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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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I actually enjoy my 24. Pretty solid all around. 1 squat rack and 1 power rack but hey, what can you do.

There is a Lifetime Fitness and that place is great. I like to bounce around between the two.

It's nice to have a workout friend but this feels like a major step down from the university gym I'm used to that has 4 power racks. It doesn't even have 1 power rack, it's literally just the squat rack and a damn smith machine lol
It's nice to have a workout friend but this feels like a major step down from the university gym I'm used to that has 4 power racks. It doesn't even have 1 power rack, it's literally just the squat rack and a damn smith machine lol

lol well yeah, it won't be on that level. Also 24 has different tiers of gyms. Do you know what yours is considered?


So i've been pretty consistent with my my goings so far. Start with 30 minutes of elliptical and then the days muscle group. I don't really have a plan as far as specific exercises, i'll usually find 4-5 movements for that day, ie shoulder and trap, bis and tris, legs, chest and back.

Is it better to have the same set of exercises week in week out or just wing it when you get there? I've been getting bigger and feel stronger, just wondering if I could be doing better.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
So i've been pretty consistent with my my goings so far. Start with 30 minutes of elliptical and then the days muscle group. I don't really have a plan as far as specific exercises, i'll usually find 4-5 movements for that day, ie shoulder and trap, bis and tris, legs, chest and back.

Is it better to have the same set of exercises week in week out or just wing it when you get there? I've been getting bigger and feel stronger, just wondering if I could be doing better.

A plan is always better. At least until you know what you're doing.


Reading about some of the large chain gyms you guys go to makes me actually appreciate my LA Fitness that's only 3 minutes away. There's 2 squat racks and a power cage (and 2 Smith machines).

So i've been pretty consistent with my my goings so far. Start with 30 minutes of elliptical and then the days muscle group. I don't really have a plan as far as specific exercises, i'll usually find 4-5 movements for that day, ie shoulder and trap, bis and tris, legs, chest and back.

Why not try lifting first and then finish with cardio. You'll have more energy for lifting.


So i've been pretty consistent with my my goings so far. Start with 30 minutes of elliptical and then the days muscle group. I don't really have a plan as far as specific exercises, i'll usually find 4-5 movements for that day, ie shoulder and trap, bis and tris, legs, chest and back.

Is it better to have the same set of exercises week in week out or just wing it when you get there? I've been getting bigger and feel stronger, just wondering if I could be doing better.

So, right off the bat, I'd HIGHLY recommend doing HIIT (after you lift). You can get a better work-out in half the time vs. spending 30 min doing steady state on the elliptical.

Secondly, definitely don't wing it, especially if you're a novice. Do SS, 531, etc. and post your plan. Personally, I do A and B schedules for my accessory lifts, alternating between the two. I've been working out for a few years now and it's about tweaking weak areas for me. To repeat...don't wing it.
Always have a plan when going to the gym and don't be afraid of changing it in the middle of your workout. Autoregulation is such a big part of lifting.

Tater Tot

"My God... it's full of Starch!"
I would. Have a bw day with the goal of improving your speed and height. Use multiple hand positions. Start out with sets of 10 and drop naturally as you fatique. I typically finish with sets of 4-6. Shoot for 100-125 total.

Did this today.

Dear Cooter,

I hate you. I can't move or do anything now, I am sore as fuck. I have to go lie down.



Oh I see, got that possibility cleared.

Doing more rows and face pulls for the slightly hunched shoulders?

I feel like I'm getting them worked pretty well, I'm just untrained, and never had a strong upper body to begin with. Posture/form and grip strength seem to be my biggest weak areas so just trying to take it slow and work on that.

Doing a program with my much more experienced friend who is cutting right now and getting me acquainted with all the form understanding for different exercises. Its basically 5 days a week where 3 are PPL and the other 2 are different groups. Yesterday was pretty focused on shoulders and upper back. Today is a back/bicep day which is pretty focused on lower back.

Just need to be persistent and patient.


I feel like I'm getting them worked pretty well, I'm just untrained, and never had a strong upper body to begin with. Posture/form and grip strength seem to be my biggest weak areas so just trying to take it slow and work on that.

Doing a program with my much more experienced friend who is cutting right now and getting me acquainted with all the form understanding for different exercises. Its basically 5 days a week where 3 are PPL and the other 2 are different groups. Yesterday was pretty focused on shoulders and upper back. Today is a back/bicep day which is pretty focused on lower back.

Just need to be persistent and patient.

When you say upper back and lower back on back-to-back days (pun obviously intended), what workouts are you doing on each day?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Did this today.

Dear Cooter,

I hate you. I can't move or do anything now, I am sore as fuck. I have to go lie down.





So yesterday was shoulders and traps which is upperbackish

Lateral raises,front and back
Overhead Press(behind the head)
Shrugs(this is where I had the hip flex issue)
Military press
Reverse flyers

Not in that order, compound first

Today is

Underhanded pulldown
Wide lat pulldown
Curls with db
Cable curls
One handed db row
Back extension
Romanian deadlift

So mostly lower back and biceps

I guess the last one is kinda legish but its gapped pretty far from the last day we did legs. Probably just stick to the bar on that one and work on the form.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement

So yesterday was shoulders and traps which is upperbackish

Lateral raises,front and back
Overhead Press(behind the head)
Shrugs(this is where I had the hip flex issue)
Military press
Reverse flyers

Not in that order, compound first

Today is

Underhanded pulldown
Wide lat pulldown
Curls with db
Cable curls
One handed db row
Back extension
Romanian deadlift

So mostly lower back and biceps

I guess the last one is kinda legish but its gapped pretty far from the last day we did legs. Probably just stick to the bar on that one and work on the form.

I don't have time but this needs to be changed to optimize your time and results. Bum can take it but if he doesn't I'll help you tonight.



So yesterday was shoulders and traps which is upperbackish

Lateral raises,front and back
Overhead Press(behind the head)
Shrugs(this is where I had the hip flex issue)
Military press
Reverse flyers

Not in that order, compound first

Today is

Underhanded pulldown
Wide lat pulldown
Curls with db
Cable curls
One handed db row
Back extension
Romanian deadlift

So mostly lower back and biceps

I guess the last one is kinda legish but its gapped pretty far from the last day we did legs. Probably just stick to the bar on that one and work on the form.

As Cooter said, you need to adjust this. A). you're doing too much. B). you're working the same muscles on back to back days.

Try this instead (as an example):

Day 1 - Shoulders
OHP with Bar
Upright Rows
Lateral Raise X Front Raise Superset

Day 2 - Back / Biceps
Bent-over Row
Back Fly
Weighted pull-ups
Barbell curl

This is an example only. Your old plan had too much 'back' and would actually hurt you in the long run.


Hmm I am looking at the schedule and we did actually compress those days together because of another obligation. Sorry I'm so screwed up this week been doing too much OT.

Typically there would happen to be a rest day or a non weightlifting day in between, or at most calves which I tend to bow out of.

What is 2nd best to traditional deadlift?


I think I'm going to switch to a powerlifting PPL split while cutting. I love my current linear progression template but I do not have the energy to squat heavy AND bench on the same day. Ill probably do ramped squats 1x3, then 2x10 at like 60% of my ORM then do accessory stuff. Deadlift on pull day


The 24s here are OK. Usually one squat rack and one cage. They are sport 24s. The one in Buena park just got a insane rack setup that you can do anything on, it's got 6 adjustable racks.


Neo Member
Think Im one of the lucky ones. 2 squat racks (third inbound), 4 benches, and two smith machines (people using these dont use my squat rack so im good). At the times I go I have max 6 others in the free weights with me. Is this heaven ?


Honestly, it depends on your weakness. I know mine is hamstrings so I do stiff-legged DL and power cleans in addition to my normal DL

My issue is knee which has chronic runners knee and inflammation behind the patella.

I can do light squats fine but DL messes with it. Its slowly getting better due to quad strengthening but still aggravated by certain things.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Here's me after starting weights in January. Was on and off last year but have been going hardcore this year. One day i might look like gaf and finally have sex.
wish i was joking
Dude, hate to break it to you but your body isn't the reason you're not having sex.


Funnily enough, some studies have them at +/- 5%.

Yeah which imo eyeballing can do a better job than that.

Basically if you are too fat to estimate it In the mirror then there's no reason to even check it. Just lose weight.

If you are 20 or under, you can do just as good as bodpod at estimating...if you are honest


My issue is knee which has chronic runners knee and inflammation behind the patella.

I can do light squats fine but DL messes with it. Its slowly getting better due to quad strengthening but still aggravated by certain things.

If you have serious knee issues, I'd highly recommend staying away from 1RM max DLs. Try lighter weight, higher reps, or do exaggerated wide grip which won't require as much weight.

oh wow you just blew my mind!
life of depression is the reason DUH

Hang in there man. You look great, so feel confident about it.


Did you get on the dnp train?
Lol I felt like making this joke but I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

Here's me after starting weights in January. Was on and off last year but have been going hardcore this year. One day i might look like gaf and finally have sex.
wish i was joking

I sort of understand how sex can be a big thing for some people but I just don't get why it's a big deal.
I'm still a virgin and I could care less.


I've also not touched a woman in 14
now. Whats the big deal.

Yes, it can be a big deal for some, but i have better things to worry about.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Idk guys, my life doesn't revolve around women or more accurately a woman, but damnit if they are not the most beautiful thing on this earth! Well... at least the hot ones.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Just came back from vacation, which was rough on my cut progress.

But I'm getting there! I'd say I'm around 13% bodyfat right now. Abs are slowly coming back (under very good lighting ;) ).


Recent milestone includes closing the CoC Trainer grip 27 times after only being able to shut it 2 or 3 times a month ago.


Idk guys, my life doesn't revolve around women or more accurately a woman, but damnit if they are not the most beautiful thing on this earth! Well... at least the hot ones.

Absolutely freaking agree.

Yeesh. More power to you.

I have my reasons, no worries.

Can i post a wanted ad here?


Armenian woman for wife, must like working out and low carb, apply through pm. Thanks.

LOL, sorry for going to OT.


To me, after compounds, there is no better exercise than incline bench DB pause press. Jesus Christ.

Do you do your normal bench paused as well?

I've been meaning to try paused flat BB bench for a while now. I can hardly ever feel it in my chest but I've heard that pausing takes care of that by making it hit your chest more (because it removes the stretch reflex).

Just did three days of cycling and felt amazing on every day of it. Admittedly I wasn't pushing myself as hard as I could, but I think I'm getting the balance between strength and endurance about right for my needs. Could maybe do with a little more core strength though as I did notice my lower back starting to get achy towards the end of the harder technical climbs.

Three more days coming Sunday to Tuesday (bikepacking)... then back on the weights before I lose all my gainz.


Do you do your normal bench paused as well?

I've been meaning to try paused flat BB bench for a while now. I can hardly ever feel it in my chest but I've heard that pausing takes care of that by making it hit your chest more (because it removes the stretch reflex).

I have tried it, but honestly, unless you have a spotter it's dangerous and I never work out with a spotter (at least when I lift in my home gym). DB pause is perfect because you can always bail on the weight pretty easily (and the confidence of knowing that makes you able to lift more), and I find incline the best because that's currently the pec area I want to clean up most.

Gonna end my bulk at this sweet spot, 85kg with around 14% bf or so. Never ate so much in my life, almost ended up hating food lol.
Oh well, time to cut.

Dude you look fantastic, great work. Also the perfect time to start a cut.


Eating more than 3,000 calories a day, above two hundred grams of protein a day and still am stuck at 65kg for weeks now.

Started tracking my calories a month and a half ago, lift five days a week and have started in January of this year.

Am a 5 ft 8 male. All the calculators on the internet give a way lower TDEE than what I am currently eating, so I should be gaining some weight.

Anyone know what might be wrong? Is it simply a matter of just eating more? Or is something wrong with my counting of calories? I use MyFitnessPal and a scale to weigh my food.


Eating more than 3,000 calories a day, above two hundred grams of protein a day and still am stuck at 65kg for weeks now.

Started tracking my calories a month and a half ago, lift five days a week and have started in January of this year.

Am a 5 ft 8 male. All the calculators on the internet give a way lower TDEE than what I am currently eating, so I should be gaining some weight.

Anyone know what might be wrong? Is it simply a matter of just eating more? Or is something wrong with my counting of calories? I use MyFitnessPal and a scale to weigh my food.

Do you only lift or do you do cardio? If you're on a bulk don't do any cardio.
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