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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
That doesn't prove anything, unless you're saying that you and ILoveBish are the same.
Hey, I said sorta. ;)

I just meant that we both show results eating at different times and the one thing that is consistent is watching our calories and macros. Obviously it's not conclusive evidence.


That doesn't prove anything, unless you're saying that you and ILoveBish are the same.

These two lines don't quite compute with each other.

I'm just stating what I've read before and that more current articles say it is more about calorie quantity. Meaning that of I'm in a calorie deficit dairy has no negative effect.


I don't drink much milk, but I eat 1 cup of non fat plain Greek yogurt each day. Not sure if protein shakes work into this at all? Or are they processed enough to no longer be considered dairy?

Low fat dairy is great for cutting, such a cottage cheese. Very filing and tons of protein.

I don't do shakes too much when cutting. I tend to retain water with them personally. But this is years of knowing how my body works. Everyone is different.


I've been awake for over 24 hours and finally getting tired. Need to survive work and then should be back to normal sleep by mid week. Didn't hit the gym today for obvious reasons.
There's nothing really wrong with that mindset, as long as your nutrition plan works for you really. On the other hand, I personally love white bread, hate whole grain stuff and find chicken unsatisfying in terms of general satiety heh.

I know, I'm gonna keep with my current regime until I start plateauing then I'll think about getting more serious about my diet.

And yea, I love white bread too. I also live next door to a bakery. Life is hard...
Looking for a bit of feedback on how sound this strategy is.

Still sticking to 1500kcal and under for week days, going a bit above on weekends. After a month back at the gym, finally getting past DOMS enough to go thrice a week (although Stronglifts 5x5 recommending squats every workout day can fuck right off).

Thinking of adding swimming on top, two to three times a week, same day as lift days, after doing them. Appears to be a nice mix of strength training (since it scales with how fast you're trying to go) and cardio.

Likely to push me into overtraining?

Have most likely only one more month left into the diet before i have to adapt to something else. Losses are already severely reduced. No strength loss noticed during lifts (but still getting back to pre-january str, so not exactly a stellar point of comparison).

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I'm just stating what I've read before and that more current articles say it is more about calorie quantity. Meaning that of I'm in a calorie deficit dairy has no negative effect.

Yeah, that's what I meant. If you believe in calories in/calories out, then I don't see why you would give the effects of dairy on fat loss any consideration. The source is not supposed to matter in your "boat."


Yeah, that's what I meant. If you believe in calories in/calories out, then I don't see why you would give the effects of dairy on fat loss any consideration. The source is not supposed to matter in your "boat."
Right, but I'm posting because I'm unsure. Was curious to hear from people's experiences as opposed to just decided what to believe bc it seems to make sense to me.


What's the consensus on dairy while cutting? I know it used to be thought that it would hinder process when trying to lose fat. That still the case?

I've come full circle reading articles about nutrition and it's amazing how much people can't agree on any of it.

Currently I'm in the calories in / calories out boat

It's fine. I have 50-100g protein via shakes while I cut and 2 cups of either unflavored Greek Yogurt or low fat cottage cheese right before I get in bed every night.
How the hell do you guys record how much rice you eat? All the nutrition info seems to be before it is cooked.

*types cooked rice on muhfitnesspal*
Rice, White, Cooked: 100g 128kcal 28g carbs, 2,5g prot 1g fat
Riche, Brown, Cooked: 100g 112kcal etc etc etc

aint exactly hard.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Ah, humility. So underrated. Don't lose that!

Fuck off Brolic. The Internet will break when you post a shirtless pic at 220!

0.00001% of people, dude. You're modesty is refreshing but I hope you are proud.

I appreciate it guys, I'm just focused in a higher goal and not happy with where I am, but I also know I'll get there. I also remember a few years ago I got down to 217lbs and it literally wasn't that impressive.

And BumRush, I'm very proud of how strong I am, you're right, but I also know it's nowhere close to where I need to be.

I'll obviously keep you all updated though.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I appreciate it guys, I'm just focused in a higher goal and not happy with where I am, but I also know I'll get there. I also remember a few years ago I got down to 217lbs and it literally wasn't that impressive.

And BumRush, I'm very proud of how strong I am, you're right, but I also know it's nowhere close to where I need to be.

I'll obviously keep you all updated though.

Were you DLing mobile homes and lifting Escalades over your head at 217? You're hiding a ton of mass and when it's revealed it shall be marvelous! But your humbleness is refreshing.
What's the consensus on dairy while cutting? I know it used to be thought that it would hinder process when trying to lose fat. That still the case?

I've come full circle reading articles about nutrition and it's amazing how much people can't agree on any of it.

Currently I'm in the calories in / calories out boat

But dairy is awesome. As long as you're remaining in a calorie deficit I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter. If anything, there's a lot of sugars added to the more tasty dairy options (ice cream), and a lot of them are higher in fat as well (ice cream lol, cheese and yogurt). I tend to stick to greek yogurt as well as lower fat cheeses. Enough of that though, dairy products are a good way to get your daily intake of dietary calcium as well. There's some pubmed stuff on the effects of calcium as well that might be related:


I appreciate it guys, I'm just focused in a higher goal and not happy with where I am, but I also know I'll get there. I also remember a few years ago I got down to 217lbs and it literally wasn't that impressive.

And BumRush, I'm very proud of how strong I am, you're right, but I also know it's nowhere close to where I need to be.

I'll obviously keep you all updated though.

So is there a number on that goal? A lot of people ask me what number I'm shooting for on the scale but I really don't have one, it's just a method of tracking to me. Just interested in seeing what your ultimate goal is to you.


Tomorrow is 3x3 @ 385lbs on squats. Looks like I will definitely hit 4 plates on squats very, very soon. Best believe I'll have a video for my first attempt. I remember when I was happy with a 2 plate squat. Mind blown.


Tomorrow is 3x3 @ 385lbs on squats. Looks like I will definitely hit 4 plates on squats very, very soon. Best believe I'll have a video for my first attempt. I remember when I was happy with a 2 plate squat. Mind blown.
Good luck. Getting strong as fuck


Tomorrow is 3x3 @ 385lbs on squats. Looks like I will definitely hit 4 plates on squats very, very soon. Best believe I'll have a video for my first attempt. I remember when I was happy with a 2 plate squat. Mind blown.

Holy crap. I just recently hit 2 plates. I can't imagine ever doing 3. 4?... yikes.

The most I've ever squatted after going through SL5x5 for about a year, albeit with not very good form, was 275. Properly would be 240-250. I've had a hard time building legs which have always been small. My current binge on running races probably doesn't help, but I will be more focused on legs (and bulking) after achieving those goals.

I still maintain a leg day once a week which is comprised of 8 sets of squats (185-205), 8 sets deadlifts (195-215), and 8 sets calf-raises(225). I know some people say calf raises do little to nothing, but I'm trying anyway. I wonder if I need to incorporate more on leg days...? I never do leg extensions or RDL for instance.


But dairy is awesome. As long as you're remaining in a calorie deficit I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter. If anything, there's a lot of sugars added to the more tasty dairy options (ice cream), and a lot of them are higher in fat as well (ice cream lol, cheese and yogurt). I tend to stick to greek yogurt as well as lower fat cheeses. Enough of that though, dairy products are a good way to get your daily intake of dietary calcium as well. There's some pubmed stuff on the effects of calcium as well that might be related:


Thanks for the info! I had no idea about calcium playing a part in fat loss.


looks like going to the gym and working out has keep my immune system really low and ive been far more prone to sickness in my current state than before :(
Thanks for the info! I had no idea about calcium playing a part in fat loss.

In the end, it's just the overall 1% (supplements/micros, that is). If you weren't going to lose weight through a calorie deficit, overconsuming calcium won't get you anything but maybe some future kidney stones lol. Just focus on the important stuff.
Bench Press 531
Front Squat 3x5
Bent-over Row 4x8
Hanging Leg Raises 3x10
Face Pulls 5x10

Overhead Press 3x8
Dips 3x11 (going to be adding weight soon)
Chin-ups 3x6-10
Deadlift 531

Squat 531
Bench Press 3x8
T-bar Row 4x8
Hanging Leg Raises 3x10
Face Pulls 5x10

Overhead Press 531
Incline dumbbell press 3x8
Pull-ups 3x5
Curls 4x8
Lateral Raises 5x10

So this is the program I've come up with now that my linear progression with starting strength is over.

Just wondering about overtraining being a problem, obviously there's not a huge amount of legs involved but genetically I just progress really easily in legs and I need to do a bit of catch up.

I'm also going to the gym with a beginner and I've got him doing the same thing but with 3x5 instead of 531, thinking of making him do 5x5 sets of the core lifts possibly. Probably better for him to be doing SL or SS but I'm sure he'll still make progress.

Does it look like too much?


Hey fitness GAF... So I decided to take a sabbatical from the gym over the winter months because I tend to play a lot of pond hockey outside, pretty much leaving no time or interest in hitting the gym. With the snow melting away and the ponds no longer frozen, I think it may be time to return to the grind. Way back when, I used to lift weights three times a week with a specific focus each day (i.e. back and tris, chest and bis, shoulders and legs) and noticed okay-ish results, but I eventually plateau'ed and got kind of discouraged/bored. I'm thinking about doing something different this time around, but I'm wondering if there's any use/merit to my idea...

Basically, my line of thinking is to go daily and do a full workout on one muscle group (i.e. biceps), but only do a single to-exhaustion set on the rest. I don't want to have to spend like 2+ hours at the gym every day to make it worthwhile; I don't have the time.

Is this something that could work -- in terms of building muscle and definition -- if coupled with appropriate nutrition (protein, etc.)?

335x5 on bench

It's really going to suck seeing strength go down whenever I do decide to cut

It sucks indeed, for every ab I dig back out I lose one rep on deadlift. But I'm losing 1 rep on 315 where at this time about 8 months ago I was losing one rep on 275. So progress, I guess? Still sucks

Basically, my line of thinking is to go daily and do a full workout on one muscle group (i.e. biceps), but only do a single to-exhaustion set on the rest. I don't want to have to spend like 2+ hours at the gym every day to make it worthwhile; I don't have the time.

Is this something that could work -- in terms of building muscle and definition -- if coupled with appropriate nutrition (protein, etc.)?

So you would, say, do maybe 5-6 sets of 10 for biceps, then 1 set to exhaustion/failure for every single other bodypart (e.g. legs/back/chest/shoulders/core), then do the same the next day with a new muscle like chest in the first slot.

I'm gonna go ahead and say that is stupid and will get you nowhere. You do not have to spend 2+ hours at the gym every single day to make it worthwhile.



335x5 on bench

It's really going to suck seeing strength go down whenever I do decide to cut


My bench sucks. I doesn't help that I absolutely hate the bench.


Bench Press 531
Front Squat 3x5
Bent-over Row 4x8
Hanging Leg Raises 3x10
Face Pulls 5x10

Overhead Press 3x8
Dips 3x11 (going to be adding weight soon)
Chin-ups 3x6-10
Deadlift 531

Squat 531
Bench Press 3x8
T-bar Row 4x8
Hanging Leg Raises 3x10
Face Pulls 5x10

Overhead Press 531
Incline dumbbell press 3x8
Pull-ups 3x5
Curls 4x8
Lateral Raises 5x10

So this is the program I've come up with now that my linear progression with starting strength is over.

Just wondering about overtraining being a problem, obviously there's not a huge amount of legs involved but genetically I just progress really easily in legs and I need to do a bit of catch up.

I'm also going to the gym with a beginner and I've got him doing the same thing but with 3x5 instead of 531, thinking of making him do 5x5 sets of the core lifts possibly. Probably better for him to be doing SL or SS but I'm sure he'll still make progress.

Does it look like too much?

It's a bit unbalanced. You're taxing your chest and tris way too much. Muscles need recovery.

I liked the BBB--Boring But Big accessory template.

My bench sucks. I doesn't help that I absolutely hate the bench.


It's a bit unbalanced. You're taxing your chest and tris way too much. Muscles need recovery.

I liked the BBB--Boring But Big accessory template.

Thing is BBB is literally boring, I like to have some variety.

Looking at it yeah, I think you're right; I've moved the incline from friday and replaced the extra bench press sets. Might have to axe another exercises to my dismay, I probably can't get away with that much pulling.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
For the first time in a long time I'm "starving" during training. It was so bad after I was having rage issues in traffic lol. Anyway. Training went okay. Stepping back on gym lifts and pushing event training which is a nice break for the big 3. Anyway, this is the log for anyone interested.

Bench superset with face pulls.
45x20, 135x10, 225x5, 275x5, 315x5,5,4,3,2,1.

Ended with superset hammer strength machine press and machine curls for 4 sets. One hour, in and out.

Will do DB curls and lat pull down at home tonight.

So is there a number on that goal? A lot of people ask me what number I'm shooting for on the scale but I really don't have one, it's just a method of tracking to me. Just interested in seeing what your ultimate goal is to you.

Kind of. It's not concrete. If I get there I get there (220lbs). Not gonna sacrifice too much strength to do it. Main goal is this strongman comp at 231.


Not in the 4 plate club wit brolic yet

You also weigh much less than I did when I hit over 400.


I had a pretty shitty day today, personal stuff. Then comes gym time which is like therapy for me.

-Deadlift my worst lift
-Forgot chalk, oh well I'll practice hook grip
-Numbers are absolutely abysmal
-Pulling 500 for 2 was difficult yet I pulled 545 for 3 just 2 weeks ago
I'm visibly frustrated and a trainer comes up to me and very meekly asks that I bring the weight down quietly, it's for my safety he says. I wasn't having it today, he could tell by the expression on my face. As irritated as I was with him and myself I understand his disposition as his approaching me was more a formality, he doesn't believe his own rhetoric. Deadlift quietly....for your safety...choose one. The trainers here take turns on who's going to tell me not to deadlift too heavy, they stare a lot. I noticed more gym patrons staring at me today. I don't know if I'm just being neurotic about that but it was annoying the shit out of me. I need a new gym or to pull when the gym is less congested.

Tfw still can't pull 600


Brian Burke punched my mom
Fuck yall and your deadlifts, ohps, and banch presses.

Hit 295x5 super strict pendlay rows, don't need no deadpeoplelift...I just have to look like I do /broscience



I've had people tell me to not drop weights when im deadlifting, but i just ignore them anyway. If they want quiet time, hit the library. Its usually people there working out tho, not people working there.


I've had people tell me to not drop weights when im deadlifting, but i just ignore them anyway. If they want quiet time, hit the library. Its usually people there working out tho, not people working there.
This is probably the case. Some days I don't hear a peep, it's some of the patrons who would rather go to management than come to me. But why should anyone expect silence in a gym? That's just bizarre to me. I can understand if I was being obnoxious and actually slamming the weight like pete rubish used to, but I'm not.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Deadlift drops used to bother me when I first started out but they're basically background noise to me now. Especially, now that I use bluetooth headphones during my workouts. I think people just feel insecure and demotivated seeing beasts like you lift that heavy and they compare it to their own lifts.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
This is probably the case. Some days I don't hear a peep, it's some of the patrons who would rather go to management than come to me. But why should anyone expect silence in a gym? That's just bizarre to me. I can understand if I was being obnoxious and actually slamming the weight like pete rubish used to, but I'm not.

Explanation is far more simple. People aren't used to seeing heavy deads. Or even deadlifts at all, so for them the sound and sight is abnormal, even in a gym. Especially in a commercial gym. People don't like abnormal. So they complain.
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