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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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The answer is that fat comes off where it feels like coming off. It doesn't matter if you work the muscles around your middle the fat will come off there last. The muscles around your trunk don't grow as much as other muscles can either so focusing on sit ups is going to get you pretty much nowhere.

Work the big muscles in your legs and upper body. You will add a lot of muscle mass, which will raise your base metabolic rate, which will make your diet more effective. Plus the growth will make you look more proportional, and belly fat will look more natural. Do Starting Strength, as outlined in the OP.


Hi all,
I've been going to the gym regularly since late Dec and lost about 10 lbs since the end of March. However since the starting of April, I can't seem to make any progress on losing those last 5 pounds. My 4-6 pack is starting to show up, but there's still a tiny bit of fat there. Any suggestions what to do with that last bit of stubborn fat? Cheers!

That last bit of fat is really all about your diet. Consider replacing ALL of your carbs with steamed vegetables for the next few weeks.


What I gather is that eating more is actually better, ie frequent snacks during the day,


The other thing I'm worried about is sleep though I don't know if I'll fix that - I get about 5-6 hours a night and don't see that changing, I understand that's linked to weight gain somehow as well though I don't know why

Frequent eating is a myth. There's no significant difference between one big meal and several small meals. Frequent eating is more a method to deal with hunger pains, but your body will adjust to whatever schedule you throw at it.

As for sleeping, that's pretty important for your body to recover from the stress you put it through each day.
Bananafactory, my first advice would be to check the caloric website in the OP. It will help you determine what foods you should and shouldn't be eating, and how much. Secondly, if you cannot get a gym membership, what do you have access to (free weights, resistance bands, a local park with monkey bars and shit, etc.)? Steady state jogging isn't going to go to far in eliminating your gut.

I have a couple of free weights at home (adjustable weight amounts) and whatever is outside, we've got a pretty good river valley just down from my work with a massive set of stairs that I run sometimes. I do interval running more than steady pace because it keeps me in better shape for hockey which has similar bursts.

I eat pretty shit right now though, admittedly, so I think improving my diet alone will make a big difference. Just gotta figure out where to get that protein from


I have a couple of free weights at home (adjustable weight amounts) and whatever is outside, we've got a pretty good river valley just down from my work with a massive set of stairs that I run sometimes. I do interval running more than steady pace because it keeps me in better shape for hockey which has similar bursts.

I eat pretty shit right now though, admittedly, so I think improving my diet alone will make a big difference. Just gotta figure out where to get that protein from

Chicken, lean beef, eggs, whey powder, etc. Just avoid fried foods, breaded foods, sugary foods, heavy dairy, etc. Also, there are a few guys on here doing IF (cooter) or Keto (ILoveBish) diets, which may work for you.

This is a fitness thread where we tend to focus more on lifting. You should without a doubt incorporate some lifting into your workout, however possible, but your diet needs to change if you want to lose the belly fat. Lovehandles were my biggest issue for a while but (on top of a MAJOR lifting program), I started replacing all soda with water, all ice cream with a casein shake or cottage cheese, all chicken parm subs with grilled chicken over broccoli. If your committed, the fat will go away.


That last bit of fat is really all about your diet. Consider replacing ALL of your carbs with steamed vegetables for the next few weeks.

Thanks, I never really worried about counting carbs& calories before because I knew I would was lose weight just by replacing junk food with better foods, along with more cardio & weight training.

Is there a suggested number of carbs I should be trying to aim for?
Well, tired of seeing all the abs in here. So here is some fatboy lighting abuse from training today (pull-ups and DB presses). I'm definitely getting leaner, but I can obviously lose a lot more. I also noticed stability in my shoulder is shit. Need more standing DB presses. Here is the full log.

Weighed in at 233lbs today. Down 10lbs, 2 to go. Log press: 97x10, 147x5, 187x5, 197x5,5,7.
Pull ups: 5,5,8,5,8,5,5,5.
DB overhead press 35x18, 45x10,10.

Also decided to see how I'm progressing with fat loss, so lighting abuse pull-ups and DB press.

Tricep extensions, curls, and 3 way raises tonight.


Moving back after the competition. Not gonna change anything this close. And my accessories will be built around my supplemental and main lifts. So it's gonna be structured

Main, accessory, supplemental,accessory 2.

Supplemental will be a movement I know improves the main lift accessory will be a movement that either improves the movement it's attached to, or balances it.

Brolic aka The Mountain Jr
171 pounds! up 16 since dec last year!

of course the gain in weight has hurt my pullup numbers forcing me to rely on weighted assistance, but im getting back up there!

goal is to do 5-8 wide pull ups without assistance!


Just did a one rep max squat of 300 yesterday. Feels good considering I could barely do sets of 60 just 4 months ago when I started. My legs feel like tree trunks now lol.
Age: 34
Height: 5'11
Weight: 240
Goal: Tone and burn fat
Current Training Schedule: 3 times per week
Current Training Equipment Available: Full gym
Comments: I've been trying to tone for years, but all I end up doing is having my weight increase and gain muscle mass. I assume this is because of too much focus of weight lifting and not enough cardio (I do about 20 minutes for every hour-long session). I've tried HIIT (Insanity workout) but I tend to get dizzy and burn out pretty quickly. I'm also eating healthy, cut back on carbs/sugar, with one cheat day on the weekend. I'm definitely not a beginner, so could someone point me towards a routine that's more for intermediate workouts? Currently, my routine includes push, pull, legs, and pure cardio days. Thanks for any advice.


Age: 34
Height: 5'11
Weight: 240
Goal: Tone and burn fat
Current Training Schedule: 3 times per week
Current Training Equipment Available: Full gym
Comments: I've been trying to tone for years, but all I end up doing is having my weight increase and gain muscle mass. I assume this is because of too much focus of weight lifting and not enough cardio (I do about 20 minutes for every hour-long session). I've tried HIIT (Insanity workout) but I tend to get dizzy and burn out pretty quickly. I'm also eating healthy, cut back on carbs/sugar, with one cheat day on the weekend. I'm definitely not a beginner, so could someone point me towards a routine that's more for intermediate workouts? Currently, my routine includes push, pull, legs, and pure cardio days. Thanks for any advice.

Your problem might not be that you're lifting too much, but maybe you're eating too many calories? If you lift 3 days a week at a calorie deficit, you definitely will tone and burn fat rather than bulking up.
I assume this is because of too much focus of weight lifting and not enough cardio (I do about 20 minutes for every hour-long session).

No, the chances are it's because you're eating too many calories.

You can get crazy ripped without doing a single minute of cardio, the reason most people do is that it's far easier to create a calorific deficit through cardio than it is through lifting.
If that's the case, what are some tips to eating less calories? I try to eat a piece of fruit between meals, and my meal portions have been smaller as of late. If I eat any less, I feel like I'm starving and have no energy for the gym.


If that's the case, what are some tips to eating less calories? I try to eat a piece of fruit between meals, and my meal portions have been smaller as of late. If I eat any less, I feel like I'm starving and have no energy for the gym.

Intermittent fasting guys, want to take this one??


If that's the case, what are some tips to eating less calories? I try to eat a piece of fruit between meals, and my meal portions have been smaller as of late. If I eat any less, I feel like I'm starving and have no energy for the gym.

How many calories a day are you eating? If you don't count them it's all just guesswork.
Intermittent fasting guys, want to take this one??

I think there's a degree of adaptation in there to be honest. I always used to think like him, but now I laugh at the idea that I need any calories before a workout. I've done four hour mountain bike rides completely fasted and only really started to feel it towards the end.

Not that it's generally a good idea to go that sort of timescale (you'll start burning muscle eventually), but it was a good test.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Well this is crazy. Had 2mc doubles a Mc chicken, two banana muffins with peanutbutter, half a cup of strawberries and 60 oz of milk yesterday. Weighed in at 232 today. Only 1 lb to go.

Brolic aka The Mountain Jr

Brolic looking badass in that video

Amazing stuff Shog as always

upon a recommendation from a lifting buddy, I put some butter on a poptart and slightly toasted it

fucking amazing, I cannot eat poptarts any other way

bad ass, you lifting with your shirt off just looks beastly

like something straight out of prison

Appreciate it guys. Like I said, still clearly can lose a lot more, was just interested in seeing where I'm at. And maybe make some other people feel better about their body comp, lol.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I hate you lol. I would kill to wolf down some McDonald's right about now. I prefer the trifecta: McDouble, McChicken, Filet-O-fish :)

To be fair everything I listed, minus my coffee/whey is everything I ate the entire day. Pretty sure that still had me well below maintenance.


To be fair everything I listed, minus my coffee/whey is everything I ate the entire day. Pretty sure that still had me well below maintenance.
I figured. I wasn't implying otherwise. I have trouble doing IF and need to spread meals throughout the day, so I eat whatever I can get the most food volume out of. But man, it really does sound so good right now...


Does anyone else eat a mini Dove dark chocolate for dessert when they have cravings?

They are little, but 30 calories and super rich and satisfying. Sometimes I melt one and mix with some peanut butter. Ugh... Oh yeah... That's the stuff


Well this is crazy. Had 2mc doubles a Mc chicken, two banana muffins with peanutbutter, half a cup of strawberries and 60 oz of milk yesterday. Weighed in at 232 today. Only 1 lb to go.

Appreciate it guys. Like I said, still clearly can lose a lot more, was just interested in seeing where I'm at. And maybe make some other people feel better about their body comp, lol.

If anything, people probably feel worse...your a beast dude. Looking awesome already, so can't wait to see what your short to intermediate-term end state looks like...

Van Owen

Fairlife milk (the coca-cola milk) is here in OK and I'm happy, look at this fuckin' nutritional profile!


I'm thrilled this is here. It tastes like REAL WHOLE MILK. I'm thrilled. FUCK.

This shit had a weird after taste when I tried it plus it's expensive. Real milk kicks its ass.


Okay GAF, this might be asking a lot, but I wanted to give full background info to go along with the plan my Personal Trainier put together for my workout routine. I'm 6' with big legs and a wide chest/shoulders.

I was a die hard football player from the age of 8 through 18. It was a big deal when I started in Arizona (moved back to WA when I was 12). I did weightlifting from when I was 10ish to 18. From 15-18, I was in the weightroom for pmuch 2 hours a day off season, and 1 hour a day during season. I could bench over 300, squat over 500, clean 250 or so.

College came around, with drugs, then less drugs and a sedentary life. I went up to 300 lbs.

I got serious about 3 years ago, dropped to 250 or so through diet, slowly incorporated more and more cardio, and eventually got down to 175-180 range last summer.

I continued with the running, but relaxed a lot on the diet. Right now I'm at 195. My running routine was M, T, Th, Fri - 3 miles, Sat - 5-10 miles depending on mood. I fucked up my ankle pretty bad, doctor says it's a "moderate severe low ankle sprain", and I more or less need to stop high impact cardio for another 2-4 weeks.

This happened 3 weeks ago, so I joined my local gym. I've been wanting to get back into strength training, but with how much time I spent in the gym in my youth, I just hate it. I run outside, with my dog, on nice trails in rural Western Washington, rain, snow, or shine. I'd literally rather run in 35 degree rain than do cardio in a gym, to give you an idea of how I feel about it.

In any case, I'm over the hump and super excited to start up strength training again. I've done one full week of the strength routine that my PT gave to me. He said our exact plan is to build up a solid core as well as the muscles I've neglected to give me a solid platform to move to more free weights and standard isolation exercises in a few months from now. This seem pretty logical to me, because even doing kickbacks and lunges, I can feel my calves and quads naturally wanting to take over.

Here's the routine:

  • 60 mins cardio

  • Ball Hip Thrust 3x16
  • Weighted Hip Thrust 3x16 @ 25lbs
  • Glute Kick Machine 3x12 @ 60lbs
  • Lunges 3x12 per leg
  • Leg Press w/ 4 sec hold 3x20 @100
  • Bosu Squats 3x12
  • 30 min cardio

Wed Off

  • Assisted Pull 3x12 @70
  • Dumbell Arm Curl 3x6 Per Arm @ 20
  • Squat to Row 3x12 @ 40
  • Ball Row 3x12 @ 20
  • Ball Cobra 3x20
  • 30 Mins Cardio

  • 30-60 mins cardio

  • Squat Curl Press 3x16 @ 20
  • Ball Chest Press 3x15 @ 30
  • Chest Press Machine 3x12 @ 60
  • Leg Press 3x6 @ 150
  • Bosu Squats 3x20
  • Rear Deltoid 3x12 @ 40
  • Assisted Pull Up 3x12 @70

  • Off, but this will mostly be my yard work day, and I have 5 acres + 3 horses, so it's not easy to maintain.

I'm combining this with an IF diet, eating only from 11 AM through 7 PM, with calorie restriction and a huge focus on protein to still hit my macros.

Where I'd like to be eventually is doing cardio entirely outside of the gym, with most of my cardio being flat asphalt on weekdays, with trail running on the weekends in the mountains. After sex and video games, trail stuff with my dog is probably my most favorite activity, so that's really important for me to maintain. She's badass, and trained really fucking well (wife is a horse trainer and animal guru).

But I'd like to be cut and look decent naked. Since I went up to 300lbs, and was in the 270-300 range for nearly 8 years, as well as stupid bulked up in my teens, I have a lot of loose skin on my thighs and belly, so I'm not sure how realistic it is for me to expect this. But, after 3 years of being way down in weight, the skin is tightening up a bit in my belly, so there's hope there.

Any input would be greatly appreciated. You guys know your shit, and probably better than the PT. But, two free sessions to get me back into the swing of things and to check my form felt pretty necessary for me.


I spose, is it a good strength training routine? I see a lot of people focus on low reps with isolation to build muscle. I'm also not sure about the one day a week to focus on each group of muscles. That seems strange to me.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
I spose, is it a good strength training routine? I see a lot of people focus on low reps with isolation to build muscle. I'm also not sure about the one day a week to focus on each group of muscles. That seems strange to me.

It's an atrocious strength program. Absolutely shit and that trainer should be fired.


I spose, is it a good strength training routine? I see a lot of people focus on low reps with isolation to build muscle. I'm also not sure about the one day a week to focus on each group of muscles. That seems strange to me.

Got it! I think the one day a week is okay, for starters. You really want to focus on breaking your muscles by REALLY working them, and then giving them time (and nutrients) to rebuild before you do it again. The programs (SS and 531) in the OP come highly recommended by a ton of people as they give you not only the exercises, but the progression needed (when to increase weight, how much, etc.). I doubt your PT will do that.

With the body type you described, I feel like you should focus on lifting heavy, as it will mask some of the loose skin and fill you out. Check out SS and 531 and then come back with more questions.

It's an atrocious strength program. Absolutely shit and that trainer should be fired.

Brolic said what I said in a MUCH more straightforward way.


Yeah, I was leaning towards doing the SS in the OP, but I was really worried about form with how long I've been out of the game. That's what pushed me towards the PT, and I was more or less hoping he'd give me something similar to the SS program.

None of my pals are local, so I don't really have a lifting buddy for the time. I do have a friend who's going through this process to help push me to actually go to the gym tho.


Yeah, I was leaning towards doing the SS in the OP, but I was really worried about form with how long I've been out of the game. That's what pushed me towards the PT, and I was more or less hoping he'd give me something similar to the SS program.

None of my pals are local, so I don't really have a lifting buddy for the time. I do have a friend who's going through this process to help push me to actually go to the gym tho.

You don't need a buddy and you don't need to worry about form on heavy lifts. SS starts you off light so that you can get comfortable with the lift before progressing. By the time you're lifting heavy, your form will be fine. Post vids if you want a form check too.
Yay, my shoulder is finally getting back to normal even though it's still not 100%. I aggrivated my left shoulder in December when I did my bench and shoulder training on the same day (which I usually never do) and haven't been able to do any heavy shoulder pressing ever since. I had a five week break from all the training in January but even that didn't help as much as I had hoped. So, had to ditch all heavy barbell presses and concentrate more on the lighter accessory work and also introduced some rotator cuff excercises in my programm for the first time in my life. Those seemed to help and finally this month the shoulder started to feel better every week and today I had my first shoulder press day when I could do three moderately heavy sets of five without any pain. Feels good even though my press is like 20 lbs down from last year. :/

Well, I still haven't lost my delts and I've been looking a bit more swole lately and I guess some people at the office have noticed it too. In today's local news paper there was a picture of Chris Evans in his Captain America outfit looking buff and one of our office jokers had written my name with a question mark next to that picture and left the copy in our office kitchen's table. I guess I can take that as a compliment..


Rabbitweed, what rotator cuff exercises did you do?
It's good that your shoulder is recovering. My right rotator cuff got strained from work a few weeks ago and I'm still waiting for it to fully recover.


You don't need a buddy and you don't need to worry about form on heavy lifts. SS starts you off light so that you can get comfortable with the lift before progressing. By the time you're lifting heavy, your form will be fine. Post vids if you want a form check too.

I did want to work on glutes a bit more as well. Do you think adding something like hip extensions (unweighted) would be cool on one of the days? Maybe swap out the chin ups for curls? I doubt I can even do a single chin up right now. My legs are already pretty swole, so a vast majority of my muscle weight is in my lower body.
I didn't even know what half of the exercises were.
A lot of stuff using the fitness ball and that one balancing thing where the bottom half is a rubber ball and the top half is a rigid plastic platform you stand on.


I didn't even know what half of the exercises were.

Haha that doesn't necessarily mean they're shit. The work out as a whole was bad because it had no focus and progression but some of the lesser known exercises were actually pretty good for targeting weak spots.



I did want to work on glutes a bit more as well. Do you think adding something like hip extensions (unweighted) would be cool on one of the days? Maybe swap out the chin ups for curls? I doubt I can even do a single chin up right now. My legs are already pretty swole, so a vast majority of my muscle weight is in my lower body.

Sure man, you can add in hip extensions, just don't REMOVE something from SS to replace with them.

In regards to chin ups...if you can't do em, you can't do em. Instead of curls though, do lat pull downs until you can do chin ups and then never look back.


Kenyon, if you were pushing a 300lb bench and 500lb squat, you should have the mechanics down.
Yeah, but I'm 31 now, and that was 13 years ago :p
Sure man, you can add in hip extensions, just don't REMOVE something from SS to replace with them.

In regards to chin ups...if you can't do em, you can't do em. Instead of curls though, do lat pull downs until you can do chin ups and then never look back.


Kenyon, just know that you might feel silly the first few weeks of SS (light weight). Stick with it. You'll be pushing weight before you know it.


Haha that doesn't necessarily mean they're shit. The work out as a whole was bad because it had no focus and progression but some of the lesser known exercises were actually pretty good for targeting weak spots.

Yeah I know. Just wanted to comment on that :D I know the problems lie elsewhere.
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