Hey fitness GAF... So I decided to take a sabbatical from the gym over the winter months because I tend to play a lot of pond hockey outside, pretty much leaving no time or interest in hitting the gym. With the snow melting away and the ponds no longer frozen, I think it may be time to return to the grind. Way back when, I used to lift weights three times a week with a specific focus each day (i.e. back and tris, chest and bis, shoulders and legs) and noticed okay-ish results, but I eventually plateau'ed and got kind of discouraged/bored. I'm thinking about doing something different this time around, but I'm wondering if there's any use/merit to my idea...
Basically, my line of thinking is to go daily and do a full workout on one muscle group (i.e. biceps), but only do a single to-exhaustion set on the rest. I don't want to have to spend like 2+ hours at the gym every day to make it worthwhile; I don't have the time.
Is this something that could work -- in terms of building muscle and definition -- if coupled with appropriate nutrition (protein, etc.)?