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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Alright guess I'm buying a dip belt (I guess that's what they're called, lol), thanks guys.

Any recommendations on brands?

I bought the myprotein dip belt http://m.us.myprotein.com/protein-accessories/myprotein-dipping-belt/10873327.html, got it from the UK online store but seems to be the same one. Not sure how heavy you plan on going but if you're going fairly heavy you might want to pay a bit more for a quality one. I've had 3 plates on there with no signs of the chains loosening and it feels as comfortable as a dip belt can lol.


Where did he go? I was wondering why he wasn't posting any more updates.

He wrote this blogpost that's supposed to explain why he stopped but it really doesn't pinpoint any reason. I think he just felt a break was necessary and since then has been focusing on writing a book and opening up a new, bigger strengthcamp gym.
I'd conform to social norms and just have a second meal at home - at least if I was at a fancy enough place that would divide their menu between appetizers and main courses.

That's pretty much everywhere in the UK. Short of a fast food joint anyway. Can't say I care so much about social norms, I'm paying, so it shouldn't really make much of a difference to them. :)

Extra meal not an option, staying in a B&B so no food to go back to. Not really any time to get the calories in either, one of the drawbacks of intermittent fasting I guess.

I do this all the time. They even look at me like I'm stupid sometimes till I eat it all.

This was just an extra steak, but yeah, I can see people doing that.


So old scale kicked the bucket, and new scale reads much higher. Chances are my old scale was off but I couldn't compare them side by side, so I wasn't sure on the exact difference. Well, I was about to toss the old scale away today and it worked when I tried it! Old scale reads in .5 in increments.

Old scale this morning: 233.0

New scale this morning: 238.4

So I'm going to go with 5.5lb difference.

I started out at 337.5 on the old scale, so realistically new scale wise, it would have been 343lbs starting point, and down 104.6lbs now.

Feeling great and looking forward to even more fat loss.

~1/3 of your weight. Incredible work man. I hope you're proud.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Kicked ass at the gym today! Woo!

Squats: 180 lbs.
OHP: 100 lbs.

Gonna scarf down a victory shake to celebrate.
You and me both brotha. Had a bad Easter weekend and then one good Monday and two atrocious days following.


Don't worry too much, FE.

This is coming from a guy who got a salad for lunch. Then, I realized through my 7-11 app that I earned my free beverage. At the 7-11, I decided that the most economical choice would be the X-tra Large Slurpee.

So, I got a Slurpee.

With my salad.


Where the current temp is 40 degrees.



we are all gonna make it, friends


5s week done, hit every single rep. Felt so stupid strong today. Still on the 1400 calorie train. Looking forward to moving ahead.

~1/3 of your weight. Incredible work man. I hope you're proud.

Getting there man. Still not happy but under the right light I can see an outline of a few abs lol. I'm getting closer and closer.

ACE 1991

Brought my feet back further and closer in but still kept my heels on the ground which gave me more of an arch in my lower back, and engaged my quads/ass more. My feet were too far forward and spread out.

Well, turns out my feet placement is exactly the opposite of what it should be, thanks!

Side note: sometimes you have to look at the big picture to notice real progress..
I haven't done incline bench since August, where I could barely half rep 135x6. Today I tried it again and got 140x10 (full ROM) like it was nothing. Feels good, mayne.

Nelo Ice

So tried doing weighted pull ups again but with 2.5 lbs. I ended up doing 12/12/5/5. Goal for the program was to do 12/12/10/8. Guess I'm not doing too bad since I was surprised I had anything after barely hitting the 12th rep on my 2nd set.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
So tried doing weighted pull ups again but with 2.5 lbs. I ended up doing 12/12/5/5. Goal for the program was to do 12/12/10/8. Guess I'm not doing too bad since I was surprised I had anything after barely hitting the 12th rep on my 2nd set.
Why are you doing such hi reps with so little weight. A 2.5 is basically body weight. Why not add more weight and lower your reps?

Take it or leave it but here's what my day looks like.


Nelo Ice

Why are you doing such hi reps with so little weight. A 2.5 is basically body weight. Why not add more weight and lower your reps?

Take it or leave it but here's what my day looks like.


Just following Candito's 6 week program since it says do those reps for accessories but choose your own weights. Kinda winging it for accessories since there's no set weight or when you go up since apparently the point is to pick the weight based on how you feel that day. And after 3 weeks I should be able to do more weight rather than stagnate. Also guess i'll try that since otherwise I was wondering how the hell I'm expected to do those reps with even 5 lbs like I tried on Tuesday.



Just following Candito's 6 week program since it says do those reps for accessories but choose your own weights. Kinda winging it for accessories since there's no set weight or when you go up since apparently the point is to pick the weight based on how you feel that day. And after 3 weeks I should be able to do more weight rather than stagnate. Also guess i'll try that since otherwise I was wondering how the hell I'm expected to do those reps with even 5 lbs like I tried on Tuesday.


I'm with Coot...(and if you're dead set on sticking to that plan, by all means continue, but) 2.5 lbs isn't going to do anything. When I do weighted pullups, the minimum I'd use would be a 25. Otherwise, just bang out normal unweighted pull ups and call it a (successful) day

Nelo Ice

I'm with Coot...(and if you're dead set on sticking to that plan, by all means continue, but) 2.5 lbs isn't going to do anything. When I do weighted pullups, the minimum I'd use would be a 25. Otherwise, just bang out normal unweighted pull ups and call it a (successful) day

I'll take your guy's word for it then since I'm still not confident enough to program my own routine hence why I tend to follow a program to a T. Though I have started to add or mod things on my own here and there. And this is the first time I've attempted something that isn't SS, GSLP, or 5/3/1. Those were easier to follow since the weights were set out for you. Most I've done on weighted pull ups anyway was 17.5 lbs for 3x5.


I'll take your guy's word for it then since I'm still not confident enough to program my own routine hence why I tend to follow a program to a T. Though I have started to add or mod things on my own here and there. And this is the first time I've attempted something that isn't SS, GSLP, or 5/3/1. Those were easier to follow since the weights were set out for you. Most I've done on weighted pull ups anyway was 17.5 lbs for 3x5.

Then do that!

Nelo Ice

Then do that!

I'll look into doing that as well then. When should I try to move up though?. I got to 17.5 doing GSLP and increasing the weight every workout which depending on the week was once or twice a week. Also aside from pull ups, I'm doing well on the other accessories for similar rep counts. The accessories being OHP and dumbbell rows. I'm hoping my OHP goes up as well since I've still yet to comfortably break the 100 lb barrier.

Besides that this program focuses on bench, squat, and deadlift. I've read people getting good results on their squat and dead but mixed on bench. Like I posted earlier I'm pretty happy with my deadlift. Squat is doing ok but could use some help but I mainly want to get my bench and OHP up.


So Im still sorta new to weightlifting, specifically freeweights, and one of the things I have noticed is that Im rather inflexible at the hips and tend to bend at the back :( .

Most exercises have a bent over variation, like doing shrugs today, and the straight back bent at hip posture just feels awkward. I feel a ton of tension in my hamstrings when doing this so I assume those must be chronically tight as a result. Obviously this is bad in a general sort of way as ill end up with a screwed up back so I want to fix it.

Are there any specific stretches or exercises that aid with hip mobility? Seems like if its the hamstring then those would suffice. A friend said my back will sort itself as my lats get stronger but I need to get more hip flexibility before attempting compound lifts like deadlifts.

Any recommendations or ideas FitGAF?


Had a decent night at the gym. Did some OHP, delts, and tris. I was a bit under the weather and was dehydrated for most of the day.

For some reasons, the stars were aligned and there were six Chinese guys including myself on the squat rack and power cage. We were all doing OHP. Four of us went up to 135. It was a blast. Almost like a party.

You could say it was a Communist Party.

Hey guys. So I know you all think planet fitness is one big lol, but they opened one up like two blocks away from my house. I just wanna do cardio and shit like that, I don't care about lifting.

Is it worth it?

No Love

Amazon just launched Prime Now in Austin, which delivers orders lickety split (got mine in 1 hour 10 minutes). They were offering $20 off your first order of $50. Quest bars are $25 each.

I got two boxes of Quest Bars for $30.

(They only have Cookie Dough, Brownie, and Apple Pie, but those are all good ones)

God damn that's awesome.. Still waiting for Prime Now to get to my area of San Diego. Hurry up!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Hey guys. So I know you all think planet fitness is one big lol, but they opened one up like two blocks away from my house. I just wanna do cardio and shit like that, I don't care about lifting.

Is it worth it?
I think you answered your own question. Value is in the eye of the beholder.
I bought the myprotein dip belt http://m.us.myprotein.com/protein-accessories/myprotein-dipping-belt/10873327.html, got it from the UK online store but seems to be the same one. Not sure how heavy you plan on going but if you're going fairly heavy you might want to pay a bit more for a quality one. I've had 3 plates on there with no signs of the chains loosening and it feels as comfortable as a dip belt can lol.
Thanks, 3 plates sounds good. I'm only at one now because I'm still not used to the form of having weight between my legs/pulling at my waist.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Finally got a decent food scale for amazon today. Was getting real tired of guesstimating protein intake.

Had a decent night at the gym. Did some OHP, delts, and tris. I was a bit under the weather and was dehydrated for most of the day.

For some reasons, the stars were aligned and there were six Chinese guys including myself on the squat rack and power cage. We were all doing OHP. Four of us went up to 135. It was a blast. Almost like a party.

You could say it was a Communist Party.


Whenever I see another Middle Eastern or Asian person at the gym we always give each other a little nod. We're probably both thinking "hell yea minority bro, you lift those god damn weights and become Goku."


Hey guys. So I know you all think planet fitness is one big lol, but they opened one up like two blocks away from my house. I just wanna do cardio and shit like that, I don't care about lifting.

Is it worth it?

If all you care about is cardio, yeah then it's fine. That's about all Planet Fitness is good for.


So Im still sorta new to weightlifting, specifically freeweights, and one of the things I have noticed is that Im rather inflexible at the hips and tend to bend at the back :( .

Most exercises have a bent over variation, like doing shrugs today, and the straight back bent at hip posture just feels awkward. I feel a ton of tension in my hamstrings when doing this so I assume those must be chronically tight as a result. Obviously this is bad in a general sort of way as ill end up with a screwed up back so I want to fix it.

Are there any specific stretches or exercises that aid with hip mobility? Seems like if its the hamstring then those would suffice. A friend said my back will sort itself as my lats get stronger but I need to get more hip flexibility before attempting compound lifts like deadlifts.

Any recommendations or ideas FitGAF?
My Evernote link in the OP has lower body mobility YouTube video links; I recommend video #3, #5, and #6 (his hip circles/fire hydrants and rocking frog stretch). You can search about Kelly Starrett's Mobility WOD website or YouTube channel for hip mobility stuff for the squat too. Take a look at the videos and decide which stretches you want to do.

Also check if you have anterior pelvic tilt.
Well, turns out my feet placement is exactly the opposite of what it should be, thanks!

Side note: sometimes you have to look at the big picture to notice real progress..
I haven't done incline bench since August, where I could barely half rep 135x6. Today I tried it again and got 140x10 (full ROM) like it was nothing. Feels good, mayne.

No problem! I find that I've had to tweak my bench the most to get the correct form. Hell I'm still working at it. I made big improvements today.
Only 2 days into 5/3/1; BBB and I haven't felt sore like this for a long time. Feels refreshing. Specific areas around my delts and core are burning in new places I haven't felt before.

By the end of the month I'll begin cardio in synch with cut :p.


Did a sort of deload today. Want a little higher on SSB than I originaly wanted to. Also for the gratuitous glute shot.

SSB squats 340x5.

SSB good mornings 210x10. Full log in description.


210x10 good mornings? Damn Brolic. Incredible.

I'll look into doing that as well then. When should I try to move up though?. I got to 17.5 doing GSLP and increasing the weight every workout which depending on the week was once or twice a week. Also aside from pull ups, I'm doing well on the other accessories for similar rep counts. The accessories being OHP and dumbbell rows. I'm hoping my OHP goes up as well since I've still yet to comfortably break the 100 lb barrier.

Besides that this program focuses on bench, squat, and deadlift. I've read people getting good results on their squat and dead but mixed on bench. Like I posted earlier I'm pretty happy with my deadlift. Squat is doing ok but could use some help but I mainly want to get my bench and OHP up.

First off, I don't really know much about the current program you're doing. All Cooter and I are saying is that 2.5 pounds of added weight for pull ups isn't going to have a significant impact on your lifts. I'd suggest doing perfect form lat pulldowns for a while instead, as you can easily track and control progression.

In regards to your OHP and bench lagging behind, make sure A) your form is good (post a form video and everyone here will give you honest and constructive feedback) B) you work your stabilizers. Do a variety of DB exercises (incline DB press and chest flys for your bench and lateral raise / front raise for your OHP, for example). It'll help you both aesthetically and strength wise. Perfect combo.


My Evernote link in the OP has lower body mobility YouTube video links; I recommend video #3, #5, and #6 (his hip circles/fire hydrants and rocking frog stretch). You can search about Kelly Starrett's Mobility WOD website or YouTube channel for hip mobility stuff for the squat too. Take a look at the videos and decide which stretches you want to do.

Also check if you have anterior pelvic tilt.

Thanks, I will look at those videos.

When I had my knee checked by an orthopedist he checked my hips and said my pelvic posture was fine but I do have slighty hunched shoulders. He said that was due to a muscle imbalance.


Whenever I see another Middle Eastern or Asian person at the gym we always give each other a little nod. We're probably both thinking "hell yea minority bro, you lift those god damn weights and become Goku."

Yeah, it's pretty cool. Surprisingly, Asians are actually a majority at my gym. However, there's quite an even split between bruhs and newbs.


Thanks, I will look at those videos.

When I had my knee checked by an orthopedist he checked my hips and said my pelvic posture was fine but I do have slighty hunched shoulders. He said that was due to a muscle imbalance.

Oh I see, got that possibility cleared.

Doing more rows and face pulls for the slightly hunched shoulders?
So my friends trying to get me to start going to 24 hour fitness with him so we can work out together. WOW this gym sucks some huge balls. They have 1 shitty squat rack and it feels like a glorifed hotel gym. It cost almost 30 bucks a month as well


So my friends trying to get me to start going to 24 hour fitness with him so we can work out together. WOW this gym sucks some huge balls. They have 1 shitty squat rack and it feels like a glorifed hotel gym. It cost almost 30 bucks a month as well

I used to go to a Bally's Fitness for the longest time. The gym had a whole set of problems such as over-crowding, defective air conditioning, broken DBs, and broken machines.

The gym was purchased and converted into a 24 Hour Fitness. Funny thing is on the very next block, there is a Planet Fitness.


I used to go to a Bally's Fitness for the longest time. The gym had a whole set of problems such as over-crowding, defective air conditioning, broken DBs, and broken machines.

The gym was purchased and converted into a 24 Hour Fitness. Funny thing is on the very next block, there is a Planet Fitness.

Bally's really dropped the ball. They always sucked. Now their lunch is being eaten by PF, 24 hour fitness and the PF clones.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
210x10 good mornings? Damn Brolic. Incredible.

First off, I don't really know much about the current program you're doing. All Cooter and I are saying is that 2.5 pounds of added weight for pull ups isn't going to have a significant impact on your lifts. I'd suggest doing perfect form lat pulldowns for a while instead, as you can easily track and control progression.

In regards to your OHP and bench lagging behind, make sure A) your form is good (post a form video and everyone here will give you honest and constructive feedback) B) you work your stabilizers. Do a variety of DB exercises (incline DB press and chest flys for your bench and lateral raise / front raise for your OHP, for example). It'll help you both aesthetically and strength wise. Perfect combo.

No to brag, but my GM is actually much higher with a regular bar. This SSB makes them much harder, but its a lot easier on my shoukder too.

At least, you gave us the glute warning.

MTP, you got some major ghetto booty competition here.

On a serious note, I read the rest of the workout log. Impressive stuff.

Thanks, and it's supposed to say sorry for glute shot. Somehow left sorry out. And the SSB makes squats a lot harder and it seems to hit more of everything. It makes everything incredibly awkward. Did that exercise in 40 min. Point was to cut myself short so I didn't do too much. I'm already getting beat up.
So my friends trying to get me to start going to 24 hour fitness with him so we can work out together. WOW this gym sucks some huge balls. They have 1 shitty squat rack and it feels like a glorifed hotel gym. It cost almost 30 bucks a month as well

I actually enjoy my 24. Pretty solid all around. 1 squat rack and 1 power rack but hey, what can you do.

There is a Lifetime Fitness and that place is great. I like to bounce around between the two.
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