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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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For the last year and a half every single pair of pants I own tears/rips at the crotch area over time because of my thighs rubbing together. Every. single. one. It's fucking maddening, man. I'm at least trying to make it to summer without having to buy any more pants but I'm down to 2 pairs.

Just had that happen to me. I blame it more on the shittiness of the khakis than the swoleness of my legs. Sucks that I had just gotten out the car and about to start a shift. Had me covering my crotch the whole day.


Yeah my 38s are getting a bit snug. especially around the thighs and butt.

Hopefully once I incorporate farmers walks and some sprints I'll lose a little extra fat I've accumulated.

These are lucky brand jeans I get from Costco.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
March 1st is my start date too! Wooooooooo.

Let's see, I am around 36-38 waist. Legs are pushing 29ish. Approx 263-265 lbs.


Hey 5/3/1 people, on deload week do you still AMRAP the last set? Do you deload your accessories too?

No and No for me too.
If you read BEYOND 5/3/1, include more volume, even THEN Wendler says that Deloading every 2nd round is enough.

Me personally, I'm using the deload time as another Week 1 cycle, only with more volume and less weight.
So I take everything from Week 1 but I try going between 6 and 8 reps and I dont do joker sets.


the piano man
I am very happy.

Today I almost reached the weight I had reached when my wrist injury happened almost a year ago (it was April) on the Bench Press. I've been extremely careful with form all this time and for the last 9 months I avoided the low rep sets but the last 4 weeks I thought my hands were ready.

I still have an increment to go to reach my last year's PR but today I did 5x3 and that was very very easy, I had 2 or 3 more reps in the tank on every set. Next week I'll do the next increment and from there, I am back on track to try and break PRs.

the most important thing: no weird sensation in my wrist.

it took a year, a FUCKING YEAR


I am very happy.

Today I almost reached the weight I had reached when my wrist injury happened almost a year ago (it was April) on the Bench Press. I've been extremely careful with form all this time and for the last 9 months I avoided the low rep sets but the last 4 weeks I thought my hands were ready.

I still have an increment to go to reach my last year's PR but today I did 5x3 and that was very very easy, I had 2 or 3 more reps in the tank on every set. Next week I'll do the next increment and from there, I am back on track to try and break PRs.

the most important thing: no weird sensation in my wrist.

it took a year, a FUCKING YEAR

That's awesome man...did you do anything to improve your wrist / forearm strength or just built back up there with good form?


the piano man
That's awesome man...did you do anything to improve your wrist / forearm strength or just built back up there with good form?

I just avoided any accesory exercise that would trigger any pain, even the most minimal all this time.

Wrist curls for example, (particularly supinated) are still out of the program completely, they are the worst for me (for obvious reasons)

as for OHP and BP, I just stayed in the 10-20 rep range and tried to pay more attention to form.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Damn, my lifts have slowly been progessing in weight doing SL5x5 but I gotta be slacking on my calories or something. I've been eating chikfila and home cooked pasta chicken for a week now and I somehow lost 3lbs from my last weigh in a week ago.

Time to amp up my milk and calories.
Well, just to make the fat crew feel better, I can no longer fit in the new cycling shorts I bought myself to celebrate hitting my race weight. :(



Bought new jeans at Pacsun and they're tight on my teardrop area of my quad. They were the most non skinny jeans they had, but they still feel skinny.


Bought new jeans at Pacsun and they're tight on my teardrop area of my quad. They were the most non skinny jeans they had, but they still feel skinny.
I can barely fit into my work jeans right now. March 1st will officially be the start of Operation bring the Abs back!
I think we need to now see photos of both of you in those thight jeans... ;)

I'm really fucking stupid, friends.
Awwwww. *pat pat* You will be fine. :p

I am very happy.


it took a year, a FUCKING YEAR
That is brilliant! I am so happy for you! ^_^ I must say that you have had awesome progress during the year none the less. You look totally different compared to when I saw a first picture of you so well done.

Injuries are bloody annoying and it takes time and patience to heal. Can't wait to say the same about my back to be honest.


the piano man
That is brilliant! I am so happy for you! ^_^ I must say that you have had awesome progress during the year none the less. You look totally different compared to when I saw a first picture of you so well done.

thanks Sadetar, you've told me a couple of time this, that I look totally different from a year ago but I hardly ever see it, some pics make good comparisons but day on day, it's just same me all I see.

what I mean is that I want to break throught the "newb phase", regarding physique.

I want more size, definition, strength, you know, what we are all looking for, I think that by the 4th or 5th training year I'll be nearer from what I have in mind.

Most here don't have to carry their gains over the top of ridiculously steep hills. :p

but taking your gains over steep hills will produce even more gains! win/win situation


Anyone good recommendations for fish oil brands I can buy online? Been buying the drugstore brand but if there's something as good and as cheap online I'd like to try it.

I take Nature Made fish oil, specifically this one.
Here's a spreadsheet I made and used, based on my friend's calculations, on which fish oil is cheapest. You can make a copy of the spreadsheet and play around with it.

Mr. X

Good to hear brother. Sometimes that's all it takes. What does your workout look like? What are you trying to accomplish?
Just copy pasting an old post, pretty much unchanged.
Hello Fitness GAF, would like to introduce myself

Been going to the gym since January this year. Was 169, got down to 135 and now I'm at 139-140.

My routine currently is Push, Cardio/Abs, Pull, Cardio/Abs, Legs, Cardio/Abs

I aim for 6 but usually get 5 days a week in.

My goal is the cliche Bruce Lee motivation, trying to maximize strength with low reps, high weights. Think I'm going to aim to bulk soon (at least I think I should). Looking here for the knowledge from the Older Gods.

J. Bravo

I can barely fit into my work jeans right now. March 1st will officially be the start of Operation bring the Abs back!

how long u think it will take to get your abs back? I wasn't planning on starting until april 1st so i could be ready for pool season.


Advice pls. Thank you.

It seems like you have the "big 4" in there (bench, squat, DL, OHP). If I were you - and if you want to continue doing THAT many leg accessory exercises - I'd move DL to your pull day. Also, I'm a huge fan of having an "a" schedule and a "b" schedule for accesories.

For example, today I did 5 sets of bench and 4 of OHP, with incline DB, incline Fly, upright rows and shrugs. When I do the "b" version I will still do my bench and OHP sets, but I will do triceps extensions, lateral raises, front raises and dips.

If you stick to such a rigid schedule with the accesories you will overwork some parts and underwork others.
I don't think I have dumbbells that go that big. lol

I'm sort of glad I'm not that strong, I'd have no money left from buying extra weights.


Worked up to a 285 lb wide grip pause bench. My normal grip is pinky a half finger inside the rings I did this max with my index finger over the ring. I really liked how smooth that wider grip went up and might make that my normal grip now.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination

(Not me in the picture.)

You guys NEED to try towel pull-ups if you haven't already. They will rock your forearms and grip like few exercises. I just did them for the first time and FUCK they hurt.

I have new goals to hit before the summer!

I want to be able to do ten good-form reps of towel pull-ups, as well as dead-hang from a bar by one arm (both sides) for 30 seconds or more, both of which should help me get to my goal of a one-armed pull-up faster, as well as increase my grip strength for deadlifts.

I'm carrying a little weight right now, so I can only dead-hang for 1 minute and 15 seconds or so, and can't hold even a second with one arm. But I've never really tried one-armed training before.

Should be fun!


I read Arnold's Bodybuilding For Men over the weekend. Was entertaining, if not simply for the fact that it's easy to hear Schwarzenegger's voice in his writing, and I could see how that would be inspirational to many people looking to start down the fitness path when it was written.

Gonna try to knock out two plates squatting and 155 bench this week. Have been floating around this number for about a month. Think it's probably due to not eating enough, so I'm trying to eat more, if only to have the necessary energy when I hit the gym at work.

Evo X

Holy shit, that 'body dysmorphia' psychotext posted about a few pages back is REAL.

Remember how I said I thought I didn't look any different?

Well, I compared some pics I took in my underwear before starting lifting to ones I just took after tonight's session and the changes are ridiculous.

Your mind can play tricks on you, but physical evidence doesn't lie.

-Arms easily look ~30% larger.

-Even though I put on 15 pounds, my waist size is down from 33 to 31.

-Got much more definition in my jaw line, traps, pecs, and lats.

-Quads are bulging out of my boxer briefs.

Man, I am so grateful I randomly stumbled into this thread, because it has certainly changed my life for the better!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I thought Vinnie was messing with him.

Nope, no swerves here. I was like "goddamn this dude looks just like him" despite being friends with Wufei on steam and him using the name Spiritreaver on there, I'm a damn idiot.

Just glad our family is still intact.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Congrats on your progress, Sphinx! Woo!

Holy shit, that 'body dysmorphia' psychotext posted about a few pages back is REAL.

Remember how I said I thought I didn't look any different?

Well, I compared some pics I took in my underwear before starting lifting to ones I just took after tonight's session and the changes are ridiculous.

Your mind can play tricks on you, but physical evidence doesn't lie.

-Arms easily look ~30% larger.

-Even though I put on 15 pounds, my waist size is down from 33 to 31.

-Got much more definition in my jaw line, traps, pecs, and lats.

-Quads are bulging out of my boxer briefs.

Man, I am so grateful I randomly stumbled into this thread, because it has certainly changed my life for the better!

Yeah it's crazy. I was kicking myself a couple of weeks ago for not keeping around before pics, but I managed to find one that I somehow saved on my computer, and yeah holy crap. I've become so used to seeing myself in the mirror for over the past 8 months or so that I honestly couldn't believe I was ever as skinny as I thought I was. But sure enough, once I saw my original self, it was pretty apparent that I was indeed someone who you'd think was from a third world country (well, technically I am, but you know what I mean).

It's really kinda strange how it works though. You'll go through months without noticing any improvements and then all of a sudden one day you discover that your biceps are actually kinda beefy and you've sprouted a chest out of nowhere.

Feels pretty good.


Hay guys, just wanted to let you know that Generation Iron is on Netflix USA now. If you havent seen it it´s definately worth a watch.


Woke up this morning, took one caffeine pill with a full glass of water. Waited 20 minutes. Worked out like a beast.

This is my first time taking caffeine pills. I normally just take a pre-workout drink but decided to cut out the middle man.

The buzz I get isn't as strong as a pre-workout. But I'd say it's almost comparable. Maybe if I take another half a pill I can get the exact same affect.


Hey guys, I wanted to share what has recently become one of my favorite strength blogs.

It's called Strength Theory and it's (mostly) written by a dude named Greg Nuckols, who not only is smart as hell but also disgustingly strong .

It's a great read.

Excellent! Thanks for posting. I'll read some today.

EvoX, I loved your post dude. You see yourself every day so slight variations and improvements mean shit. But when you look at a picture and can see upgrades in just about every aspect of your physique, what an amazing feeling. I love that you waited a while to do that though. Expecting a major overhaul in a month or two is just setting yourself up for failure.


So i decided to start a little cut this week. Ive slowly been putting on weight as was my plan. Ive been eating a caloric surplus for a while (i think at least 6 months) and ive gone up around 5kgs. So its been slow going (again as planned) and hopefully ive put on 0,5-1kg solid muscle, after lifting for 20 years that would be quite a feat!

My shape is pretty good already so im expecting the cut to be quite smooth. And to be honest, cutting is as easy as training to me, i really enjoy the process. Im aiming for a max weight loss of 0,5kg a week. But im not really concerned with the weight, ill use skinfold measurements and body measurements (and the mirror) to make sure everything is proceeding as planned.

All in all this is just for shit and giggles and to give me a new goal. I lack the gene to care about my lifts and strength. So even though i probably should be way more concerned with performance over appearance, i just dont :D

This is me now at 90kgs

Im aiming at this shape, maybe a bit tighter. Here i am 87,5kgs, so if i do things right, 6-8 weeks of cutting should get me there without to much muscle loss.

Fair play, that's a properly slow bulk. I'm fairly accurate with my calories but I think I'd struggle to gain such a small amount per week.


Junior Member
Anyone who does crossfit and has any tips?
This is a genuine question..

I train at a cf gym and I do the workouts occasionally. I would say don't do anything you're not comfortable with doing, always strive for perfect form, and make sure you find a good box with good coaches who don't let bad movement go unnoticed and uncorrected.

Also Mr. Muscle you're my fucking hero. I want your physique.
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