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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
Looked fine to me man.

Brolic Seal of Approval


I'm no expert, but your straight back looked awesome. I have trouble with that due to a weaker lower back

The crazy thing is that, during the actual lift, it feels like my lower back is more hunched than what the video shows. It's always been a big mental hurdle for me during the deadlift.
Any tips for morning jogs?

Do you guys eat a small snack or drink anything before running or just get up and go?

I dont have much time to go to the gym these days but I'd like to make morning jogs a routine, before I head into work.


Does anyone else retain shed tons of water after a work out?

I drink 1.5-2 litres of water a day before I work out, then another 1.5 during my workout (then could have another litre before I go to bed). After I've done my workout I seem to have a bit more fat (water?) lying around than I do when I get up in the morning.

Maybe I shouldn't compare myself to how I look in the morning as I probably have relatively little water in my system, or maybe it's all in my head, either way, it's sort of demoralizing.

I stopped drinking water at the gym because of the water retention. Use to drink 1-2 liters every without session, now not a drop. Never feel bloated after the gym since.


Any tips for morning jogs?

Do you guys eat a small snack or drink anything before running or just get up and go?

I dont have much time to go to the gym these days but I'd like to make morning jogs a routine, before I head into work.

Water for hydration and fruit for the sugar.

Bigger breakfast after.


Any tips for morning jogs?

Do you guys eat a small snack or drink anything before running or just get up and go?

I dont have much time to go to the gym these days but I'd like to make morning jogs a routine, before I head into work.
I never eat before a morning jog. I won't even eat before a long race, though I will refuel along the way.
Is this real? I will kill to have this.
Going to start doing hill sprints again for conditioning. My basketball rec league starts this summer. Any ballers here in Fit Gaf? Does strength training translate well on the court?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I'm watching this Batman v Superman trailer between sets and ready to run through a god damn brick wall!

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Weighed in at 234 today. 3lbs to go. Also back is fatigued as hell from those simulated car DLs last night. Did singles on sandbag load. Attempted 250lbs to 54. And just don't have enough strength or pop out of the hole to get it yet. At least I'm getting better at lapping it.

Here is video of my failure. Also full log is in the description.


How does that happen? Were you going for a PR or doing Crossfit shit?

I dry heave and throw up all the time. It's not exclusive to crossfit. It's also not something to be proud of or shoot for.

And it happens by pushing yourself hard, usually harder than you think you can/should.


Just did 405x2 squats today for the first time ever. Felt great.

I wanted to see what my max was considering I do 345x8. I picked up 400 just to see what it felt like last work out, and it was surprisingly light. Went for it today and snagged a new PR in the process. Gonna go to the club tonight and act a fool to celebrate.

Can't wait to get cleans back in to my routine too. Explosiveness is a goal alongside strength.

J. Bravo

these two huge dudes invited me to play rugby with them. for the semi pro team around here. wow. i must be getting at least SOME size. haha.


I am so pissed at the moment. Yesterday I was at the gym, did core training and all that and everything was fine. Slept without any pain. Then today I just reached for my phone and apparently did something badly wrong and my back started to get worse really fast. At one point I was seriously crying on the floor unable to get up on my own. There were both sharp pain and pressure pain on my lower back and on my ass cheeks.

I forced myself to go for 1 hour 50 minutes Nordic walk. It actually helped a little and at the moment I can get up and lay down without help, but I am constantly worried about it and trying not to do anything that may tricker it.

I don't know was it the herniated disc like before, but it didn't reflect the pain to my legs at all. If someone has any insight of what happened, I am all ears.

Fear of injury doing something I want sure I could do properly, lack of interest, etc.
Oh well, that happens. At least you are working with them currently and it shows. :)

these two huge dudes invited me to play rugby with them. for the semi pro team around here. wow. i must be getting at least SOME size. haha.
Hahaha, that is great to hear. :D

Met this famous finnish IFBB pro bodybuilder Jari "Bull" Mentula today at an event. Probably not very famous outside of Finland but somewhat of a celebrity here. Funny guy and huge as a bull (pun intended).
Well, at least I do recognize the name. ^_^ Also I think that that might very well be the first pic I have seen of you.


I realised I am quite hysterical when I was just walking around the apartment crying constantly since walking seems to be the only way to ease the pain. I have not been able to sleep at all.

I think I need to get a doctor's appointment.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I realised I am quite hysterical when I was just walking around the apartment crying constantly since walking seems to be the only way to ease the pain. I have not been able to sleep at all.

I think I need to get a doctor's appointment.

I think so too.


Ok. A short update.

The doctor I saw today was actually specializing in sport injuries and knew extremely much about herniated discs and such. He was absolutely amazing and I was there a bit over 45 minutes (he was kind enough to actually bill me for 30 minutes only). He gave me some good painkillers, said what kind of medication I better avoid in the future even if some health professional would offer them, said what kind of meds I might need to move on to at some point and also gave me contact information to one of the best physiatrist in town. I am going to book an appointment to her tomorrow.

He also mentioned that my hip stability was awesome which made me smile even though I don't know is it any good for anything anyways. :D


I need to try some organ meat sometime. Liver I don't like but would lile to know what heart tastes like. Need to get some good recipe first..

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Ok. A short update.

The doctor I saw today was actually specializing in sport injuries and knew extremely much about herniated discs and such. He was absolutely amazing and I was there a bit over 45 minutes (he was kind enough to actually bill me for 30 minutes only). He gave me some good painkillers, said what kind of medication I better avoid in the future even if some health professional would offer them, said what kind of meds I might need to move on to at some point and also gave me contact information to one of the best physiatrist in town. I am going to book an appointment to her tomorrow.

He also mentioned that my hip stability was awesome which made me smile even though I don't know is it any good for anything anyways. :D

Silver linings. That's some progress. Hope it's not any sort of pinched nerve.


A personal best today. Always the best kind of record to break :)


This was a hell of a course too. One hill after another. Check out this demon:
(I started my running app while waiting in the corral, hence the flat at the beginning when i was stationary)


Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Ok. A short update.

The doctor I saw today was actually specializing in sport injuries and knew extremely much about herniated discs and such. He was absolutely amazing and I was there a bit over 45 minutes (he was kind enough to actually bill me for 30 minutes only). He gave me some good painkillers, said what kind of medication I better avoid in the future even if some health professional would offer them, said what kind of meds I might need to move on to at some point and also gave me contact information to one of the best physiatrist in town. I am going to book an appointment to her tomorrow.

He also mentioned that my hip stability was awesome which made me smile even though I don't know is it any good for anything anyways. :D

Good to hear. And if you haven't yet, invest in a lacrosse ball and foam roller and learn how to find and dissipate trigger points.

J. Bravo

Deadlifted 135x8, 225x5, 315x5, 405x3. Probably could have gotten 2 more at 405 but my grip failed and I don't have any chalk or a belt. Then I did some deficit deads, 225x3x10, which destroyed me. Ended with 5x5 pull-ups. I was questioning whether that was enough, but I hurt today lol.


Decided to start swapping every other pull day with RDLs and rack pulls instead of conventional deadlift. Rack pulls are awesome, really help emphasize hip angle during the top portion of the lift.


Decided to start swapping every other pull day with RDLs and rack pulls instead of conventional deadlift. Rack pulls are awesome, really help emphasize hip angle during the top portion of the lift.
Excuse my ignorance, but is a rack pull the same as a deadlift with the only exception being that the bar is slightly raised of the ground at starting position?


Deadlifted 135x8, 225x5, 315x5, 405x3. Probably could have gotten 2 more at 405 but my grip failed and I don't have any chalk or a belt. Then I did some deficit deads, 225x3x10, which destroyed me. Ended with 5x5 pull-ups. I was questioning whether that was enough, but I hurt today lol.

Great work man, nice numbers!
Water for hydration and fruit for the sugar.

Bigger breakfast after.

I never eat before a morning jog. I won't even eat before a long race, though I will refuel along the way.

Thanks, this sounds good! If anything I'll just eat one banana depending on how hungry I feel in the morning. I do perform much better the less food I have in my body, but drinking water on an empty stomach makes me feel sick.
Starting a very short term cut tomorrow. Dropping 750kcal a day for the first week and seeing how I'm trending at that point. Ideally want to lose a couple of kg in a couple of weeks to get myself down to a more reasonable event weight (cycling).


Slayer of Combofiends
Dropping from 30% bodyfat to 18-20% is a crazy accomplishment lol, still feel fat even though I've lost more than I thought I ever would. Never knew my waist would drop this much too. Still no major pecs being seen or abs, but in due time. For those on the heftier side, how long did it take you to transform so you could lose your chest fat? Or basically moobs lol


Dropping from 30% bodyfat to 18-20% is a crazy accomplishment lol, still feel fat even though I've lost more than I thought I ever would. Never knew my waist would drop this much too. Still no major pecs being seen or abs, but in due time. For those on the heftier side, how long did it take you to transform so you could lose your chest fat? Or basically moobs lol

I was lucky and never had man boobs when I was obese but don't worry, it'll go away unless it's gyno and if you didn't get it at puberty then it's probably not


Slayer of Combofiends
I was lucky and never had man boobs when I was obese but don't worry, it'll go away unless it's gyno and if you didn't get it at puberty then it's probably not

They started to come when I got into puberty but I was also gaining more weight as I grew older due to bad eating habits. But its probably not the case for me, I've lost them before when I would practice lacrosse and got down to 170 at 5' 11". So that's not certainly the case, which I'm grateful for, just bad genetics in where I store fat lol ;_;. I can get a gut with man boobs if I let myself go but my arms and legs stay the same, everyone else in my family whose overweight and a guy is like that in their 50's. Hell, its nuts, I can see my pecs when I try flexing (beginner gains) but its covered with fat, which motivates me even more to lose as much fat as I can. Funny thing is, I've been floating around 195 for around 3 months while still taking protein, I hope some of my fat burned and I gained muscle during that time and not vice versa.
A personal best today. Always the best kind of record to break :)


This was a hell of a course too. One hill after another. Check out this demon:
(I started my running app while waiting in the corral, hence the flat at the beginning when i was stationary)


Ooooh Naperville? Do you happen to go to xsport or ltf?
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