple months.

Speaking of CF my shoes already came in

Not bad for 50.00 shipped. Gonna take them for a squat spin tonight. I've never worn this style of shoe before. It feels perfect on the sides but the toes feel just short by a little bit. I feel like 10.5 would have been too small given how the sides feel

Those are slick. What are they called?


Would be interested in knowing how they are. They're currently fairly significantly reduced in the UK (if you buy the ugly ones anyway) and I don't have any lifting footwear right now.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Lets do this Coots!

Take 90% of your 1RM and bust out a 10x1.

I try to keep rest time to 2 minutes between sets.
Two minutes?! You're killing me. Problem is I don't know what my 1RM is... Last year I went 95% with 5 min rests and it was quite possibly the most difficult thing I've ever done in a gym. I'll figure it out and report the results tonight.


Two minutes?! You're killing me. Problem is I don't know what my 1RM is... Last year I went 95% with 5 min rests and it was quite possibly the most difficult thing I've ever done in a gym. I'll figure it out and report the results tonight.

I just like to keep the rest period short so I'm not there all night, but take as much time as you need :)

Yes, it's very very hard. But surprisingly reps 6-8 aren't that bad.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I just like to keep the rest period short so I'm not there all night, but take as much time as you need :)

Yes, it's very very hard. But surprisingly reps 6-8 aren't that bad.
After 5 my adrenaline kicked in and my form was dialed in. I agree, the back half is easier. I think I'll give 510 a shot. Two weeks ago I pulled 485 for 3 and then again for two. That's probably more than 90 though. I sincerely doubt my max is 566. Haha
I don't know where my 1RM lies as far as bench or squat. Haven't been focused on that in a while. I think I will try a more specific program in September.

Still be squatting and benching heavy when I can.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
You could always test your 1RM tonight and in a couple weeks go for the 10x1 :)
True. I'm kinda saving that for the end of this bulk but that is an idea. I need to start getting jacked up right now if I'm planning on maxing tonight!!


Does anyone here have opinions on sixstar whey protein plus? I'm short on money and I saw a 2lb tub goes for $19.99, whereas my normal protein(Cellucor Whey) goes for $39.99 for 2lb.

There are some serious flaws in all of your lifts (especially the bench press and deadlift). I suggest you reread the SS book again and look up Alan Thrall's how to videos on YouTube (which really helped me) and start with the bar.

Here are some specific problems I've noticed:

Squat: not breaking at the hips, you're looking up (dangerous for your cervical spine)
Bench: no lower back arch, no leg drive
Deadlift:squatting the weight instead of driving your hips back, hyperextending lower back
Overall: you seem to be loose on all of your lifts


Does anyone here have opinions on sixstar whey protein plus? I'm short on money and I saw a 2lb tub goes for $19.99, whereas my normal protein(Cellucor Whey) goes for $39.99 for 2lb.

Pretty sure I saw that brand on a list that advertised like 20g of protein per scoop when it only had like less than ten or something.


Does anyone here have opinions on sixstar whey protein plus? I'm short on money and I saw a 2lb tub goes for $19.99, whereas my normal protein(Cellucor Whey) goes for $39.99 for 2lb.

Isn't that one sold at Wal-Mart? I'd research it some more before pulling the trigger.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
FE what's your upper body accessory work at? What's your current routine? Curious how it's changed from ye olden days.


Pretty sure I saw that brand on a list that advertised like 20g of protein per scoop when it only had like less than ten or something.

Was it this list?


According to that (and granted that's a two year old study) Six Star has, if I'm reading and using my calculator in this bumpy car ride correctly, 23g when it claims 30. Not great, but all things considered not terrible either. Certainly better choices but the difference in price may justify it.

I'd also be interested in the metals content studies though, which im having a hard time finding ATM.
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