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Fitness |OT7| #Swelfies, Trap Lords, and Quadzilla

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Wanted to post a progress pic. feel like I am halfway there and I believe I look better irl as opposed to pics (can't pose for shit). Drop another 15 lbs and just manage water/carbs depending on how I want to look.

Where are you getting them for $15?

Man, your shoulders are super broad. I have a similar build. Makes clothes shopping a nightmare.


I don't know what to think. A neurosurgeon from university hospital called me today right after seeing my MRI pics. He was worried. Very worried.

He asked me am I in pain, said that I would need an acute surgery as soon as possible and put me in the queue. He also said that he will put extra information to my file that if I have any pain what so ever and come to acute practice yelling for neurosurgeon that will put me past the queue immediately and put me straight in to surgery.

I was more or less in shock during the phone call and forgot to ask million questions that I now have. I still assume that neurosurgeons don't call to everyone so it is most likely quite severe. He said it won't be healing on its own and that surgery is the only solution.

Surprisingly enough, I didn't go to gym today even if I originally planned to go. I have no idea what I can do now.

This is my MRI. I pointed out the problems if someone is interested.

Sorry, deleted them :/
Very naughty of you. :p

On a side note, my wife and I took her mom out for Mother's Day on Sunday. We went to an Australian restaurant. We ordered Kangaroo loin. It tasted ok, but now I'm probably never going to visit Australia now.

The last thing I need is one of these guys chasing me down because I ate one of their cousins.
Lol. You're the best. :D

You guys in the US have it so easy. Quest bars are ridiculously cheap over there.
My thoughts exactly. Those lucky bastards.

Wanted to post a progress pic. feel like I am halfway there and I believe I look better irl as opposed to pics (can't pose for shit). Drop another 15 lbs and just manage water/carbs depending on how I want to look.
Damn FE! It seems you keep photoshopping your head smaller in every pic! ;)

Seriously though, you are a big boy. :p


I don't know what to think. A neurosurgeon from university hospital called me today right after seeing my MRI pics. He was worried. Very worried.

He asked me am I in pain, said that I would need an acute surgery as soon as possible and put me in the queue. He also said that he will put extra information to my file that if I have any pain what so ever and come to acute practice yelling for neurosurgeon that will put me past the queue immediately and put me straight in to surgery.

I was more or less in shock during the phone call and forgot to ask million questions that I now have. I still assume that neurosurgeons don't call to everyone so it is most likely quite severe. He said it won't be healing on its own and that surgery is the only solution.

Surprisingly enough, I didn't go to gym today even if I originally planned to go. I have no idea what I can do now.

This is my MRI. I pointed out the problems if someone is interested.

Sadetar, after the shock has settled, get a second opinion if possible. I hope for the best.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Found a legit strongman gym about 45 min from my house, in St.louis. It's where a few of the heavy hitters from Saturday train. Gonna check it out today. Maybe I can join their crew.


Yikes. Which vertebrae is that?
I don't remember the numbers, but it is according to my papers "presacral" it affects S1 nerve.

That sucks sadetar at least you know what's up now and can focus on recovering post surgery.

Looks like L2-5
Sadetar, after the shock has settled, get a second opinion if possible. I hope for the best.
Fuck. Well, at least they've got you down as urgent for the surgery. Hopefully you can get that done and get back to a full recovery.
:( Sorry Sadetar. On the road to full health though! Hang in there.
Damn Sadetar..fusion? I'm trying to avoid that.
I can't imagine what it's like going through something like that. Hopefully you can get it all fixed
Thanks, all of you!

This is all so absurd and surreal at the moment.

Like I said earlier, when the neurosurgeon called I was quite much in shock and saying that I need to think about the whole surgery. I called to my father (he has been in three surgeries for his back) and he thinks that I don't need to question it or ask for second opinion since this is one of the main neurosurgeons in university hospital. Now I just wish I would have said to him that I need it right now. I didn't and he put me in the queue. I mean I can just walk there if I am in pain, but at the moment it is just fully numb and I don't know do I have the balls to just go there without the pain.

I will call to them as soon as they are available and ask about the schedulses. Tomorrow they will be most likely closed but I will try to call them on Friday/Monday.

I haven't never even been in a hospital. And yes, I am really scared. Then again like some of you have said, this will hopefully lead to full recovery. Before I have talked with the neurosurgeon I don't think I will be doing anything heavy though. Just Nordic walking since I know I can't break myself more while doing that.

Again, thanks so much to all of you! I am alone at home and I just needed a place to vent.


Neurosurgery is scary as fuck, but they've come a really long way. My wife had her T-12 shattered when she was bucked off a horse and landed square on her ass, was a compression fracture. The surgery period was probably the worst 10 hours of my life. Despite complications (they weren't able to use enough bone to screw parts of the plate into), her fusion surgery now has her fully recovered. In fact, her spine is quite literally stronger than it was before. She's riding every day, running with me four days a week, and even has 98% range of motion (some twisting stuff is not great, but still plenty doable). She can even touch her toes.

I'll try to find a pic of the spine area post-surgery.

*edit* found it


She doesn't even set off metal detectors. I have a bionic wife.


Was going to make a cardio joke again but I'll wait for psycho to injure himself again for that. Won't be too long. sadetar, that is legit upsetting. Hopefully you'll be back up and running 100% after the surgery.


Neurosurgery is scary as fuck, but they've come a really long way. My wife had her T-12 shattered when she was bucked off a horse and landed square on her ass, was a compression fracture. The surgery period was probably the worst 10 hours of my life. Despite complications (they weren't able to use enough bone to screw parts of the plate into), her fusion surgery now has her fully recovered. In fact, her spine is quite literally stronger than it was before. She's riding every day, running with me four days a week, and even has 98% range of motion (some twisting stuff is not great, but still plenty doable). She can even touch her toes.

I'll try to find a pic of the spine area post-surgery.

*edit* found it

She doesn't even set off metal detectors. I have a bionic wife.
It is a relief to hear some stories that ended well. :D I have no idea what the neurosurgeon will do to me though. He said that normally they don't even operate with herniated discs, but this one is way too much out to leave it there. Just a sneeze can do permanent damage to me at the moment and send me to surgery. He was quite amazed that I am able to live normally currently.

Before all this I was able to put my whole palm to the ground, now I can't even touch my knees. :p

My father sets off metal detectors and needs to carry MRI photos with him every time he wants to fly. They took some bone from his hip and crushed it and put it on three sides of the spine with some metal plates. I am sure my surgery won't be that hardcore.

sadetar, that is legit upsetting. Hopefully you'll be back up and running 100% after the surgery.
Indeed it is. I will just basicly sit on my (not even that fat) ass while waiting to know what to do. I am seriously worried about the muscle loss with the lack of exercise, but I will deal with that later.


Neurosurgery is scary as fuck, but they've come a really long way. My wife had her T-12 shattered when she was bucked off a horse and landed square on her ass, was a compression fracture. The surgery period was probably the worst 10 hours of my life. Despite complications (they weren't able to use enough bone to screw parts of the plate into), her fusion surgery now has her fully recovered. In fact, her spine is quite literally stronger than it was before. She's riding every day, running with me four days a week, and even has 98% range of motion (some twisting stuff is not great, but still plenty doable). She can even touch her toes.

I'll try to find a pic of the spine area post-surgery.

*edit* found it


She doesn't even set off metal detectors. I have a bionic wife.

Nice to hear that your wife recovered well.

I've got mix feelings about the metal detector stuff. On one hand, setting off metal detectors can be annoying. On the other hand, I would kinda feel like Wolverine.


Nice to hear that your wife recovered well.

I've got mix feelings about the metal detector stuff. On one hand, setting off metal detectors can be annoying. On the other hand, I would kinda feel like Wolverine.
I totally get that. I was a little disappointed the first time too.


And I am banging my head to the wall at the moment for being as stupid as I were. If I would have handled the phone call differently, we most likely would have the surgery scheduled already. It was the docent himself who will do it who called me being all worried.

Damn it.

I will call them on Friday if they are available and on Monday if they are closed on Friday. I just want to the surgery and get over with it as soon as possible.
Sadetar, I had a herniated disc about that size, one or two up from yours ten years ago, it would make my back lock up solid. I had a cane. All that it took to fix it was a cortisone shot, but they had to put me under a real-time imaging machine to aim it properly. It wasn't too comfortable, the local anesthetic was solid, but you can imagine. It's a large gauge needle right up on your spine.

But that said, it was still just a needle, and I haven't had a problem since. I've been lifting heavy for almost a year and a half. Squats, deadlifts, it's all good. I can't really say when I could have got on the gains train ten years ago, but it was pretty magical. A month maybe? Two?


Hey Fit-GAF. Read over the OP and figured I'd ask a few questions.

My background, I've been lifting on and off for years and generally have a decent idea of what I'm doing. I often work out with my dad and he's been lifting a long time. I'm about 6'2" 185lbs. I eat ~3k calories a day (rough estimate ~300 breakfast, 1500 lunch, 8 dinner, 300 protein powder), but I think I never get close to the 1-1.4x body weight in grams protein goal. I do 2 scoops of Muscle Milk a day after dinner (generally this type with varying flavors).

Basically what I want to do is lose some of my love handles and gut fat, wondering if this is purely a cutting sort of thing with diet or if I can facilitate that with my lifts/cardio. I know the answer might be "use a calculator" and figure things out more, but figured it couldn't hurt to ask some of the more experienced folks. I'm relatively thin and I'm not sure reducing my body fat % is the healthy answer for me right now, so I'm not quite sure I want to cut down. I am open to cutting out some empty calories and replacing them with protein though.


And I am banging my head to the wall at the moment for being as stupid as I were. If I would have handled the phone call differently, we most likely would have the surgery scheduled already. It was the docent himself who will do it who called me being all worried.

Damn it.

I will call them on Friday if they are available and on Monday if they are closed on Friday. I just want to the surgery and get over with it as soon as possible.

It's cliche, but hindsight is always 20/20.

Don't dwell on what you could have done, just focus on what you are going to do.


Sadetar: I hope this turns out to be the path to your complete recovery. Surgery of any sort is always stressful, but it sounds like these are the right people to perform it. Keep us informed!

Brolic: I finally was able to watch your competition video (need to fix the stupid home connection). The whole thing is amazing. I can see why you think a standard PL meet sounds a bit dull now. I'm already constantly impressed by what you can do. Best of luck with training and future competitions.


Do that, and stop lifting on and off and just lift on.

6'2" 185 lbs. is pretty thin already, just build some muscle mass.

I should clarify, I'm pretty consistent now. 6-7 days a week at the gym, only really taking off when my joints need rest.

Yea I'm gonna start with that, cutting down on bread a bit and maybe adding another scoop of protein during the day.
I should clarify, I'm pretty consistent now. 6-7 days a week at the gym, only really taking off when my joints need rest.
You want to build muscle which means you should be doing an A/B every other day program or a four-day split. Going to the gym every day is just going to slow down progress, if you make any progress at all.
I should clarify, I'm pretty consistent now. 6-7 days a week at the gym, only really taking off when my joints need rest.

Yea I'm gonna start with that, cutting down on bread a bit and maybe adding another scoop of protein during the day.

Eating around 3000 calories will not get you rid of love handles when your TDEE is 2300 calories (rough estimate from the calculator, i don't know your age). If you go to the gym almost everyday then your energy expenditure is closer to 2600, but the point is that 3000 is too much to lose fat. So you can either keep eating all that and lift heavier to build muscle or eat much less and still lift heavy to lose fat and maintain muscle.


Hey Fit-GAF. Read over the OP and figured I'd ask a few questions.

My background, I've been lifting on and off for years and generally have a decent idea of what I'm doing. I often work out with my dad and he's been lifting a long time. I'm about 6'2" 185lbs. I eat ~3k calories a day (rough estimate ~300 breakfast, 1500 lunch, 8 dinner, 300 protein powder), but I think I never get close to the 1-1.4x body weight in grams protein goal. I do 2 scoops of Muscle Milk a day after dinner (generally this type with varying flavors).
Stop fucking with Muscle Milk. You are only getting 32g of protein with 2 scoops. Just looking at the wheys I have sitting around 2 scoops is at least 50g and still less than 310 calories.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Terrifying news Sadetar. Very glad we're here to help, for what it's worth.


You want to build muscle which means you should be doing an A/B every other day program or a four-day split. Going to the gym every day is just going to slow down progress, if you make any progress at all.

"A/B every other day program or a four-day split" I'll look this up. I don't do weights every day and I do rest muscle groups so I think what I'm doing is alright, but I'll check out what you are saying.

cutting is definitely the best way to deflate love handles

Eating around 3000 calories will not get you rid of love handles when your TDEE is 2300 calories (rough estimate from the calculator, i don't know your age). If you go to the gym almost everyday then your energy expenditure is closer to 2600, but the point is that 3000 is too much to lose fat. So you can either keep eating all that and lift heavier to build muscle or eat much less and still lift heavy to lose fat and maintain muscle.

Stop fucking with Muscle Milk. You are only getting 32g of protein with 2 scoops. Just looking at the wheys I have sitting around 2 scoops is at least 50g and still less than 310 calories.

Thanks for the replies. I think I'd like to ideally be ~185lbs but with higher muscle to fat ratio, so perhaps I should gain a bit more weight and then cut a bit. I'm 25 btw. I'll definitely consider switching supplements when I don't want to gain any more weight. I have a decent bit of Muscle Milk left, but I'll start considering the higher % protein products when it runs out.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Hope that gym you're looking at is worth the trip, Brolic. Is that the one you were referring to last page?


Hello FIT Gaf:

I stopped going to a gym last year due to budget issues and now I am back on track.

Since I am going to the gym and will follow the workout on the OP (which is SS).

I am still the same as last year (5'8 200LBS). If I do SS 3 times a day and eat 2000 Calories everyday, would I get cut immediately? I just realized I want to get Cut ( like show tone definition on my arms and back). My thighs and calfs are big due to playing Basketball. I don't need to be big. In fact, I prefer the same weight now but cut.

I just want muscle definition on my body.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Sadetar: I hope this turns out to be the path to your complete recovery. Surgery of any sort is always stressful, but it sounds like these are the right people to perform it. Keep us informed!

Brolic: I finally was able to watch your competition video (need to fix the stupid home connection). The whole thing is amazing. I can see why you think a standard PL meet sounds a bit dull now. I'm already constantly impressed by what you can do. Best of luck with training and future competitions.

Thank you very much!

Btw, as it turns out I was 8th not 9th. There was a score mistake. Look at lightweight novice (Jeffrey forsythe).



Hello FIT Gaf:

I stopped going to a gym last year due to budget issues and now I am back on track.

Since I am going to the gym and will follow the workout on the OP (which is SS).

I am still the same as last year (5'8 200LBS). If I do SS 3 times a day and eat 2000 Calories everyday, would I get cut immediately? I just realized I want to get Cut ( like show tone definition on my arms and back). My thighs and calfs are big due to playing Basketball. I don't need to be big. In fact, I prefer the same weight now but cut.

I just want muscle definition on my body.
All about that diet.

Look into Intermittent Fasting and low carbs, with a reduction in calories after you figure out your macros.


All about that diet.

Look into Intermittent Fasting and low carbs, with a reduction in calories after you figure out your macros.

Do I need to do cardio? I don't want to lose muscle as much as possible. I want to get toned.

Do I get defined arms and back real quick or will it be slow process like the abs? The abs, I understand.

Is this a good meal plan? I don't want a fancy meal plan. Just simple and filling.

Breakfast : Turkey white omellette with cheese and toast with butter

Morning Snack: whey protein shake

Lunch: meat or fish or chicken / veggies/ rice or Tuna avocado Sandwich

Afternoon Snack: almond nuts

Dinner: Protein and veggies and one cup of carbs.


Gym was awesome today. Hit 215x5 on bench nicely, great form and only the last rep required any leg drive. I upped the weight on my accessories and my triceps gave out about 80% through my sets. No worries, happens.

My new meal plan is great, but it's too much food. Nearly 3lbs of food when you add up the meal and cake. I'm going to crunch the numbers and make it less food, it's difficult to eat it all in an hour or less I have. This is at 1800 calories, I'd like to be around 1500-1600 ideally. We'll see.


I am still the same as last year (5'8 200LBS). If I do SS 3 times a day and eat 2000 Calories everyday, would I get cut immediately?

I hope you meant 3 times a week.

Unfortunately, fat loss takes time, especially if you want to retain muscle mass. Don't disappoint yourself with unrealistic expectations.


I hope you meant 3 times a week.

Unfortunately, fat loss takes time, especially if you want to retain muscle mass. Don't disappoint yourself with unrealistic expectations.

I see.

I just want to make sure I am doing it right. I just want to see improvement and progress. I need tips.


Do I need to do cardio? I don't want to lose muscle as much as possible. I want to get toned.

Do I get defined arms and back real quick or will it be slow process like the abs? The abs, I understand.

Is this a good meal plan? I don't want a fancy meal plan. Just simple and filling.

Breakfast : Turkey white omellette with cheese and toast with butter

Morning Snack: whey protein shake

Lunch: meat or fish or chicken / veggies/ rice or Tuna avocado Sandwich

Afternoon Snack: almond nuts

Dinner: Protein and veggies and one cup of carbs.
I think you should take a look at intermittent fasting. Lots of info out there, and I wouldn't do it justice in a few paragraphs.


I see.

I just want to make sure I am doing it right. I just want to see improvement and progress. I need tips.

Personally, I would start off by evaluating my current routine, especially food since your goal is fat loss/visible muscle. So maybe take a week and write down everything you eat, including butter/spreads you put on food, oils you cook foods in, drinks with calories, etc. If you don't have one, you can create an account at myfitnesspal.com to help automate the counting. There's a bit of a learning curve for using it accurately, so the first week can be a good time to get the feel of how to track your diet. Also, taking a "starting point" progress photo to look back on.

Once you know this information, you can tweak things to improve your body composition. Perform the SS routine as described. Shave, say, 500 calories off of what you normally consume on a daily basis. Make sure you get enough protein, and fill in the remaining calories with carbs and fat as desired. I'll assume you are 20% body fat, leaving you with 160 pounds of lean mass. Eat around this number in grams of protein to retain muscle mass. Continue this eating and exercise plan for a month, then take another progress picture and re-evaluate.

Again, it's a slow process, and there are lots of ways to structure a diet or exercise plan. The important thing is to make one that's sustainable for you, whatever it may be.


Personally, I would start off by evaluating my current routine, especially food since your goal is fat loss/visible muscle. So maybe take a week and write down everything you eat, including butter/spreads you put on food, oils you cook foods in, drinks with calories, etc. If you don't have one, you can create an account at myfitnesspal.com to help automate the counting. There's a bit of a learning curve for using it accurately, so the first week can be a good time to get the feel of how to track your diet. Also, taking a "starting point" progress photo to look back on.

Once you know this information, you can tweak things to improve your body composition. Perform the SS routine as described. Shave, say, 500 calories off of what you normally consume on a daily basis. Make sure you get enough protein, and fill in the remaining calories with carbs and fat as desired. I'll assume you are 20% body fat, leaving you with 160 pounds of lean mass. Eat around this number in grams of protein to retain muscle mass. Continue this eating and exercise plan for a month, then take another progress picture and re-evaluate.

Again, it's a slow process, and there are lots of ways to structure a diet or exercise plan. The important thing is to make one that's sustainable for you, whatever it may be.

I checked myfitnesspal app and my calories should be 2250. Is it 2250 - 500?


I checked myfitnesspal app and my calories should be 2250. Is it 2250 - 500?

Depends on what you told MFP your goal was. When you signed up, you set a goal like "Lose a pound a week." The calories it gave you are the level that supports the goal you input. So if you told it "Lose a pound a week" and it gave you the 2250 number, it expects you to lose a pound a week by eating 2250 calories a day, without any additional exercise.

If you're not sure what setting you have, go to More->Goals->Weekly Goal to check.

Note that MFP is good for calorie tracking, but the macros it gives you (carbs/protein/fat) may have to be modified. In particular, the protein is usually pretty low.
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