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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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I had a treadmill at home that had a similiar issue, but there wasn't much I could do to it after a while. Eventually, it got too old to use. For me, the main motor just wore out.

I've seen treadmills at my gym that get routine maintanence work done to it. But I don't know the specific causes.


I just have such agitation from not running. Id rather not run at the gym, as Im more comfortable at home

If I can figure out the problem I can at least fix it

But I just dont know if its a motor or tread issue

If anyone can help me, please do. Its incredibly frustrating not being able to run. I feel like shit


Ugh. Today was a mixed day at the gym.

The good:

- Finally reached a new best in deadlifts: 195 lbs. Next week I'll finally break the 200 lbs. barrier (hopefully)!
- Did slightly better than last time on the barbell curls. It was just really one extra rep but hey progress is progress right?

The bad:

- I started off pretty good with my bench. Was lifting more than last time, but completely fucked up the last set. I don't think I even made it to 3 reps when I had to ask some random gym goer to save me. He was cool, but it was pretty embarrassing.

Question: there's nothing wrong with using a mixed grip for a deadlift is there?

End your post right at the bolded man. That's great! You set a PR and you had a "mixed" day??? go celebrate!!

Also, I use a mixed grip when I go heavy. I feel no difference in my back or legs, just that the grip is more reliable. I'm not trying to be a professional powerlifter and if you aren't either, I see no issues.


You can carry 4 people with those. I'll leave to your imagination how they sit on it



WHERE is your goddamn snow?

Philly keeps getting missed. It's been great :)


Bum they're actually only 40lbs each. Buying some plates tomorrow to load them up.


380x3 on deadlift today, easy peasy. Only got about 5 or so hours of sleep, felt very not energized, but still strong. Still eating 1400 calories or less a day now, doing 20/4 IF, and loving it. Up to 7th belt hole on the gym belt.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
380x3 on deadlift today, easy peasy. Only got about 5 or so hours of sleep, felt very not energized, but still strong. Still eating 1400 calories or less a day now, doing 20/4 IF, and loving it. Up to 7th belt hole on the gym belt.
There are 6 things I could bold in this and reply God Damn!


There are 6 things I could bold in this and reply God Damn!

Thanks man, i'll be honest, the IF is really making this happen. Obviously i've tried tons of diets, from smoothies, to 40/30/30, to low fat/high carb and more, keto + IF is what works for me, its so obvious now that i've been doing it for over a month, but it will remain this way for a long, long time. The results are spectacular.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
End your post right at the bolded man. That's great! You set a PR and you had a "mixed" day??? go celebrate!!

Also, I use a mixed grip when I go heavy. I feel no difference in my back or legs, just that the grip is more reliable. I'm not trying to be a professional powerlifter and if you aren't either, I see no issues.

Thanks! I'm definitely really happy about the DL, I'm just trying to properly progress on all my lifts though (or at the very least not embarrass myself like that, haha).
Ah, today I went to a different YMCA center that is close to where I do my shopping and I saw one of those bars Brolic uses to log press. It's big and heavy without any load. Reminded me of a mastodon


You have to strengthen your stabilizer muscles. In addition to the bench press, make sure you're working your arms (triceps) and shoulders and do extensive dumbbell accessory chest work. Two exercises I use for strengthening stabilizers are single arm DB chest press and DB chest press drop sets

Thank you for the advice.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Thanks man, i'll be honest, the IF is really making this happen. Obviously i've tried tons of diets, from smoothies, to 40/30/30, to low fat/high carb and more, keto + IF is what works for me, its so obvious now that i've been doing it for over a month, but it will remain this way for a long, long time. The results are spectacular.
My body seems to be built for IF also. Love it. Eating huge portions while at a calaorie deficit almost feels like you entered a cheat code. People that visit me at night witness huge meals and they all can't comprehend how I'm so lean. That big meal is nearly half my calories for the day. That's why. Ha


Have you guys heard of the 300 workout? If someone was to do that 4 days out of 7 every week do you think that would be too much? I've been doing it this past week and I'm in relatively decent shape I used to be in really great shape but lost focus for about 5 months. I feel sore in the areas I feel I need to, just don't want to cause any damage if this could lead to that as it seems like the workout is basically crossfit. I just want my abs to be really visible again and I want to cut 10 pounds in a month while conditioning my muscles and this seemed like a good fit....for the cardio weight training mix I was looking for.


My body seems to be built for IF also. Love it. Eating huge portions while at a calaorie deficit almost feels like you entered a cheat code. People that visit me at night witness huge meals and they all can't comprehend how I'm so lean. That big meal is nearly half my calories for the day. That's why. Ha

Makes sense, i have 2lbs of chicken, cheese, pasta sauce and jalapenos, then chocolate cake, then coffee with heavy cream and coconut oil all within a few hour window, it really does feel like cheating, but its still a huge deficit. Freakin love it. I'm actually scared of the day i have to bulk, because its going to be difficult to get so many calories in.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Makes sense, i have 2lbs of chicken, cheese, pasta sauce and jalapenos, then chocolate cake, then coffee with heavy cream and coconut oil all within a few hour window, it really does feel like cheating, but its still a huge deficit. Freakin love it. I'm actually scared of the day i have to bulk, because its going to be difficult to get so many calories in.
Just find something you enjoy and add it to your normal routine. I eat a 900 calorie bowl of granola plus a pb&j before lifting. That's a quick 1400. Bonus 45 grams of protein too.


Too weak to pry the scooper out from the bottom of the full protein powder jug using a spoon. This truly is ground zero. Gonna have to reach in with my hands or something.


Have you guys heard of the 300 workout? If someone was to do that 4 days out of 7 every week do you think that would be too much? I've been doing it this past week and I'm in relatively decent shape I used to be in really great shape but lost focus for about 5 months. I feel sore in the areas I feel I need to, just don't want to cause any damage if this could lead to that as it seems like the workout is basically crossfit. I just want my abs to be really visible again and I want to cut 10 pounds in a month while conditioning my muscles and this seemed like a good fit....for the cardio weight training mix I was looking for.

Post the workout you're doing.


I booked a time for the ortopedic doctor again, I will see him next week. I have been sleeping around 4-5 hours a day since the nerve pain keeps me up. Also the little sleep I get is restless and not as deep as it should. I have noticed I don't function like I should, working out is way harder than it has been earlier and I crave all kind of sweets. I am in constant pain all the time. Normally my general optimism kicks in, but now it is harder and harder. Some nights I just basicly cry in bed too tired to do anything but yet the pain keeps me up. I might need to start to take some pain medication for the herniated disk, since this can't go on like this anymore. I need sleep, it affects everything.

On another note I met a personal trainer today. He will do me a new diet and I will see do I like it. I need to get at least my eating in order since working out isn't as effective as it should. He also said that he wouldn't like to see me to drop my weight below 75 kilos / 165 pounds. It sounds quite high (I am 168 cm / 5 feet 6 inches tall), but he said that with my built and muscle mass it should be around right for me.

That's my secret...I'm always out of control.

And that's why I like you so much. :p

I have a confession FitGaf. This isn't meant as advice or anything else. I have lifted weights for 41 straight days. Last day I took off was Jan 1st. It's crazy to even type out. I feel recovered every time it's heavy day and I'm hitting PRs constantly so I just ran with it. I know rest is important but my light days almost feel like a rest day and between my solid sleep and food intake it seems to be working.
That is insane, but I guess that as long as you are fine with it, just go on and see what are your limits (if you have any).


Pulled 265x3 this morning. I was giddy to the point of giggling. That endorphin rush setting a true PR is amazing.

I know 5/3/1 is typically an intermediate program, and I'm not at the level one would call intermediate yet, but it's definitely been the right program for me. I was spinning my wheels on Starting Strength, I think mainly due to two factors: my age (38) and frequently not being able to sleep enough with my kid waking up at odd hours. I just was not recovering quickly enough on the SS protocol but the slower pace of 5/3/1 has me seeing gains again. Couldn't be happier.

I've set a goal of 330 on deadlift by the end of the year.
Have you guys heard of the 300 workout? If someone was to do that 4 days out of 7 every week do you think that would be too much? I've been doing it this past week and I'm in relatively decent shape I used to be in really great shape but lost focus for about 5 months. I feel sore in the areas I feel I need to, just don't want to cause any damage if this could lead to that as it seems like the workout is basically crossfit. I just want my abs to be really visible again and I want to cut 10 pounds in a month while conditioning my muscles and this seemed like a good fit....for the cardio weight training mix I was looking for.

The 300 workout is more of a fitness challenge than an actual workout.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
good idea. 20 degree yoke walks probably don't help lol

Honestly it didn't bother it that much.

Ah, today I went to a different YMCA center that is close to where I do my shopping and I saw one of those bars Brolic uses to log press. It's big and heavy without any load. Reminded me of a mastodon

Yeah, mine is a bit over 90lbs empty.

Pulled 265x3 this morning. I was giddy to the point of giggling. That endorphin rush setting a true PR is amazing.

I know 5/3/1 is typically an intermediate program, and I'm not at the level one would call intermediate yet, but it's definitely been the right program for me. I was spinning my wheels on Starting Strength, I think mainly due to two factors: my age (38) and frequently not being able to sleep enough with my kid waking up at odd hours. I just was not recovering quickly enough on the SS protocol but the slower pace of 5/3/1 has me seeing gains again. Couldn't be happier.

I've set a goal of 330 on deadlift by the end of the year.

Personally I tnink 5/3/1 is great for beginners so long as they can understand the program.


Pulled 265x3 this morning. I was giddy to the point of giggling. That endorphin rush setting a true PR is amazing.

I know 5/3/1 is typically an intermediate program, and I'm not at the level one would call intermediate yet, but it's definitely been the right program for me. I was spinning my wheels on Starting Strength, I think mainly due to two factors: my age (38) and frequently not being able to sleep enough with my kid waking up at odd hours. I just was not recovering quickly enough on the SS protocol but the slower pace of 5/3/1 has me seeing gains again. Couldn't be happier.

I've set a goal of 330 on deadlift by the end of the year.

In a similar situation (35+ with kid + kid on the way)...should probably check out 5/3/1 when I'm finished with my weight loss stuff.


Couldn't wake up early today for the gym. :( Woke up at 5 to shut off the alarm before it would start beeping, sat on my bed and knocked out again. Don't know why I completely turned off my iPhone alarm too.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Brolic, you ever train with those Captains of Crush hand grippers?

I wonder how strong your grip is. I'm sure you can close the number 3 on one of those things.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
I can only just about do the number 1. But I have tiny girly hands anyway. :(

I just bought my first set. Starting off with the trainer, which I can barely close in each hand.

Can I train with these by doing a couple reps a few times throughout the day? Or treat them as a regular workout ?
Oh, no apparently I can do the two now... but I think I may have just broken my wrist trying. :(

Edit - You're supposed to do them as a proper workout, with warmup sets etc.
Lol, I'm still trying to wrap my brain around Cooter's post; 41 straight days of lifting? Godspeed brother. I'm trying to get it back after missing over a month of training due to injuries. Man, I feel so weak.

My main obstacles to progress have been eating enough and sleeping enough. I work crazy hours, and keeping up with it all can be quite hectic. Though I have figured out that I can't train more than 4 days a week. I'll be 46 in March, and I just need the recovery time; can't train like a 30 year old anymore. I don't post in here often, but I'm always checking in to get ideas and marvel at people's progress, and it keeps me going. I'm proud of everyone in here, and most importantly I'm proud of myself. Most of my peers in my age bracket are couch potatoes or drunks setting themselves up for future health problems; I wanna be around to watch my future grandkids grow up.


Personally I tnink 5/3/1 is great for beginners so long as they can understand the program.

Do you mind elaborating? Just curious.

thannks to reddit i found out that amazon is having a 25%off sale on shoes on presidents day

use "25OFFPRES" on shoes fulfilled by amazon
Wonder if I should get a pair of CrossFit Lite TRs to try out and compare. There's this "Chalk/Steel/Black/Excellent Red/White" color for $67.98 and it comes down to $50.99 with the 25% off.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Do you mind elaborating? Just curious.

Wonder if I should get a pair of CrossFit Lite TRs to try out and compare. There's this "Chalk/Steel/Black/Excellent Red/White" color for $67.98 and it comes down to $50.99 with the 25% off.

Understanding the exercises, percentages, what it means to adhere to a program, etc.
Survived arms and abs, just the turbo trainer to go.

Tried a few new tricep exercises out today to see how I got on with them (replacing tricep kickbacks, which I just can't seem to do effectively). Couple seemed to work out fairly well, couple going back in the pile.


Understanding the exercises, percentages, what it means to adhere to a program, etc.
Oh I see. I thought there was more to it.

What would be your opinion on doing something like 7/5/3 instead of 5/3/1 on the compound movements using the sets/reps and percentages from either Smolov Jr or Smolov base program? Matt Ogus from LegendOfAesthetics is doing that for all of his main lifts and he's getting really good strength gains.


So here is where this thread is. Subscribed.

I will take my lazy butt to the gym on Monday. Haven't been pumping in a while thanks to a string of unfortunate events, but that's in the past.

I feel ready.
Do you mind elaborating? Just curious.

Wonder if I should get a pair of CrossFit Lite TRs to try out and compare. There's this "Chalk/Steel/Black/Excellent Red/White" color for $67.98 and it comes down to $50.99 with the 25% off.
I'm torn between the Reebok and the adidas powerlifts


I'm torn between the Reebok and the adidas powerlifts

I recently ordered the Adidas. Amazon had a 20% off shoes sale a few weeks ago, but the Adipowers weren't eligible, so I wouldn't be surprised if they're not eligible for this sale either. You can get 20% off of them from eastbay.com through the end of the month though (posted the promo code a page or two back).

They're supposed to come in today or tomorrow, excited to give them a go.


Survived arms and abs, just the turbo trainer to go.

Tried a few new tricep exercises out today to see how I got on with them (replacing tricep kickbacks, which I just can't seem to do effectively). Couple seemed to work out fairly well, couple going back in the pile.

I like doing dual tricep kickbacks. I feel more of a burn from them.


This guy from Craigslist had tons of used shit in a huge garage. Bought 4 45s, 4 25s, 4 10s for 220.00. Just standard metal plates

I'll definitely be buying from him again when I want more weight and maybe barbell/power rack
I like doing dual tricep kickbacks. I feel more of a burn from them.

I don't know if it's because I'm really weak in the tricep area, but I just don't get anything from them. I keep my elbows as locked in as I can, but I end up having to use crazy light weights to get any sort of decent form / reps.

Dips and close grip pushups on the other and, they utterly obliterate my triceps. Same for tricep extensions. Rolling dumbell extensions feel like they're doing a lot, but I'm still trying to dial in the form on those.

Also tried close grip bench press, but that still felt like it was working my chest.
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