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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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In reality though, the short answer is eating more, until you start putting on weight. The calculators are really nothing more than starting advice as individual metabolisms can differ massively.

This can be infuriating as I've found out recently. I've gone from being able to bulk at 2500kcal to needing 3250kcal to bulk... and that's just over a period of around 7 weeks (exercise basically identical in total calorie burn).


I have tried it, but honestly, unless you have a spotter it's dangerous and I never work out with a spotter (at least when I lift in my home gym). DB pause is perfect because you can always bail on the weight pretty easily (and the confidence of knowing that makes you able to lift more), and I find incline the best because that's currently the pec area I want to clean up most.

Dude you look fantastic, great work. Also the perfect time to start a cut.

Thanks allot, i do feel great. It's been years since i started and i came a long way.

In reality though, the short answer is eating more, until you start putting on weight. The calculators are really nothing more than starting advice as individual metabolisms can differ massively.

This can be infuriating as I've found out recently. I've gone from being able to bulk at 2500kcal to needing 3250kcal to bulk... and that's just over a period of around 7 weeks (exercise basically identical in total calorie burn).

Gotta agree with this.
Thought i needed around 3500 to bulk, but i was eating close to 4000 kcals to reach this weight.


Whoa, I never knew about this thread. Sweet! :)

I've been lifting and running for about 3 years 5-6 days a week and just can't stop. It has become my morning coffee. The Strong Lifts 5x5 program was my starting point and it helped me a lot, especially with becoming comfortable with the more serious exercises like squats and dead lifts.

More recently I ran in my first 8k in downtown Chicago with 20,000+ people and I'm now hooked on the race experience. Currently training for my first 10k, then I'm registered for a 10 mile downtown, then a half marathon at the end of the year.

Currently cutting to see how low I can get my body fat. I'm sitting at a caliper-measured 8.5% right now and slowly progressing with a 20% calorie deficit. I'm a slender guy though (160lbs) and a hard gainer.

Anyways, here's a comparison pic from 7 years ago vs today! I just found this old picture and couldn't believe it.



BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
You're in fantastic shape, you should be proud. I'm 165lbs and hoping I look remotely close to you when I drop a bit more weight.

What's your running routine like? I've always had a hard time getting into it.


You're in fantastic shape, you should be proud. I'm 165lbs and hoping I look remotely close to you when I drop a bit more weight.

What's your running routine like? I've always had a hard time getting into it.


I am no professional runner so my advice is just based on my own experience.

Running was always very hard for me to get into. I had a lot of anxiety from memories of being forced to run a mile in school when I was in terrible shape.

What helped me was to not push myself too hard. When i first started trying to run, i would run so hard that it was torture and hated it.

Start by running a short distance (1/4 mile) at a comfortable pace (jogging). Next time, slightly increase the distance but keep the same pace. Do this until you get to a distance goal (ex: 1 mile). From there, continue to run just 1 mile each time but at a SLIGHTLY faster pace until you reach a speed goal (ex: 8 minute mile). From there, start over by creating another distance goal (2 miles) and maintaining a comfortable pace (this will now be slightly faster than when you started since it will be easier for you) increasing your distance gradually from 1 mile to 2.

So: first train for distance, then for speed. Repeat, be patient, listen to your body, don't torture yourself, and enjoy the progress. It will feel great when you feel like you could run forever at a nice clip :)

Edit: speaking of which... I just picked this up for next weekend! Im pretty excited.



Whoa, I never knew about this thread. Sweet! :)

I've been lifting and running for about 3 years 5-6 days a week and just can't stop. It has become my morning coffee. The Strong Lifts 5x5 program was my starting point and it helped me a lot, especially with becoming comfortable with the more serious exercises like squats and dead lifts.

More recently I ran in my first 8k in downtown Chicago with 20,000+ people and I'm now hooked on the race experience. Currently training for my first 10k, then I'm registered for a 10 mile downtown, then a half marathon at the end of the year.

Currently cutting to see how low I can get my body fat. I'm sitting at a caliper-measured 8.5% right now and slowly progressing with a 20% calorie deficit. I'm a slender guy though (160lbs) and a hard gainer.

Anyways, here's a comparison pic from 7 years ago vs today! I just found this old picture and couldn't believe it.


Great physique man!! We have extremely similar builds


Great physique man!! We have extremely similar builds

Thanks. I have a ways to go to hit my goals, bit I've found the trick is to make sure you enjoy getting there.

I used to keep a somewhat flexible workout regimen to stay happy: I could mostly do whatever seems the most fun on any given day as long as I get my ass in the gym 5 days a week and put solid work in. I'm more strict now, but only because I still enjoy it quite a bit.


Thanks. I have a ways to go to hit my goals, bit I've found the trick is to make sure you enjoy getting there.

I used to keep a somewhat flexible workout regimen to stay happy: I could mostly do whatever seems the most fun on any given day as long as I get my ass in the gym 5 days a week and put solid work in. I'm more strict now, but only because I still enjoy it quite a bit.

Like you, I've always believed in setting short term and long term goals. At 31, as a first time dad, my goals have shifted to staying healthy for my baby girl, but what I've given up in sheer gym volume I've (almost) made up for with lifting smarter, eating healthier and driving less beer and whiskey. The aesthetics and strength haven't taken as big of a hit as expected. Keep it up, dude.

What is your long term goal by the way?


Like you, I've always believed in setting short term and long term goals. At 31, as a first time dad, my goals have shifted to staying healthy for my baby girl, but what I've given up in sheer gym volume I've (almost) made up for with lifting smarter, eating healthier and driving less beer and whiskey. The aesthetics and strength haven't taken as big of a hit as expected. Keep it up, dude.

What is your long term goal by the way?

Im 32 and have 3 kids. I eat clean and carb cycle. I have to get up at 4:50 to get to the gym before work, but after doing it for a month, it becomes easy. Also, eventually your kids get old enough to take interest in what you do, so it's great to get both a workout and family time in when they want to join you for a run or something.

Long term goals: 185lbs 6%BF, run a half marathon, run a 35 minute 8K, bench 250, squat 315

Short term goals: have fun, be happy with even the littlest amount of progress, use failure as a learning experience, and to not freak out if the long term goals seem impossible to reach (which they often do). Edit: Also, staying humble. No matter how far you think you've come or how great you think you are, there is always someone 10x stronger, faster, healthier, or more knowledgeable than you. Translation: control your ego and don't be a d*ck.


Im 32 and have 3 kids. I eat clean and carb cycle. I have to get up at 4:50 to get to the gym before work, but after doing it for a month, it becomes easy. Also, eventually your kids get old enough to take interest in what you do, so it's great to get both a workout and family time in when they want to join you for a run or something.

Long term goals: 185lbs 6%BF, run a half marathon, run a 35 minute 8K, bench 250, squat 315

Short term goals: have fun, be happy with even the littlest amount of progress, use failure as a learning experience, and to not freak out if the long term goals seem impossible to reach (which they often do)

Love this post. Pop in to let us know how your goals are going.
Wuttup fitgaf! First post hEre. I want to start a new healthy life, and I'm beginning with a 2 month sprint diet and exercise program for my bros wedding on a beach. What do you think about my diet?

Meal 1: 2 eggs, 2 piece of turkey bacon. Multivitamin.

Meal 2: chicken breast, mixed veggies

Meal 3: sandwich, small burrito, small Indian meal- light on carbs

Meal 4: 2 scoop protein shame

I'm 5'7" and weight 153. do you think this fits might immediate goals and is sustainable into the future? Thanks and godspeed and giant bi's!

PS I'm working out after meal 3- switching between upper body day, lower body day, and cardio-centric days. just got back into working out and don't want to split too heavily


Wuttup fitgaf! First post hEre. I want to start a new healthy life, and I'm beginning with a 2 month sprint diet and exercise program for my bros wedding on a beach. What do you think about my diet?

Meal 1: 2 eggs, 2 piece of turkey bacon. Multivitamin.

Meal 2: chicken breast, mixed veggies

Meal 3: sandwich, small burrito, small Indian meal- light on carbs

Meal 4: 2 scoop protein shame

I'm 5'7" and weight 153. do you think this fits might immediate goals and is sustainable into the future? Thanks and godspeed and giant bi's!

PS I'm working out after meal 3- switching between upper body day, lower body day, and cardio-centric days. just got back into working out and don't want to split too heavily

Google the total calories needed for your goal and the required balance of macros (fat,carbs, protein). I wish I would have listened to this advice years ago. Use an app to make tracking your food easy, like My Fitness Pal. Many foods are completely interchangeable so you have plenty of options to change up what you eat.

Bodybuilding.com is a pretty good resource. Just be weary of forum posts. Stick to articles from reputable athletes.

Going back to my first comment about tracking calories. Just do it. If you don't, you might be eating too little or too much and your hard work in the gym will produce little change.

Case in point: the salad below, which I eat often, doesn't look very robust and most people assume it's not filling and provides few calories. Well, after adding 2Tbs of olive oil vinaigrette, it has 40g of protein and is 550 calories - 1/4 of my daily intake. I would have never known of it weren't for using this app.



Any of you fucks with battle ropes, maces, stones, tire flipping and shit like that?

As the weather get better and I wanna mess around with non traditional stuff.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Oh. I never click on video links much since I post a lot from work.

How do you incorporate them? On off days? After the big lifts?

Event days are after main lifting days. So squat/sandbag carry, bench press/yoke walk, deadlift/sandbag load over bar, overhead press/farmer walks.

Events change out from time to time.

312lb (per hand) farmer walk.

250lb bag load over bar

525lb yoke walk

Sandbag carries


Event days are after main lifting days. So squat/sandbag carry, bench press/yoke walk, deadlift/sandbag load over bar, overhead press/farmer walks.

Events change out from time to time...

If I was your neighbor I would have a hard time not peeking through my blinds occasionally in an attempt to see what the hell you happened to be moving/lifting that day. "Oh look, he's lunging with motorcycles today."

In all seriousness, that's pretty damn impressive. That farmer walk with 300+ in each hand would be impossible for me to even get off the ground.


Had a breakthrough with my squats yesterday. On the last few sets I realized I was going down too far and losing tightness, causing me to bounce at the top of the lift. Instead I started to go down just past parallel and then brace for 1-2 seconds. Complete change in glute and hip flexor activation.


Had a breakthrough with my squats yesterday. On the last few sets I realized I was going down too far and losing tightness, causing me to bounce at the top of the lift. Instead I started to go down just past parallel and then brace for 1-2 seconds. Complete change in glute and hip flexor activation.

That's interesting. I've been more focused on getting add low as possible now that i have the hip flexibility. Is there something I should watch out for when doing that?


That's interesting. I've been more focused on getting add low as possible now that i have the hip flexibility. Is there something I should watch out for when doing that?

If you can go all the way ATG without bouncing, do it. I still don't have the hamstring and hip flexibility to maintain tightness ALL the way down, even though I can easily get ATG. I have a tendency to bounce at the bottom before I settle, and this causes me to lose tightness and thus struggle on the way up. Keep going down until you can now longer maintain tightness in your glutes and hams, and that should be the effective bottom of your lift. For me that's at a hip angle of about 60 degrees or so.


If you can go all the way ATG without bouncing, do it. I still don't have the hamstring and hip flexibility to maintain tightness ALL the way down, even though I can easily get ATG. I have a tendency to bounce at the bottom before I settle, and this causes me to lose tightness and thus struggle on the way up. Keep going down until you can now longer maintain tightness in your glutes and hams, and that should be the effective bottom of your lift. For me that's at a hip angle of about 60 degrees or so.
Awesome I will pay attention to that. Thanks


Any of you use a preworkout supplement? I workout pretty early and it helps my intensity quite a bit. I keep coming back to C4 which works for me.

Coffee doesn't quite cut it since it seems to take time to kick in, is less potent, and lasts too long.

I tried Optimum's Amino Energy, but when you take 4-6 scoops as directed for moderate energy it becomes expensive.

Have any of you tried anything else?


Event days are after main lifting days. So squat/sandbag carry, bench press/yoke walk, deadlift/sandbag load over bar, overhead press/farmer walks.

Events change out from time to time.

312lb (per hand) farmer walk.

250lb bag load over bar

525lb yoke walk

Sandbag carries

Did you see that article that compared strong man stuff to barbells? Strong man stuff won when you compare them head to head and switch lifts.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
If I was your neighbor I would have a hard time not peeking through my blinds occasionally in an attempt to see what the hell you happened to be moving/lifting that day. "Oh look, he's lunging with motorcycles today."

In all seriousness, that's pretty damn impressive. That farmer walk with 300+ in each hand would be impossible for me to even get off the ground.

They pretty much do. When I open my garage and turn on my radio I usually have an audience pretty swiftly. And thanks!

Did you see that article that compared strong man stuff to barbells? Strong man stuff won when you compare them head to head and switch lifts.

Wouldn't surprise me, I noticed my body changing when I switched. My back exploded. Inmates are calling me a ninja turtle.


I have noticed that I am in way better shape compared to a year ago. When I started back then five minutes on a crosstrainer with zero resistance was totally killing me, made me sweat like a pig and got me out of breath. Yesterday after lifting I was 58 minutes in a row on the same crosstrainer with a medium resistance and even if I was definitely sweating I wasn't that badly out of breath (I was able to talk all the time and my pulse was 155-165 constantly). Also now when it is spring again and I bike to every place hills feels lower than they were a year ago. Feels so good to realize that I have already gone a long way in a year.

Side note: sometimes you have to look at the big picture to notice real progress...
I haven't done incline bench since August, where I could barely half rep 135x6. Today I tried it again and got 140x10 (full ROM) like it was nothing. Feels good, mayne.
Yay! Good for you! :D

Had a decent night at the gym. Did some OHP, delts, and tris. I was a bit under the weather and was dehydrated for most of the day.

For some reasons, the stars were aligned and there were six Chinese guys including myself on the squat rack and power cage. We were all doing OHP. Four of us went up to 135. It was a blast. Almost like a party.

You could say it was a Communist Party.

Lol. Oh I love your comments!

At least, you gave us the glute warning.

MTP, you got some major ghetto booty competition here.

On a serious note, I read the rest of the workout log. Impressive stuff.
I was actually looking at the same.


Brolic is always beasty but for some reason I haven't realized he was also that bootylicious.

I feel like this has been posted before, but if not, take warning friends.
Hahah. <3

Idk guys, my life doesn't revolve around women or more accurately a woman, but damnit if they are not the most beautiful thing on this earth! Well... at least the hot ones.
Setting new goals just about now. I might not be able to be young and pretty again but damn I want to be at least hot. :p

oh wow you just blew my mind!
life of depression is the reason DUH
Trust me, you look damn hot at the moment if that makes you feel any better. :p

I've also not touched a woman in 14
now. Whats the big deal.

Yes, it can be a big deal for some, but i have better things to worry about.
Lol I felt like making this joke but I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

I sort of understand how sex can be a big thing for some people but I just don't get why it's a big deal.
I'm still a virgin and I could care less.
Wait, what... seriously, do you guys just actively turn down all the girls of what is going on? There must be a queue on your front doors!

Just came back from vacation, which was rough on my cut progress.

But I'm getting there! I'd say I'm around 13% bodyfat right now. Abs are slowly coming back (under very good lighting ;) ).


Recent milestone includes closing the CoC Trainer grip 27 times after only being able to shut it 2 or 3 times a month ago.
Wow. Looking great!

I can tell you from years of hanging around with nurses that not a lot of girls give a motherfuck about your bf% and your 3d delts
This is true though. As much as I drool people in here, in the end it is other things that really count.

Gonna end my bulk at this sweet spot, 85kg with around 14% bf or so. Never ate so much in my life, almost ended up hating food lol.
Oh well, time to cut.
Ooooh. You look totally sweet at the moment. I can only imagine what you look like after a cut. (Even though I admittedly like the look of people on a bulk. At least you look damn gorgeous.)

Whoa, I never knew about this thread. Sweet! :)

I've been lifting and running for about 3 years 5-6 days a week and just can't stop. It has become my morning coffee. The Strong Lifts 5x5 program was my starting point and it helped me a lot, especially with becoming comfortable with the more serious exercises like squats and dead lifts.

More recently I ran in my first 8k in downtown Chicago with 20,000+ people and I'm now hooked on the race experience. Currently training for my first 10k, then I'm registered for a 10 mile downtown, then a half marathon at the end of the year.

Currently cutting to see how low I can get my body fat. I'm sitting at a caliper-measured 8.5% right now and slowly progressing with a 20% calorie deficit. I'm a slender guy though (160lbs) and a hard gainer.

Anyways, here's a comparison pic from 7 years ago vs today! I just found this old picture and couldn't believe it.

I am collecting my jaw from the floor at the moment... and trying to stop drooling at the same time.

You look absolutely fantastic! I totally love the comparison! These kind of pics really motivate me to keep going. In seven years I can hopefully change my body composition as well. :)
(A year and a half ago I really were thinking that your looks would have been all about genetics. Sorry man.)

I think I popped couple disks by just looking at that. Just no.



Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
So impressive dude. Are you doing any competitions soon?

May 9, St. Louis Strongest Man competing in the novice division. Then I have a push/pull meet (bench/deadlift) at my gym on the 16th

First time competing in anything. After this I can call myself a competitive Powerlifter/Strongman.


May 9, St. Louis Strongest Man competing in the novice division. Then I have a push/pull meet (bench/deadlift) at my gym on the 16th

First time competing in anything. After this I can call myself a competitive Powerlifter/Strongman.

Oh shit, that's exciting! I can't wait to read about your domination. What lifts do you have to do may 9th?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Oh shit, that's exciting! I can't wait to read about your domination. What lifts do you have to do may 9th?

Not so sure I'm gonna dominate anything. lol.

500lb yoke for 60'
210lb farmer walk 60'
Press medley (200lb log, 120lb circus DB, then 200lb block for reps)
Car deadlift
Atlas stone load.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Beautiful day, so sandbag runs! In the video 200lbs for 75ft twice and 150ft once. I'm getting quicker. I'm also tired as hell. Full log was
Sandbag runs: 50lbs x 300ft, 150lbsx50ft,75ft,75ft, 200lbs x 50ft, 75ft x3 and 150ftx2

250lb sandbag bear hug lap x 5 singles all failed.



Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Nice!! That's no joke. Don't think I've ever done over 145.

Edit: not that I'm a bench mark for anything. Just meant that it's impressive.
Thanks man.

And Brolic, I'm out of breath just watchimg that. Nice work big guy!

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
So..... I recorded my 1st set of 195x3 on OHP and accidently erased it. After another set of 195x3 I decided to attempt 200x3 and failed on my 3rd rep. Ugh Anyway, here it is Cudder!


Look at this sharp dressed mother fucker and his matching belt/shirt combo.

Nice press too brah.

Thanks man.

And Brolic, I'm out of breath just watchimg that. Nice work big guy!

Thanks buddy!
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