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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Do you time your cheat meals/days to be on workout days so they're not as severe, or since they are cheats you just do it whenever you feel like it?

Real talk, don't cheat. You sacrifice what could be days to weeks of future progress for a small amount of enjoyment. Stay on course for as long as you can.


there is joy in sucking dick
Do you time your cheat meals/days to be on workout days so they're not as severe, or since they are cheats you just do it whenever you feel like it?

I carb cycle so I plan so I have two workout days back to back around that carb day (that day and the day after). Same thing for calorie cycling high/low depending on days lifting.


Ok, sure (I'm not much to look at though I can assure you). I've taken a few as the lighting in my room isn't great.


Psychotext helped substantially on the ninth of January in suggesting gaining weight as a priority rather than losing any body fat (because that had been my goal, I suspected it was rather high and that, in wanting more definition, a reduction in that would be easy given that I do a huge amount of cardio already and would just need more resistance training, which obviously was an incorrect assumption) that I had and with regard to the nutrition side. I'm 19, swim a huge amount, weigh approximately 46kg/101lbs [BMI 18] (up from 42kg/93lbs [BMI 16.4]), my waist is around 26" (again, I don't have my chart until next Monday at 9:30pm), my wrist is about 7.75" and I'm 5' 3". The measurements that were taken yesterday were my weight, height, waist size, bicep at rest, bicep while flexed, diameter around naval, diameter around nipples, fat thickness (don't know the name) at stomach, fat thickness at bicep, and fat thickness at tricep (but again, only have these Monday). His result from the measurements was a body fat of 5.4% (I've checked out online calculators with the few I remember, and have gotten everything from 1-9% using the few measurements I have [height, weight, wrist, waist, BMI, and age being pretty much it]).

Dude, you're DEFINITELY more than 5.4%. Focus on gaining weight through compound lifts and you'll add some muscle to your frame. Unless I missed something, why is BF% so important in your case? Just go, brother. Start slow (less cardio, more SS) and motivate us with progress.


Do you time your cheat meals/days to be on workout days so they're not as severe, or since they are cheats you just do it whenever you feel like it?

I carb cycle so I plan so I have two workout days back to back around that carb day (that day and the day after). Same thing for calorie cycling high/low depending on days lifting.

I've been experimenting with carb cycling as well. I've basically been doing a CKD: an 8 hour high carb/low fat day once a week for the past 10 weeks or so (with the rest of the week being strict keto). I do my high carb window usually on Saturdays about an hour post workout. It's helped me steadily progress on weights. I've taken my squat from 135 to 210, deadlift from 185 to 225 (along with the 295 PR 2 days ago), bench and bent over row from 115 to 150, and press from 75 to 110 (all 3x5) in that timeframe (I'm 5'6", 140 for reference).

I've found it helpful from both a performance and sanity standpoint. I eat super clean and at a mild deficit (10%) during the week, then have a nice Saturday afternoon with foods that I've missed (a bagel, pasta, mashed potatoes, chocolate milk, a donut or brownie) plus it's the only day of the week where I have alcohol (although I keep it to generally one beer with dinner, and definitely no more than two drinks).
Iit was done via a caliper and scale rather than via suspension within water
You can't get decimal place accuracy with calipers. You also can't get any kind of accuracy at all on a skinny person with calipers. Calipers are for people with something to pinch.

You don't have to worry about weight gain being fat. You're not at 5% body fat, nor would you want to be, but your skinny body isn't going to get fat instead of growing muscle. You got no diet worries, dude.


there is joy in sucking dick
I've been experimenting with carb cycling as well. I've basically been doing a CKD: an 8 hour high carb/low fat day once a week for the past 10 weeks or so (with the rest of the week being strict keto). I do my high carb window usually on Saturdays about an hour post workout. It's helped me steadily progress on weights. I've taken my squat from 135 to 210, deadlift from 185 to 225 (along with the 295 PR 2 days ago), bench and bent over row from 115 to 150, and press from 75 to 110 (all 3x5) in that timeframe (I'm 5'6", 140 for reference).

I've found it helpful from both a performance and sanity standpoint. I eat super clean and at a mild deficit (10%) during the week, then have a nice Saturday afternoon with foods that I've missed (a bagel, pasta, mashed potatoes, chocolate milk, a donut or brownie) plus it's the only day of the week where I have alcohol (although I keep it to generally one beer with dinner, and definitely no more than two drinks).

Same setup with me. Typically I'll start off my carb window with low fat, low sugar, high GI carbs and a protein. Spike my insulin again with something low fat high GI an hour or so in and then end the night with a pizza, sub or anything fatty and a desert before bed. Typically hitting 200-300g carbs.

My only achiles heel is liqour. I'll get smashed on the weekend with something straight and clean but I think its still realm effecting how fast I could shed weight. Sworn off booze now until I'm through to my goal.
Real talk, don't cheat. You sacrifice what could be days to weeks of future progress for a small amount of enjoyment. Stay on course for as long as you can.
Ehhh, unless you grossly over eat you're not going to hinder progress assuming you sticking with your program well.

The thing is, most people struggle with cheating moderately. That or the cheat leads to more cheating and it all starts to add up, that's what hurts.

But yeah, I advise going as long as you can without cheating first, then incorporate them in on a regular basis for sanity. What you don't want is a situation where you are craving those foods and that's why I see no issue with having regular cheats (one meal every week or every two weeks depending on your program) just to keep you from craving.


Keep to your program.
Eat clean.
Once you've established that you can maintain your program/diet without cheating. Slowly incorporate a meal in.


Same setup with me. Typically I'll start off my carb window with low fat, low sugar, high GI carbs and a protein. Spike my insulin again with something low fat high GI an hour or so in and then end the night with a pizza, sub or anything fatty and a desert before bed. Typically hitting 200-300g carbs.

My only achiles heel is liqour. I'll get smashed on the weekend with something straight and clean but I think its still realm effecting how fast I could shed weight. Sworn off booze now until I'm through to my goal.

Yeah, swearing off alcohol kinda sucks. I'm by no means a heavy drinker, but damn if I don't crave a few beers every now and again :( but I've kept strict to no more than two drinks per week and only on my high carb day.

This is how I've generally done my high carb days:

2:00 - 3:00: Lift
3:30 - 1 scoop whey
4:00 - Bagel w/low fat cream cheese, banana, ~5oz fruit skyr or 0% greek yogurt (love siggi's)
7:00 - Variable (e.g. Chicken meatballs and tomato sauce over pasta with a side of mashed potatoes / pizza / burrito and chips)
10:00 or 11:00 - Dessert (donut - shout out to Doughnut Plant! / brownie / ice cream sandwich, etc.) and low fat chocolate milk

Then get back on the ultra low carb wagon, rinse, repeat.


I can't live without any cheating lol. I learned that long ago when I setup a good diet to stay sedentary and lose some fat I had, and again when I adjusted it up for maintaining my weight while sedentary.

But I can stick to usually 1 hefty cheat meal a week and maybe a couple cheat snack sized things other days, and even then its not a big enough meal or snack for me to feel guilty about in the balance of things, I just wanted to know how much emphasis should be put on making sure they are close to workouts. Thanks for the info.

And honestly I don't understand much of what was said about carb cycling so I guess I might need to look that one up.




Looked into the "counting macros" thing for the first time, god help me, I feel stupid/ like back in math class.

I want to loose some flab but this is brain torture.


Is compression clothing worth it for the gym?

I've used compression shorts before for cycling and wrestling but that was a long time ago.


Ehhh, unless you grossly over eat you're not going to hinder progress assuming you sticking with your program well.

The thing is, most people struggle with cheating moderately. That or the cheat leads to more cheating and it all starts to add up, that's what hurts.

But yeah, I advise going as long as you can without cheating first, then incorporate them in on a regular basis for sanity. What you don't want is a situation where you are craving those foods and that's why I see no issue with having regular cheats (one meal every week or every two weeks depending on your program) just to keep you from craving.


Keep to your program.
Eat clean.
Once you've established that you can maintain your program/diet without cheating. Slowly incorporate a meal in.

I agree, but a lot of people slip up and things can get out of hand. If you're comfy with a cheat meal or 2 every now and then and can easily get back on track, then no worries.

I am honestly just concerned where it becomes habitual and then end up longing for that cheat meal, which happened to me and many others I know. It wasn't till I got very strict for a long time, that I was able to go right back in to my normal cutting and everything is back on plan.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Is compression clothing worth it for the gym?

I've used compression shorts before for cycling and wrestling but that was a long time ago.
They show everything. Everything! Every roll is on display. I bought two and decided I can't wear them and be comfortable with where I am bf% wise. This summer it's on though. I'm pretty sure abs should be visible through the shirt!
Is compression clothing worth it for the gym?

I've used compression shorts before for cycling and wrestling but that was a long time ago.

Sometimes shirts chafe the armpits when you're doing lots or curls and other arm movements. Otherwise yeah, they look cool


They show everything. Everything! Every roll is on display. I bought two and decided I can't wear them and be comfortable with where I am bf% wise. This summer it's on though. I'm pretty sure abs should be visible through the shirt!

I'm fine with showing where I'm at. Only more motivation to push more.
I pretty much only wear compression stuff because I get annoyed when my shirts / shorts get in the way of my lifts... but I lift at home, so no-one bar me judging my flabby body. :D


I pretty much only wear compression stuff because I get annoyed when my shirts / shorts get in the way of my lifts... but I lift at home, so no-one bar me judging my flabby body. :D

I've lost 23 pounds this year. If people are judging me in the gym I'll deal with them when I'm at 3% body fat and I can clean and jerk my car.


So if I'm at ground zero for bulk and I'm looking at this calculator in the OP, can anyone tell me what the appropriate preset is to get a macro and calorie estimate? http://www.1percentedge.com/ifcalc/

Is it weight gain? Lean massing? I don't even know what 'standard recomp' on there means.

I'm looking for the golden guide to vanity gains if there's such a thing, and I'm getting lost seeing talk of GI, complex carbs, and such. Is there a good example of general daily foods that are good examples somewhere? Or do I not need to pay much attention to what types of carbs and such I fulfill that recommended 40/30/30 macro breakdown with?


I work at a gym at night and see all the vampires.
I wish I could go to a gym that would be open at night. I want to be one of the cool vampires as well!
It is 5 am and I wouldn't mind going to gym...

I tried to go to Big 5 to get some 1.25 lbs. micro plates, but they didn't have them. Only 2.5 lbs. ones. :(
Those baby micro plates are the only thing that has enabled me to add weights to my bench and to my squats. <3

The only bad thing about them is that there is only one pair of those at my gym and I need to hunt them down every single time.

Thanks man. Iron sport method has really helped.

Goddamn farmers walks in 12 degree weather sucked. I could only go 120 feet 4x before just calling it quits. The grip was the hardest part.

My wife got a cool shot of me as I was walking
You are a real trooper! Totally loving that pic! :D

In the spirit of Vday, I'd just like to bring up that sex feels way better since I started lifting, especially after leg day.

Is this just in my head or have you guys noticed this as well?

Maybe it's the increased blood flow, feeling stronger, looking sexier, or all of the above.

Really makes me wish I would have lifted during my college years!
We are all evolving to horny bunny rabbits. <3

I wish at least.

It depends on a lot of factors. Small/regular/big frame, male/female, amount of muscle. You really haven't given enough information to determine whether that weight is right for your body.

My physiotherapist, personal trainer and orthopedic doctor all have told me not to go under 165 pounds / 75 kilos and I am also 5'6" tall. I am yet not convinced.

I'm fine with showing where I'm at. Only more motivation to push more.
After this comment I need to say, that go for it!

AND POST PICS! Loads of pics! ;)

Mr. X

Could someone post a correct form during a deadlift set (like 3 or 5 reps) please? Need a reference.

New PR for DL 195lbs 5x5. Need to strengthen my grip.


Alright, guess I better bite the bullet and get some opinions.

285x4 deadlift form check.

This is the most weight I've ever done so I figure there would be the most form errors here.

Also, I know my Stewie pants are awesome; I am invoking the home gym privilege by wearing whatever comfortable pants are nearest come workout time!

My concerns about my form:

I feel I am not using enough leg, but I've seen so many different deadlift videos of people starting out in a much lower squat and also videos of people not squatting too much at all so I don't know.

Secondly, am I pulling up with my back too early? It seems like I get to one point with my legs and then stop until almost the end of the rep where I then finish straightening out my legs. Stewie pants kinda hide my knees though, so it's hard to tell.

Dish it out, I can take it!

I'm probably not the best person to ask about form but the main thing i noticed was you putting the bar back on the rack following your last rep. That seems like a really bad idea to me. You've just got to bite the bullet and unload the bar on the ground.


I'm probably not the best person to ask about form but the main thing i noticed was you putting the bar back on the rack following your last rep. That seems like a really bad idea to me. You've just got to bite the bullet and unload the bar on the ground.

Haha, I know. I tell myself this every time but I end up always doing it....in my head it goes--"the hooks are right there, come on, just put it on the hooks!"

It's really weird how one can be lazy when doing the exact opposite of being lazy by lifting heavy things on purpose.

I really hate unloading the bar when on the ground...

In my defense, I'm usually closer to the hooks. I moved back and angled where I usually stand to give the camera a better angle.


Some random questions:
Why do recipes say to eat egg whites, and not the orange center bit?

Is it better to lift something too heavy to do many reps, or lift something lighter in order to more reps?


3s week is finished, got 3x210 on bench insanely easy, and really felt super strong tonight on my accessories. Pushing myself really hard and at ~1600 or so calories. I'm going to work on form on my lifts next few days, do some pull ups and dips and maybe even some stair machine cardio just to see how far i can push myself on it, last time i lasted about 4 minutes, but that was over 2 years ago. Next week is a fresh 1s week and looking forward to hitting every rep successfully.


Some random questions:
Why do recipes say to eat egg whites, and not the orange center bit?

Is it better to lift something too heavy to do many reps, or lift something lighter in order to more reps?

Depends on the recipe. Some use only the whites, some use yolks and some use the whole egg. What are you cooking?

On the second question, it will be goal depended. There are different rep ranges for different objectives.


Eat the yolk of your eggs folks. Shits good for you unless you have some super dietary concern. Eggs are wrongly vilified.
I usually eat one or two yolk. They taste disgusting though if u accidently popped em. Does anybody know if the texture of egg whites are the same as you know men's milk? Because it always makes me gag.


Been out of it a bit for most of the weekend. I just started to catch up.

Holy shit, Petrie.



Depends on the recipe. Some use only the whites, some use yokes and some use the whole egg. What are you cooking?

On the second question, it will be goal depended. There are different rep ranges for different objectives.

I've been frying up a few eggs and putting them on whole wheat toast to get some extra food/protein in me.

I'm just working on general strength, I guess? I'm in China teaching and have a bunch of free time. I used to do lots of pull/chin ups, push ups and jogging while I was back in the states and that worked pretty well for me. I've been slacking the last few months. Tried to do some pull ups and I couldn't even do one anymore!

Gym memberships here, though, are more expensive than I'd like. So, I've just resorted to filling sacks with rocks to lift. I use a shower rod as a bar and do curls and bench presses with them, along with some other free weight exercises. I don't know whether its better to lift a few times with more weight, or lift more times with slightly lesser weight.


I've been frying up a few eggs and putting them on whole wheat toast to get some extra food/protein in me.

I'm just working on general strength, I guess? I'm in China teaching and have a bunch of free time. I used to do lots of pull/chin ups, push ups and jogging while I was back in the states and that worked pretty well for me. I've been slacking the last few months. Tried to do some pull ups and I couldn't even do one anymore!

Gym memberships here, though, are more expensive than I'd like. So, I've just resorted to filling sacks with rocks to lift. I use a shower rod as a bar and do curls and bench presses with them, along with some other free weight exercises. I don't know whether its better to lift a few times with more weight, or lift more times with slightly lesser weight.

Here a handy chart for rep ranges:

Today I've officially cut 40 pounds of body fat since last year. I started at 245 pounds (height: 5'11). Can't wait to lose about 20 or 30 more. So I can start looking slim again, and really focus on building strength.


Dangerous bar walk aside, only thing I really noticed is that you're not doing a full hip lockout at the end... but it's hard to tell due to what you're wearing. Related: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHiSvajoans&feature=youtube_gdata

I always set the bar down and unload everything but the last 45's, then walk the bar back over to the rack. Only at 135 lbs at that point. Probably not the safest thing in the world but it's only a few feet away and that weight isn't very straining.
Dude, you're DEFINITELY more than 5.4%. Focus on gaining weight through compound lifts and you'll add some muscle to your frame. Unless I missed something, why is BF% so important in your case? Just go, brother. Start slow (less cardio, more SS) and motivate us with progress.

It's not; I mentioned it merely in passing because it was what was read at the fitness programme (I didn't realise it was seemingly a big deal or so inaccurate; I wouldn't have mentioned it if I had). The entire post was to update progress in the goal of gaining weight, that I've managed to stick to what was suggested, and started (after discovering) the fitness program to get it more tailor-made, hence the bewilderment over it seemingly being a sticking point. I'm more interested in having gained weight (i.e. that was good progress for me).


Today I've officially cut 40 pounds of body fat since last year. I started at 245 pounds (height: 5'11). Can't wait to lose about 20 or 30 more. So I can start looking slim again, and really focus on building strength.

Good job,man. As I've said in the weight loss thread I've lost almost 30 lbs in a month and something. Feels really good.


I know this thread is mainly focused on lifting, which is close to 90% of what I've done over the past year, but I'm starting to add more cardio to my routine and wanted to share a new piece of equipment I got a couple days ago.

Got the Horizon T101-04 treadmill. It's not gym quality but in reading reviews, it's one of the better ones you can get for under $1k. I ended up getting it for $450 on Craigslist brand new with stickers still on it, but no box. It's really quiet and supposedly very sturdy. I only used it for a little bit Sunday night to make sure it worked.

Last night was definitely a rough one since my wife and my commute took forever thanks to snow and around 0 temps, we didn't feel like making anything, so we got Little Caesars. Which was fine until I woke up at 12:30 AM with horrible indigestion and coughing uncontrollably. Ended up throwing all of it up and my stomach is still fucked today. Won't be eating that for a long time. And tonight is supposed to be deadlifts and good mornings. Could be a rough workout.


Alright, guess I better bite the bullet and get some opinions.

285x4 deadlift form check.

This is the most weight I've ever done so I figure there would be the most form errors here.

Also, I know my Stewie pants are awesome; I am invoking the home gym privilege by wearing whatever comfortable pants are nearest come workout time!

My concerns about my form:

I feel I am not using enough leg, but I've seen so many different deadlift videos of people starting out in a much lower squat and also videos of people not squatting too much at all so I don't know.

Secondly, am I pulling up with my back too early? It seems like I get to one point with my legs and then stop until almost the end of the rep where I then finish straightening out my legs. Stewie pants kinda hide my knees though, so it's hard to tell.

Dish it out, I can take it!


Hey man, not too bad. First and foremost though...STOP WALKING WITH THE WEIGHT IN YOUR HANDS. Don't do it. You're definitely going to hurt yourself.

In regards to your form, it isn't bad. If you get lower and use your legs more you'll eliminate some of the "jerking" that occurs on a few lifts (and more importantly you'll be able to increase the weight). All in all, not bad for your 4RM max.
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