I guess all of it? What time you train, when you eat, when you stop eating, how many calories, how many meals, etc.?
I guess I'm trying to figure out a good schedule for myself since I work odd hours.
Would it be possible to fast from, say, 11pm to 3pm, and then consume however many calories I need from 4pm to 10pm?
I'd be training three times a week during fasting hours (anywhere from 11am-1pm)
Does that make sense? And where does carb cycling fit in?
As a general rule for me...
01:00 - 18:00: Fasting (this varies due to work)
16:45: Pre-workout with 10g BCAA then an hour of weights.
18:15: Meal 1, ~50% of calories, most carb heavy.
19:30: 1 hour or more on turbo trainer (cycling training).
20:45: Meal 2. ~30% of calories, fewer carbs.
00.30: Meal 3. ~20% of calories... and no carbs if I can avoid it.
That's basically Leangains, though I often fast longer than 16 hours because of needing to get away from work before I can exercise.
As for carb cycling, I don't personally stress it because I have a set (identical) protein target for every day of the week and eat less calories overall on non lifting days... so by default I eat far fewer carbs when I'm not lifting. Obviously I train twice, but that shouldn't really make any difference other than meaning I eat my last two meals fairly quickly after each other.
How many calories is irrelevant, your numbers are your own to work out. My body is a little broken compared to most here, I can easily bulk on a what some people would consider for cutting.