Keto is magic.
I'm inclined to believe that your excess weight might've also played a role in it. Dem ketones had lots of things to play with, I assume.
Keto is magic.
I'm inclined to believe that your excess weight might've also played a role in it. Dem ketones had lots of things to play with, I assume.
Keeping with the light bench work. Shoulder still not 100%.
325x5 and some close grip work ending at 315x3. Here's the log.
Bench press 45lbs x40, 135x20, 225x10, 275x5, 325x5. Close grip bench press 225x10, 275x5, 315x3 Face pulls and curls to finish.
Keeping with the light bench work. Shoulder still not 100%.
325x5 and some close grip work ending at 315x3. Here's the log.
Bench press 45lbs x40, 135x20, 225x10, 275x5, 325x5. Close grip bench press 225x10, 275x5, 315x3 Face pulls and curls to finish.
At the start of my training they checked my mobility. I balance better on my right leg, have better mobility with my left arm, and a steadier right grip. I never knew any of that stuff and wouldn't have thought to check.Hmm... just tried shoulder dislocators for the first time and it seems I have a major issue with shoulder mobility. Why did it take me this long to find that out?
Also, my shoulders clunk horribly when doing it. Which sucks.
yeah, 325lbs. totally light benchwork. I can do that in my sleep. lol
Hmm... just tried shoulder dislocators for the first time and it seems I have a major issue with shoulder mobility. Why did it take me this long to find that out?
Also, my shoulders clunk horribly when doing it. Which sucks.
Down to 239lbs now. 1.5lbs away from hitting 100lbs lost on the scale. Almost there....
Shoulder dislocations are a good stretch to do while warming up. I start at a wide grip and do 1x5 then move in closer together until I feel I can't anymore.
Well, if you look closely, you'll notice that Brolic is asleep. His arms are moving because he's dreaming of McDoubles and trying to reach for them.
Wow congrats!
yeah, 325lbs. totally light benchwork. I can do that in my sleep. lol
nice. my light bench today was 4x5 @ 185 followed by a set of 9 @ 185. Not comparing, just saying we did the same body part today.
LolWell, if you look closely, you'll notice that Brolic is asleep. His arms are moving because he's dreaming of McDoubles and trying to reach for them.
I was awake during it too. You'll probably recover just as fast as me. I'm glad it went well!It's been a day since my procedure. It was the easiest thing ever. They drugged me up pretty good, gave me local anesthesia and popped them out in like 10 minutes. I was awake the whole time.
I'm on pain meds but I feel great so far.
Well, if you look closely, you'll notice that Brolic is asleep. His arms are moving because he's dreaming of McDoubles and trying to reach for them.
Been weighing myself on a scale in the gym and basing my calculated weight and resultant caloric intake off that measurement. Supposedly its 10lb off. Ordered a digital scale which should be here tomorrow. I'm already laser focused on my food measurements with a kitchen scale, it should be interesting to see my fat loss results when working with my correct bodyweight amount.
Nekked or nothing!same clothing
Day fiddy-one complete. Still feeling fresh and strong. It helps that I got about 12 hours last night.
If I'm due for some catch up after a long week I could probably sleep 14 if I wanted.I can genuinely say that (childhood aside, which I can't speak for), I've never gotten that much sleep, ever. My max was 10.5 hours, and I felt like shit after it.
Supposedly? You just needed to take a dumbbell in there and weigh it.
Weighing yourself at the gym is bad practice though, it's highly unlikely you're being consistent and controlling all factors. When you get your own at home, you'll need to measure yourself at the same part of your routine in the day, same clothing, etc.
Yeah I figured as much. I had no idea about the scale being off until some dude at the gym told me it was off as I was weighing myself. Its one of those old school counterbalance scales. Thankfully the home scale will answer that question for me and I can truly be consistent with my measurements. Will probably jump on the scale once a week after I wake up on a work day or something. Since I do Keto with carb refeeds, I'll weigh myself the day before the refeed.
I just can't do it, I used to sleep four hours a night then 8 on the weekend, but unless I'm ill I always wake up after 7 or 8, crazy tired or not.
Finally got 405, which is my first 2x bodyweight squat. It's been about a year of doing rehab work and making my way back up and I blew past my old PRs this time around. A year ago I could only do 155#.
Finally got 405, which is my first 2x bodyweight squat. It's been about a year of doing rehab work and making my way back up and I blew past my old PRs this time around. A year ago I could only do 155#.
Thanks guys, I've been a weightlifting program from Travis mash. He's great at making people strong and he's got several free programs on his site at
I know everyone here likes Rip but Mash and him have some bad history but I'd side with Mash every time.
You missed when a few of us were ripping on Rip![]()
I like your wall tilesBeen really working on my grip/forearms the past few weeks, and noticing great results.
I've been doing dead-hangs from a pull-up bar for time (one and two-handed), weighted pull-ups, grip crushers, fat bar pull-ups (using these). towel pull-ups, deadlifts, and rock climbing/bouldering.
Link? I like when people hate things.
Haha I wish.
This was a public restroom. My bathroom sucks, as does the mirror.
So a few of my friends said that I should be taking a supplement stack and recommended the following:
Ive never taken a thing before so any thoughts?