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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Completely unintentionally I think I might have finally fixed my metabolism. For the longest time I've been able to bulk on fuck all calories, but for the last few weeks I've not been able to put any weight on. Last week I said fuck it and rather than a small increment of like 100kcal a day, I added 300kcal. Stuck to it perfectly.

This week's weight gain. 0g. FUUUUUUUUUUUU...

So yeah, I'm back to being a fairly normal human being... but god knows how long it's going to take to get my calorie intake dialled again.

Physically, you might be better, but anyone named Psycho is never going to be a fairly normal human being.


I finished my leg workout today with 20 rep beltless squats using 185 lbs to get some form of cardio in. As much as doing those reps sucked I much prefer it over actual cardio.
How would you differentiate LISS from just hopping on the treadmill for 30 mins?

Also how long do you have to do? My legs are killing so fuck doing HITT today lol.


Got 1 rep of 405 (2.5x BW) for deadlift yesterday which is my new pr, I was so happy. Tiny bit of rounding but that was expected.
Coffee + coffee whey is pretty godly.

I only buy the coffee flavored ON whey now because it's the only way I can drink shakes now.

Thanks guys, I just tried mixing some of the whey I had on hand with some dark coffee.

Tastes pretty fantastic. I think this is gonna be my post-workout coffee from hereon in, and I'll probably try some other flavors while trying to get my hands on some coffee flavored whey (Canada here, things are expensive, etc). Tomorrow I'll probably see what the strawberry one ends up being like, hah.

So do you guys just mix it normally? I ended up whisking it with a fork till it was dissolved but it takes a bit of work. Think someone else around me suggested using a magic bullet to mix them, dunno if I should do that instead.

How would you differentiate LISS from just hopping on the treadmill for 30 mins?

Also how long do you have to do? My legs are killing so fuck doing HITT today lol.

I think LISS is just more about maintaining a steady moderate heart rate for longer durations (30mins+) instead of going all out and sprinting.


I deeply regret deciding to try a Vanilla powder. It's making me want to stop drinking. Chocolate forever.

The only vanilla I can tolerate are the premixed ones. I once bought a 10 lb tub of Vanilla protein and it took forever to get through. I figured it would be safer than more complex flavors like Cookies N' Cream or Fruit Punch (yuck), but it was just as bad. Ended up buying chocolate because it's so versatile. Peanut butter, bananas, berries, cinnamon, etc. Vanilla always had a chalky, synthetic flavoring to it that I was unable to get over and even when mixed, tends to overpower other things.

Chocolate for life.
Thanks guys, I just tried mixing some of the whey I had on hand with some dark coffee.

Tastes pretty fantastic. I think this is gonna be my post-workout coffee from hereon in, and I'll probably try some other flavors while trying to get my hands on some coffee flavored whey (Canada here, things are expensive, etc). Tomorrow I'll probably see what the strawberry one ends up being like, hah.

So do you guys just mix it normally? I ended up whisking it with a fork till it was dissolved but it takes a bit of work. Think someone else around me suggested using a magic bullet to mix them, dunno if I should do that instead.
You tried it!!! Awesome.

As far as mixing, it depends on the brand. Some brands don't mix as easily, especially at high temperatures. They tend to clump up. I noticed this when I used to put whey in my oatmeal.

I don't have this problem with ON though. I just stir it in and it dissolves very quickly. However I don't drink my coffee super hot so that could be it too.
You tried it!!! Awesome.

As far as mixing, it depends on the brand. Some brands don't mix as easily, especially at high temperatures. They tend to clump up. I noticed this when I used to put whey in my oatmeal.

I don't have this problem with ON though. I just stir it in and it dissolves very quickly. However I don't drink my coffee super hot so that could be it too.

I tried it and loved it! Thanks for changing my post-workout life hah.

But yeah, dymatize has some very minor clumping. Strangely enough, the small and few clumps there were are hard to find and mix out. Doesn't help that I get obsessive over little things like that. I'd like to try and get my hands on some ON whey, currently I only have their casein stocked up in my house. Dunno if I want to try THAT in my coffee, considering the weird aftertaste of the casein.


165 want to get to 155. Last several months i've been slacking because of hte holidays and my first quarter of grad school. And hopefully this upcoming quarter ain't so bad. :X

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I love your logic: this totally sucks -> needs more of these. :D

Also I haven't seen a bar like that never before. I am fairly sure that my gym doesn't even have one. Are there any bonuses of using it?

It's true though. If you're weak at it, doing it will make you stronger at other things. It's a SSB (safety squat bar). It forces you to stay upright works your back and quads hard as hell and the other bonus is it's super easy on your shoulders.


picked up some gold standard whey with a GNC coupon.

Guy there was trying to sell me the GNC brand instead even though it was more expensive for less.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Some of you may recall me complaining of fatigue and a lack of progress on my lifts. Well I went to the doctor and it turns out I had chlamydia! After taking the antibiotics I don't seem to be having bouts of fatigue, so I'm hoping to get stronger at a better rate.


Some of you may recall me complaining of fatigue and a lack of progress on my lifts. Well I went to the doctor and it turns out I had chlamydia! After taking the antibiotics I don't seem to be having bouts of fatigue, so I'm hoping to get stronger at a better rate.
My bench has been stalling plus I have a burning sensation when I pee. I think it might be gonorrhea. Gonna go get it checked out.


Some of you may recall me complaining of fatigue and a lack of progress on my lifts. Well I went to the doctor and it turns out I had chlamydia! After taking the antibiotics I don't seem to be having bouts of fatigue, so I'm hoping to get stronger at a better rate.

I shouldn't laugh but the way I read it with the exclamation point had me cracking up.

Glad you're feeling better.


bitch I'm taking calls.
I shouldn't laugh but the way I read it with the exclamation point had me cracking up.

Glad you're feeling better.
Exact same reaction. Glad he's on the mend now.

PSA: get checked at least once a year if you're sexually active, guys and gals.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
My bench has been stalling plus I have a burning sensation when I pee. I think it might be gonorrhea. Gonna go get it checked out.

Definitely get that checked out. I'm living proof that the burning sensation might die down, but the infection lingers without treatment. I'm also worried about my kidneys, due to elevated potassium levels (follow up test showed normal). Don't fuck around with your health.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
The weight loss has begun. I could see it in the mirror (very minor changes) but the scale wouldn't budge. Woke up today had a cup of coffee weighed myself and I'm down two lbs. took a week for it to show on the damned scale. Lol. Time to keep pounding water.


Is it possible shaking sample bottles every 8-10 minutes with my right arm for 5 days at work to cause shoulder pain? Seems to be the rotator cuff; stretching it against a doorway causes a bit of pain on my right side, but not on the left side. Mobility and all is still fine though.

Thinking about laying off on the pushing liftings, but keeping the pulling ones, to let my right shoulder recover. Is that a good idea or not? Or am I better off not doing any upper body lifts?

I'm going to drop by the medical department in the Don Plant on Monday to see the doctor's diagnosis and all. Wonder if he's a PT too because with all the contractors and people lifting stuff, there should be people straining muscles and getting injuries time to time.


Yeah. Same. I'm doing a couch to 5k after years of just doing weights and walking. I wanna start doing those obstacle races--Spartan Race, etc.
Good luck. :)

I decided to sign up for my first 5K to challenge myself as well. My cardio isn't in terrible shape since I still like to play dancing games at a high level, but that's more about 2 minute bursts of high stamina (occasionally longer). I haven't done any serious running since the mile run in high school, so I decided to go for a practice run before noon on Friday. That was a bit of a mistake since I live in San Diego and it got real hot real fast, plus the place I was running only had a map of the trail at the start of the trail, so I got lost and had to walk around for a bit in a heavy foot traffic area to figure out where I was, which killed my momentum. Taking all that into account, I was still okay with my time though I definitely plan on doing a few more practice runs before it's time for the real thing.


Definitely get that checked out. I'm living proof that the burning sensation might die down, but the infection lingers without treatment. I'm also worried about my kidneys, due to elevated potassium levels (follow up test showed normal). Don't fuck around with your health.
Was kidding about that. But yeah good you figured it out. Wasn't really expecting STIs talk in here. Now that I know my gains could be fucked up I'm always wearing a condom. Probably the best safe sex PSA there is.
Hey FitGaf! Quick question, that's super concerning me.

I went to the Gym Friday night and my personal trainer fucked me up good (in a good way). So my body has received the most brutal endurance and strength test I have had in over 4 years, but my muscle can't seem to recover. I'm not sure if this normal after not working out for a while, but my thighs are extremely sore. I can barely walk and going into a bend, walking down the stairs, going to sit etc, kills my thigh muscle so bad it feels like I'm going to lose balance and my legs will just give out. I want to go back to the gym for some cardio now that I'm back to being active but this pain is really terrible and I need some advise before I see a doctor or before I start adding on to it.

Is this normal, to feel this level of muscle soreness?


The best way to use vanilla is for cooking. Start making protien pancakes or French toast sticks.

Pantheon don't cook

cookies and cream on whey protein is the best one so far i think. double chocalate can taste like shit with milk.

I've been using Whey Isolate rather than just the Whey Protein powders (I can't remember why I picked Isolate other than I think I remember it having less non-protein stuff in it, less cholestoral, etc.)

But I am surviving Vanilla by using lots more milk to lower the concentration so I think I'll make it.


Tomorrow I will meet with my physiotherapist. I am being very hopeful and will take my gym equipments with me so if she will agree I can go straight to the gym after that. :D

Hey FitGaf! Quick question, that's super concerning me.

I went to the Gym Friday night and my personal trainer fucked me up good (in a good way). So my body has received the most brutal endurance and strength test I have had in over 4 years, but my muscle can't seem to recover. I'm not sure if this normal after not working out for a while, but my thighs are extremely sore. I can barely walk and going into a bend, walking down the stairs, going to sit etc, kills my thigh muscle so bad it feels like I'm going to lose balance and my legs will just give out. I want to go back to the gym for some cardio now that I'm back to being active but this pain is really terrible and I need some advise before I see a doctor or before I start adding on to it.

Is this normal, to feel this level of muscle soreness?
If you haven't been doing that sort of exercises before or in a long time your muscles can easily be that sore. If you went on Friday I would assume it is the worst on Sunday. If I were you I wouldn't worry about it. If you feel like it, light cardio is totally fine.

It's true though. If you're weak at it, doing it will make you stronger at other things. It's a SSB (safety squat bar). It forces you to stay upright works your back and quads hard as hell and the other bonus is it's super easy on your shoulders.
Well, I do follow the logic behind that. If I see them around and I am able to use that much weight I might give them ago at some point. :)

Also nice walks with the family! :D


Oh man, had some good sleep, and i ate a lot this weekend. Wake up today feeling very lean. Check the scale, and not only did i lose the rest of the 13lbs i gained from the quest bars, i lost another half a pound and at a new low of 237.0lbs, down 100.5lbs. Its all downhillfrom here, passed the 100 mark right by and now even more psyched to be strict. Feel so hyped right now!!


Haven't hit the gym regularly since football in my freshman year of high school. I'm a sophomore in college, going to Florida at the end of June. Time to find a way around my busy schedule!

You guys have any recommendations other than what's in the OP? What are the right supplements for a poor college kid? And what food should I aim for? My parents will probably help with the food, just not supplements.
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