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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Well start with whatever goal you want. Maybe an additional 10lbs? A pound of bodyweight is approximately 3500 calories (correct me if I'm wrong please), so maybe aim for an additional 3500 calories above your maintenance calories each week (an extra 500 calories per day) which will get you to your 10lb goal in 10 weeks.

I think the app does this for you based on activity level. Just be honest when selecting how active you are.

Also, I'm a huge advocate of cardio in general for overall health, but when trying to gain weight it works against you by burning calories fairly quickly. Focus on strength training mostly and if you do cardio, make sure to account for calories lost by eating more. You want to stay in a caloric surplus to gain weight.

FYI - I am no pro. Just giving advice based on experience and limited research, but that doesn't mean it's completely sound. Someone chime in if you can help.

Guess I'll shoot fot 10 pounds then. Also how important is getting the exact amount of what I ate in the calculator?? And should I be focusing on the ratio of fats, protein etc. or just try and pack on calories? Additionally will my crohn's skew my numbers even more? Finally if I just focus on gaining weight what is gonna stop that weight from just going to my stomach and making me unproportional/skinnyfat/out of shape Also I had another question but I think this is enough for now :)

Edit: oh yeah, should I bother tracking water or no
Next week starts my next cycle of 5/3/1, which has me squatting 3 plates for the first time. I only got 2 reps @ 305 this cycle, but it should be OK because I only hit 2 on the 1s week before that, too. It sucks a little that the momentous occasion is 3 weeks away, but 5/3/1 busted me out of a dead end in Stall City so I ain't mad.

Current weight is 204, so that will get me past the 1.5xBW benchmark too.

Will post video if I make it.
Next week starts my next cycle of 5/3/1, which has me squatting 3 plates for the first time. I only got 2 reps @ 305 this cycle, but it should be OK because I only hit 2 on the 1s week before that, too. It sucks a little that the momentous occasion is 3 weeks away, but 5/3/1 busted me out of a dead end in Stall City so I ain't mad.

Current weight is 204, so that will get me past the 1.5xBW benchmark too.

Will post video if I make it.

I had this problem with vanilla 5/3/1 until I switched to a split and did everything twice a week. Its helped me not stall. I also incorporated joker sets and first set last too which are great for auto-regulation. If you have a good day then it lets you keep pushing.

I posted my 5/3/1 spreadsheet a couple of weeks ago but if you want a look let me know and I'll drag up a link.


Deload week is finished. I did FSL plus all my accessories and everything went well. Will start an all new session of 531 next week.

Since this is a food transition week, the first few days felt rough but my strength is back in full if not more now. Felt beastly in the gym. Down to 240.0lbs this morning also, almost back to where I was before I got kicked out of keto. Then it's all new lows scale wise. I really want to go the distance this time but might have to eat out for mother's day. After that should be smooth sailing.

Bish, I LIVE by this rule. At this point, I probably have SOMETHING coming from Prime every other day, if not more.

I got 2 yesterday and 1 today. UPS guy knows me by name. I'll never know the shame of buying tp in public again. Thanks amazon.


Guess I'll shoot fot 10 pounds then. Also how important is getting the exact amount of what I ate in the calculator?? And should I be focusing on the ratio of fats, protein etc. or just try and pack on calories? Additionally will my crohn's skew my numbers even more? Finally if I just focus on gaining weight what is gonna stop that weight from just going to my stomach and making me unproportional/skinnyfat/out of shape Also I had another question but I think this is enough for now :)

Edit: oh yeah, should I bother tracking water or no

When you enter food, don't drive yourself completely crazy, but try to get close. A small banana vs a large banana can be a difference of 100 calories. That's enough of a difference to add up to A LOT by the end of the day. Try your best. I bought a cheap food scale i keep on my counter at all times for quick measurements. Sounds crazy, but it will save you time.

Just packing on any old calories will usually get you much more fat than muscle. You need to eat right and keeping an eye on your macros (fat, carbs, protein) is important. I know this seems like a lot to do, but all you have to do is learn as you go. Don't try to get this all down day one. Log a single day's diet and see what you had too much or too little of and just adjust what you eat a bit the next day.

I don't know anything about crohn's, so I'm sorry i can't help there :(

Focus on balancing your macros as I said before and you can minimize fat gain.

Drink plenty of water! I shoot for 1-1.5 gallons a day. I would guess that 1 gallon is plenty (anyone have anything on this?). Try to drink it throughout the day as opposed to chugging it in a few sittings. I don't log my water intake, but i use a 32oz bottle for my water and just count how many ive had (128oz in a gallon so at least 4 32oz servings).

EDIT: I hope this helps. Admittedly i feel like im just regurgitating things ive heard a million times over, but I promise that logging your food is a HUGE (if not the biggest) part of changing your body!
I had this problem with vanilla 5/3/1 until I switched to a split and did everything twice a week. Its helped me not stall. I also incorporated joker sets and first set last too which are great for auto-regulation. If you have a good day then it lets you keep pushing.

I posted my 5/3/1 spreadsheet a couple of weeks ago but if you want a look let me know and I'll drag up a link.
I have not stalled with 5/3/1 yet. I'm only just now completing my 3rd cycle. I was stalling (constantly) on SS.


First day back running.

There is nothing at the gym that can ever come close to the cardio pain you get from actually running. I missed this.


Finally picked up some proper weightlifting shoes. Got the Adidas Drehkraft with the Boa system. My squat comfort and balance are instantly better which was the hoped for result but just having a much more solid base made just about everything easier. I was lifting in a pair of old Diesel shoes that were pretty flat before. It actually felt weird how much more balanced I was at the bottom of my squat with my heels not fighting to come off the ground.



Finally picked up some proper weightlifting shoes. Got the Adidas Drehkraft with the Boa system. My squat comfort and balance are instantly better which was the hoped for result but just having a much more solid base made just about everything easier. I was lifting in a pair of old Diesel shoes that were pretty flat before. It actually felt weird how much more balanced I was at the bottom of my squat with my heels not fighting to come off the ground.

Wow never seen these. Is this the 3rd powerlifting shoe addidas is selling?

Powerlift 2.0
and now these?

When you enter food, don't drive yourself completely crazy, but try to get close. A small banana vs a large banana can be a difference of 100 calories. That's enough of a difference to add up to A LOT by the end of the day. Try your best. I bought a cheap food scale i keep on my counter at all times for quick measurements. Sounds crazy, but it will save you time.

Just packing on any old calories will usually get you much more fat than muscle. You need to eat right and keeping an eye on your macros (fat, carbs, protein) is important. I know this seems like a lot to do, but all you have to do is learn as you go. Don't try to get this all down day one. Log a single day's diet and see what you had too much or too little of and just adjust what you eat a bit the next day.

I don't know anything about crohn's, so I'm sorry i can't help there :(

Focus on balancing your macros as I said before and you can minimize fat gain.

Drink plenty of water! I shoot for 1-1.5 gallons a day. I would guess that 1 gallon is plenty (anyone have anything on this?). Try to drink it throughout the day as opposed to chugging it in a few sittings. I don't log my water intake, but i use a 32oz bottle for my water and just count how many ive had (128oz in a gallon so at least 4 32oz servings).

EDIT: I hope this helps. Admittedly i feel like im just regurgitating things ive heard a million times over, but I promise that logging your food is a HUGE (if not the biggest) part of changing your body!
Okay thanks! I don't think a little bit of fat would be bad though as long as it isn't going in to my stomach. Haven't had dinner yet but I'm only 100 away from exceeding my surplus it looks like (+500 calories), so I'm thinking Crohn's is gonna play quite a role in this. If I just focus on eating first though how can I insure I'm also able to stay in shape with swimming and hopefully tone my abs a bit?


Wow never seen these. Is this the 3rd powerlifting shoe addidas is selling?

Powerlift 2.0
and now these?


Adidas had the Power Perfect II as their mid-range weightlifting shoe, but they discontinued it some time ago. The Drehkraft is the successor to the Power Perfect II's it seems.
Any tips on getting a meal plan going? Doing Insanity and I want a good meal plan instead of just eating random things left and right day by day.
On day 6 of Keto. Things have gone well so far but today I just had some unsatisfying meals and started to crave carbs. I must stay vigilant!


Brian Burke punched my mom
Holyshit exhausted. Took two weeks off since I was moving...drove 24 hours non-stop one day and another time 12 hours. Didn't eat for 24 hours...just weak on squats :(

Rows aren't so bad thankfully...

Big Chungus

just went to the gym for the first time in about a year, did 45 mins of cardio on various machine and now for some reason i have a metallic taste in my mouth

its been over 2 hours now and it hasnt gone away

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Quick post before racking out. Mint chocolate quest bars are favorite so far. Taste like thin mint girlscout cookies. Weighin tommorow, then pigging out. Update after weighin.
Quick post before racking out. Mint chocolate quest bars are favorite so far. Taste like thin mint girlscout cookies. Weighin tommorow, then pigging out. Update after weighin.
They are sooooooo good! Also best of luck at your weigh in (and your comp soon!!!) you've looking incredible lately.

SZU!! You're such a beast. I can't believe it, lol.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
They are sooooooo good! Also best of luck at your weigh in (and your comp soon!!!) you've looking incredible lately.

SZU!! You're such a beast. I can't believe it, lol.

Thanks bud, I appreciate it. I've got a lot of comments at work too. Gotta admit, it feels good. Some are even coming out to watch me, which is also awesome. Really gonna suck if I end up doing this in a thunderstorm though.


I have to try the mint chocolate quest bar, it is easily my top desert flavor. Even if it kicks me out of keto, I need to get it over with.

On day 6 of Keto. Things have gone well so far but today I just had some unsatisfying meals and started to crave carbs. I must stay vigilant!

Best advice I can give, is concentrate on what you can now eat and not what you can't. What hurt me for a long time was making substitutes for stuff. Just stick with it and keep consistent, just like anything else in life.

I've gone dairy free for no particular reason other then my new meals allow me to do it, and I'm noticing much less bloat. But it could be placebo.


I've gone dairy free for no particular reason other then my new meals allow me to do it, and I'm noticing much less bloat. But it could be placebo.
I've been tempted to try this, but I'm guessing protein shakes count as dairy which really help me hit my daily protein goals with a busy schedule...

Keep us updated!


Good luck weighing in, Brolic. Channel your inner MTP for your meal afterward.

Szu, you have the dad bod Gaf both deserves and needs right now.


Szu, you look insane, brother.

Szu shows why its always better to be thin, looking terrific man.

They are sooooooo good! Also best of luck at your weigh in (and your comp soon!!!) you've looking incredible lately.

SZU!! You're such a beast. I can't believe it, lol.

Thanks, guys!!!

Awesome dad bod Szu! Looking great as usual.

Good luck weighing in, Brolic. Channel your inner MTP for your meal afterward.

Szu, you have the dad bod Gaf both deserves and needs right now.

Thanks, Cooter and Sean, but according to that thread I need more beer to enhance my gut. Or else I'm not getting the chicks.
http://imgur.com/a/mbjLv + more water

I was informed to eat at a surplus and eat I did 💪💪💪

Also that album order is kinda outta wack, I apologize

I'm not as experienced as others here when it comes to nutrition, but I do have a good friend with crohn's. I got him into lifting so we talk a bit about diet, workouts etc. He would recommend going low carb. It's really really helped him with his crohns. I'll ask him the book he read that outlined it, but he's had a lot of success with just getting his carbs from fruits and vegetables. He says if it wasn't for a low carb diet he would be going in for his 3rd surgery about now, and feels better than he has since high school. We're both in 30s. Good luck man!
Szu - the real dad bod we should all be shooting for.

They only get bigger, but around 3-ish they're heavy & durable enough to use for light kettlebell swings. We call it "let's play boing!"


Hey guys, I need some advice.

I'm going to Florida in about a month and a half, and wanna get as good of a body as I can by then. I'm 5'11" about 210 lb. My biggest problem is I've developed a bit of a beer gut. It's nothing crazy, but that's the first thing I want gone. Any advice on what will heed the best results?


I'm not as experienced as others here when it comes to nutrition, but I do have a good friend with crohn's. I got him into lifting so we talk a bit about diet, workouts etc. He would recommend going low carb. It's really really helped him with his crohns. I'll ask him the book he read that outlined it, but he's had a lot of success with just getting his carbs from fruits and vegetables. He says if it wasn't for a low carb diet he would be going in for his 3rd surgery about now, and feels better than he has since high school. We're both in 30s. Good luck man!
How many net carbs is he eating for low carb? Can't seem to get a good number. I know the range for keto though.
How many net carbs is he eating for low carb? Can't seem to get a good number. I know the range for keto though.

He doesn't count anything. He just eliminated breads, pasta etc. from his diet. He's not super strict with it either. He'll eat the bun on a burger if we eat out, but the majority of his meals don't have bread. Thinking about it a little more I guess you could classify it has a low gluten diet more so than low carb. The low carb aspect is just a byproduct of it.
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