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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Some of you may remember me asking a substitute for dumbbell bent-over and someone said to try it with a cable machine while sitting. I found a place that looks like this. I have vague idea what to do, but I am a bit uncertain how my arms should move. And as far as I am concerned, torso shouldn't be moving, right? Can someone link me a video of how to do them correctly? Pretty please.


Or as FE, MTP, or Brolic would call it "a light snack".
Lol. I know. So unfair. I would call it "I just ate more than my daily calorie intake". :p
I guess all of it? What time you train, when you eat, when you stop eating, how many calories, how many meals, etc.?

I guess I'm trying to figure out a good schedule for myself since I work odd hours.

Would it be possible to fast from, say, 11pm to 3pm, and then consume however many calories I need from 4pm to 10pm?

I'd be training three times a week during fasting hours (anywhere from 11am-1pm)

Does that make sense? And where does carb cycling fit in?

As a general rule for me...

01:00 - 18:00: Fasting (this varies due to work)
16:45: Pre-workout with 10g BCAA then an hour of weights.
18:15: Meal 1, ~50% of calories, most carb heavy.
19:30: 1 hour or more on turbo trainer (cycling training).
20:45: Meal 2. ~30% of calories, fewer carbs.
00.30: Meal 3. ~20% of calories... and no carbs if I can avoid it.

That's basically Leangains, though I often fast longer than 16 hours because of needing to get away from work before I can exercise.

As for carb cycling, I don't personally stress it because I have a set (identical) protein target for every day of the week and eat less calories overall on non lifting days... so by default I eat far fewer carbs when I'm not lifting. Obviously I train twice, but that shouldn't really make any difference other than meaning I eat my last two meals fairly quickly after each other.

How many calories is irrelevant, your numbers are your own to work out. My body is a little broken compared to most here, I can easily bulk on a what some people would consider for cutting.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Today was supposed to be a light trap bar DL day because of my traditional max Tuesday but ended up finishing at 510x3 on a deficit. Felt good so I kept going.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
As a general rule for me...

01:00 - 18:00: Fasting (this varies due to work)
16:45: Pre-workout with 10g BCAA then an hour of weights.
18:15: Meal 1, ~50% of calories, most carb heavy.
19:30: 1 hour or more on turbo trainer (cycling training).
20:45: Meal 2. ~30% of calories, fewer carbs.
00.30: Meal 3. ~20% of calories... and no carbs if I can avoid it.

That's basically Leangains, though I often fast longer than 16 hours because of needing to get away from work before I can exercise.

As for carb cycling, I don't personally stress it because I have a set (identical) protein target for every day of the week and eat less calories overall on non lifting days... so by default I eat far fewer carbs when I'm not lifting. Obviously I train twice, but that shouldn't really make any difference other than meaning I eat my last two meals fairly quickly after each other.

How many calories is irrelevant, your numbers are your own to work out. My body is a little broken compared to most here, I can easily bulk on a what some people would consider for cutting.

Fantastic! Thank you so much.

Alright, I think I'll try it. I'm ~175 lbs with more belly fat than I'd like. I think I'm going to do a controlled slow cut to get some more definition, while simultaneously tackling another round of Madcow 5x5 to maintain some strength or even perhaps increase it some.

2200 calories on rest days/2800 on workout days. At least 175g of protein/day and about 85g of fat on rest days and 116g on workout days. All this sounds reasonable?

I mean, if it's good for Coots, it's gotta be good for everyone, right?


Some of you may remember me asking a substitute for dumbbell bent-over and someone said to try it with a cable machine while sitting. I found a place that looks like this. I have vague idea what to do, but I am a bit uncertain how my arms should move. And as far as I am concerned, torso shouldn't be moving, right? Can someone link me a video of how to do them correctly? Pretty please.

Here you go. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sVVFmOcfc0


Sorry for horrible quality pic, but the lighting was just right, and you can see how vascular i've been getting. The vein goes from my heart through my shoulder and bicep, during a pump at the gym it looks so good, this is now showing with no flex and pump, had to snap a pic lol.



Brian Burke punched my mom


I failed fitgaf! I couldn't eat them all, they taste like shit. Maybe if they gave me the donuts I had asked for I would have finished...Had 3 glasses of milk to wash it down.


I had visible abs before this and now...

Hi guys, had a brief question. I'm starting a bulking phase this monday for the first time ever. (I'm 5'11" and weigh a 150 pounds. Aiming for 4500 calories a day.) I already work out 4 times a week with free weights.

What I was wondering was will socially driniking alcohol once or twice a week (basically every weekend) really hinder my growth?


Do you not recommend drinking milk? I do drink three cups of milk, which I know contributes to my high calorie intake.
Drink the low fat version if you don't want the calories. (0.1% - 1.5% fat)

Hi guys, had a brief question. I'm starting a bulking phase this monday for the first time ever. (I'm 5'11" and weigh a 150 pounds. Aiming for 4500 calories a day.) I already work out 4 times a week with free weights.

What I was wondering was will socially driniking alcohol once or twice a week (basically every weekend) really hinder my growth?
I wouldn't worry too much as long as it's out of your system before training.


Hi guys, had a brief question. I'm starting a bulking phase this monday for the first time ever. (I'm 5'11" and weigh a 150 pounds. Aiming for 4500 calories a day.) I already work out 4 times a week with free weights.

What I was wondering was will socially driniking alcohol once or twice a week (basically every weekend) really hinder my growth?

Yes. Anytime alky enters the body, your body will take everything not 100% processed and put them into your fat cells quickly so that it can consume the alky quicker. If you want to gain fat, then thats a good plan. If you want to actually gain muscle also, then its a bad idea.


Why does a completely different person fall through on the other side?

It's one of those dimensional holes that can physically alter your reality.

I'm trying to find one that will turn me into Cooter. But with my luck, I'll probably turn into FE's beard.




I failed fitgaf! I couldn't eat them all, they taste like shit. Maybe if they gave me the donuts I had asked for I would have finished...Had 3 glasses of milk to wash it down.

I had visible abs before this and now...

Another person disappointed with Tim Hortons.
I'm going to try the salted caramel shit tomorrow, joining you on that train.
Yes. Anytime alky enters the body, your body will take everything not 100% processed and put them into your fat cells quickly so that it can consume the alky quicker. If you want to gain fat, then thats a good plan. If you want to actually gain muscle also, then its a bad idea.

Citation n
nneeded for this bruh

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Benched no problem today. Beginning to think my collar bone might have popped out and popped back in causing the pop and the weird feeling I have now. Cleaning s barbell feels odd, but benching there's no problem at all.

Here's some close grip work I did at the end of the day. 315x2 and 275x4.

Did a lot of regular high rep work before this and tris were fried.




I failed fitgaf! I couldn't eat them all, they taste like shit. Maybe if they gave me the donuts I had asked for I would have finished...Had 3 glasses of milk to wash it down.


I had visible abs before this and now...


Best post.

God Enel

I only had an oatmeal shake and a pb&j sandwhich today, time to to make up for it...


haha dude. i once ate such a pack from dunkin donuts, it was 5-6 years ago. since then i never ate donuts again. so much sugar.

Btw. at the guys replying to my eating post. thanks dudes.

What do you all think about fatburners?


This is actually a known phenomenon. What it comes down to is that no one wants to look stupid and fall out of the herd's behaviour.
There are studies about this stuff in terms of emergencies and why certain people survive while others dont. And "wait and see" is the reason why some burn and some dont.

From the great book

It might also be because it's almost always nothing. My whole life there have been alarms and we evacuate and it's nothing. Again and again and again for years.

Evo X

Hey guys, this is kind of a general question, but how long does it take to get cut?

I've gotten a lot stronger since I started lifting a few months ago, but have also gotten bulkier at the same time.

I'm only 5'8" and my weight went from 155lbs to 169lbs. At my current strength levels, I look more fat than buff, especially without a pump.

Let's say I want to look lean by May, when should I start a low carb diet?

For reference, this is my progress on common lifts after 3 months taking into account a month off from a slipped bicep tendon and lower back injury.

Starting Squat - 65lbs

Current Squat - 220lbs

Starting Deadlift - 85lbs

Current Deadlift - 250lbs

Starting Bench Press- 85lbs

Current Bench Press - 145lbs

Starting Military Shoulder Press -30lbs

Current Military Shoulder Press - 80lbs

Starting Bicep Curl - 30lbs

Current Bicep Curl - 80lbs

Starting Lat Pulldown - 60lbs

Current Lat Pulldown - 140lbs

I think some bad sleeping habits, random diet, and work stress are leading to suboptimal results. :/
Citation n
nneeded for this bruh

As with most things in fitness, it's no-where near that simple:


In reality, only a small proportion of alcohol is stored as fat, but what it does do is tell your body not to burn fat, so you basically get a similar result.

For what it's worth, I still drink, but generally only one night a week to any meaningful amount. I might have a single beer of a night from time to time.

I think some bad sleeping habits, random diet, and work stress are leading to suboptimal results. :/

I assume you're not talking about suboptimal results on your lifts... because for your timescale that's great progress, and incredible progress given you got injured.


Hey guys, this is kind of a general question, but how long does it take to get cut?

I've gotten a lot stronger since I started lifting a few months ago, but have also gotten bulkier at the same time.

I'm only 5'8" and my weight went from 155lbs to 169lbs. At my current strength levels, I look more fat than buff, especially without a pump.

Let's say I want to look lean by May, when should I start a low carb diet?

For reference, this is my progress on common lifts after 3 months taking into account a month off from a slipped bicep tendon and lower back injury.

I think some bad sleeping habits, random diet, and work stress are leading to suboptimal results. :/

Getting cut is just losing fat after building a decent strength base. You'd lose some strength but the goal is to maintain as much of it as possible. As a beginner I honestly wouldn't worry about cutting and bulking but you ARE getting stronger. My fear is if you cut now, you'll start spinning your wheels. Small strength gains, small weight loss, small strengh gains, repeat.

Whereas if you've been at it for say...a year and you've built a really nice base and THEN lose weight, it will be much more noticeable.
For 5'8" and 169 with that much strength you don't have a lot of extra weight. I mean, if you really want to know how much you have to get a hydrostatic weighing and find out what your lean mass really is, but honestly I would have to say based on those numbers you look pretty good already and you won't need long to cut down at all.


Benched no problem today. Beginning to think my collar bone might have popped out and popped back in causing the pop and the weird feeling I have now. Cleaning s barbell feels odd, but benching there's no problem at all.

Here's some close grip work I did at the end of the day. 315x2 and 275x4.

Did a lot of regular high rep work before this and tris were fried.


Best post.

Glad you're not injured bud! If benching is fine you didn't tear a pec


Hey guys, this is kind of a general question, but how long does it take to get cut?

I've gotten a lot stronger since I started lifting a few months ago, but have also gotten bulkier at the same time.

I'm only 5'8" and my weight went from 155lbs to 169lbs. At my current strength levels, I look more fat than buff, especially without a pump.

Let's say I want to look lean by May, when should I start a low carb diet?

For reference, this is my progress on common lifts after 3 months taking into account a month off from a slipped bicep tendon and lower back injury.

I think some bad sleeping habits, random diet, and work stress are leading to suboptimal results. :/

SUBOPTIMAL? Dude you gained 15 lbs and your lifts went through the roof in 3 months. You'll need 8-10 weeks for a good cut but man you're going to lose some of those gains. I'd keep bulking for another month or two then check back in.


I missed the part where he said suboptimal.

Sounds like perfect linear progression to me. You're well on the way to getting strong you just need to stay consistent and give it more time. 3 months is nothing in the big scheme. Were all doing a marathon not a sprint :)
Have decided I'm going to add in a pure bodyweight day to my routine. I've always been massively impressed by the more advanced stuff and I figure I wont do too much harm to my progress in other things.


Switched back to flat shoes for squats today and I haven't felt this strong and stable in weeks. Have any of you tried Reebok crossfit lites? I used to wear chucks and just tried these lites, they are by far the most comfortable shoes I've ever worn.
Was going to buy a pair of those last week, but they put the price back up on them. Will probably grab a set when they're next on sale.


Switched back to flat shoes for squats today and I haven't felt this strong and stable in weeks. Have any of you tried Reebok crossfit lites? I used to wear chucks and just tried these lites, they are by far the most comfortable shoes I've ever worn.

I think Sean grabbed a pair. I'm looking into getting new lifting shoes. Wondering if I should drop the cash for a pair of Adipowers or try one of these Reebok lifting shoes instead...
Switched back to flat shoes for squats today and I haven't felt this strong and stable in weeks. Have any of you tried Reebok crossfit lites? I used to wear chucks and just tried these lites, they are by far the most comfortable shoes I've ever worn.

thought about getting a pair, they look comfy

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Glad you're not injured bud! If benching is fine you didn't tear a pec

Yeah, I wasn't thinking it was a pec especially since no pain, bruising, or balled up tissue. And I was reading up last night and the more I think about it, the more it's possible I dislocated my collar bone and the end of my farmer walks and I might have gotten lucky and it went back in. I'm doing sandbags today so that will be another test.


Junior Member
Sorry for horrible quality pic, but the lighting was just right, and you can see how vascular i've been getting. The vein goes from my heart through my shoulder and bicep, during a pump at the gym it looks so good, this is now showing with no flex and pump, had to snap a pic lol.

Hell yes. I live for that vein. I knew I had made real progress when I see that fuckin vein even without a pump. Nice work.


Junior Member
Quite a few people mentioned that already lol. I'm not worried because I have trust my mobility and flexibility for the most part. Haven't experienced any strain or stress from doing that since I started lifting. I appreciate your concern.

I'm a big fan of just guiding the bar back on heavy deads. It's noisy and people might bitch but the way you're doing it is way safer on your back imo.


Yeah, I wasn't thinking it was a pec especially since no pain, bruising, or balled up tissue. And I was reading up last night and the more I think about it, the more it's possible I dislocated my collar bone and the end of my farmer walks and I might have gotten lucky and it went back in. I'm doing sandbags today so that will be another test.

Did you end up filling the heavier bag yet? Take a video, the ease is super motivational.
anyone like using the trap bar? Still dealing with a kink in my back that make trying to go heavy at all on deads a pain. Tried using the trap bar last time I was at the gym and it felt great


I'm a big fan of just guiding the bar back on heavy deads. It's noisy and people might bitch but the way you're doing it is way safer on your back imo.

I see. It is noisy but everyone seems to be fine with it in both in the university gym I went to (in that video) and in the new gym I'm currently going to. Vast majority of people DLing I've encountered drop the weights and it just rings through the whole gym and to the other rooms.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
anyone like using the trap bar? Still dealing with a kink in my back that make trying to go heavy at all on deads a pain. Tried using the trap bar last time I was at the gym and it felt great
Love it. Just trap bar DL'd last night. Read a few posts up. It's a completely different lift. At least for me.


Last session with Steve today.

Deadlifts. He brought my stance in significantly. Basically one shoe width between my feet. He had my stop squeezing my back (I would squeeze it like I was pulling my lats together) and had me not over exaggerate my arch (leading more to some slight upper back rounding but a shorter range of motion).

So we were working in kilos and he just kept throwing on the weight and saying don't think about it, just lift. So I do my last set of 1 and when Im done he said, "You just hit 440lbs."

HUGE PR for me and I wasn't psyched out at all because I had no idea how much I was lifting lol.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Last session with Steve today.

Deadlifts. He brought my stance in significantly. Basically one shoe width between my feet. He had my stop squeezing my back (I would squeeze it like I was pulling my lats together) and had me not over exaggerate my arch (leading more to some slight upper back rounding but a shorter range of motion).

So we were working in kilos and he just kept throwing on the weight and saying don't think about it, just lift. So I do my last set of 1 and when Im done he said, "You just hit 440lbs."

HUGE PR for me and I wasn't psyched out at all because I had no idea how much I was lifting lol.
This guy is out of control. You are officially on notice FitGaf.

Fan-fucking-tastic Sean!
Last session with Steve today.

Deadlifts. He brought my stance in significantly. Basically one shoe width between my feet. He had my stop squeezing my back (I would squeeze it like I was pulling my lats together) and had me not over exaggerate my arch (leading more to some slight upper back rounding but a shorter range of motion).

So we were working in kilos and he just kept throwing on the weight and saying don't think about it, just lift. So I do my last set of 1 and when Im done he said, "You just hit 440lbs."

HUGE PR for me and I wasn't psyched out at all because I had no idea how much I was lifting lol.

damn thats great!
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