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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Thanks for the responses on creatine, all. Just bought some body fortress from Walmart and gonna experiment with that for a while.












Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Unassisted One-Hand Stand Push-up>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Muscle-ups>>>>>>>>>>>>Pull-ups>>>>>>>>>>>>>Dips

Hmm, I don't mean in terms of difficulty, though I can actually do more chins than dips at the moment. I think it has to do with the drop and the rebound up.

Also, does anyone see harm in adding pull-ups or chins and dips to the end of every workout?
Are dips the squats of the upper body? They're so hard.

Anyway, I do squats every workout, but don't love them. Pausing during squats yesterday made my ass sore.

Isn't your ass supposed to stabilize your squat when you reach parallel or some such? Hence why it'd be sore the next day, if your pausing.

Bit of advise needed on deadlifts guys. When you're dead lifting, are your legs closer to straight or closer to a squat position? I've always done deads at about a 20 degree angle to parallel, but looking around the gym lately most, if not everyone else, is doing closer to a straight leg squat. What are the pros and cons to one over the other?


Bit of advise needed on deadlifts guys. When you're dead lifting, are your legs closer to straight or closer to a squat position? I've always done deads at about a 20 degree angle to parallel, but looking around the gym lately most, if not everyone else, is doing closer to a straight leg squat. What are the pros and cons to one over the other?

Hips are supposed to be relatively high for DL, or what you're saying, legs are closer to straight. If you start closer to your squat position, chances are once you start, your hips will go up first to where your hips should have been. It has a lot to do with morphology and how your leverages are, everyone's DL starting position will be different.

Also make sure what you're seeing others do aren't clean pulls because the mechanics are different; starting position is closer to squat.
Hips are supposed to be relatively high for DL, or what you're saying, legs are closer to straight. If you start closer to your squat position, chances are once you start, your hips will go up first to where your hips should have been. It has a lot to do with morphology and how your leverages are, everyone's DL starting position will be different.

Also make sure what you're seeing others do aren't clean pulls because the mechanics are different; starting position is closer to squat.

Thanks man, how good is this guide? http://stronglifts.com/deadlift/form/

If i were to go on that, I've basically being doing deads wrong for years! I'll try it this way tonight.
Hmm, I don't mean in terms of difficulty, though I can actually do more chins than dips at the moment. I think it has to do with the drop and the rebound up.

Also, does anyone see harm in adding pull-ups or chins and dips to the end of every workout?
I have seen chin-ups referred to as an upper-body squat before, it makes sense. As for how often to do them, depends on how often you work out. I wouldn't do chins & dips more than every other day, don't think there would be much benefit.


Mtp is a beast confirmed.

I'm taking this week off of my cut to give body a break before I start the next big cut, and I must have gotten kicked of keto again, gained 8lbs in 2 days lol. I swear my body sucks.

No biggie, I'll just keep going and start back on Monday on the new cut. Slept pretty good last night, solid 6.5 hours, feel strong. Gym should be good today.


You're right Francis. I made marginal gains over that year. Nothing spectacular. But it did do one thing, it kept me healthy.

I decided to go back to 5/3/1 because I'm already "strong enough" to compete in strongman. My powerlifts are strong enough. I need to improve my events. 5/3/1 will allow me to sustain and improve slowly my powerlifts while allowing me to keep from feeling beat to shit and letting me focus on events and conditioning. I remember thsts the only thing I really liked about 5/3/1.

Well I just finished "Beyond." He literally addresses all of my issues in his newest book. "Joker sets"'allow for auto regulated maximal training and "first set last" allows for extra volume. It's all in a way that can be done on the fly. He also says what I've been saying. Deload when you feel like it. Or use other deload templates.

So. now that I'm happy with my powerlifts and I want to be a competitive strongman, my focus has shifted away from maximal training, to sub max. I'm focusing more on conditioning and events. But, should I decide to throw some maximal training in, "beyond" has it outlined how to do it right.

And oddly enough, it's shit I didn't think about altering In 5/3/1, or I was altering it in a potentially negatively impacting way.

Either way, this is where I am. After my comp next week (and the following week) I'm doing 5/3/1 utilizing joker sets and first set last outlines as well as superset template.
All good to hear. How many days a week will you be training with 5/3/1 this time around? If I recall you training two to three times a week for quite a stretch before, which would seem to be far from optimal despite anything Wendler said about it. We've talked about what he has or hasn't actually done before, and I'm not sure he's tried much more than half the 5/3/1 templates he's published.

Regardless, I'm glad that you can reflect back on it and find that it helped you stay healthy. I'm not on 5/3/1 anymore, I don't intermittently fast as often anymore, but I still lift heavy a couple times a week and I have no one to thank but Wendler for my penchant for sprinting up stadium steps to this day. There's something to be said for lifting and not being injured, though I'm sure as shit not going to win any medals anytime soon, lol.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
All good to hear. How many days a week will you be training with 5/3/1 this time around? If I recall you training two to three times a week for quite a stretch before, which would seem to be far from optimal despite anything Wendler said about it. We've talked about what he has or hasn't actually done before, and I'm not sure he's tried much more than half the 5/3/1 templates he's published.

Regardless, I'm glad that you can reflect back on it and find that it helped you stay healthy. I'm not on 5/3/1 anymore, I don't intermittently fast as often anymore, but I still lift heavy a couple times a week and I have no one to thank but Wendler for my penchant for sprinting up stadium steps to this day. There's something to be said for lifting and not being injured, though I'm sure as shit not going to win any medals anytime soon, lol.

I had a revelation about a year ago. I don't plan out my training by days, what I mean is. "Monday through Friday" aren't assigned to anything. I simply lift two days back to back so long as work permits. One day is a main lift, the next day is an event. So it goes as so:

Squat/sandbag carries
Day off
Bench/yoke walk
Day off
Deadlift/sandbag loads
Day off
Press(log/barbell/axel)/farmer carries.

As you can see that's an 11 day cycle. That's my focus, not weeks.

Not assigning training to actual days is far more liberating and I can simply focus on getting the work done.

And that's my main thing too. I want the powerliftts to progress at this point, but slow is fine. Conditioning and events are my main focus, so 5/3/1 will allow me to shift that focus easily.


Finished up sets today with deadlifts. Is it good to take a deep breath and hold it right before you stand up? Got that tip last week, and it's helped a lot today, but felt a bit light-headed for a minute towards the middle of it.


so I normally dont do this and well I also hate taking my shirt off. I also refused to take any sort of progress pics before starting my workout but here is a picture comparing myself from january to yesterday. Btw I have never been able to wear that black shirt. I got it from a friend in 2012 and have held onto it, hoping to one day wear it. I feel really weird posting this picture but I wanted to share with you fitGAF



My back is breaking out and becoming super dry and disgusting. Pretty sure that's due to squatting 400+ lbs with a probably dirty as hell bar digging right into my back. Is this an issue with anyone else?

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Yoke is getting faster, but still not where I'd like it. I guess it's not bad for only having been training it for a few months. But it's not gonna get me a good standing on yoke walk for comp. 505lbs in 14 seconds, 485lbs in 11. Both to 50ft. Comp weight is 500lbs. And it's next Friday.

Did a lot of volume today.


My back is breaking out and becoming super dry and disgusting. Pretty sure that's due to squatting 400+ lbs with a probably dirty as hell bar digging right into my back. Is this an issue with anyone else?

Wear a shirt? And no.
so I normally dont do this and well I also hate taking my shirt off. I also refused to take any sort of progress pics before starting my workout but here is a picture comparing myself from january to yesterday. Btw I have never been able to wear that black shirt. I got it from a friend in 2012 and have held onto it, hoping to one day wear it. I feel really weird posting this picture but I wanted to share with you fitGAF

Nice one. Don't worry, you'll never see a shirtless pic of me in here either. :)

I might show off my calves or something one day!


so I normally dont do this and well I also hate taking my shirt off. I also refused to take any sort of progress pics before starting my workout but here is a picture comparing myself from january to yesterday. Btw I have never been able to wear that black shirt. I got it from a friend in 2012 and have held onto it, hoping to one day wear it. I feel really weird posting this picture but I wanted to share with you fitGAF

Awesome work man

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
so I normally dont do this and well I also hate taking my shirt off. I also refused to take any sort of progress pics before starting my workout but here is a picture comparing myself from january to yesterday. Btw I have never been able to wear that black shirt. I got it from a friend in 2012 and have held onto it, hoping to one day wear it. I feel really weird posting this picture but I wanted to share with you fitGAF


Yes SIR! That's good progress my friend. Badass work!


@MTP - that gives me something to aspire to. Goddamn.

so I normally dont do this and well I also hate taking my shirt off. I also refused to take any sort of progress pics before starting my workout but here is a picture comparing myself from january to yesterday. Btw I have never been able to wear that black shirt. I got it from a friend in 2012 and have held onto it, hoping to one day wear it. I feel really weird posting this picture but I wanted to share with you fitGAF
Haha, I also had one of those shirts. It truly is a glorious moment.

I think the only other moment that had me excited after I lost a bunch of weight/fat was when I went shopping, and found a shirt I really liked. They were all out of mediums, but had L/XL. Not being able to buy a shirt because they didn't have a small enough size was truly a paradigm shift. I was so happy, and my wife didn't get it at first.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I feel like I'm playin' fuckin Yu-Gi-Oh in here.

MTP just played his trap card

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Lol @ the comments, you guys are awesome.

Can't wait to see your first SM comp Brolic, hope you win and bring gold to FitGAF!

Thanks brother. I'm just hoping I place.
I read and liked this article

What say the big guys in here?

No brainer probably but I have not done Lat Pulldowns since doing a weird body building split 10 years ago.

Abs for warm up and more Pullups/Lat work sounds good to add to the main two lifts doing 5/3/1.

What kind of assistance stuff is everyone else doing with 5/3/1?
Leg Raise/Croc Row/Leg Curl/ Chin ups?

My assistance is planned based on sticking points best supplemental lifts and weak points.

So it doesn't remain the same.



I weigh 165 pounds with waist of 34 1/2 inch currently . I would like to have about 150 pounds. I used that calculator given in the OP to calculate my BMR and TDEE.

BMR: 1757
TDEE: 2724

I would like to lose weight so I am taking control over my calorie intake. I am eating an average of 1759 calories daily since I started measuring from 20-Apr-2015. Before that it was almost same but I have no records. Its going ok. Plus I am doing P90 workout since 8-Mar-2015.

I have lost about 11 pounds since 8th Mar, 2015 but after that the progress has slowed down. I am unable to shake off the love handles. Any advice or diet plan I should be following?
It always slows down, and when it slows down you have a decision... be happy with the new rate, or reduce your calories / up your exercise by an appropriate amount. At the end of the day, dieting can tank your metabolism, and not just that, but weighing less means you burn less calories anyway.
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