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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Nelo Ice

I've had people tell me to not drop weights when im deadlifting, but i just ignore them anyway. If they want quiet time, hit the library. Its usually people there working out tho, not people working there.
I haven't had people complain but I've gotten so many stares when I'm deadlifting. It's like what do you expect? I'm pulling 315 lbs and there's no way I can drop it down gently.


I've had people tell me to not drop weights when im deadlifting, but i just ignore them anyway. If they want quiet time, hit the library. Its usually people there working out tho, not people working there.

I had two people complain at my current gym a few weeks ago. I was doing pause DLs. After the first set, a guy in his 50s comes up to me and says if I want to drop the weights, use the bumper plates. I just looked at the bumper plates, looked back to him, and said err sure. By the end of the second set (about 8 minutes pass) and he's still standing there chatting with other people. At the end of my third set, a second person comes up to my and said to change to the bumper plates if I want to drop the weights. I told him that the other guys drop their DLs, why can't I? He replied saying that I can't drop the weight and pointed to the paper on the mirror that says "Please do not drop the dumbbells." and insisted that it doesn't matter; apparently barbells = dumbbells. I ignored the guy. All I see him doing at the gym are arms. Dumbbell curl, EZ bar preacher curl, cable preacher curl, and other kinds of curls all in the time I'm there lol.

Before anyone asks, the bumper plates are super old and are in kilos. Why should I inconvenience myself by converting kilos to pounds and then bring more of my fractional plates to make it equal to the weight I want to lift. The staff here said it's fine to drop the weights, all the powerlifters here do it, you're good, ignore the guys complaining.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Just got a 620 hex bar DL. I had more but we pretty much ran out of room on the bar. Maybe could have squeezed another 50-60 pounds on max.


Started PPL early in the week with ramped sets on the big lifts, gonna try to either progress linearly or at the very least increase intensity every two weeks. Still have to figure out the volume issue, though; back when I was eating above maintenance 5x5x325 for deadlifts would be no issue, but today I could only manage a set of 3 at 325. That being said, I figure my max is still just around 4 plates, but I probably have a range of about 40-50lbs though where I'd only get one, two reps max.

Nelo Ice

this happened to me yesterday. forgot my chalk at home. it sucks big time.

Back day + no chalk = The world can go to hell.

Speaking of chalk where do you guys get it? Amazon? Curious since I really should get chalk since I tore a callus last week during deadlifts. Kinda figure I'll need it now anyway since I'm going to try pushing past 3 plates soon.


Guys what's your leg press achievement? I usually do 14 x 25kg for 6 or 8 after 4 sets.

I guess I could try more but I always think what's the point. What I do is sufficient.


the piano man
Speaking of chalk where do you guys get it? Amazon? Curious since I really should get talk since I tore a callus last week during deadlifts. Kinda figure I'll need it now anyway since I'm going to try pushing past 3 plates soon.

I bought a 100 ml tube of liquid chalk on amazon and it has lasted me about a year... it's incredible for grip but calluses got worse with it

Maybe you guys should've used floor dirt.

indeed. this gif is from yesterday, chalkless, I'd lose my grip by the 6th rep, I was supposed to do at least 10... the difference is huge.



there is joy in sucking dick
Feel like I've finally gotten used to max weight squats. I used to be afraid of being stuck in the hole, or my upper body collapsing forward. I'm at the point where I'm comfortable with edging towards failure and really grinding it out. Maybe it's due to my core getting stronger. I used to feel unstable with heavier sets.


Neo Member
Guys I need help. Got some intense volleyball today and every wednesday for the next 3 weeks . Should I lift afterwards and heavy, should I lift lighter or push my usual wednesday workout to thursdays and re-adjust when its over ?


So you would, say, do maybe 5-6 sets of 10 for biceps, then 1 set to exhaustion/failure for every single other bodypart (e.g. legs/back/chest/shoulders/core), then do the same the next day with a new muscle like chest in the first slot.

I'm gonna go ahead and say that is stupid and will get you nowhere. You do not have to spend 2+ hours at the gym every single day to make it worthwhile.
Not exactly. I guess going with the biceps example, I'd be thinking something like this:

30 mins of varying itensity cardio

Standard dumbell curls: 3 sets of 10-12 with low/med/heavy weight
Preacher curls: Same as above
21s: One set as the med weight
Compound curls: One set to exhaustion at low weight

Triceps, back, shoulders, chest, legs; all one set at med weight to exhaustion
Tricep pushdowns
Lateral pull-downs
Shoulder dumbell press
Flat dumbell bench press
Leg press
Calf raises
Not exactly. I guess going with the biceps example, I'd be thinking something like this:

I'm...not exactly sure what you're trying to achieve with this. Is this an actual training routine, or an exercise routine? I suppose if you want to feel like you're doing something at the end of the day then it's an adequate program. You'll definitely feel tired by the end of the week.


I'm...not exactly sure what you're trying to achieve with this. Is this an actual training routine, or an exercise routine? I suppose if you want to feel like you're doing something at the end of the day then it's an adequate program. You'll definitely feel tired by the end of the week.
I don't know which it'd fall under... It's just kind of a mashup of workout routines I used in the past to build muscle. I'm trying to get back some of the strength/muscle mass that I lost after falling off the proverbial horse, while also hopefully also wittling away the remaining pudge on my stomach.


Neo Member
I don't know which it'd fall under... It's just kind of a mashup of workout routines I used in the past to build muscle. I'm trying to get back some of the strength/muscle mass that I lost after falling off the proverbial horse, while also hopefully also wittling away the remaining pudge on my stomach.

Edited: my post made no sense. Ill leave the advice to the more experienced members.
As I have become more and more comfortable in my body and know what works and doesn't work for me, my opinions on general lifting has changed. In regards to bumpkin, SS may not be the answer. What type of training are you interested in?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
As I have become more and more comfortable in my body and know what works and doesn't work for me, my opinions on general lifting has changed. In regards to bumpkin, SS may not be the answer. What type of training are you interested in?
Pretty much. My routine makes perfect sense to me and is fairly simple plus effective. When I attempt to explain it to people it suddenly gets complicated.


Neo Member
Guys I need help. Got some intense volleyball today and every wednesday for the next 3 weeks . Should I lift afterwards and heavy, should I lift lighter or push my usual wednesday workout to thursdays and re-adjust when its over ?

Bumping for new page. Any advice here would be appreciated.
I don't know which it'd fall under... It's just kind of a mashup of workout routines I used in the past to build muscle. I'm trying to get back some of the strength/muscle mass that I lost after falling off the proverbial horse, while also hopefully also wittling away the remaining pudge on my stomach.

It's a weird mashup for sure. I think you'd probably get some mass back, but then I'm guessing that kind of program would eventually lead to burnout of pretty much all muscle groups and a lack of progression. Personal opinion though, some people might think differently.

Also working out to reach a caloric deficit isn't exactly a good option in the long run.

Bumping for new page. Any advice here would be appreciated.

I'd personally push to thursday if I thought performance was going to be affected on either front. Depends on where your goals lie I suppose.
I don't know which it'd fall under... It's just kind of a mashup of workout routines I used in the past to build muscle. I'm trying to get back some of the strength/muscle mass that I lost after falling off the proverbial horse, while also hopefully also wittling away the remaining pudge on my stomach.

You're working too hard with that routine. Simplicity is king(op). Put that extra effort in the kitchen to get rid of your gut.
How long does it normally take for stretch marks to disappear on/under the arms. Ever since I got back into lifting last summer they never seem to disappear.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
As I have become more and more comfortable in my body and know what works and doesn't work for me, my opinions on general lifting has changed. In regards to bumpkin, SS may not be the answer. What type of training are you interested in?

Said it before and I'll say it again. I never did SS. I did read about the routine and a shit load of other routines though. The thing is, he doesn't need SS. He DOES need to educate himself though.


You're working too hard with that routine. Simplicity is king(op). Put that extra effort in the kitchen to get rid of your gut.

Yeah, bumpkin. Way too much shit going on.

Stick with compound movements and add accessory after them.

3x8 is fine for accessories.

Follow a proven program. Don't make program until you've gotten some big benchmarks under your belt.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Ate a JJ gargantuan and half a thin crust large pepperoni and sausage pizza last night and woke up having only gained one lb. I'll take it.

to become this

nah. i'm going there with a group of 10 friends and we plan to meet up again in 8 months looking different.

To get leaner? Because 8 months ain't shit to gain muscle.


Ate a JJ gargantuan and half a thin crust large pepperoni and sausage pizza last night and woke up having only gained one lb. I'll take it.
That's a bit of a dirty bulking diet no? I know it requires much more carbs, but that seems like quite a lot (and it's white bread right?).

Ps- ate a gargantuan unwich yesterday for the first time lol. It was actually still pretty damn good! It's all about the peppers.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
That's a bit of a dirty bulking diet no? I know it requires much more carbs, but that seems like quite a lot (and it's white bread right?).

Ps- ate a gargantuan unwich yesterday for the first time lol. It was actually still pretty damn good! It's all about the peppers.

Lol, you don't know me well I typically give no fucks.

That said. Those two things along with whey coffee and 20oz of milk is all I had. So for the whole day around 2500-2800 calories on a training day. Plus I'm about to do yoke carries today which is extremely taxing.


Lol, you don't know me well I typically give no fucks.

That said. Those two things along with whey coffee and 20oz of milk is all I had. So for the whole day around 2500 calories on a training day.

Oh yeah, 2500 is not very many at all. Actually, is that enough? I think that's my caloric intake just for maintenance.

I have to split my calories up throughout the day or I go crazy. Even with a huge meal in the AM, I'm starving by lunch.

Ps- whey coffee? Is that just a combination of the two or a new product BC it sounds awesome.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Oh yeah, 2500 is not very many at all. Actually, is that enough? I think that's my caloric intake just for maintenance.

I have to split my calories up throughout the day or I go crazy. Even with a huge meal in the AM, I'm starving by lunch.

Ps- whey coffee? Is that just a combination of the two or a new product BC it sounds awesome.

I throw a scoop of mint chocolate whey in my coffee. And I'm cutting right now for that strongman comp so no, it's not enough, or just barely. I put on fat easy, but I put on muscle relatively easy too.

Only days I hit 3k are squat and deadlift day. And thats if I feel I taxed myself enough.


I know a while back I asked about whom will notice my gains first.... It was true. Dudes notice that way more than ladies do. It is still an awesome feeling to actually have other people notice. I am still a fat dude with a lot of work to go but this makes it easier to keep going


I throw a scoop of mint chocolate whey in my coffee. And I'm cutting right now for that strongman comp so no, it's not enough, or just barely. I put on fat easy, but I put on muscle relatively easy too.

Only days I hit 3k are squat and deadlift day. And thats if I feel I taxed myself enough.

Ah, that's right. I didn't realize that was you. Well good luck! I'm having a hell of a time cutting at 1800 :(

I will have to give the coffee thing a try. I actually use mint chocolate whey too.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Ah, that's right. I didn't realize that was you. Well good luck! I'm having a hell of a time cutting at 1800 :(

I will have to give the coffee thing a try. I actually use mint chocolate whey too.

It's a damned cheat code. I've been having it for desert too.


It's a damned cheat code. I've been having it for desert too.
Lol, that's a great idea. I have been melting a single mini dove dark chocolate into 2tbs of real peanut butter for the sake of reducing sugar in a dessert and bc it's f*cking delicious. It is NOT a calorie saver though!


to become this


nah. i'm going there with a group of 10 friends and we plan to meet up again in 8 months looking different.

Ah, yeah for that, 8 months is probably fine. I was just going to basically say that 8 months isn't a lot of time to grow a lot of muscle....especially if you are trying to cut, but it's plenty of time to lose a lot of weight.


What do you guys put in your post workout shake?

I've been just doing whey or a whey/casein mix.

I see some folks consume some sort of simple sugar either by adding dextrose powder to the shake or eating gummy bears. Its for immediate glycogen replenishment but it seems like there is a lack of consensus scientifically on the necessity of this.

Just curious


Ah, that's right. I didn't realize that was you. Well good luck! I'm having a hell of a time cutting at 1800 :(

I will have to give the coffee thing a try. I actually use mint chocolate whey too.

cutting at 1,800???? How much you weigh. That's like prison camp lol


What do you guys put in your post workout shake?

I've been just doing whey or a whey/casein mix.

I see some folks consume some sort of simple sugar either by adding dextrose powder to the shake or eating gummy bears. Its for immediate glycogen replenishment but it seems like there is a lack of consensus scientifically on the necessity of this.

Just curious

I just drink a shake with some creatine in it and have a plain white bagel.


What do you guys put in your post workout shake?

I've been just doing whey or a whey/casein mix.

I see some folks consume some sort of simple sugar either by adding dextrose powder to the shake or eating gummy bears. Its for immediate glycogen replenishment but it seems like there is a lack of consensus scientifically on the necessity of this.

Just curious

I've seen the dextrose thing a lot lately. Haven't tried it. Tempting since I'm trying to eat clean though. Gummy bears? Sign me up.

I always mix casein and whey with the exception of before bed (just casein). Keeps me fuller longer.
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