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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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So guys... I'm a little perplexed. I am sitting at 197 right now and I have legit abs. It's not like I have the Grand Canyon running down my stomach but they are very visible. If I had to estimate a bf% I'd say 14. I don't understand how I weighed 175 last summer.

Without knowing anything else I'd guess water & some ab hypertrophy.
How many abs we talkin? IF your abs are bigger (meaning hypertrophy) they can be more prominent at higher BF%s...

Eh, I've got abs and I'm somewhere around 20% BF. I don't think you can really estimate BF just based on whether or not you have ab definition. My abs have always been prominent.

...But not that high. Of course there's a difference between ABS abs like mdsfx and a bit of the top two managing to poke out a bit with help from the bottom of your ribcage.

Edit: I don't usually think of rectus/oblique separation as "abs" but you look like less than 20% anyhow
Here, have some hardcore filter abuse:



Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Without knowing anything else I'd guess water & some ab hypertrophy.
How many abs we talkin? IF your abs are bigger (meaning hypertrophy) they can be more prominent at higher BF%s...
We're talking all of them. It could be they grew but that would be amusing seeing as I haven't done a single dedicated ab exercise in over 7 months. Haha


Matthew, (nice name btw) I'm not merely talking about having them visible at certain angles or whatnot. I'm talking about a full blown six pack if I exhale. Previously I had to be around 12% for this to be possible. I know I'm not 12 now due to oblique fat and how my shoulders aren't separating from my arms so this is uncharted territory for me.


I feel like each day I'm getting leaner and the scale isn't moving a crazy amount. Anyone ever have this happen?

I'm not saying I'm super small or anything but this is definitely the leanest I've ever been in a loooooong time. Still at 217 (11 pounds lost)

Kind of a weird angle I know.


I had a super hard decision but I feel stronger since I stayed disciplined yesterday.

I was at chick fil a ordering a soup(because I love their soup and its the only thing I eat there aside from grilled chicken). During the order the cashier had a cookies and cream milkshake(my favorite desert PERIOD) sitting there. He offered the milkshake for free instead of throwing it in the trash. I thought about it as I wanted to say yes instinctively as I love free things(who doesn't?) and I have never gotten a free milkshake. Turned my head and respectfully declined and asked for water.

the struggle is real GAFfam


Scale says I gained .8lbs but I've never looked leaner. Water weight and just generally cutting, there are fluctuations. Woke up today and delts were popping and chest looked awesome. Just keep confident that you are at a deficit and keep going.


Scale says I gained .8lbs but I've never looked leaner. Water weight and just generally cutting, there are fluctuations. Woke up today and delts were popping and chest looked awesome. Just keep confident that you are at a deficit and keep going.
I almost never weigh myself only because I fluctuate so much day to day that it tells me nothing and often throws me into a progress 'panic'. I check weight once a month or so.
Just donated blood while fasting. Totally okay, if anybody needs to know for future reference lol. Still gotta eat at a deficit, all the cookie and juice offerings were killing me.


The cheat way to stir natural pb is to invert the jar a few hours before you need it.

I eat pb with my oatmeal in the morning so I flip it the night before. Still needs a few good churns but easier than the 1" of oil on top.


The cheat way to stir natural pb is to invert the jar a few hours before you need it.

I eat pb with my oatmeal in the morning so I flip it the night before. Still needs a few good churns but easier than the 1" of oil on top.
I just discovered this recently and it's awesome. Otherwise I usually end up with a solid mass of very hard peanut butter at the bottom that ends up getting thrown out.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
That is a big, big deficit unless you're obese.

Nope, 128 pounds (58 kg); 5'6", no idea what my body fat is but it's probably under 10%. I tried to estimate my kcal intake with the help of some websites (including some mentioned in the OP with my activities (desk job, cycling to work, etc) and ended up with around 2300-2400 kcal. Assuming you shouldn't do more then a 1000 kcal deficit, I tend to stick to around 1300-1500 kcal during week days. Usually end up eating more in the weekend.


3x180lbs on overhead press easy today. Felt so damn strong. Still on that 1400 calorie life. I might go in tomorrow or I might just wait till next week. Feel so good I might try for tomorrow.

Sleep past few days has been terrific.


Since last Sunday at around 7 pm I began to feel significant discomfort/stiffness in my neck. My mother made me get tested for meningitis and I didn't have it, so I am thinking that perhaps something during my Friday workout caused this. I looked up the most common ways weightlifters hurt their necks, and I saw that dead-lifting while looking straight ahead instead of downwards can put immense pressure on the neck.

Reading that, I haven't dead-lifted since last Friday. I only feel slight discomfort in my neck now, but should I still wait a few days to start dead-lifting again?

Age: 19
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 189 lbs.
Current Training Schedule:
Barbell Squat 3x5
Barbell Deadlift 1x5
Machine Lat Pulldown 3x5
Barbell Bench Press 3x5

Power Clean 5x3
Barbell Squat 3x5
Machine Tricep Extension 3x8
Barbell Overhead Press 3x5

Fri (What I did before my neck started hurting on Sunday)
Barbell Squat 3x5
Barbell Deadlift 1x5
Machine Tricep Extension 3x8
Barbell Bench Press 3x5


Oh and forgot to mention, 75% of the way to the 9th belt hole on gym belt. Next week hopefully I'll have it. I might have squeezed extra hard today and gotten it but I want it proper.
Not to sound like a dick but that's really awful advice and I would hope no one is silly enough to listen to it.

What advice? And based on what facts? I must have been writing/reading something completely different than what I thought I posted.

Shit I almost pass out when giving 3 vials of blood, fear of needles I think.

lol the weirdest part is that I think I came out of it in better shape than most of the people in there. I was almost worried that I'd be one of the guys that passes out while giving blood or in the rest area afterwards. Didn't even eat for 6h afterwards so I'm surprised at the body's natural ability to recover.
I've given blood dozens of times fasted and not eaten after. Water is plenty.

Yeah, I didn't figure it would be a problem. But my god, the fearmongering coming from my peers and the clinic staff/literature would have anyone starting to doubt.

But yes, hydration is probably super important. Actually sorta important to begin with to make it through a day of fasting at all, at least for me.


I feel like each day I'm getting leaner and the scale isn't moving a crazy amount. Anyone ever have this happen?
I've been lifting again and leaning out since late January but was stuck at around the same weight until a few weeks ago. If I remember correctly, Rippetoe even mentions this happening it in Starting Strength.
I feel like each day I'm getting leaner and the scale isn't moving a crazy amount. Anyone ever have this happen?

I'm not saying I'm super small or anything but this is definitely the leanest I've ever been in a loooooong time. Still at 217 (11 pounds lost)

Kind of a weird angle I know.
Yeah this cut I have been on now has been really weird. I'm definitely leaning up but I'm still over 200 and it's been over a month (from 208ish).

I was worried I was stalled out but when I got to SF and looked in the mirror I saw my abs and plenty of veins/definition. Nothing insane, but more than a few weeks ago.

*shrugs* Scales are dumb.


Yeah this cut I have been on now has been really weird. I'm definitely leaning up but I'm still over 200 and it's been over a month (from 208ish).

I was worried I was stalled out but when I got to SF and looked in the mirror I saw my abs and plenty of veins/definition. Nothing insane, but more than a few weeks ago.

*shrugs* Scales are dumb.
~2lbs of loss per week is pretty significant
What advice? And based on what facts? I must have been writing/reading something completely different than what I thought I posted.

lol the weirdest part is that I think I came out of it in better shape than most of the people in there. I was almost worried that I'd be one of the guys that passes out while giving blood or in the rest area afterwards. Didn't even eat for 6h afterwards so I'm surprised at the body's natural ability to recover.

I was going by the part of your post where you said its totally fine to give blood whilst fasted. There is a reason why they advise people to eat plenty and be well hydrated before giving blood. Sure you and cooter might have been totally fine but everyone handles it differently.

Generally medical advice isn't given based on anecdotal evidence by a single individual. It's great that it works for you but for others it certainly doesn't work that way which is why I said it's awful advice and I would be advising people planning to give blood to ignore it.

Edit: I realise I come off as quite abrasive but I get far too many people up to the emergency department i work at with easily avoidable problems caused by advice like that.
I was going by the part of your post where you said its totally fine to give blood whilst fasted. There is a reason why they advise people to eat plenty and be well hydrated before giving blood. Sure you and cooter might have been totally fine but everyone handles it differently.

Generally medical advice isn't given based on anecdotal evidence by a single individual. It's great that it works for you but for others it certainly doesn't work that way which is why I said it's awful advice and I would be advising people planning to give blood to ignore it.

Edit: I realise I come off as quite abrasive but I get far too many people up to the emergency department i work at with easily avoidable problems caused by advice like that.

My god, the post only said that I did it and ended up totally okay. It COULD be a reference for someone who's used to being in the fasted state, but nowhere did I say (nor advise) that someone should just jump in and donate blood while fasted.

Somehow it became medical advice based on anecdotes lol. Think I'm done with this thread for the foreseeable future.
My god, the post only said that I did it and ended up totally okay. It COULD be a reference for someone who's used to being in the fasted state, but nowhere did I say (nor advise) that someone should just jump in and donate blood while fasted.

Somehow it became medical advice based on anecdotes lol. Think I'm done with this thread for the foreseeable future.

When someone says it's totally fine to give blood whilst fasted you surely must see how it's easy to interpret that as meaning it's totally fine to give blood whilst fasted. I didn't say you gave medical advice rather that the medical advice that is given out is actually researched and shouldn't just be disregarded based on one experience.

It's way off topic anyway there's no need to abandon ship because of one reply.


It seems the increase is more because of the high fat intake, which is known, but it's nice to have even more proof fat is not bad.
My current intake, at 1800 calories a day, is at LEAST 80g of fat. Seems to do a great job making up for low carbs in terms of energy/hunger.

ACE 1991

I saw dude at the gym do a seated OHP of 250 for reps then complain to his friend that his OHP was weak today (defintely not humbebragging, he seemed legit miffed). I wish I had his problem.
Mmm, I'll definitely try that... and now I REALLY WANT mint choc chip icecream. :(

Re seated OHP. I can't imagine doing that sort of weight seated would be good for your spine.


Down to 237.0lbs today, making it exactly 106lbs lost. Strong as ever and still losing fat.

It ain't helping me. My levels are falling and I'm still getting regular injections. We're going to go full hog soon, once we ensure I won't have any adverse effects like I did in the past :( I don't want to relive that pain.

keto bro... Hoping you're back to 110% asap!

It seems the increase is more because of the high fat intake, which is known, but it's nice to have even more proof fat is not bad.

Indeed, fat food 4 lyfe.

NOOO... My weakness. I will have to try one for science.
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