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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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the piano man
Sean, Brolic and some youtube powerlifting motivational videos I've been watching are really bringing me to the strength side.

I want to pursue aesthetic goals, but the passion you get to experience when you are a strength oriented lifter, that can't be compared, at all. The joy of breaking a PR on any major lift is like..... there are no words.

damn I want to go right now to the gym, It's sunday morning, cold but sunny. I'll go there


Brolic, awesome that it seems it ended up being alright after all. Also nice vid like always!

Thank you! You always deliver! ^_^

Sorry for horrible quality pic, but the lighting was just right, and you can see how vascular i've been getting. The vein goes from my heart through my shoulder and bicep, during a pump at the gym it looks so good, this is now showing with no flex and pump, had to snap a pic lol.
Definitely worth the pic! Your arms are looking really sweet nowadays! Also that might very well be the first photo I have ever seen of you. :D

I am so looking forward to see like proper full body comparisons from you!


I had visible abs before this and now...


I can't say that that would look particularly bad either to be honest. :p

Their website has a girl talking to me about how size and girth matter.
Wait... What?

HUGE PR for me and I wasn't psyched out at all because I had no idea how much I was lifting lol.
Oh my gods! That is fantastic!

Sup guys/gals
i think i found my place here.
Love your gamertag - so modest. :p

I was leaning forward.
Ah, the lads in here may sound a bit blunt and harsh sometimes, but they are honestly looking for your best interest.

I am not trying to sound mean, but Brolic most likely knows better than you and I kindly suggest that if he is saying you something, don't try to make excuses, but actually learn from him.

And as a sidenote, you do already look really nice when you are flexing and having a pump. :p Just give it couple years and get a bit more mass and you will be a beautiful beast.

I started working out more regularly recently, and sometimes I feel a slight pain close to my left testicle (like along nerve going from my teste and up). Happens when I do stuff like lunges or squats, or if I just force, even if I flex my abs I feel it. It's not a serious pain, it's just scary, I feel like if I force too much something will pop. Anyone has experienced that?
Do you have any numbness or other odd feelings on your legs? Don't need to be related to lifting.


That's another thing. My left shoulder is tight and closer to my body than my right. It's so awkward looking to me.

Give it time brother. Honestly, anything less than 9 months to a year probably won't mean shit. The best plan of attack is spend A WHILE improving your overall - compounds, the right diets, etc - and after that period of time, start honing key areas. As cliche as it sounds...Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither were Brolic, Darth, Sean, FE, cooter, Bish, szu, Psycho, etc.

When I look at older pictures of me I look awkward as fuck. But you know what, I put in work. I focused on what I wanted and didn't stop until I got there. I'm there now, but it wasn't quick.


Sadetar always bringing some extra positivity here :)

Sean, Brolic and some youtube powerlifting motivational videos I've been watching are really bringing me to the strength side.

I want to pursue aesthetic goals, but the passion you get to experience when you are a strength oriented lifter, that can't be compared, at all. The joy of breaking a PR on any major lift is like..... there are no words.

damn I want to go right now to the gym, It's sunday morning, cold but sunny. I'll go there

You do you man. Pick a goal and stay with it. The nice thing is you can always switch 6 months- year and change goals. The body is pretty adaptable.

It wouldn't matter. I'm looking at an over developed front delt right next to a under developed lateral delt. And I know you're leaning forward, you're also flexing as much head to toe as possible. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

Progress pics won't be that much of a difference for that amount of time of lifting....yea I've gotten bigger (at least that's what people tell me) but I look no where near someone that does strength training and it's only been a year since I became serious with this shit.

So yea dude you look good and all now but wait a year or two and you'll be fucking amazed

Give it time brother. Honestly, anything less than 9 months to a year probably won't mean shit. The best plan of attack is spend A WHILE improving your overall - compounds, the right diets, etc - and after that period of time, start honing key areas. As cliche as it sounds...Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither were Brolic, Darth, Sean, FE, cooter, Bish, szu, Psycho, etc.

When I look at older pictures of me I look awkward as fuck. But you know what, I put in work. I focused on what I wanted and didn't stop until I got there. I'm there now, but it wasn't quick.

Listen to these guys. The advice might not be what you were looking for, but sometimes it's advice we need to hear. It's a slippery slope in fitness once we start making excuses. Instead of saying something like "it's how I was standing" it's better to ask how to hit those lateral delts.

I understand it can be tough to get that response. Brolic....how many times have you given me some straightforward advice? We need to be hit with that reality some times.

It also helps you build that intensity when you go to attack the weights. No excuses. I'm lifting this weight. Once it all gets in your head, you're gonna crumble.


there is joy in sucking dick
So in reassessing my bench grip I've somehow slowly widened my grip over time which has fucked with my gains somewhat. My other lifts are slowly progressing but my bench just feels like a grind. Next bench day I'm bringing in the grip


So in reassessing my bench grip I've somehow slowly widened my grip over time which has fucked with my gains somewhat. My other lifts are slowly progressing but my bench just feels like a grind. Next bench day I'm bringing in the grip

Yeah, that was happening to me too and you're right, it throws off gains. Now I wrap my middle fingers around the same exact spot every time so grip isn't an issue.


So in reassessing my bench grip I've somehow slowly widened my grip over time which has fucked with my gains somewhat. My other lifts are slowly progressing but my bench just feels like a grind. Next bench day I'm bringing in the grip

Maybe post a video up here too. Make sure everything else is looking good.


Do you have any numbness or other odd feelings on your legs? Don't need to be related to lifting.

No it's not numb, it's more like soreness. If I flex my lower abs (as if you try to push them out), I feel it. The reason I think it might be lifting related is because I have felt that in the past, but I wasn't working out regularly as I do now.

I have a meeting with a doctor at the end of the month, I'll go over that and a few other things.


How do you guys vary your calorie and protein intake on days you don't work out? Or do you guys stick to a uniform intake?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
How do you guys vary your calorie and protein intake on days you don't work out? Or are do you guys stick to a uniform intake?
Some here up calories, protein, and carbs on days they work out. I just eat the same numbers every day.


Like Coot, I eat roughly the same amount daily. I'm a little more lax with it lately but I typically have a cheat day where I have 50% more calories

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Sadetar always bringing some extra positivity here :)

You do you man. Pick a goal and stay with it. The nice thing is you can always switch 6 months- year and change goals. The body is pretty adaptable.

Listen to these guys. The advice might not be what you were looking for, but sometimes it's advice we need to hear. It's a slippery slope in fitness once we start making excuses. Instead of saying something like "it's how I was standing" it's better to ask how to hit those lateral delts.

I understand it can be tough to get that response. Brolic....how many times have you given me some straightforward advice? We need to be hit with that reality some times.

It also helps you build that intensity when you go to attack the weights. No excuses. I'm lifting this weight. Once it all gets in your head, you're gonna crumble.

I do it to everyone and I expect it from everyone. No nonsense and honest straightforwardness is the best thing we can do for each other here.


Awesome day lifting outside with a bunch of dudes from my gym. February in Florida and it's 70 and sunny. I look tiny and pale compared to these monsters.


Still looking good.

And damn I'm jealous of the weather. I hate the cold.

I do it to everyone and I expect it from everyone. No nonsense and honest straightforwardness is the best thing we can do for each other here.

Yup. Otherwise it becomes an echo chamber and no one improves.


the piano man
Yup. Otherwise it becomes an echo chamber and no one improves.

I'd also suggest Infinity Patriot to keep the selfie madness and comparisons at a minimum (not in the thread or forum, but in his life).

we all know it's fun to take pics, compare and share and what not but the focus is in the lifts, the activity itself and he seems a bit obsessed with the pic thing.

put the focus somewhere else, not in the pics.
Some here up calories, protein, and carbs on days they work out. I just eat the same numbers every day.

For me protein stays stable at ~155g and calories / carbs go up and down. I burn a lot more on a workout day than most here though because of my cycling training.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Had a really good workout today, so I decided to share a pic.


Been really incorporating gymnastics work into my routine again.

Was surprisingly able to hit a couple muscle-ups, as well as a back lever and prolonged L-sit despite not really doing any calisthenics in months due to being on a bulk/strength routine. This was on top of squatting and power cleaning.

However, I'm lowering my caloric intake for a month or two to kill some of the fat. On that there IF, and for the first time in a LONG time I worked out completely fasted, and felt very strong.


Just did 3X5 DL, 5X5 squats, 3X5 cleans and finished it with some high rep biceps accesory work.

Came upstairs and wife handed me our 14.5 lbs baby and I swear I'm not sure if I'll be able to hold her...
I could see my breath in my garage while I lifted. Fuck you guys.

Always the same for me in the winter. Horrible. :(

When I move I'm going to get insulation put into my garage and maybe even some sort of space heater just to take the edge off until I'm warmed up.


Always the same for me in the winter. Horrible. :(

When I move I'm going to get insulation put into my garage and maybe even some sort of space heater just to take the edge off until I'm warmed up.

Honestly, getting myself to walk in there is the hardest part about lifting right now. But seeing you doing bike marathons, Sean hitting DL PRs every time out, Brolic putting an NFL linebacker in a sack and carrying him around his house, TheyTookOurJobz looking shredded as hell, etc. and I man up and head in...

In the end, my wife needed me to hold the baby so she could make me a half pound of pasta and a pound and a half of mussels for me...1,000+ calories, 100+ grams of protein, delicious.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
I did wanna ask a question for you guys who do intermittent fasting:

Did you ever get dizzy and blurry vision/headaches when you first begin eating after a 16-hour fast? I've noticed that today and yesterday after I had my first meal I suddenly felt dazed. Of course, this is coming from eating everything in sight at any hour of the day for many months, so perhaps my body is just not used to it yet? IF has me feeling INCREDIBLY full on only 1000 calories so far, with minimal hunger pangs until like 3pm.

Just concerned about the side effects thus far. During the fast I feel perfectly fine and alert.


Junior Member
Looking real cut man. It's crazy you work out 7 days a week.

2015--the year of no rest days.

Honestly, getting myself to walk in there is the hardest part about lifting right now. But seeing you doing bike marathons, Sean hitting DL PRs every time out, Brolic putting an NFL linebacker in a sack and carrying him around his house, TheyTookOurJobz looking shredded as hell, etc. and I man up and head in...

In the end, my wife needed me to hold the baby so she could make me a half pound of pasta and a pound and a half of mussels for me...1,000+ calories, 100+ grams of protein, delicious.

Dad strength is real! Strongest squatter at my gym is 40 and just had a baby a few months ago.
I did wanna ask a question for you guys who do intermittent fasting:

Did you ever get dizzy and blurry vision/headaches when you first begin eating after a 16-hour fast?

Yup. I have it right now. It's much worse for me when I take in a very large amount of protein after fasting without having drunk much in the day.


I did wanna ask a question for you guys who do intermittent fasting:

Did you ever get dizzy and blurry vision/headaches when you first begin eating after a 16-hour fast? I've noticed that today and yesterday after I had my first meal I suddenly felt dazed. Of course, this is coming from eating everything in sight at any hour of the day for many months, so perhaps my body is just not used to it yet? IF has me feeling INCREDIBLY full on only 1000 calories so far, with minimal hunger pangs until like 3pm.

Just concerned about the side effects thus far. During the fast I feel perfectly fine and alert.

You are likely low on electrolytes. I take a emergen-c electro mix daily myself.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
You are likely low on electrolytes. I take a emergen-c electro mix daily myself.

Weird, because this morning during my fasted state I drank a glass of Airborne, which is the same thing basically, no? I also felt perfectly fine during my workout.


Weird, because this morning during my fasted state I drank a glass of Airborne, which is the same thing basically, no? I also felt perfectly fine during my workout.

Ive never checked out airborne, from what i understand its more for vitamin-c and getting over sicknesses? The electro mix is strait up electrolytes with 0 carbs, has plenty of potassium and magnesium.


help me fix my busted ass deadlift fitgaf (form video)

just started doing stronglifts 5x5 and eating right in january after not doing anything good for, uh, four years. yeah.

A few things I noticed (others are better at giving feedback than me)

You're loose. Like really loose. Get tight and take and hold a big breath in your gut before you pull at the bottom.

Your ass shoots up first. You want to make it one motion of pulling into yourself.

You have a lot of rounding. This can be fixed by sitting back more in the bottom before the lift.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
help me fix my busted ass deadlift fitgaf (form video)

just started doing stronglifts 5x5 and eating right in january after not doing anything good for, uh, four years. yeah.

Completely FUBAR. Too far from bar, like way way wayyyyy too far from the bar. It may as well be in Egypt and you're in Japan it's so far away. not tight at all and we can't see what you look like from the other angles. Plus this needs to be heavier, but right from the get go it's a complete disaster. Watch some videos on YouTube from elitefts and JL Holdsworth from the spot athletics. Google "the spot athletics deadlift" and "elitefts deadlift."

Start over.

And quit pulling with your damned arms, they should just be hanging thre holding the weight.


going to dedicate the next few days to reading some rippetoe and then post another video thursday

thanks for the help, guys! going to get this right.


doing it now and taking notes to take to the gym. does anyone have suggestions for videos to watch for squats/bench/etc?

Alan Thrall also has good videos for that

Also the EliteFTS series so you think you can squat and so you think you can bench.

All of these helped my form waaaaaay more than Rippetoe
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